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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Year | 2012

Be The


Page 2: Prashant BV- LCP Manifesto 2012

Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Contents Personal details (Section 1) The AIESEC Experience (Section 2) Organization subsystems/systems/processes (Section 3) AIESEC Jaipur 2010-2011 (Section 4) General questions (Section 5)

Terminologies Used

1.E.B.: Executive board 2.M.B.:Management board 3.T.L: Team Leaders 4.T.R:Task runners 5.M.S.S.:Membership Satisfaction Surveys 7.R.Y.L.C – Regional Youth Leadership Conference 8.J.N.C.: June National Conference 10.N.S.C.: National Strategic Conference 11.C.S.F.: Critical Success Factor 12.K.P.I.: Key performance indicators 13.GIP-TN: Global Internship Programme - Traineeship Nomineeship 14.GCDP-DT: Global Community Developmental Programme – Development Traineeship 15.GCDP-OGX: Global Community Developmental Programme - Outgoing Exchange 16.L.C.P – Local Committee President 18.ER: External Relations 19.TM: Talent Management 20.CIM:Communications and Information Management 21.MC: Member Committee 22.TTT: Train the Trainers Team 23. LTT: Local Trainers Team 24. MBM: Management Body Meeting

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

1. Enlist your academic/professional experiences outside AIESEC relevant for the position.

First Name Prashant

Surname Bv

Date & Place of Birth 09/03/1990 | Jamshedpur,


Permanent Address N-136/4, Telco Colony, Near Plaza

Market, Jamshedpur – 831004,


Mobile Number 97-90-90-40-70

Primary & Secondary Email [email protected]

[email protected]

Current Position in AIESEC Chennai Vice President – Talent


College & Course St. Joseph’s College of Engineering,

B.Tech – Chemical Engineering

Academic Qualifications

• Completed Class 10 from Little Flower School, Jamshedpur with a 76%

which followed ICSE Curriculum

• Completed Class 12 from Sri Chaitanya, Hyderabad with an 88% which

followed the ISC Curriculum

• Currently pursuing my 7th Semester in B.Tech Chemical Engineering

with a 7.98 cgpa

Professional and Leadership Experiences

• Class Representative – Std 9 & Std 10

• Was the Animator in my school’s Student Council

• Was an active member of my school’s Volleyball team

• Represented my college in various fests which were held Nationally

and won laurels for my college in most of them

• Designed the website for JET CHEM 2K11. It’s a National Fest

conducted by my college for Chemical Engineers alone

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

2. Please give a list of your unaccomplished objectives in the organization.

3. Mention your 5 weaknesses that come in your way to be the perfect leader.

Also, mention two of them you want to abandon and one you want to carry

forward as an LCP.

My Unaccomplished objectives in this organization are: 1.The knowledge flow: Although, MB and GB have a great view, about what is happening in all portfolios but they are not in position to generate opinions for the same. 2.Financial Sustainability and Transparency: After 2008, we needed a proper and defined structure of finance, which was implemented last year by Anirudh Deep (VP-F, 2010 & 11). Though we have done a good job by sustaining our LC financially, we lack majorly in being Transparent with our Finances. 3.Quality of Exchanges: We have Almost pioneered in terms of exchanges delivered for the year, but every intern whom I met personally told me to start focusing on quality also, as it will help us sustain and grow. 4. Client servicing: This was a best year till now, in terms of Client servicing, but we did not segment clients in terms of sectors. We have serviced most of our clients who are providing the major part of exchange to us, but not ALL of them. 5. Internship Experience: I have not been on an exchange or any international opportunity till now. This is something I regret not experiencing. 6.Interaction with EP’s and Interns: I have interacted with very few Interns & EP’s but still, the objective was to get in touch with all of them, which has not happened

The areas which I need to improve on are • Being more patient and giving myself a break because I always want

everything done at once. • I am too focused on my work and I need to find a way to strike a balance

between tasks at hand and time to relax. • Short-tempered As LCP I do understand that the demands in terms of both time and

patience will be so much higher. To facilitate a well rounded performance

as LCP, I will first have to set some time apart for myself. I am sure that this

will help me in the long run in striking that right work-life balance and curb

from performing mechanically.

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

4. When was the last time you thought of leaving AIESEC?

5. What inspires impresses and influences you in life? How can you make sure

you don't influence or impress rather inspire as a leader?

6. What is the difference between ethics and objectives? Give instances when each of them breaks the equilibrium of an ideal state of their co-existence.

18th June, 2011 was the day when the new VP-TM of AIESEC Chennai was about

to be appointed. I had decided to resign from the organization after BKK 2011

got over, if I hadn’t got the post due to a few personal reasons. But thankfully,

things didn’t go wrong and I got on to the Executive Body and lived my dream.

Since then, the thought of quitting AIESEC never came to my mind.

“If you’re not doing anything different, you’re not doing anything at all”

I have always considered myself to be an extremely optimistic person. I get

inspired, impressed & influenced when I see someone having the courage to do

something which no one had ever dreamt of. Someone having the potential to

dream big and do things which have never been done before. You need to muster a

lot of courage to do things which are not within our comfort zone and people who

have the ability to do that… inspire, influence and impress me.

I can assure you that I will not influence or impress anyone because frankly, I don’t

know how to do that. When it comes to inspiring someone as a leader, I have a few

set of principles and values which I live by. By not compromising on any of them

and ensuring that I stick to my principles at any given point of time would

definitely help in inspiring people.

Ethics : a set of values/ morals which we live by.

Objectives : a set of goals which we have set for ourselves in the near future,

which needs to be accomplished.

Equilibrium State Broken

Example – Before JNC/NLS, the scenario of every LC changes. We tend to forget

our Ethics and concentrate more on our Objectives. We get sucked into the

Number Game then and the only thing which matters then is to be the No.1. This is

when there is Disequilibrium.

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

7. Enlist your three major regrets in life. (Not in AIESEC)


1. In a chronological order, list your experiences on various stage of AIESEC Experience better defined in the form of roles and responsibilities taken in the organization.

Dates Position Brief description of role &

key activities performed





President –



This is was my first OC role in AIESEC and it was

my first step towards experiencing what

Leadership was all about. Conducted GD’s of

over 500 people and recruited 105 members for

our LC.

March 2011


Committee Vice

President -


Was responsible for getting members from my

college for Empower 2011. I managed to get

around 600 registrations, alone.

June 2011 Vice President –

Talent Management

Responsible for ensuring that we have an

extremely efficient set of members in our LC,

talent tracking and alignment, pgs, appraisals,

recruitments, RnR campaigns etc

“It is the inadequacies which define who we are”

I regret

• Disappointing my parents with the scores of all the entrance examinations I

gave for the premier engineering colleges in the country.

• Not pursuing my Bachelors in Media and Communication

• Not being able to make enough friends in college. (it’s not really a regret, but

I just felt like mentioning it )

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

2. List of the conferences you have attended.

Year Conference Location Role



National Leadership

Development Seminar Jaipur Delegate

June 2011 June National Conference Chandigarh EB Member

Dec 2010 &

July 2011 Local Congress Chennai

Delegate (2010) & EB


3. Your 5 key specializations in AIESEC. Mention tangible achievements for each of them. Key Specializations Tangible achievements

Managing Quality

Was the Quality Manager for CIM as a new recruit.

Ensured that the Quality of AIESEC Chennai in the

way we handled our stakeholders wasn’t

compromised on.

Alumni Management

Ensured that every Alumni in the database given to

me was contacted such that the case studies of all

our Alumni’s could be made. Connected and re-

connected with them to ensure sustained

partnerships with our External Support groups.


Have played a major role in Recruitment this year.

Playing the role of an OCP and an EBC gave me a lot

of exposure into the HR world of hiring, and firing.

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Team Management and


AIESEC Chennai now enjoys the pleasure of

retaining 7 0% of our existing members and 90% of

the new recruits, which hasn’t ever happened


AIESEC Experience

Every member of our LC loves AIESEC and the

work we do and also possess the ownership

towards the LC

4. Divide your AIESEC Experience in two parts Successes and failures. Mention 3 each. Successes Failures

Been able to discover things about

myself which I never knew existed.

Have grown and evolved as a person.

Couldn’t complete my OC term for

Balakalakaar 2011

Given AIESEC Chennai its most

hardworking MB and GB.

Couldn’t implement all the ideas I

had for the LC after I got on to the

EB role.

Retained most of our members. Couldn’t deliver a perfect Feb


5. If we have to add/remove/replace/evolve stages in the AIESEC Experience, probably if any, what will that be? Current AIESEC Experience

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The New AIESEC Experience

6. What are your opinions on the revised AIESEC Experience? Mention changes if any

Organizational Subsystems, Functions and Processes

1. What are the key successes and failures of year 2011-12? Evaluate the performance on

the basis of the LC Focus areas

I have added ‘Understanding and Alignment to AIESEC’ as a stage to the Old

AIESEC experience module as I feel there are people, as we have seen in the past,

who quit the organization as they consider it to be a lot of pressure on them and

most of them feel, that the work they do here isn’t of any use.

Only if we could make them understand the importance of the work we do and

how it has changed millions of us throughout the globe and also, align them such

that they stick on to the organization and grow and become better individuals,

the AIESEC Experience would be complete.


1) Financial Stability

Increase in stability of Finances.

The fund raising standards were being redefined. There has been a gradual

increase in terms of funds raised.

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Surplus was generated through events like Y2B and BKK.

No MC debt anymore.

2) Membership

Had a very good member retention after August Recruitment. Members were insisted to attend external forums that gave them immense

knowledge and also better state of mind. Very hardworking and motivated members after Q2 The Management Body is one of the finest we have ever seen.

3) Exchange Ventured into Sastra University and NIT which I’m sure would benefit us to a

major extent next year. SRM MoU signed. This will also help in boosting our exchanges. A new matching team was set up. This helped in the matching of not only


1) Financial Stability There was no transperancy in our Finances this year. Investment in Membership in the first two Quarters wasn’t of much value. Reimbursements were not provided to all.

2) Membership RnR model followed in the first two Quarters didn’t reap much benefits. As reimbursements weren’t provided, members were unhappy. Induction Process wasn’t defined until August 2011.

3) Exchange As the holiday period for most of students from Chennai was cut down majorly,

exchanges were not facilitated. EP’s who got back from their internship were not reintegrated. Couldn’t show the proper number of X+L’s due to the email id issues. Few of the interns who came down to Chennai were not assigned any

internship for the number of days they stayed in the city which affected other areas too.

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2. What are the top 3 Focus areas of AIESEC Chennai in 2012.

3. Compare the role of AIESEC Chennai as an LC in National Association, AP GN and

Global Plenary from years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 to what will be in 2012

4. What would you want to start, stop and continue in AIESEC Chennai in terms of the relationship with and Satisfaction of our stakeholders: Members, Exchange Participants, Alumni, Clients and Parents?

The Top Focus areas for AIESEC Chennai in 2012 would be:

1) Ensuring that every process involved in Exchange and Exchange Support

portfolio’s are followed strictly.

2) Ensuring that quality of Exchange (ICX and OGX) is not compromised on, as

we tend to focus more on numbers and less on quality.

3) Ensuring that every member in the LC enjoys his/her AIESEC experience

4) Ensuring that a high amount of Discipline is followed in the LC

5) High amount of Transperancy

6) Ensuring that every stakeholder enjoys associating with AIESEC

In 2007: Piyush Chawla represented AIESEC Chennai on the MC | 73 Exchanges |

Hosted NatCong | Won the award for The Most Progressive LC in the country

In 2008: Hosted June National Conference | 53 Exchanges

In 2009: Abhijeet Sunder represented AIESEC Chennai on the Member Committee |

60 Exchanges | Hosted National Congress | Growth in ER

In 2010: Won the award for the Most Progressive LC in the country | Best OGX in the

country | Most Progressive Finance in the country | Best ER in the country | 200




Membership ID card.

Member Satisfaction Documents (M.S.D)

Strong Feedback Mechanism.

Exchange Participants

Use of reception packages.

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Induction drives for Incoming and Outgoing EPs: There should be proper

induction for Both Incoming and outgoing EPs as they realize into an alien country

just on our belief, how much do we justify that?

“In meets out”: In meets out is a meeting of all incoming and Outgoing EPs where

they discuss, about culture shocks, realities, etc.


TTT (Train the Trainers Team)


The EB meeting their clients on a quarterly basis.

Inviting them for all our events.


“Member Report Cards” to be mailed / sent by post to the respective parents such

that they get an info as to how his/her child is performing and where he/she needs

to improve on. It also helps us improve our brand image.

Inviting them for all our events.



Spending huge amounts on RnR campaigns.

Unsystematic induction process.


Unprofessional approach: We generally are not punctual, which also affects the relationship with our clients.

Parents Not involving them in our activities. Not keeping them informed about their child’s whereabouts.

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

5. Briefly analyze the current state of financial systems in the LC. How do you see the financial systems evolving in the coming year, what would be the changes you would want to bring about in the approach towards the current thought behind the financial Management.

6. Please mention the processes, ideas or initiatives you will bring in to improve the financial management in terms of:

CONTINUE Members Theme based LCM’s. Jives, Roll Calls etc. Exchange Participants Trainee Dinners & Meets. Inviting them for our External Forums. Re-integration. Alumni Inviting them for our external forums. Alumni dinner & meets. Clients Service Evaluation Documents (S.E.D’s) Inviting clients as Guest Speakers for our events. Capitalizing on referrals given by the clients.

The current state of Finances in our LC is ideal but has a good scope of improvement.

Financial Systems definitely needs to evolve next year as there is absolutely no

transperancy in the LC. Members are unaware as to from where the money comes from,

where it goes, how is the money being utilized, how much is being saved and for what

purposes. So the financial system definitely needs to change.

I’d definitely bring in a few major changes to the Finance portfolio. Those few changes

would be monthly analysis of the Finances by the TTT, display of the financial position

of the LC to the members every quarter, Minutes of the FTF meetings to be put up on

the EB group.

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- Financial accountability

- Realistic Budgeting

- Transparency and Financial learning.

- Cash tracking

- Investment in membership.

Proper Implementation of the Financial Task Force (FTF): The minutes and

documented proof of the FTF meetings to be posted on the Executive Body group. The

EB and GB have the right to know it and they shall be informed about the same during

the course of the coming year. Complete financial accountability to be ensured. Other

innovations are mentioned in the 2012-2013 year plan.

Synergy between the EB and the FTF team every month for monthly review.

Documentation is to be of utmost importance.

Budgets to be made open to the scrutiny of the Executive Body Members and

finalized during the progress of the concerned activity.

After a budget is made, it needs to get approved by every single Executive Body

Member and only then, will it be implemented.

Mentioned in the previous question.

Checklist mechanism: The Cash Generated and spent will be evaluated and even a Discrepancy will result into serious repo cautions of the VP F and the FTF. Proper bookkeeping and Track of Finances will ensure no discrepancies. Online financial tool will be generated and The Inflow/outflow of all finances will be tracked, it will also help in Cash tracking.

Budget of the year will be made in the presence of VP TM.

Review of Investment in membership every month.

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- Profit maximization

- Automated financial governance

7. What should be done to improve the following?

- Information system ( knowledge of members

- Virtual platform optimization

- Campaign management

It is not our priority

Profits will be ensured if we adhere to our planned budgets and

implementation of the latter.

Financial information to be provided on the AIESEC Chennai google group.

Internal Audits.

To improve the knowledge of the members, it is required for the

incoming Executive Body to possess thorough knowledge of the same.

Importance of to be reinstated at every department meet/ AIESEC


Training and guidance to be given.

I as a strong believer in personal contact would rather not conduct meetings

over the net as it makes the meeting impersonal and we as teenagers tend to skip

meetings online nor do we give importance to virtual meets.

All LC campaigns and Events should have a Supervision of VP C and VP TM. The campaigns and events portray the brand of the LC externally and internally. Agenda manager of all events for the LC will be VP C, VP TM and their team. Campaigns must be properly structured and all details must be accounted.

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- Communication protocols and mechanism

8. What are the areas where AIESEC Chennai will pioneer?

9. SWOT AIESEC Chennai at the end of 2011. Discuss your strategies for threats and weaknesses.

Every member should have a id for communication in AIESEC

Blog for Knowledge Management

Emails should be the primary mode of communication

Please go through Question number 2.


External Relations

Strong membership after August Recruitment

Events done in the year

Alumni database

Stakeholder Management Portfolio


Investment in membership

Trainee issues

Lack of sufficient performing members in the first half

Unable to completely capitalize on the corporate market

Member Exchange ratio

Involvement of our stakeholders


Tracking of every single process

Quality of exchanges

Attendance at national conferences

Review mechanism of all portfolios

Short term OGX

Induction process after recruitment

Corpus funding from the LBoA

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10. How will you ensure growth in External Relations next year? Give a list of your

suggested ER products with corresponding potential market DIFFERENT from year 2011 for


11. How will you make sure that you are cultivating, developing and pipelining the middle level management? How can you make your MB as competent as your EB? List down strategies to ensure HIGH ACCOUNTABILITY amongst the MB of 2012-13.


Matching issues

Unhappy trainees

Lack of sufficient quality members in the next recruitment

Unhappy clients

The only way to ensure growth in External Relations portfolio is by adhering to the

following aspects:

Renewing partnerships which took place last year

Working on an event at least 2 months in advance

Delivering as promised to each and every client

Delivering an event as per the scale of funds expected

I as LCP would not concentrate on any new ER products because I feel the products

which already exist aren’t being properly capitalized on. We should make our

projects stronger, such that they possess a name in the market, strengthen it and

then innovate on new products.


Global Village

Youth to Business – companies which deal with other companies for example, HR

Consultancies, financial consultancies, telecom providers etc

Balakalakaar – companies which focus on child based CSR investments

Recruitments – companies which deal with students

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12. Give your plan to ensure HIGH amount of personal effectiveness and efficiency in at each level of Organizational Structure in 2010 in the order of LCP, Executive Board Members and Management Board Members, Project Managers, GB members and new recruits.

It is important to understand that the EB plays a role in providing direction and the

MB is responsible to make sure that the directions being given are passed on and

perfectly implemented. In order to make sure that the MB is cultivated and performs

as expected, the following steps will be taken:

Management Body Inductions

MBM’s on a regular basis ( at least 3 in a Quarter)

MB reviews and planning to be done on a fortnightly basis

Importance of MB to be explained and reiterated at all Local Committee


MB RnR to be initiated

MB to be given a lot more decision making authority

Pipelining for the MB – TR (Task Runners)

Sessions to be conducted by the MB

Serious repo cautions for Non-Performance and Negative Leadership

MB Endorsements by the EB



-> Constant motivation -> Realistic approach towards goal. -> Capability to Motivate people. -> Crisis management -> Humbleness and Lively behavior. -> Conclusive Approach and Constant Self- monitoring


-> Consecutive team meetings -> Desired freedom and flexibility for their Portfolio (Under brand surveillance) -> Selection of Appropriate and Committed Team members.

-> Generation of Competitive feeling

->Endorsement to all performing team members

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13. What do you think is the key motivation for the current membership and what are your plans to ensure motivation amongst the membership throughout 2012?


-> Team meetings -> Assigning motivated people as a team. -> Rewards and Recognition ->Endorsement to all performing team members -> Mentoring by EB members and Alumni


->Review in every 15 days. -> Endorsement to all performing team members


->Mentoring by EB members and Alumni. -> Sessions by EB to make GB understand the relevance of leadership



-> Assigning of proper Job role. -> Flowing AIESEC knowledge. -> Attendance at the national conferences. -> Attendance at the External forums and events. -> Virtual presence. -> Interaction with Internationals and Alumni. -> Sessions by Clients. ->Mentoring by EB members.

The key motivation for the current membership in the LC is that they find AIESEC to be an amazing organization which helps them do things which not every individual gets the opportunity to do. They are also in sync with the fun part of the organization such as jives, roll calls etc and thus, they are highly motivated. My plans to ensure that all AIESECers from this LC are motivated is by aligning their personal goals to the organization such that they can relate to it and work on it. Ensuring that the M.S.S (Member Satisfaction Surveys) are being taken such that every member related issue can be sorted would help majorly in motivating them. Regular mentorship sessions by the EB members and Alumni’s would also help keep them motivated. Apart from this, the usual fun stuff would always exist.

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14. How will you deal with lack of adherence to targets across the EB, MB and GB?

15. AIESEC Chennai has faced a huge problem of lack of availability of sufficient ICX supply in Q3, affecting overall performance. How do you plan to make sure that forms are being matched continuously throughout the year?

16. What are your plans and strategies to ensure improvement of number of the number of matches and overall performance in the corporate sector?

Lack of adherence of targets will be viewed very strictly in 2012. The MB and GB

should understand that AIESEC is a lot of fun but its equally important to work to

get an experience out of it and grow as an individual. If a member is seen being

consistently sloppy in his work and is not adding value to the organization or to

himself, he or she will be shunned from the organization. The lack of adherence of

targets across the EB shall not be disclosed for now.

The lack of ICX supply has definitely has had a major downfall in Q3 this year

which has affected the overall performance. The only way to ensure that the forms

are being matched continuously throughout the year is by

Making sure that the matching mails sent are more enticing such that people

would want to view those rather than getting bored by looking at the length

of the emails

Ensuring that frequent matching manias happen

Ensuring that every Exchanger participates in the Matching Manias

Setting up a smaller team within the ICX departments/portfolio’s exclusively

for matching

Publicizing our matching manias to a major extent

Increasing our IR

These would definitely help in Matching continuously throughout the year.

I personally feel that the Corporate Sector has a lot to improve on. AIESEC

Chennai’s corporate sector has always seen a bad phase. Whether it was the

unavailability of Raises or the major downfall in the matching scenario, AIESEC

Chennai’s Corporate Sector has not been very unsuccessful.

I just have one statement to make,

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17. How do you plan on taking forward the growth in the development sector and ensuring better performance in 2012?

18. State your plans regarding the Outgoing Exchange portfolio and how you plan on having a structured raising and matching system?

19. What are your plans regarding stakeholder management?

20. How do you plan on carrying forward the concept of sustainability started in the year 2011 and ensuring that each and every stakeholder is satisfied?

I’d say that the Development Sector has definitely been of a major boost to us in

terms of exchanges. The usual processes involved in the DT sector remain the

same , nothing much needs to be changed. The small changes which could add a

lot of value to the DT sector and improve our performance would be on the way

we handle our clients. I’m sure that this would ensure that the DT sector of

AIESEC Chennai grows to a large extent.

In the Year Plan. Please go through.

The Stakeholder Management Department was set up this year to ensure that every

stakeholder enjoys associating with AIESEC Chennai and such that our brand value

increases. But due to various reasons, the only stakeholder we concentrated on

mainly were the trainees. Handling the alumni’s and clients started late. Though the

SED’s were being filled, there was no absolutely no transperancy and the alumni

database also hasn’t seen a major growth in the number. Parents, being our most

important stakeholders were not concentrated on. These were a few major issues

with the SM department this year. But I plan to correct the mistakes and ensure that

every stakeholder enjoys collaborating with AIESEC Chennai in the coming years.

Refer Year Plan.

‘To understand the Corporate Sector, let’s start bringing in the professionalism

which the corporate sector people have. And then, things will fall in place’

For plans and strategies, please go through the Year Plan.

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21. How do you plan on improving our brand and external visibility in the year 2012?

22. What are your plans to ensure effective management of membership, talent tracking, appraisals, retention and overall engagement of members?

The CIM department has done extremely well compared to the past, though the

targets which were set at the beginning of the year are yet to be achieved. By

following the same processes and working smarter on it, I’m sure that our visibility

will increase. The other factors which would help in improving our brand and its

visibility would be:

Publicizing our Virtual Network to a major extent

Every event done by AIESEC Chennai should have PR partnerships

Tie-up’s with local newspapers and magazines

Tie-up’s with malls and theatres across the city

Tie-up’s with youth hang out spots in the city. Ex- Mocha, CCD etc

Publicizing it to our corporate clients

Sponsorships for advertisements

Having our own blog etc

Thus these are a few methods on improving our brand and our visibility.

Retention and effective management of membership can stabilized if we strictly follow

these practices:

Talent Induction

Local Training Seminar is the first time, newly recruited members would be

exposed to what AIESEC exactly is; this would be a common induction, which

will then be followed up by a department induction, which the respective Vice

Presidents would run through after allocating members.

Talent Training and Skill building

The following four phases would be followed to efficiently train and improve

skill building among membership of AIESEC Chennai.

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23. How do you think members will benefit from being in AIESEC in Chennai apart from the regular experience they get?

24. How do you think various stakeholders will benefit by engaging with AIESEC in Chennai? Mention the benefits that each and every stakeholder gets separately.

25. What are your plans of investment in infrastructure and office space

26. What are your expansion plans? Mention the name of the entity, if any and whether

you plan on making it an official expansion in the year 2012.

‘ AIESEC – The World’s Largest Youth Run Organization ‘ in itself is a major recognition for

them. Apart from the regular experience they get in the organization, the members of

AIESEC in Chennai will learn real Professionalism, real Discipline and real Leadership.

This is something which no other LC or no other organization could teach them apart from

AIESEC. More importantly, The Local Committee of AIESEC Chennai 2012.

This question has been answered in Question Number 4.

Nice Question. Owing to the fact that our office in Mylapore exists only for the

namesake, gives me a lot of food for thought. Investment in Infrastructure and office

space shall be decided at the FTF meet. The LBoA will definitely be contacted

regarding the same. It will be one of my major priorities though.

Though SASTRA and NIT have done really well post August Recruitment, I would not want

to make it an official expansion this year. I’d want to give it more time to see whether

things work out and if it’s able to boost our exchanges to a major extent, only then do I

plan to take this expansion officially. As of now, I’d like to call it our unofficial entity.

Talent Promotion

It’s important for the LC to identify and promote the right talent by

providing them the right opportunities, locally, nationally and

internationally. For example, promoting NSD 2012, MC Workdays, etc and

getting members to apply for the same. International positions such as

facilitator for conferences, CEED opportunities, etc. will also be promoted,

as this boosts and motivate members to continue in AIESEC.

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27. Mention your plans to engage EB, MB and GB members in CEEDs, ILCEPs, International conferences and X+Ls?

28. Give a brief outline of the RnR system to be followed in the LC.

29. How will AIESEC Chennai fall in line with national direction and the NSC 2015 goals.

AIESEC Chennai: 2012-13

1. Comment on the Culture of AIESEC Chennai 2011-12. How has it evolved/changed/depleted from the year 2007? How will you ensure culture of excellence, dynamism, holistic experience, mutual cooperation and co-existence? How will you LEAD and MANAGE CULTURE?

The plans to engage EB, MB and GB members in CEEDs, ILCEPs and International

Conferences has already been mentioned in the ‘Talent Promotion’ part of Question 22.

I am happy with the OCTO-NOVA fest 2011 which was started by The TM Cell as it

helps us keep a continuous track of the members in the LC and moreover, this

campaign is not a month end campaign like ‘MAYhem Maddness’. This campaign

aims to run continuously throughout the year ensuring that RnR is given to the

members on a fortnightly basis. I’d like to follow a continuous RnR process for the

LC members. RnR for the MB and for the various OC’s will be targeted.

AIESEC Chennai has always been seen with huge respect in the national plenary and

has always met its goals set. And when it comes to falling in line with the National

Direction and NSC 2015 goals, I’m sure that AIESEC Chennai would have ‘Engaged and

Developed every Young Individual’ it came across in the year 2012.

Our Culture has always have always been a benchmark for all local committee’s in India and in the world. We have always been viewed as an LC with smart and work oriented members. In the coming year, the LC Culture will be given a lot more emphasis and priority. In an organization like AIESEC it is very necessary to keep a track that every member is satisfied with the AIESEC experience. It is important that our culture is fully focused on personal development and performance. But we know we are still not at the best, in 2012, we will redefine the Culture of AIESEC Chennai and so,

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2. What legacy will you leave behind as an LCP for the generations to come considering the year 2012?

3. If at all you wish to bid for a conference in year 2012, which one will that be? How will you make sure that you generate maximum profit from it without it being interfering in your plans?

4. Give your plans ideas and innovations to ensure that AIESEC Chennai has a high performing Q1.

In 2012 We are more Professional in our approach and Processes. Holding healthy and potential conversations. We strive for excellence with Ethics. We become less based on Alcohol and Cigarette’s. Time management: We don’t respect time in AIESEC, we need to Buck on

this, and this will happen in 2012. Jiving at every LCM Getting Rid from Sarcastic and in disciplined atmosphere. Sustenance of the Competitive culture in the LC.

I’m not saying that I’ll be the finest LCP AIESEC Chennai has ever seen. All I want to give AIESEC Chennai is the finest set of members who have followed every single procedure in carrying out every single duty and evolved as the finest individuals the country has ever seen. I leave behind My AIESEC Dream. My Dream that AIESEC Chennai should become that place, such that if you have not been a part of AIESEC Chennai, then your AIESEC experience is not complete. AIESEC Chennai creates a benchmark in all processes, and tell people ‘this is the way you should deliver’. This would be the legacy I’d like to leave behind as an LCP for the generations to come.

I haven’t thought about bidding for a conference yet. If I plan to bid for a conference,

it will be based on the LC’s performance during the course of the year.

This year’s Q1 was not very successful as we did not have a proper base from 2010.

But in 2012, it won’t be the case. The major ideas which would be implemented to

ensure that AIESEC Chennai has a high performing Q1 would be:

Mentoring of the Senior members in the LC before the New recruits join in


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5. Give department wise exchange targets for Q1.

Publicizing our Matching Mania’s to a major extent

Raising Drives to be initiated with full vigour

Ensuring that every member does equal amount of work

Tracking of every member in the LC

Member Satisfaction Surveys (M.S.S) to be filled and the problems needs to be


Induction process for the new recruits to be defined well in advance

Setting up of the TTT and the LTT to ensure that motivation levels of

members are high

These would be a few ideas and innovations which would help provide AIESEC

Chennai with a high performing Q1



• Engaging Media for ‘Recruitments’ and ‘Empower’

• Documentation of each and every process

• training to be given to every member in the LC

• 30 Media articles to be out.

• 3 partnerships to be signed


Jan 1st week – OC Recruitments in place

Jan 2nd week – OC work on Recruitment continues. (GD’s)

Jan 3rd week – OC work continues (GD’s/PI’s)

Jan 4th week – OC work (GD/PI’s)

Feb 1st week – New Recruits. LTS.

Feb 2nd week – Regional Youth Leadership Conference (RYLC)

Feb 3rd week to March 4th week – Members allocated in the departments.

They start work.

Members recruited – 80

GD’s – 400

Mentorship to be of utmost importance

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Product –Global Village

Exchange target – 40

Fund Raising – Rs. 3,00,000

Estimated expenditure – Rs. 1,50,000

Target market for fundraising – Companies which deal with students. For

example – The Chopras, Infysec, TED, FedUNI


Making sure that the S.E.D’s filled at the end of Q4 2011 are reviewed

Ensuring that the complaints from our clients are corrected

Every VP will be incharge of meeting the clients at the beginning and the end

of the quarter

Trainee Management to start simultaneously

Ensuring that each and every client is satisfied with service provided

Keeping a check on the trackers of every department/portfolio

Making sure that the processes involved in their working are according to

the SOP’s


Research on EP/TN aspects

Careful selection of top 30 partner countries

Raising drives

Synergy with TM for raises during Recruitment

Synergy with the OC Empower for raises

MoU to be signed with Sastra University

Working on Colleges in the city, SRM, Sastra and NIT for Summer


EP Re-Integration

Ensuring Quality in every process undertaken

R-M-R Split : 120-95-20

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6. How will you make sure that you are optimizing your performance as an LC in Q3 which has seen a major drop in performance throughout AIESEC India in 2011?


Main focus on Matching previous year forms

Small scale raising drives

Realizations from previous year forms

Meeting of clients and ensuring that they are happy with the service

Ensuring Quality in every process undertaken

R-M-R Split: 30-18-15


Matching forms of previous year

Raising Drives

Meeting of clients and ensuring that they are happy with the service

Ensuring Quality in every process undertaken

R-M-R Split: 30-25-15


Matching forms from the previous year

Raising drives for the first 2 months

Planning for the projects to be run in the next quarter

Preparing and Conceptualizing it

Meeting of clients and ensuring that they are happy with the service

Ensuring Quality in every process undertaken

Explaining the answer sector-wise:

GCDP-OGX: Q3 happens to be of crucial importance because this is the period which

decides the amount of crucial importance because this period decides the amount of

winter realizations which happen

GIP-TN: Raising forms for winter realizations and matching of all the forms raised

within this quarter as matching in Q4 is very difficult. Y2B, an ICX based event is also

planned which will help in optimizing the performance

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7. What is your Theme?

8. What according to you will be the role of the LCP of AIESEC Chennai in

Focus Commission 2012-13?

9. What is your plan or Alumni Relations in year 2012? How will you make sure you have an access to the biggest ever pool of alumni? What structural changes you need to have in OS to make sure LC has amazing Alumni Relations?

GCDP-DT and ET: Genesis, a DT based project will be held then which will help in

boosting our performance.

My Theme for 2012 would be:



The LCP of AIESEC Chennai will have the following role in the Focus Commission


To represent AIESEC Chennai and its views in the Focus Commission

To ensure that every national decision is made in accordance with AIESEC in

Chennai’s interests

To ensure that the LC’s key activities and key innovations are being showcased

Alumni Relations will be maximized through the following:

Formation of TTT

Alumni Re-integration

Alumni events

Alumni Mentoring

Please go through the enclosed LC plan for a detailed description.

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10. What are your innovations across all portfolios for the year 2012?

11. What is your proposed Organizational Structure of year 2012? Mention EB, MB, GB structure.

12. Design LC calendar for 2012.

13. Attach your LC plan. (Use appendix)

14. NATCONG 2013 and AIESEC Chennai.

My major innovations for the year 2012 would be:

High Discipline Levels among the members

Professionalism to be reinstated

Formation of the TTT (Train the Trainers Team)

Formation of the LTT (Local Trainers Team)

Member Satisfaction Surveys (M.S.S)

Quarterly display of the finances to the GB


Review Mechanism for all portfolios

MB Endorsements by the EB

For other innovations, please go through the Year Plan.

Please Find Attached.

Please Find Attached.

Please Find Attached.

My NATCONG 2013 Vision would be:

AIESEC Chennai becomes the fastest growing LC in terms of ALL Portfolios

Over 50 X+L’s delivered

Best Middle Level Management

Best Delegation Award

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General Questions

1. Why did you decide to run for LCP, AIESEC Chennai for any other responsibility in or outside AIESEC?

2. What is your style of leadership? How can you conclude that what AIESEC Chennai needs is an LCP like you?

Opportunities multiply when they are seized; I define opportunities not for the spectrum of just myself but also for the local committee as a whole. I am applying for this prestigious role because I firmly believe the only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.

AIESEC has successfully created a homogeneity within the diverse population of the world bringing together like-minded youth who believe that positive change within the environs that we inhabit is possible through collective will and ability driven by the strategy of collaborative processes

Applying for the position of LCP marks a progression in my AIESEC experience. Right from that first responsibility that I was assigned at AIESEC to the various demands that my previous position as VP exposed me to, I have grown both personally and professionally and now feel that I am ready to take on larger responsibilities.

My style of Leadership would be ‘Modesty’. My past AIESEC Experiences have

taught me that we might be part of The World’s Largest Youth Run Organization

but at the end of the day, we are still the youth. And we tend to make mistakes.

And instead of covering them up, we need to be modest enough to accept it and

learn from it, to ensure that such mistakes are not repeated and we become

better individuals in the process. This would be my style of Leadership

If members of AIESEC Chennai want to experience a lifetime of a change in their

personalities and not just in the way they work, then I’m sure that I deserve to

be the LCP of AIESEC Chennai. I assure you that by the time my term gets over,

every AIESECer from Chennai is going to be a changed and a better individual in

all aspects.

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3. Why should you be not selected as the LCP of AIESEC Chennai 2012? In case that happens, what is your plan B. Remember there must be a plan B.

4. Your AIESEC Chennai DREAM!

5. What role can AIESEC Chennai play in addressing issues like Global Warming, Youth in politics, fighting financial slowdown and building global harmony?

Welcome to

2012!! Be the CHANGE

If I am not selected as the LCP of AIESEC Chennai 2012, then I’d wish to Re-Term

as the Vice President-Talent Management. If not, my AIESEC Experience would

come to an end.

I dream of AIESEC Chennai to produce a new generation of AIESECers who are a

class apart from any other individual present anywhere throughout the globe. I

dream of AIESECers from Chennai being highly matured individuals with not only

the focus to dream big and achieve the impossible but also are Ethical in every way

possible. After all, it’s the principles we live by which define who we are.

The importance of having the youth address global issues has become increasingly

important as we being the youth of the country have every right to voice out our

opinion, work on it such that they get eradicated eventually. AIESEC Chennai can

make it’s opinions count by hosting developmental projects based on issues of

national and global relevance. It is important to show that the world that we as

AIESECers might be young but we have tackled global issues in the past and we

strive to continue the same.

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YEAR PLAN | 2012-2013

Quarter 1 (January, February & March)

Talent Management Transitions

OC Recruitment Applications to be released – December 4th week

OC Recruitment to start work Jan 1st week

Group Discussion and Personal Interview evaluation sheets to be improvised on

(if necessary)

Setting up an HR partner (ex- Ma Foi, Gemba School of HR etc )

Slots for GD’s and PI’s to be framed well in advance

New recruits to be come in by Feb 1st week

Induction for members going for RYLC

Portfolio Induction agenda’s to be designed before inductions take place

Member Satisfaction Surveys (M.S.S) to be made

M.S.S to be released at the end of every month

Designing of a new and enticing RnR process and implementing it

Formation of a new MB

Appraisals and its feedbacks to be worked on

EP Re-integration with GCDP-OGX

Formation of the TTT

Mentorship Sessions by the Alumni and the EB

Member Retention to be of high importance

Review of AIESEC in SASTRA (membership – unofficial entity)

OC for Y2B to be set after August Recruitments and tracking for the same to start

External Relations


Capitalization on Perspective Clients of last year for the Year long branding.

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Planning for Combined meeting of Board and Council in month of February

Working with SRM university for Global Village

No. of exchanges through Global Village - 50

At least 3 board meetings with individual Board Members

Working with the VP-TN’s and starting a CSG

Coming up with better ER products

Incoming CEEDs for ER

FTF meet minutes to be uploaded on to the EB google group

Youth to Business 2012

Number of exchanges - 20

Communications and Information Management


Publicity for Recruitments ( 10 Media Articles )

5 partnerships to be signed

Designing the AIESEC Chennai Booklet for our EP’s coaching to every member in the LC (pre and post recruitment)

Documentation of every process

Knowledge Management

Publicity for Global Village (15 media articles )


Investment in branding (if any) with VP-F

Newsletters for alumni’s, clients and parents

Communication protocol review within the LC

Presence of External Forums



Financial decisions to be made at FTF meetings

5 FTF meets


Budgets to be planned according to the state of the LC’s finances


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Sessions on Financial Management to be taken regularly

Cash tracking to be made open to the scrutiny of the GB members

Re-imbursement model to be planned and implemented (with VP-TM)

Global Community Development Programme –Outgoing Exchange

Quarter 1 Target: 120-95-20 (R-M-R)


Careful selection of top 25 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotion materials

Re-Integration of EP’s

Building IR

Raising Drives

Synergy with TM for raises during recruitment

Initiation of Impact Week with VP-ER to boost the exchanges

Induction for new members

Extensive training on raising pitch and the usage of

MoU to be signed with SASTRA University

Global Community Development Programme – Development and Educational Sector

Quarter 1 Target: 30-20-15 (R-M-R)


Careful selection of top 25 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotion materials

Structured IR plan

Extensive Raising Drives

Induction for new members

Extensive training on raising pitch

Extensive training on the usage of

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

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Global Internship Programme – TN (Corporate Sector)

Quarter 1 Target: 30-18-15


Selection of top 15 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotional materials

Short, compact and more enticing method of sending emails to be introduced

Matching drives to be of primary importance

Small-scale Raising Drives

Extensive training on Raising pitch to be taught to every single member thoroughly

Increasing IR

Meeting all our clients at the end of every quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week

Initialization of a Corporate Support Group (C.S.G)

Stakeholder Management

Improvisation in the S.E.D’s (if required)

Improvisation in AIESEC Chennai TCU’s and making changes (if required)

Agenda planning for Parents meet after the LTS

Membership Report Cards by synergizing with VP-TM

Evaluation of the S.E.D’s

Trainee Management

Alumni re-integration

Addition of alumni to the Alumni Database

Alumni based event

Trainee based event

Ensuring that the VP-EP interactions happen regularly

Ensuring that quality issues aren’t a botheration by synergizing with The TM Cell in


Keeping a check on the Discipline levels of the LCP, EB, GB, New Recruits, Alumni’s,

Trainees etc

Planning and implementation of the LC based events (LCM’s, LC Days etc)

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Documentation of every process

Quarter 2 (April, May & June)

Talent Management

Working on the Appraisal feedbacks

Checklist Mechanism (review) of all portfolio’s by the TTT

Additions to the TTT

Members to be added to the MB

Frequent MBM’s

RnR to be implemented separately for the MB and for the OC of all events conducted in

this Quarter

MBM agenda to be planned well in advance

Membership ID Cards to be in place

Applications for the LTT to be out

LTT to be formed

M.S.S issues to be resolved

Member Retention – defining new ideologies

Mentorship Sessions by Alumni and the EB.

Inductions for members going for June National Conference (JNC)

Review of AIESEC in SASTRA (membership – unofficial entity)

External Relations

Balakalakaar 2012 – June 2nd week

Number of Exchanges - 35

Capitalization on Perspective Clients of last year for the Year long branding

Expanding the Board

At least 3 board meetings with individual Board Members

CSG to be in place

Corpus funding from the Board


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Incoming CEEDs for ER

Defining new and better ER products

External Sessions for the EB, MB and the GB are arranged for

Communications and Information Management

Constant Brand Check for the LC

Online presence of our LC increases

Knowledge Management

Matching Manias for the LC (bettered and sturcutured)

Attendance at External Forums

Newsletters for alumni’s, parents and other clients (with VP-TM and VP-SM)

Reviewal of the Member Report Cards and changes to be made before they are sent to the

parents (with VP-TM and VP-SM)

Partnerships to be signed

A new set of case studies, photograph’s etc through media for gaining visibility

Events to be publicized on networking sites wiki’s, news feeds, classifieds etc to be made

Documentation of every process


Budget reviewed by the TTT and then by the LBoA

FTF review by the EB and the TTT for the Financial Health Check of the LC

Re-imbursement model to be implemented

FTF meets to be updated to the EB

Investments to be made in subsidies, RnR Campaigns, LC Events, Conferences etc


Sessions on Financial Management to be taken regularly

Cash tracking to be made open to the scrutiny of the GB members

Global Community Development Programme – Outgoing Exchange

Quarter 2 Target: 45-40-105 (R-M-R)

Extensive Matching process to start

Peak Realization Period

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Strengthened and structured IR

Striking LC-LC partnerships

Implementation of “In meets out”

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

Global Community Development Programme – Developmental and Educational Sector

Quarter 2 Target: 30-22-25 (R-M-R)

Extensive Raising Drives

Matching to be of primary importance

Building IR

Planning better projects for the coming quarters

Peak Realization period

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

Global Internship Programme – TN (Corporate Sector)

Quarter 2 Target: 25-25-15 (R-M-R)

Matching to be the main focus

Raising drives

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

IR Building

Stakeholder Management

Membership Report Cards by synergizing with VP-TM

Evaluation of the S.E.D’s

Trainee Management

Alumni re-integration

Addition of alumni to the Alumni Database

Alumni based event

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Trainee based event

Ensuring that the VP-EP interactions happen regularly

Ensuring that quality issues aren’t a botheration by synergizing with The TM Cell in


Keeping a check on the Discipline levels of the LCP, EB, GB, New Recruits, Alumni’s,

Trainees etc

Planning and implementation of the LC based events (LCM’s, LC Days etc)

Planning for July Local Congress

Documentation of every process

Quarter 3 (July, August & September)

Talent Management

OC for Recruitments to start work – July 1st week

Group Discussions And Personal Interviews to take place the following weeks

Slots for GD’s and PI’s to be decided before hand

External involved for conducting GD’s

LTS and Induction planning

Local Training Seminar (LTS) – Aug 2nd week

Department Inductions planed earlier to be implemented

Inducting members going for Regional Youth Leadership Conference (RYLC)

Working on the Appraisal feedbacks

Checklist Mechanism (review) of all portfolio’s by the TTT

Members to be added to the MB

Frequent MBM’s

RnR to be implemented separately for the MB and for the OC of all events conducted in

this Quarter

MBM agenda to be planned well in advance

Membership ID Cards to be in place

Applications for the LTT to be out

LTT to be formed

M.S.S issues to be resolved

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Member Retention – defining new ideologies

Mentorship Sessions by Alumni and the EB

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

External Relations

Board meeting

Corpus funding from the Board


Incoming CEEDs for ER

Defining new and better ER products

External Sessions for the EB, MB and the GB are arranged for

Continuous correspondence and involvement in the LC’s activities

Communications and Information Management

Recruitment support ( virtual promotions and online visibility )

Media articles for the events conducted

Partnerships signed

Constant Brand Check for the LC

Online presence of our LC increases

Knowledge Management

Matching Manias for the LC (bettered and structured)

Attendance at External Forums

Newsletters for alumni’s, parents and other clients (with VP-TM and VP-SM)

Online presence and connection with all clients


Re-imbursements for members (based on performance)

Market dues – recovery mechanism

FTF meetings to happen. Minutes to be on the EB group

Financial Health Check of the LC by the TTT and the EB


Sessions on Financial Management to be taken regularly

Cash tracking to be made open to the scrutiny of the GB members

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Global Community Development Programme –Outgoing Exchange

Quarter 3 Target: 60-30-20 (R-M-R)

Review of the selected top 25 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotion materials changes to be made (if required)

Re-Integration of EP’s

Building IR

Raising Drives

Synergy with TM for Raises during recruitment

Induction for new members

Extensive training on raising pitch and the usage of

Global Community Development Programme – Development and Educational Sector

Quarter 3 Target: 30-20-18 (R-M-R)

Review of the selected top 25 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotion materials – changes to be made (if required)

Structured IR plan

Extensive Raising Drives

Induction for new members

Extensive training on raising pitch

Extensive training on the usage of

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous Quarter

Global Internship Programme – TN (Corporate Sector)

Quarter 3 Target: 25-18-15 (R-M-R)

Review of the selected top 15 Exchange countries

Professionally designed promotional materials

Short, compact and more enticing method of sending emails to be introduced

Matching Mania’s to be of primary importance

Raising Drives

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Extensive training on Raising pitch to be taught to every single member thoroughly

Increasing IR

Meeting all our clients at the end of every quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Corporate Support Group (C.S.G)to be active

Stakeholder Management

Improvisation in the S.E.D’s (if required)

Improvisation in AIESEC Chennai TCU’s and making changes (if required)

Agenda planning for Parents meet after the LTS

Membership Report Cards by synergizing with VP-TM

Evaluation of the S.E.D’s

Trainee Management

Alumni re-integration

Addition of alumni to the Alumni Database

Alumni based event

Trainee based event

Ensuring that the VP-EP interactions happen regularly

Ensuring that quality issues aren’t a botheration by synergizing with The TM Cell in


Keeping a check on the Discipline levels of the LCP, EB, GB, New Recruits, Alumni’s,

Trainees, the TTT and the LTT.

Planning and implementation of the LC based events (LCM’s, LC Days etc)

Documentation of every process

Quarter 4 (October, November & December)

Talent Management

Working on the Appraisal feedbacks

Checklist Mechanism (review) of all portfolio’s by the TTT

Members to be added to the MB

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Frequent MBM’s

RnR to be implemented separately for the MB and for the OC of all events conducted in

this Quarter

MBM agenda to be planned well in advance

Membership ID Cards to be in place

Applications for the LTT to be out

Sessions to be conducted by the LTT for the GB and New Recruits

M.S.S issues to be resolved

Member Retention – defining new ideologies

Mentorship Sessions by Alumni and the EB.

Inductions for members going for June National Conference (JNC)

Review of AIESEC in SASTRA (membership – unofficial entity)

Pipeline Management for the EB and the MB


External Relations

Youth to Business 2012 – October 2nd week

Number of Exchanges - 20

Capitalization on Perspective Clients of last year for the Year long branding

At least 3 board meetings with individual Board Members

2nd JBM to happen

CSG to be active in its working

Corpus funding from the Board


Incoming CEEDs for ER

Defining new and better ER products

External Sessions for the EB, MB and the GB are arranged for

Pipeline Management - TR


Communications and Information Management

Media articles for Y2B 2012

Constant Brand Check for the LC

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Online presence of our LC increases

Knowledge Management

Matching Manias for the LC (bettered and structured)

Attendance at External Forums

Newsletters for alumni’s, parents and other clients (with VP-TM and VP-SM)

Reviewal of the Member Report Cards and changes to be made before they are sent to the

parents (with VP-TM and VP-SM)

Partnerships to be signed

A new set of case studies, photograph’s etc through media for gaining visibility

Events to be publicized on networking sites wiki’s, news feeds, classifieds etc to be made

Documentation of every process


Budget reviewed by the TTT and then by the LBoA

FTF review by the EB and the TTT for the Financial Health Check of the LC

Re-imbursement model to be implemented

FTF meets to be updated to the EB

Investments to be made in subsidies, RnR Campaigns, LC Events, Conferences etc


Sessions on Financial Management to be taken regularly

Cash tracking to be made open to the scrutiny of the GB members

Global Community Development Programme – Outgoing Exchange

Quarter 4 Target: 80-60-45 (R-M-R)

Extensive Matching process to start

Peak Realization Period

Strengthened and structured IR

Striking LC-LC partnerships

Implementation of “In meets out”

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

Pipeline Management


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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Global Community Development Programme – Developmental and Educational Sector

Quarter 4 Target: 20-15-10 (R-M-R)

Extensive Raising Drives

Matching to be of primary importance

Building IR

Planning better projects for the coming quarters

Peak Realization period

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

Pipeline Management


Global Internship Programme – TN (Corporate Sector)

Quarter 4 Target: 15-15-10 (R-M-R)

Matching to be the main focus

Raising drives

Meeting all our clients at the end of the Quarter

Cultural integration between the VP and the EP (every week)

Correcting the mistakes made in the previous quarter

IR Building

Concentrating on the outputs of Y2B 2012 to ensure that our reach increases

Capitalizing on the Y2B outputs

Pipeline Management


Stakeholder Management

Membership Report Cards to be sent to the parents by synergizing with VP-TM

Evaluation of the S.E.D’s

Trainee Management

Alumni re-integration

Addition of alumni to the Alumni Database

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv

Alumni based event

Trainee based event

Ensuring that the VP-EP interactions happen regularly

Ensuring that quality issues aren’t a botheration by synergizing with The TM Cell in


Keeping a check on the Discipline levels of the LCP, EB, GB, New Recruits, Alumni’s,

Trainees, the TTT and the LTT

Planning and implementation of the LC based events (LCM’s, LC Days etc)

Planning for July Local Congress

Documentation of every process

Pipeline Management



510 – 378 – 313


Welcome to

2012!! Be the CHANGE

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Manifesto for the Office of The Local Committee President | AIESEC Chennai 2012 | Prashant Bv


STRUCTURE | 2012-2013










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BE the journey from 1986 to 2012, AIESEC CHENNAI has witnessed

growth it never thought it would. We have broken all records,

shattered all mindsets and achieved the impossible. And for me, it has

been no roller coaster ride. There have been times when de-motivation

has thrashed my face but the unseen face of AIESEC Chennai 2012 has

kept me alive.

THEre was something thought about the year 2012 in the year

2006 and since then, we have never looked back. Thereafter started the

journey to achieve it. And in the process, we have Contemplated,

Enforced and Pioneered it. Then it was sustained and lived in the Era

of Excellence. All these faces have AIESEC Chennai carry the Legacy and

now, it has fallen on our generation to Deliver 2012. Its time to Change.

CHANGE doesn’t mean changing the way we do work. It

means, Change in the way we live life. Change to become better

individuals. Change to learn real Discipline, real Professionalism and

real Leadership. And show the world that,

This is the way we deliver. This is the way we live life.


On this regard, I take pleasure in being the candidate for The Office of

The Local Committee President of AIESEC in Chennai 2012.

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AIESEC India, c/o Godrej Soaps, Gate no. 2, Eastern Express Highway, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400079

Date: 11/7/2011

To whomsoever it may concern

It has been my sheer pleasure to have known Prashant since quite some time now. From what I know of Prashant, he is quite clinical when it comes to his approach towards AIESEC and his line of functions. He has had quite a varied experience in his brief stint at AIESEC Chennai. In this brief stint, he has been through numerous team experiences which signify his level of commitment and pro-activity. As someone who became Vice President Talent Management halfway through the year, he has been a quick learner and has been better at implementation. He quickly grasps concepts and ideas and moulds them well enough to suit his reality. He is one of those people who understand their local reality and need to the fullest and always directs his thoughts in making a better LC environment. From Balkalakaar to CIM to TM, he has been quite versatile in his choice of work so far in his local committee which leaves no doubt in me about his knowledge and understanding of how things work in a local committee/organization like AIESEC. It is these qualities of Prashant that make me believe in his thoughts and deeds. I would like to endorse Prashant BV as a very able applicant for the post of Local Committee President of AIESEC Chennai 2012-13 and wish him all the best with his candidature.


Anand Bhardwaj

Director – West & Central Region Director – Talent Management AIESEC India 2011-12

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To Whomsoever it may concern

I write to you today as Prashant's commission mate on the TM commission in AIESEC India. As a part of the TM commission Prashant is a smart, innovative and proactive thinker who always has the interests of the LC and and the commission in mind.

From my interactions with Prashant I can say he is a smart, passionate and insightful AIESECer.

One of the few genuine people I have come across in my AIESEC journey.

I endorse him as a candidate for the LCP of AIESEC in Chennai, and wish him all the very best.


Nayana Ranjan

Vice President – Talent Management

AIESEC Hyderabad

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To Whomsoever it may concern

I write to you today as Prashant’s commission mate on the national TM

commission. From my very first interactions with him I could establish that

he was a smart, honest and passionate AIESECer who cared deeply for his

portfolio and his Local Chapter.

Prashant is a proactive and consistent contributor to the national TM

commission in terms of both ideas and operations. He also is a very social

person, which is a necessary skill to be LCP.

As a VP TM I know one of the biggest attributes you gain is your ability to

feel empathy to people and I know for sure Prashant will be a smart, kind

and empathetic leader of his Local Chapter.

It is with this I endorse him as a candidate for LCP of AIESEC in Chennai.


Varun Pawar

Vice President

AIESEC Hyderabad

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13th November, 2011 To whomsoever it may concern Sub:- Letter proposing Prashant B.V’s application for Local Committee President 2012-2013. I, Sandeep Shivaram, would like to take the privilege to endorse Prashant B.V as an applicant for the prestigious post of Local Committee President of AIESEC in Chennai for the year 2012-2013.

„You can never be a great leader, only a better leader” Since Prashant’s induction into this organization in the August of 2010, he has shown great determination and courage to be

that better leader. My first impression of Prashant were that he was an extremely intelligent person with raw talent and an incredible potential to grow. Through furthur interactions with him, I realized that, he had not only proved to me but also to the local committee that he was a force to be reckoned with. With his increased performance and insatiable curiousity to learn more, Prashant had fulfullied everything he had set out to achieve except the president of AIESEC in Chennai. The above is proof enough that Prashant B.V is more than a capable candidate for this honorable post. With this said, I endorse Prashant B.V’s application for the post of Local Committee President. Yours sincerely, Sandeep Shivaram Alumnus AIESEC Chennai.

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Page 57: Prashant BV- LCP Manifesto 2012

Date – 12/11/2011

To Whomever it may concern

I know Prashant as an individual who was one of the first few people from St. Joseph’s College of

Engineering to buy an AIESEC form. He had the passion in him to work for the organization from

the first day of his LTS.

His growth from being a Quality Manager to the Vice President-Talent Management of AIESEC in

Chennai, in a span of a year is something truly commendable. He has committed himself to AIESEC

Chennai and has challenged mindsets and at the same time shown maturity and capability as one

on the finest Executive Body member in AIESEC Chennai today.

He proved himself with every opportunity undertaken by him in the organization and has

succeeded in almost every task given to him. I hereby thoroughly endorse Prashant Bv on his

candidature to be The Local Committee President of AIESEC Chennai 2012-2013.


Sarfaraz Syed

Alumni (Team Leader – Stakeholder Management)

AIESEC Chennai


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To whomsoever it may concern

11th November 2011

Subject: Endorsement for the post of Local Committee President

Prashant is a devoted member of AIESEC Chennai. With an eagerness to

learn new things and grow with experience, he has shown keen

interested in the activities of the organization. He does not only stand out

as a key performer in the portfolio that he deals with, but also works

towards progress of the entire local committee.

I’m sure that Prashant has the required attitude, knowledge and skill to

apply for the post of Local Committee President and be a source of

inspiration to the whole LC. It is commendable to note that he

successfully aligns his personal interests to those of the organization. He

has shown continuous enthusiasm and ensured his presence in all

activities of AIESEC Chennai. As a man of latent talent endowed with the

gift of great rapport among peers, he will be suited for the post of Local

Committee President.

It gives me great pleasure to endorse his application for the post of Local

Committee President.

I wish him all the best.

Yours sincerely,

Nischal Sharma

Vice President – Outgoing Exchange

AIESEC Chennai 2011

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To whomsoever it may concern

Date : 9th

November 2011

Subject : Endorsement for the post of Local Committee President 2012

Prashant B V has stood out as one of the most passionate members of AIESEC Chennai.

Endowed with the gift of earnestness to learn and the skill to accomplish goals, he has played a

significant role in ensuring the smooth running of the Local Committee. Determination and

commitment are his greatest assets that he puts to best use.

He has taken up many responsibilities willingly and performed them to his best potential. He has

proven time and again that he can be trusted and delivers results with excellence. Having the art

of motivating others, he has redefined the dreams and aspirations of many members in this

organization. He has effectively aligned his personal and professional pursuits and evolved as an

individual through the AIESEC experience. Working alongside him as a part of the Executive

Body 2011 has been a great experience.

With an incredible foresight and vision for the progress of AIESEC Chennai, he has inspired

confidence in many. As a proactive person, he will ensure his efforts are in the best interests of

the local committee. His decision to apply for the post of Local Committee President 2012 has

overwhelmed me and it gives me great pleasure to endorse his application. I wish him the best.

Yours Faithfully

Swetha Viswanathan

Vice President

AIESEC Chennai
