Download pdf - Practical Cyber Defense

Page 1: Practical Cyber Defense

Practical CyberDefense

By Paul Dutot

Page 2: Practical Cyber Defense

About me

● Co Founder of the CIISF

Practical CyberDefense

● Employed as an Ethical Security Consultant @ Logicalis Jersey

● Practice Offensive & Defensive Security for businesses at all verticals

Page 3: Practical Cyber Defense


● Concepts I and II

Practical CyberDefense

● Stages 1-5 of a practical Cyber Defense with more demo's

● Resources

Questions at the end please

● Reverse & Bind Shells Demo

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Concepts I“Attackers have months to prepare, defenders have minutes to react”

Practical CyberDefense

“This is not a security control !!!!”


Page 5: Practical Cyber Defense

Concepts II“Security is a journey”

Practical CyberDefense

“What are the bad guys trying to achieve?

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Reverse & Bind Shells

Practical CyberDefense


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Stage 1 – Buy In

● Appoint a 'Cyber' champion

● 'C' level Buy In

● Maintain a 'Cyber' risk register

Practical CyberDefense

● Do Security Awareness

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Stage 2 - Reconnaisance

Some Forgotten Ones

Practical CyberDefense


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Reconnaisance Aims

Practical CyberDefense

● To profile your organsiation

● In preparation for social enginering attacks and or email phishing

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Reconnaisance - Mitigation

Practical CyberDefense

● Undertake reconnaisance to find public information

● Mitigate risk by takedown and creating contray information

● Test your defenses and train your users

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Phishing is a big deal !!!

Practical CyberDefense

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Stage 3 – Understanding AV

Is AV really protecting us - the case for and against

Practical CyberDefense

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Stage 3 – AV Bypass

Demo - The case against

Practical CyberDefense

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Stage 3 – The case for

We still need AV to protect us !

Practical CyberDefense

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Stage 4 – Think outside the box

● Databases – They are the end game

Practical CyberDefense

● Web applications – Owasp Top 10

● UC Communications – TDos / Toll Fraud

● Data Encryption – Laptops / Desktops / Databases

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Stage 5 – It's not if but whenSIEM – Security, Information& Event Monitoring

Practical CyberDefense

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Stage 5 – SIEM

OSSIM SIEM – Free open Source SIEM Demo

Practical CyberDefense

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Florida State●

Practical CyberDefense

SANS Institute●

OWASP Top 10 - 2013●

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Thank you – Any Questions?

Blog –

Practical CyberDefense


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