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Practicing Ethical Practicing Ethical Behavior and Social Behavior and Social


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Two Important ConceptsTwo Important Concepts

• Social responsibility

• Ethical behavior

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Corporate FraudCorporate Fraud

• Enron

• Tyco

• Arthur Andersen

• Adelphia

• WorldCom

• Ford and Firestone

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What Is Ethical Behavior?What Is Ethical Behavior?

• Competing fairly and honestly

• Communicating truthfully

• Not causing harming to others

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Unethical BehaviorUnethical Behavior

• Cheating on expense accounts

• Misuse of company resources

• Creative accounting

• Padding invoices

• Insider trading

• Conflicts of interest

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Factors Influencing Factors Influencing Ethical BehaviorEthical Behavior

• Cultural differences

• Knowledge

• Organizational behavior

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Promoting Ethical Promoting Ethical BehaviorBehavior

• Top executives

• Written code of ethics

• Ethics training

• Ethics officer

• Reporting system

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Making Ethical DecisionsMaking Ethical Decisions

Is It Ethical?Is It Ethical? PhilosophicalPhilosophicalApproachesApproaches






Individual, LegalIndividual, Legaland Human Rightsand Human RightsIndividual, LegalIndividual, Legal

and Human Rightsand Human Rights

Principles Principles of Justiceof JusticePrinciples Principles of Justiceof Justice

Legality Legality and Balanceand Balance

Legality Legality and Balanceand Balance



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Ethical SituationsEthical Situations

• Ethical dilemmas

• Ethical lapses

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Social Responsibility in Social Responsibility in BusinessBusiness

• Early 20th Century

–Maximize profits

• Middle 20th Century

– Provide jobs and pay taxes

• Early 21st Century

– Balance profits and social issues

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Percentage of Executives Who “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” That Companies Should:

•Be environmentally responsible

•Be ethical in operations

•Earn profits

•Employ local residents

•Pay taxes

•Encourage and support employee volunteering

•Contribute money and leadership to charities

•Be involved in economic development

•Be involved in public education

•Involve community representatives in business decisions

•Target a portion of purchasing toward local vendors

•Help improve quality of life for low-income populations














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Balancing Business and Balancing Business and Stakeholders’ RightsStakeholders’ Rights

• Business

• Investors

• Consumers

• Employees

• Society

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Efforts to Increase Social Efforts to Increase Social ResponsibilityResponsibility

• Social audit

• Cause-related marketing

• Philanthropy

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Causes of PollutionCauses of Pollution

• Industrial discharges

• Vehicle emissions

• Chemical spills

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Government Efforts to Government Efforts to Reduce PollutionReduce Pollution

• Environmental protection agency

– Regulate air and water

– Reduce automobile emissions

– License pesticides

– Control toxic substances

– Safeguard drinking water

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Business Efforts at Business Efforts at ReductionReduction

• Environmental issues

• Environmental staff

• Performance expectations

• Performance rewards

• Long-term cost

• Product development

• Supplier expectations

• Training and awareness

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Responsibility Toward Responsibility Toward ConsumersConsumers

• The right to safe products

• The right to be informed

• The right to choice

• The right to be heard

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Responsibility Toward Responsibility Toward InvestorsInvestors

• Fair profit distribution

• Social responsibility

• Ethical behavior

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Responsibility Toward Responsibility Toward EmployeesEmployees

• Equal employment opportunity

• Affirmative action

• Americans with Disabilities Act

• Occupational health and safety

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Global Ethics and Social Global Ethics and Social ResponsibilityResponsibility

• Bribery

• Environmental abuse

• Unscrupulous business practices
