  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration



    CLASS: M12H





    1. Iron wool is grey in color.2. Potassium permanganate (VII) solution, KMnO4(aq), is blue-black in color.3. 2M sulphuric acid and 0.5M sulphuric acid are clear colorless solutions.4. When iron wool is heated with 2M sulphuric acid, the clear colorless solution gradually

    turns grey.

    5. At the end of heating, only small residue of iron wool is left in 2M sulphuric acid.6. After filtering, the resulting iron (II) sulphate solution, FeSO4(aq)is clear colorless


    7. When FeSO4(aq) that is added with 0.5M sulphuric acid, is titrated with KMnO4(aq), theclear solution gradually turns into faint red in color.


    1) Mass of iron wool= 0.9958g 0.0001g

    2) Volume of 2M sulphuric acid, H2SO4(aq)= 50ml 5ml

    3) Volume of KMnO4(aq) usedTrial Volume of KMnO4(aq) used(

    Start of experiment End of experiment

    1 0ml 19ml2 20ml 37ml

    3 37ml 55ml

    4 56ml 72ml

    5 73ml 99ml

    Table 1: Volume of KMnO4(aq) used during start and end of experiment

  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration


  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration


  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration


    9) Amount of iron in the iron wool=

    x 100%

    = x 100%

    = 96.5%

    10)Percentage error=

    x 100%


    x 100%= 0.52%


    The theoretical value of iron content in iron wool is 96%, whereas the experimental value

    only exceeds 0.5% from the former value. Although the error is not huge, there are still

    limitations in the experiment that draws the line between the book value and the empirical value.


    Limitations Suggestions

    Overshooting during titration Produce a reference solution and record the

    volume of KMnO4needed to end up with such

    result. For the subsequent trials, carefullytitrate KMnO4 drop by drop when the reading

    is approaching the one recorded for the

    reference solution.

  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration


    From the experiment, the relative molecular mass(RMM) obtained for amidosulphuric acid,

    H3NSO3is 98.9, yet the calculation from book value points that the supposed RMM for

    amidosulphuric acid, H3NSO3 is 97.10. There is a difference of 1.8 between those two values and

    as the calculation above indicates, 1.80% percentage error since a few errors occurred during the


    Firstly, end point of neutralization might be exceeded. During titration, overshoot might occur,

    causing excessive amount of sodium hydroxide solution to be titrated with amidosulphuric acid

    solution. This can be prevented by starting the titration with a trial experiment to obtain the right

    end point the moment NaH2NSO3 suddenly turns yellowish orange . When the end point has

    been acquired, for the next few readings, make sure when the volume of sodium hydroxide

    solution in burette is approaching end point, titrate the alkaline solution drop by drop. Besides,

    the sample of NaH2NSO3 from the trial experiment can be kept aside to be referred in the next

    readings. On top of that, our eyes should focus on the reading of sodium hydroxide solution in

    burette to keep track of the end point.

    Secondly, systematic error could have happened since there might be foreign substances from

    previous experiments inside burette and pipette. In order to improve the accuracy of this

    experiment, rinse burette with sodium hydroxide solution and pipette with amidosulphuric acid

    solution beforehand. The contaminants will be removed after rinsing.

    There are a few steps should be taken to minimize errors during conducting experiment.

    Start the experiment by weighing 2.5g of solid amidosulphuric acid. The windows of electronic

    balance must be tightly closed to prevent mass of air affecting the readings later on. Ensure the

    electronic balance is at 0.0000g before weighing by pressing the tare button. Weigh the mass

    of the container first, followed by the mass of container + solid amidosulphuric acid. After that,

    subtract the latter with former to obtain the mass of solid amidosulphuric acid.

    Next, while dissolving solid amidosulphuric acid, stir the solution to increase the rate of reaction.

    If the solid amidosulphuric acid cannot be dissolved after a few moments, add more water and

    keep stirring. Stop stirring when there is no more solute left.

    After amidosulphuric acid solution has been transferred into volumetric flask, ensure our eyes

    are on the meniscus level while making up the solution to the 250cm3

    mark to avoid randomerror. If the meniscus level is exceeded, the experiment has to be repeated all over again or the

    solution has to be measured to 250cm3by using measuring cylinder, hence increasing the

    percentage uncertainty.

    During the uptake of 25cm3

    of amidosulphuric acid solution, do not hold the protruding part of

    pipette because the part is thinner and slight pressure from our hand can break the pipette, thus

  • 8/12/2019 Practical 22.1 Iron Wool Redox Titration


    forcing us to find a new pipette and repeat the step to obtain 25cm3

    of amidosulphuric acid


    Then, the titration process must be conducted by one person only to avoid random error. While

    titrating, use one hand to control the stopcock of burette whereas the other hand swirls the

    conical flask containing amidosulphuric acid solution mixed with methyl orange. Repeat theexperiment a few times to obtain consistent readings.
