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  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem



    Select The BlankQuestion If you have a website include the ________ in your heading.

    Correct Answer URL

    Your Answer URL

    True/FalseQuestion In Television advertising the sequence followed is Middle, End, Beginning

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The most persuasive messages are :-

    Correct Answer Direct , Simply expressed , Contains one primary data

    Your Answer Direct , Simply expressed

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The word "brand" has its origns in the word "brandr" which means

    Correct Answer Burn

    Your Answer Burn

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The opening of American West provided many opportunities to people to migrate to the west. Many of the

    legends and stories of these people were told viz.

    Correct Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    Your Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    True/FalseQuestion Abraham Maslow was a great Philosopher.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The modern day advertising has its roots in

    Correct Answer USA

    Your Answer USA

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The term "Publics" means these are all those :-

    Correct Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisment copy consists of the body copy, Slogans and

    Correct Answer Head Line

    Your Answer Head Line

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Graphic element Geometric Pattern Geometric Pattern

    Corporate Identity Souveniers Souveniers

    Standardized colours Coco Cola Coco Cola

    Founder Names IBM IBM

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Pope Urban II used communication systems which involved :-

    Correct Answer Word of Mouth , Slogans & Symbols , Writing

    Your Answer Writing , Word of Mouth , Slogans & Symbols

    True/FalseQuestion FYI stands for For Your Information

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion All large companies develop a ________ identity manual

    Correct Answer Corporate

    Your Answer Corporate

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In nineteenth century food processing industry began famous and reputed names which came into lime

    light were

    Correct Answer Nestles , Cadburys , Kellogs

    Your Answer Cadburys , Kellogs

    True/FalseQuestion The art director and the copy writer work together as a team.

    Correct Answer True

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    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Much of the communication research was related to the war time interest in propaganda.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion The food processing industry began around eighteen century.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisments in those days were laid out like our present day

    Correct Answer Classified advertisment

    Your Answer News paper advertisment (Full, Half page)

    True/FalseQuestion The first advertisinment on A & F pears bought a picture tilted "bubbles" was launched in 1886.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True


    Question The letter should be limited to 8 to 9 paragraphs

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion When a mistake is been committed :-

    Correct Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    Your Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    True/FalseQuestion India is the hope of free world.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

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    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Select The BlankQuestion In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________

    Correct Answer Position

    Your Answer Position

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion While designing the print of the ad the art director has to decide upon the best format to

    Correct Answer Communicate the message

    Your Answer Communicate the message

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Advertising in eighties saw Address to specific consumers USA

    The Beginning of Advertising Exchange of goods Babylonian Clay tablet

    Invention of the printing press Johann Gutenberg Johann Gutenberg

    Advertsing of 1660 For toothpaste For toothpaste

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Eye-catching signs were painted on

    Correct Answer Buildings

    Your Answer Hoardings

    Select The BlankQuestion More and more people began to read newspaper and ________

    Correct Answer Magzine

    Your Answer Magzine

    True/FalseQuestion During the press conference it is advisible to only communicate the news it should be one way


    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Fillers are material used to fill in the empty at the ________ minute.

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    Correct Answer Last

    Your Answer Last

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The corporate identity is represented in form of

    Correct Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Your Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Select The BlankQuestion J & J also campaigns with the ________ .

    Correct Answer Government

    Your Answer Government

    Select The BlankQuestion Skilful media relations involves treading the fine line between catering for the ________.

    Correct Answer Organization

    Your Answer Organization

    Select The BlankQuestion The production department is responsible for ________ the creative concepts.

    Correct Answer Translating

    Your Answer Producing

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertsment actually grew up after the

    Correct Answer Second World war.

    Your Answer Second World war.

    Select The BlankQuestion The copywriter is responsible for writing the copy of the advertisment in terms of ________

    Correct Answer Words

    Your Answer Words

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion A some what humorous detour on the road of Public Relation history lies in :-

    Correct Answer Exaggerations , Plausible , Real Estate promotion

    Your Answer Exaggerations , Real Estate promotion

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question In DAGMAR model the different stages are:

    Correct Answer Awareness , Comprehension , Conviction

    Your Answer Awareness , Comprehension , Conviction

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The feature story is valuable publicity tool and an idea vehicle for helping people understand :-

    Correct Answer How to choose , Buy , Use product or service

    Your Answer How to choose , Buy , Use product or service

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In a crisis, in management team, every person must be capable of working under extreme :-

    Correct Answer Pressure

    Your Answer Pressure

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The following "firsts" were observed during the period :-

    Correct Answer 1900-1921

    Your Answer 1900-1921

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The various types of advertisments are

    Correct Answer Consumer and Retail , National & International , End product or Industrial

    Your Answer Consumer and Retail , National & International , End product or Industrial

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Body Copy is also called as

    Correct Answer Main Text

    Your Answer Main Text

    True/FalseQuestion The spokesperson should be Verbose.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Testimony means actual user share their________ in the form of an ad.

    Correct Answer Experience

    Your Answer Experience

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    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion By which sign the end of your release is marked ande which is repeated several times?

    Correct Answer ####

    Your Answer ####

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Public information came into the exsitence at the time of ancient egyptians which are :-

    Correct Answer 5000 years ago

    Your Answer 4000 years ago


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A brand is a valuable :-

    Correct Answer Assest

    Your Answer Assest

    True/FalseQuestion The journalist can publish whatever he wants.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Marketing mix consists of

    Correct Answer Product and Price , Promotion

    Your Answer Product and Price , Place , Promotion

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Choosing a city for press conference depends upon the level you are working with :-

    Correct Answer National , Regional , Business

    Your Answer National , Regional , Global

    Select The BlankQuestion For testing the advertisement, adveretisers uses ________

    Correct Answer Focus Groups

    Your Answer Target Audience


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    Question Corporate success depends on a workforce.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion In communication process the source ________ the messages.

    Correct Answer Encodes

    Your Answer Encodes

    True/FalseQuestion The letter should be limited to 8 to 9 paragraphs

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion When a mistake is been committed :-

    Correct Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    Your Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Expert communicators use a number of devices such as :-

    Correct Answer Drama , Statistics , Examples

    Your Answer Drama , Examples , Shows

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Public Relation practitioners play a dual role, they are advisiors as well as :-

    Correct Answer Counsellors

    Your Answer Counsellors

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Sensory appeal Advertisements that have an effect onthe five senses

    Advertisements that have an effect onthe five senses

    Price or Value appeal Promising the buyer that the product isworth more than money can buy

    Promising the buyer that the product isworth more than money can buy

    Celebrity Appeal Using celebrities to endorse a product Using celebrities to endorse a product

    Testimonials Actual user shares his experience in theform of testomony

    Actual user shares his experience in theform of testomony

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question The opening of American West provided many opportunities to people to migrate to the west. Many of thelegends and stories of these people were told viz.

    Correct Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    Your Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    Select The BlankQuestion Firestone used to sell millions of tyres at the rate of ________.

    Correct Answer 50$

    Your Answer 50$

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In every organisation there are requirements for the management to communicate with different

    audiences this sort of communication is called as :-

    Correct Answer One to many communication

    Your Answer One to many communication

    Select The BlankQuestion It maddens reporters to spend time at a press conference when they could have been given the same

    information in a ________.

    Correct Answer Press release

    Your Answer Data Form

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisments in those days were laid out like our present day

    Correct Answer Classified advertisment

    Your Answer Classified advertisment

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Knowledge must be coupled with authority otherwise it loses :-

    Correct Answer Credibility

    Your Answer Wisdom

    Select The BlankQuestion Planning & Implementation are the efforts done by the organization to influence or ________ public


    Correct Answer Change

    Your Answer Improve

    Select The BlankQuestion The copywriter is responsible for writing the copy of the advertisment in terms of ________

    Correct Answer Words

    Your Answer Graphics

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    True/FalseQuestion Very often the presence of a well known celebrity can liven up a routine company function

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True


    Question An average san diego used to handle 65 media enquiries every day.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The word "brand" has its origns in the word "brandr" which means

    Correct Answer Burn

    Your Answer Burn

    True/FalseQuestion The food processing industry began around eighteen century.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The press kits desgined by Johnson & Johnson included :-

    Correct Answer J & J history , Name of top people , Financial results

    Your Answer J & J history , Financial results , How it went wrong

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Action Plan Time bound Sales Promotion activities Time bound Sales Promotion activities

    Marketing Objectives Sales Target Sales Target

    Marketing Strategy Market segment, target audience Market segment, target audience

    Marketing Mix Product, price, distribution andpromotion

    Product, price, distribution and promotion

    True/FalseQuestion The print media consists of newspaper and magzines.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisement is a communication in :-

    Correct Answer Paid Form

    Your Answer Paid Form

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The liability coverage takes care of :-

    Correct Answer Loss of property , Medical Condition , Internal Harrasment in the organization

    Your Answer Fire , Loss of property , Medical Condition

    Select The BlankQuestion In green land ice melts for only a few________.

    Correct Answer Months

    Your Answer Days

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The PR practitioner advises management on preparing the policy frame works and also develops

    systems for implementation, they also make sure that no job candidates are discriminated against anyparticular

    Correct Answer Caste , Race , Creed or Religious order

    Your Answer Caste , Race , Creed or Religious order

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Adams legacy also inculded :-

    Correct Answer Newspaper essays , Speeches , Parades

    Your Answer Posters , Newspaper essays , Speeches

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The typed lines should be kept :-

    Correct Answer 50 to 60 characters long

    Your Answer 50 to 60 characters long

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Culture means

    Correct Answer Values , Perception , Beliefs

    Your Answer Values , Beliefs , Habits

    Select The BlankQuestion If you do the right think you have to make sure that people ________ about it.

    Correct Answer Hear

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    Your Answer Hear

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The modern day advertising has its roots in

    Correct Answer USA

    Your Answer USA

    True/FalseQuestion All advertisments are alike.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertsment actually grew up after the

    Correct Answer Second World war.

    Your Answer Second World war.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The PR pactitioner practises media relations for two purposes one to send information and other to :-

    Correct Answer Gather Information

    Your Answer Safe guard the interest

    True/FalseQuestion Internet is part of electronic media

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion New releases do not have strong concluding :-

    Correct Answer Paragraph

    Your Answer Lines

    Select The BlankQuestion The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release

    Correct Answer Immediate

    Your Answer Immediate

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Eye-catching signs were painted on

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    Your Answer Employee & Financial communications , Advertising , Media Relations

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A PR should always have a track of :-

    Correct Answer Bottlenecks

    Your Answer Quality of communication exchange

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion People forget mistakes than brow beaten by

    Correct Answer Cunning , Manipulative , Explanations

    Your Answer Cunning , Manipulative , False Promises

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Speakers on Radio & TV Showcase of Unique abilities Showcase of Unique abilities

    Generating Publicity Good Work of Organization Good Work of Organization

    Urgent Information to be communicated Media Community Media Community

    Invite Speakers Long term Business Strategy Long term Business Strategy

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ guides cast members and manages the crew during the shooting of the ad.

    Correct Answer Director

    Your Answer Assistant Director

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Who was CEO of The San Diego & Electric company?

    Correct Answer Thomas Page

    Your Answer Victor Newman

    Select The BlankQuestion It is very difficult to attribute a rise of sales due to ________

    Correct Answer Advertising

    Your Answer Advertising

    True/FalseQuestion The most important information is down the air.

    Correct Answer False

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    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The catcholic Church reponded with its own counter reformation by means of :-

    Correct Answer Books , Pamphlets , Speeches

    Your Answer Speeches , Books , Pamphlets

    True/FalseQuestion The art director and the copy writer work together as a team.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The lesson learnt from Tylenol case was :-

    Correct Answer Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , Establishment of

    Media controlYour Answer Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , Establishment of

    Media control , How to solve the crisis

    Select The BlankQuestion A product becomes a brand when the product delivers a ________

    Correct Answer Functional Benefit

    Your Answer Cost Benefit

    Select The Blank

    Question In the DAGMAR model it is based on the premise that there are series of ________ steps through whicha brand must climb.

    Correct Answer Mental

    Your Answer Six

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Marketing objectives are referred in terms of :

    Correct Answer Sales

    Your Answer Sales

    True/FalseQuestion Research shows that 70% of buying decisions are made in store.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In a crisis, in management team, every person must be capable of working under extreme :-

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    Correct Answer Pressure

    Your Answer Difficult conditions

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Your Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    True/FalseQuestion In the style always use a passive voice

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Any message or suggested action must be compatible with group values or :-

    Correct Answer Beliefs

    Your Answer Principals

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In the publicity eras the nature of communiction was :-

    Correct Answer One- way

    Your Answer One- way

    True/FalseQuestion FYI stands for For Your Information

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Public Relation professional who counted over 500 different definitions for PR was known as :-

    Correct Answer Rex Harlow

    Your Answer Rex Harlow

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The advertising objective is a part of :

    Correct Answer Long term objective

    Your Answer Long term objective

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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    Question The PR practitioner has to understand and be skilled in the usage and application of all :-

    Correct Answer Communication Media

    Your Answer Mass Media

    Select The BlankQuestion In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________

    Correct Answer Position

    Your Answer Number of words in the ad.

    True/FalseQuestion Erik Thovaldson named the island as greenland.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The The release should end with ' -30-' or ________

    Correct Answer "****"

    Your Answer ????

    True/FalseQuestion The first advertisinment on A & F pears bought a picture tilted "bubbles" was launched in 1886.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The corporate identity is represented in form of

    Correct Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Your Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion While scheduling the press conferences be aware of the :-

    Correct Answer Media Deadlines

    Your Answer Press

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In nineteenth century food processing industry began famous and reputed names which came into lime

    light were

    Correct Answer Nestles , Cadburys , Kellogs

    Your Answer Nestles , Cadburys , Kellogs

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion A PR practitioner have access to a lot of information and are constantly in touch with news sources

    related to :-

    Correct Answer Technology Advancements , Social Changes

    Your Answer Technology Advancements , Social Changes , Political Changes

    Select The Blank

    Question Public ________ is stronger than legal right or miltary might.

    Correct Answer Opinion

    Your Answer Opinion

    True/FalseQuestion A PR practitioner acts as a sensor of social change.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Cities where the local press usually gives a favourable ________ for press conference.

    Correct Answer Coverage

    Your Answer Coverage

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Cadbury Product Brands Brand Image

    NGOs Political Parties or Educational Institutes Political Parties or Educational Institutes

    Smirnoff, TATA, Ford Family Brands Creators Brands

    Mercedes, Ponds Creators Brands Brand Identity

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion A some what humorous detour on the road of Public Relation history lies in :-

    Correct Answer Exaggerations , Real Estate promotion

    Your Answer Plausible , Real Estate promotion , Uninhabited

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion There are three type of situtations in which you can paln an interview with a journalist these are :-

    Correct Answer Proactive , Reactive , Crisis

    Your Answer Proactive , Reactive , Crisis

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    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Research planning includes

    Correct Answer Designing a questionnaire , Data Collection , Tabulation, Analysis and Results

    Your Answer Designing a territory , Data Collection , Tabulation, Analysis and Results

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Insertions , Video Tapes

    True/FalseQuestion A PR should have skills in making speeches.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Organisations use a variety of spokespersons depending upon the ________and the audience.

    Correct Answer Message

    Your Answer Facts

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertising that is delivered directly to the consumer by mail refers to

    Correct Answer Direct Mail

    Your Answer Speed Mail

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A press conference should be called when there's a reason for :-

    Correct Answer Two way communication

    Your Answer News to tell

    Select The BlankQuestion Traditionally the PR program is divided into ________.

    Correct Answer Internal & External programs

    Your Answer Management & Shareholders

    Adv. & PR assgn :01: Shagun

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

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    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Product Leaflets , Brochures , Video Tapes

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ guides cast members and manages the crew during the shooting of the ad.

    Correct Answer Director

    Your Answer Director

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The invitation format should also cover :-

    Correct Answer Why , How , What

    Your Answer Why , How , What

    True/FalseQuestion The most important information is down the air.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion While designing the print of the ad the art director has to decide upon the best format to

    Correct Answer Communicate the message

    Your Answer Print the message

    Select The Blank

    Question Firestone used to sell millions of tyres at the rate of ________.

    Correct Answer 50$

    Your Answer 40$

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The financial information can be reached by the way of :-

    Correct Answer Annual General Report , Minutes of AGM , Quaterly Reports

    Your Answer Annual General Report , Minutes of AGM , Quaterly Reports

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisement is a communication in :-

    Correct Answer Paid Form

    Your Answer Paid Form

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The most persuasive messages are :-

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    Correct Answer Direct , Simply expressed , Contains one primary data

    Your Answer Direct , Simply expressed , Text oriented

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion When a mistake is been committed :-

    Correct Answer Do not pretend to be right , Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things

    Your Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    True/FalseQuestion In the style always use a passive voice

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Internet is part of electronic media

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Marketers uses the ________ startegy to optimise the use of resources.

    Correct Answer Segmentation

    Your Answer Penetration

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The PR practitioner has to understand and be skilled in the usage and application of all :-

    Correct Answer Communication Media

    Your Answer Advertisement Media

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The modern day advertising has its roots in

    Correct Answer USA

    Your Answer USA

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In nineteenth century food processing industry began famous and reputed names which came into

    lime light were

    Correct Answer Nestles , Cadburys , Kellogs

    Your Answer Cadburys , Kellogs , Nestles

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The systematic method to choose the media vehicles is called as

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    Correct Answer Media Planning

    Your Answer Media Buying

    Select The BlankQuestion The advantage of outdoor advertising is that, message is available for ________ hours.

    Correct Answer 24

    Your Answer 24

    Select The BlankQuestion If you have a website include the ________ in your heading.

    Correct Answer URL

    Your Answer URL

    True/FalseQuestion During the press conference it is advisible to only communicate the news it should be one way


    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The filler items should be in paragraph form with :-

    Correct Answer Double Spaced margin , Typed , Typed on single page

    Your Answer Double Spaced margin , Typed

    Select The Blank

    Question In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________

    Correct Answer Position

    Your Answer Position

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The term "Publics" means these are all those :-

    Correct Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

    Your Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Eye-catching signs were painted on

    Correct Answer Buildings

    Your Answer Hoardings

    True/FalseQuestion Very often the presence of a well known celebrity can liven up a routine company function

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    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion The advocacy model was built during the middle of ________ century.

    Correct Answer 20th

    Your Answer 20th

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion New releases do not have strong concluding :-

    Correct Answer Paragraph

    Your Answer Lines

    Select The BlankQuestion For holding a press conference invitations are to be sent and ________ has to be selected.

    Correct Answer Venue

    Your Answer Venue

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Newspaper advertising has the following advantages :

    Correct Answer Market Penetration , Selectivity , Audience Involvement

    Your Answer Market Penetration , Selectivity , Low cost to the audience.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Choosing a city for press conference depends upon the level you are working with :-

    Correct Answer National , Regional , Business

    Your Answer National , Regional , Global

    Select The BlankQuestion During the test revealed in J & J case, it was found that ________ capsules contained Cyanide.

    Correct Answer 75

    Your Answer 75

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Body Copy is also called as

    Correct Answer Main Text

    Your Answer Main Text

    Select The BlankQuestion Samples of new safety packaging were ________

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    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Many companies do not use symbols.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The PR pactitioner practises media relations for two purposes one to send information and other to


    Correct Answer Gather Information

    Your Answer Gather Information

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The corporate identity of an organisation is sum of all :-

    Correct Answer Visual cues

    Your Answer Visual cues

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The lesson learnt from Tylenol case was :-

    Correct Answer Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety ,Establishment of Media control

    Your Answer Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , How to solve the crisis

    True/FalseQuestion The famous research agencies in India are IMRB, ORG MARG

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Motivation Monetary, Emotional Return Monetary, Emotional Return

    External Public Media, Suppliers, Trade Associations Media, Suppliers, Trade Associations

    Advertisement To inform Potential buyers To inform Potential buyers

    Maintaining Relationships Long term associations Long term associations

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

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    Your Answer Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management , After sales & ServicesManagement


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion A number of activities at the community level that are practised are :-

    Correct Answer Cleaning up the neighbourhood , Providing Summer jobs for youth , Practicing environment protection

    drivesYour Answer Organising Blood Camps , Practicing environment protection drives , Cleaning up the neighbourhood

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A crisis by its very nature comes :-

    Correct Answer Unannounced

    Your Answer Unannounced


    Question The art director and the copy writer work together as a team.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion What should the feature story highlight?

    Correct Answer Unkown facet , Product , Cause

    Your Answer Unkown facet , Cause

    True/FalseQuestion Influencer acts as a consultant.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ revolution led to number of inventions that had an impact on communications.

    Correct Answer Industrial

    Your Answer Industrial

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Those who work for the organization are called as :-

    Correct Answer Internal Public

    Your Answer Internal Public

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    True/FalseQuestion Corporate success depends on a workforce.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The sole of the advertising is to :-

    Correct Answer Sell

    Your Answer Sell

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A successful advertisment works when it fulfills desire and

    Correct Answer Need

    Your Answer Need

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    General Research Basic or Theortical research Basic or Theortical research

    Primary Research Fresh Data Fresh Data

    Secondary Research Data already available Data already available

    Customised Research Specific Research for advertiser Specific Research for advertiser

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Harvard college developed the first fund raising :-

    Correct Answer Brochure

    Your Answer Advertisement

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The PR practitioner advises management on preparing the policy frame works and also develops

    systems for implementation, they also make sure that no job candidates are discriminated against anyparticular

    Correct Answer Caste , Race , Creed or Religious order

    Your Answer Caste , Race , Creed or Religious order

    True/FalseQuestion After three and half years another death occurred the vicitm was 60 years old woman from New York

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertsment actually grew up after the

    Correct Answer Second World War

    Your Answer Second World War

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The liability coverage takes care of :-

    Correct Answer Loss of property , Medical Condition , Internal Harrasment in the organization

    Your Answer Fire , Loss of property , Medical Condition

    True/FalseQuestion J & J offered a reward of $200,000 for capturing the perpetrators.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion SWOT stands for

    Correct Answer Strengths & Weakness , Opportunities , Threats

    Your Answer Strengths & Weakness , Opportunities , Threats

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion If press realeses are poorly written they will end up in the :-

    Correct Answer Dustbin

    Your Answer Garbage

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Public Relation professional who counted over 500 different definitions for PR was known as :-

    Correct Answer Rex Harlow

    Your Answer James Harvord

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The rule in a crisis is that you cannot be handicapped by a lack of :-

    Correct Answer Infrastructure

    Your Answer Infrastructure

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The group to whom the advertisng message is communicated is called as

    Correct Answer Audience

    Your Answer Audience

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The press kits desgined by Johnson & Johnson included :-

    Correct Answer J & J history , Name of top people , Financial results

    Your Answer J & J history , Name of top people , How it went wrong

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The corporate identity is represented in form of

    Correct Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Your Answer Letter Head , Business Cards , Brochure

    Select The BlankQuestion Johnson & Johnson shampoo for kids is an example of ________.

    Correct Answer Demographic

    Your Answer Demographic

    Select The BlankQuestion A product becomes a brand when the product delivers a ________

    Correct Answer Functional Benefit

    Your Answer Positioning Benefit

    Select The BlankQuestion The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release

    Correct Answer Immediate

    Your Answer Urgent

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertsment actually grew up after the

    Correct Answer Second World war.

    Your Answer Second World war.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion It is universal preference that we like to hear the story from the :-

    Correct Answer Horses mouth

    Your Answer Horses mouth

    True/FalseQuestion Many companies do not use symbols.

    Correct Answer True

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion The copywriter is responsible for writing the copy of the advertisment in terms of ________

    Correct Answer Words

    Your Answer Words

    Select The BlankQuestion During the test revealed in J & J case, it was found that ________ capsules contained Cyanide.

    Correct Answer 75

    Your Answer 35

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion For impact on communication the industrial revolution invented the

    Correct Answer Photography , Telephone , Telegraph

    Your Answer Telegraph

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Select The Blank

    Question Luminaries help the launch of ________.

    Correct Answer Apple

    Your Answer Apple

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Knowledge of group attitudes and beliefs helps the communicator to tailor message that are :-

    Correct Answer Salient , Answer a felt need , Logical course of action

    Your Answer Salient , Answer a felt need , Analysing the facts

    Select The BlankQuestion Tapping groups attitudes is called as ________.

    Correct Answer Channeling

    Your Answer Channeling

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The invitation format should also cover :-

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Correct Answer Why , How , What

    Your Answer Why , How , What

    True/FalseQuestion In the style always use a passive voice

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The religious public relations council is the ________ professional assocation of public Relationa

    proctioners in North America.

    Correct Answer Oldest

    Your Answer Oldest

    True/FalseQuestion The better informed employees are likely to spread damaging misinformation.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    True/FalseQuestion FYI stands for For Your Information

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion It is difficult task as it is peoples actions that builds or destroys ________ of an organization.

    Correct Answer Reputation

    Your Answer Image

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion People forget mistakes than brow beaten by

    Correct Answer Cunning , Manipulative , Explanations

    Your Answer Cunning , Manipulative , False Promises

    True/FalseQuestion Over all 60 cities were selected for nation wide press conference in J & J case.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question Organisations use a variety of spokespersons depending upon the ________and the audience.

    Correct Answer Message

    Your Answer Message

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Direct mail Data Bases Data Bases

    Transit Advertising Airport, Bus stand Airport, Bus stand

    Cinema Advertisement In theatre ads (Cinema Ads) In theatre ads (Cinema Ads)

    Sales Promotion Sampling, Coupons Sampling, Coupons


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, services by an

    Correct Answer Identified sponsor

    Your Answer Identified sponsor

    True/FalseQuestion All advertisments are alike.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion For holding a press conference invitations are to be sent and ________ has to be selected.

    Correct Answer Venue

    Your Answer Venue

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Persuasion is used to change or neutralise hostile :-

    Correct Answer Opinion

    Your Answer Opinion

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In Egyptian era the Governments have always engaged in what is known as :-

    Correct Answer Public Information , Public Relations , Public Affairs

    Your Answer Public Information , Public Affairs , Public Comunicators

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The modern day advertising has its roots in

    Correct Answer USA

    Your Answer USA

    Select The Blank

    Question Skilful media relations involves treading the fine line between catering for the ________.

    Correct Answer Organization

    Your Answer Sahre Holders

    Select The BlankQuestion You may work within a ________ constrained by policies and procedures.

    Correct Answer Hierarchy

    Your Answer Frame

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Your Answer Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A corporate identity is very important part of the Company image and

    Correct Answer Communications

    Your Answer Communications

    True/FalseQuestion Research shows that 70% of buying decisions are made in store.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Business magzines are categorised into the following :

    Correct Answer Trade Publications , Industrial Magzines , Professional Magzines

    Your Answer Trade Publications , Industrial Magzines , Professional Magzines

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The history of public relations is linked with the growth and maintenance of :-

    Correct Answer Religion

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer Christan Era

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The designs elements comprises of

    Correct Answer Lines & Colour , Shapes & Sounds , Space

    Your Answer Lines & Colour , Shapes & Sounds , Graphics & Illustrations

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisments in those days were laid out like our present day

    Correct Answer Classified advertisment

    Your Answer Classified advertisment

    Select The BlankQuestion In green land ice melts for only a few________.

    Correct Answer Months

    Your Answer Days

    True/FalseQuestion Abraham Maslow was a great Philosopher.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question Public ________ is stronger than legal right or miltary might.

    Correct Answer Opinion

    Your Answer Opinion

    True/FalseQuestion The journalist can publish whatever he wants.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Eye-catching signs were painted on

    Correct Answer Buildings

    Your Answer Hoardings

    Select The BlankQuestion In the DAGMAR model it is based on the premise that there are series of ________ steps through which

    a brand must climb.

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  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Correct Answer Two way communication

    Your Answer Two way communication

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion These are Traditional Service Brands

    Correct Answer Food World , Cox & Kings , FedEx

    Your Answer Cox & Kings , FedEx , Coco Cola

    Select The BlankQuestion If you do the right think you have to make sure that people ________ about it.

    Correct Answer Hear

    Your Answer Learn

    True/FalseQuestion A fact sheet runs into a single page

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Contribution is called

    Correct Answer Return on Investment

    Your Answer Return on Investment

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The design princples can been arranged by different elements viz.

    Correct Answer Balance , Proportion , Sequence

    Your Answer Proportion , Sequence , Visual Effects

    True/FalseQuestion The most important information is down the air.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Check for the passage ways, door ways, and elevators large enough to accommodate :-

    Correct Answer Bulky equipment

    Your Answer Bulky equipment

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question Public Relation practitioners play a dual role, they are advisiors as well as :-

    Correct Answer Counsellors

    Your Answer Counsellors

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion If press conference does not have the purpose it will result in loss of :-

    Correct Answer Credibility

    Your Answer Credibility

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Expert communicators use a number of devices such as :-

    Correct Answer Drama , Statistics , Examples

    Your Answer Statistics , Examples

    Select The BlankQuestion The advantage of outdoor advertising is that, message is available for ________ hours.

    Correct Answer 24

    Your Answer 24

    True/FalseQuestion The food processing industry began around eighteen century.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The advertising plan is a part of :

    Correct Answer Marketing Plan

    Your Answer Marketing Plan

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion If press realeses are poorly written they will end up in the :-

    Correct Answer Dustbin

    Your Answer Dustbin

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion People are prone to forgive :-

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Correct Answer Mistakes

    Your Answer Mistakes

    Select The BlankQuestion Tapping groups attitudes is called as ________.

    Correct Answer Channeling

    Your Answer Channeling

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The sole of the advertising is to :-

    Correct Answer Sell

    Your Answer Sell

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Public Relations practitioner acts as a :-

    Correct Answer Counsellor

    Your Answer Counsellor

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Adams legacy also inculded :-

    Correct Answer Newspaper essays , Speeches , Parades

    Your Answer Newspaper essays , Speeches , Parades

    True/FalseQuestion The journalist can publish whatever he wants.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    True/FalseQuestion The marketing mix consists of Product Place People and Price

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Testimony means actual user share their________ in the form of an ad.

    Correct Answer Experience

    Your Answer Experience

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question Rahul Bajaj is not involved in day to day operation but still the media wants to speak with him because intheir eyes he is more :-

    Correct Answer Acceptable

    Your Answer Acceptable

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The design princples can been arranged by different elements viz.

    Correct Answer Balance , Proportion , Sequence

    Your Answer Balance , Proportion , Sequence

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Pope Urban II 1095 1095

    John Wycliffee 1351 1351

    Pope Gregory XV 1622 1622

    Stephen Langton 1215 1215

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Erik Thorvaldson discovered an uninhabited of ice and snow in North :-

    Correct Answer Atlantic

    Your Answer Atlantic

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The buyers buy for business or non profit motives, these consists of

    Correct Answer Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation

    Your Answer Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Choosing a city for press conference depends upon the level you are working with :-

    Correct Answer National , Regional , Business

    Your Answer Business , National , Regional

    True/FalseQuestion All advertisments are alike.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question Knowledge of group attitudes and beliefs helps the communicator to tailor message that are :-

    Correct Answer Salient , Answer a felt need , Logical course of action

    Your Answer Salient , Answer a felt need , Logical course of action

    Select The BlankQuestion The advantage of outdoor advertising is that, message is available for ________ hours.

    Correct Answer 24

    Your Answer 24

    True/FalseQuestion The spokesperson should be Verbose.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The modern day advertising has its roots in

    Correct Answer USA

    Your Answer USA

    Select The BlankQuestion In the DAGMAR model it is based on the premise that there are series of ________ steps through which

    a brand must climb.

    Correct Answer Mental

    Your Answer Mental

    True/FalseQuestion A PR should have skills in making speeches.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The opening of American West provided many opportunities to people to migrate to the west. Many of the

    legends and stories of these people were told viz.

    Correct Answer Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane , Buffalo Bill Cody

    Your Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    Select The BlankQuestion Samples of new safety packaging were ________

    Correct Answer Distributed

    Your Answer Distributed

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Select The BlankQuestion More and more people began to read newspaper and ________

    Correct Answer Magzine

    Your Answer Magzine


    Question Very often the presence of a well known celebrity can liven up a routine company function

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    True/FalseQuestion In Mumbai there are reporters who specialize in stories relating to the Government.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The rule in a crisis is that you cannot be handicapped by a lack of :-

    Correct Answer Infrastructure

    Your Answer Infrastructure

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The press kits desgined by Johnson & Johnson included :-

    Correct Answer J & J history , Name of top people , Financial results

    Your Answer J & J history , Name of top people , Financial results

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Invitations for press conferences should be always :-

    Correct Answer Typed

    Your Answer Typed

    True/FalseQuestion Public relations does not have a strong industry association to guide its growth in a controlled manner.

    Correct Answer True

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion SWOT stands for

    Correct Answer Strengths & Weakness , Opportunities , Threats

    Your Answer Strengths & Weakness , Opportunities , Threats

    Select The BlankQuestion As world becomes a ________ place, where news travel with great speed.

    Correct Answer Smaller

    Your Answer Tiny

    Select The BlankQuestion J & J also campaigns with the ________ .

    Correct Answer Government

    Your Answer Government

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In modern working environment men & women work in close proximity hence there is a possibility of

    some kind of :-

    Correct Answer Attraction

    Your Answer Attraction

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The most persuasive messages are :-

    Correct Answer Direct , Simply expressed , Contains one primary data

    Your Answer Direct , Simply expressed , Contains one primary data

    Select The BlankQuestion "We very much prefer to see the ________ before they are released", says an editor of an Popular Indian

    Computer Publication.

    Correct Answer Product

    Your Answer Product

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Media Strategy Determine Geographic spread Determine Geographic spread

    Print Media Newspapers & Magazines Newspapers & Magazines

    Electronic Media Redio, Television Redio, Television

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  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    True/FalseQuestion Over all 60 cities were selected for nation wide press conference in J & J case.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Roman Emperor who used the technique of orchestrating events when he blamed the burning of

    rome on the Christians was known as :-Correct Answer Nero

    Your Answer Nero

    True/FalseQuestion In Television advertising the sequence followed is Middle, End, Beginning

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The PR pactitioner practises media relations for two purposes one to send information and other to :-

    Correct Answer Gather Information

    Your Answer Gather Information

    Select The BlankQuestion The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release

    Correct Answer Immediate

    Your Answer Immediate

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Culture means

    Correct Answer Values , Perception , Beliefs

    Your Answer Values , Beliefs , Habits

    True/FalseQuestion Influencer acts as a consultant.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Sensory appeal Advertisements that have an effect onthe five senses

    Visual Appeal

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    Price or Value appeal Promising the buyer that the product isworth more than money can buy

    Promising the buyer that the product isworth more than money can buy

    Celebrity Appeal Using celebrities to endorse a product Using celebrities to endorse a product

    Testimonials Actual user shares his experience in theform of testomony

    Actual user shares his experience in theform of testomony

    Select The BlankQuestion The advocacy model was built during the middle of ________ century.

    Correct Answer 20th

    Your Answer 19th

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ revolution led to number of inventions that had an impact on communications.

    Correct Answer Industrial

    Your Answer Television

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertising research is an :-

    Correct Answer Information Tool

    Your Answer Marketing Tool

    Select The BlankQuestion The internal publication which was a 4 page news letter was called as ________.

    Correct Answer Update

    Your Answer Daily News

    Select The BlankQuestion If you do the right think you have to make sure that people ________ about it.

    Correct Answer Hear

    Your Answer Accept

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The invitation format should also cover :-

    Correct Answer Why , How , What

    Your Answer Why , What , Whose

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Select The BlankQuestion The religious public relations council is the ________ professional assocation of public Relationa

    proctioners in North America.

    Correct Answer Oldest

    Your Answer Latest

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The lesson learnt from Tylenol case was :-

    Correct Answer Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , Establishment ofMedia control

    Your Answer Open Communication policy , Establishment of Media control , How to solve the crisis

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Knowledge must be coupled with authority otherwise it loses :-

    Correct Answer Credibility

    Your Answer Wisdom

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisment copy consists of the body copy, Slogans and

    Correct Answer Head Line

    Your Answer Head Line

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion A some what humorous detour on the road of Public Relation history lies in :-

    Correct Answer Exaggerations , Real Estate promotion

    Your Answer Exaggerations , Plausible , Uninhabited

    True/FalseQuestion A PR should have skills in making speeches.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Check for the passage ways, door ways, and elevators large enough to accommodate :-

    Correct Answer Bulky equipment

    Your Answer Bulky equipment

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The history of public relations is linked with the growth and maintenance of :-

    Correct Answer Religion

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer Religion

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Advertising in eighties saw Address to specific consumers Address to specific consumers

    The Beginning of Advertising Exchange of goods Babylonian Clay tablet

    Invention of the printing press Johann Gutenberg Johann Gutenberg

    Advertsing of 1660 For toothpaste For toothpaste

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Eye-catching signs were painted on

    Correct Answer Buildings

    Your Answer Buildings

    True/FalseQuestion During the press conference it is advisible to only communicate the news it should be one way


    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Knowledge of group attitudes and beliefs helps the communicator to tailor message that are :-

    Correct Answer Salient , Answer a felt need , Logical course of action

    Your Answer Salient

    True/FalseQuestion The famous research agencies in India are IMRB, ORG MARG

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Your Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    True/FalseQuestion The journalist can publish whatever he wants.

    Correct Answer False

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________

    Correct Answer Position

    Your Answer Position

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion While releasing the press release check for the

    Correct Answer Headline , Double spaced , Avoided passive voice

    Your Answer Headline , Avoided passive voice , Written in a perfect square

    True/FalseQuestion Good companies always speaks first and performs later.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion If press realeses are poorly written they will end up in the :-

    Correct Answer Dustbin

    Your Answer Dustbin

    Select The Blank

    Question The video tele conference of J & J was of ________ minutes.

    Correct Answer 90

    Your Answer 90

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The typed lines should be kept :-

    Correct Answer 50 to 60 characters long

    Your Answer 50 to 60 characters long

    Select The BlankQuestion For testing the advertisement, adveretisers uses ________

    Correct Answer Focus Groups

    Your Answer Focus Groups

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion For effective advertising one has to get it successful through :

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Correct Answer Advertising Agency

    Your Answer Advertising Agency

    True/FalseQuestion Public relations does not have a strong industry association to guide its growth in a controlled manner.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Fillers are material used to fill in the empty at the ________ minute.

    Correct Answer Last

    Your Answer Last

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The crisis management team should have the ability of :-

    Correct Answer Irregular Hours , No Sleep , Working hours long

    Your Answer No Sleep , Working hours long , to handle situation effectively

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In a corporate identity if the building is constructed of granite and glass it sends out signals of :-

    Correct Answer Prosperity & Competence

    Your Answer Rich & Famous

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Body Copy is also called as

    Correct Answer Main Text

    Your Answer Main Text

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Researching, conducting and evaluating on a continual basis are program of action. These are done to

    achieve public understanding, these may also include :-

    Correct Answer Marketing , Financial fund raising , Employee Community

    Your Answer Advertising , Marketing

    True/FalseQuestion An average san diego used to handle 65 media enquiries every day.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question Advertisments in those days were laid out like our present day

    Correct Answer Classified advertisment

    Your Answer Classified advertisment

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion For impact on communication the industrial revolution invented the

    Correct Answer Photography , Telephone , Telegraph

    Your Answer Photography , Telephone , Telegraph


    True/FalseQuestion In Television advertising the sequence followed is Middle, End, Beginning

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ guides cast members and manages the crew during the shooting of the ad.

    Correct Answer Director

    Your Answer Assistant Director

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The liability coverage takes care of :-

    Correct Answer Loss of property , Medical Condition , Internal Harrasment in the organization

    Your Answer Fire , Loss of property , Medical Condition , Internal Harrasment in the organization

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Erik Thorvaldson discovered an uninhabited of ice and snow in North :-

    Correct Answer Atlantic

    Your Answer Atlantic

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion While releasing the press release check for the

    Correct Answer Headline , Double spaced , Avoided passive voice

    Your Answer Headline , Double spaced , Avoided passive voice , Written in a perfect square

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In Egyptian era the Governments have always engaged in what is known as :-

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Correct Answer Public Information , Public Relations , Public Affairs

    Your Answer Public Information , Public Relations , Public Affairs , Public Comunicators

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Advertising primarily reaches out to customer through :-

    Correct Answer Print , Radio & TV , Internet

    Your Answer Print , Radio & TV , Internet , Wall Paintings

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Another internal roles of PR are that of :-

    Correct Answer Teaching , Instructing Executives for clear writing , Effective speaking

    Your Answer Teaching , Instructing Executives for clear writing , Effective speaking , Effective speeches to be given

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The typed lines should be kept :-

    Correct Answer 50 to 60 characters long

    Your Answer 70 to 80 characters long

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Those who work for the organization are called as :-

    Correct Answer Internal Public

    Your Answer Internal Public

    Select The BlankQuestion In the DAGMAR model it is based on the premise that there are series of ________ steps through which

    a brand must climb.

    Correct Answer Mental

    Your Answer Eight

    Select The BlankQuestion Testimony means actual user share their________ in the form of an ad.

    Correct Answer Experience

    Your Answer Experience

    Select The BlankQuestion Marketers uses the ________ startegy to optimise the use of resources.

    Correct Answer Segmentation

    Your Answer Penetration

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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    Question A PR practitioner have access to a lot of information and are constantly in touch with news sourcesrelated to :-

    Correct Answer Technology Advancements , Social Changes

    Your Answer Technology Advancements , Social Changes , Financial Changes , Political Changes

    True/FalseQuestion Over all 60 cities were selected for nation wide press conference in J & J case.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Public ________ is stronger than legal right or miltary might.

    Correct Answer Opinion

    Your Answer Opinion

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In the publicity eras the nature of communiction was :-

    Correct Answer One- way

    Your Answer One- way

    True/FalseQuestion Research shows that 70% of buying decisions are made in store.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The following "firsts" were observed during the period :-

    Correct Answer 1900-1921

    Your Answer 1900-1921

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A brand is a valuable :-

    Correct Answer Assest

    Your Answer Assest

    Select The BlankQuestion The internal publication which was a 4 page news letter was called as ________.

    Correct Answer Update

    Your Answer Feedback

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The filler items should be in paragraph form with :-

    Correct Answer Double Spaced margin , Typed , Typed on single page

    Your Answer Double Spaced margin , Typed , Typed on single page , Typed on both the pages

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The term "Publics" means these are all those :-

    Correct Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

    Your Answer People on whom the success or failuer depends

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion People are prone to forgive :-

    Correct Answer Mistakes

    Your Answer Mistakes

    True/FalseQuestion John Wycliffee took his campaign for church to reform to the people.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release

    Correct Answer Immediate

    Your Answer Immediate

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion These are Traditional Service Brands

    Correct Answer Food World , Cox & Kings , FedEx

    Your Answer Food World , Cox & Kings , FedEx , Coco Cola

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The financial information can be reached by the way of :-

    Correct Answer Annual General Report , Minutes of AGM , Quaterly Reports

    Your Answer Annual General Report , Minutes of AGM , Quaterly Reports , Share Prices

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Clarity of message Audience understands the message Mass Media endorsements

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    True/FalseQuestion J & J offered a reward of $200,000 for capturing the perpetrators.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True


    Question The journalist can publish whatever he wants.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A Public Relation professional who counted over 500 different definitions for PR was known as :-

    Correct Answer Rex Harlow

    Your Answer Rex Harlow

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Motivation Monetary, Emotional Return Monetary, Emotional Return

    External Public Media, Suppliers, Trade Associations Long term associations

    Advertisement To inform Potential buyers To remind the customers.

    Maintaining Relationships Long term associations To inform Potential buyers

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The San Diego & Electric company is a public utility company that employees :-

    Correct Answer 4700 employees

    Your Answer 4700 employees

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The history of public relations is linked with the growth and maintenance of :-

    Correct Answer Religion

    Your Answer Religion

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Public information came into the exsitence at the time of ancient egyptians which are :-

    Correct Answer 5000 years ago

    Your Answer 4000 years ago

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    Select The BlankQuestion The advocacy model was built during the middle of ________ century.

    Correct Answer 20th

    Your Answer 20th

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Press releases are called :-

    Correct Answer Publicity Program

    Your Answer Publicity Program

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The word "brand" has its origns in the word "brandr" which means

    Correct Answer Burn

    Your Answer Burn

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The Roman Emperor who used the technique of orchestrating events when he blamed the burning of

    rome on the Christians was known as :-

    Correct Answer Nero

    Your Answer Nero


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The lesson learnt from Tylenol case was :-

    Correct Answer Establishment of Media control , Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regardingcustomer safety

    Your Answer Establishment of Media control , How to solve the crisis , Open Communication policy , Adhering tocompanys policy regarding customer safety

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Media relations are very important this is largely due to the vast number of :-

    Correct Answer Publications , Television & Radio Channels , Websites

    Your Answer Publications , Television & Radio Channels , Websites , Advertisements

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The invitation format should also cover :-

    Correct Answer Why , How , What

    Your Answer Why , How , What , Whose

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question The opening of American West provided many opportunities to people to migrate to the west. Many of thelegends and stories of these people were told viz.

    Correct Answer Buffalo Bill Cody , Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane

    Your Answer Wyatt Erap , Calamity Jane , Amos Kendall , Buffalo Bill Cody

    Select The BlankQuestion The religious public relations council is the ________ professional assocation of public Relationa

    proctioners in North America.

    Correct Answer Oldest

    Your Answer Newly found

    True/FalseQuestion PR is committed to generate public understanding and goodwill for an Organization.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Skilful media relations involves treading the fine line between catering for the ________.

    Correct Answer Organization

    Your Answer Management

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The design princples can been arranged by different elements viz.

    Correct Answer Balance , Proportion , Sequence

    Your Answer Balance , Proportion , Sequence , Visual Effects

    True/FalseQuestion The art director and the copy writer work together as a team.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion There are three type of situtations in which you can paln an interview with a journalist these are :-

    Correct Answer Proactive , Reactive , Crisis

    Your Answer Proactive , Reactive , Crisis , Informal

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Pope Urban II 1095 1095

    John Wycliffee 1351 1351

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    Pope Gregory XV 1622 1581

    Stephen Langton 1215 1215

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion There is a fear which strikes people if they are told to write :-

    Correct Answer An Assignment

    Your Answer An Assignment

    Select The BlankQuestion It is very difficult to attribute a rise of sales due to ________

    Correct Answer Advertising

    Your Answer Advertising

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Product Leaflets , Brochures , Video Tapes

    Your Answer Insertions , Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    True/FalseQuestion After three and half years another death occurred the vicitm was 60 years old woman from New York

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Public Relation practitioners play a dual role, they are advisiors as well as :-

    Correct Answer Counsellors

    Your Answer Counsellors

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Research planning includes

    Correct Answer Designing a questionnaire , Data Collection , Tabulation, Analysis and Results

    Your Answer Designing a territory , Designing a questionnaire , Data Collection , Tabulation, Analysis and Results

    True/FalseQuestion An average san diego used to handle 65 media enquiries every day.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True


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    Question India is the hope of free world.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Marketing plan starts with:

    Correct Answer Situation Analysis

    Your Answer SWOT Analysis

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Knowledge must be coupled with authority otherwise it loses :-

    Correct Answer Credibility

    Your Answer Credibility

    True/FalseQuestion The print media consists of newspaper and magzines.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The study of persuasion was central to the education of the :-

    Correct Answer Greeks

    Your Answer Greeks

    Select The BlankQuestion The observers are paid to watch and ________

    Correct Answer Write

    Your Answer Give suggestions

    Select The BlankQuestion A product becomes a brand when the product delivers a ________

    Correct Answer Functional Benefit

    Your Answer Cost Benefit

    True/FalseQuestion The marketing mix consists of Product Place People and Price

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Advertisement is a communication in :-

    Correct Answer Paid Form

    Your Answer Two way Form

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Crisis means an unexpected development that often frightens the :-

    Correct Answer Public

    Your Answer Share Holder

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Your Answer Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management , After sales & Services Management

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The buyers buy for business or non profit motives, these consists of

    Correct Answer Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation

    Your Answer Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation , Corporates

    Select The BlankQuestion As world becomes a ________ place, where news travel with great speed.

    Correct Answer Smaller

    Your Answer Bigger

    True/FalseQuestion Once you have invited the reporters there is no need to remind them.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion The most important information is down the air.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion It maddens reporters to spend time at a press conference when they could have been given the same

    information in a ________.

    Correct Answer Press release

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    Your Answer Press release

    Select The BlankQuestion The main step was to recall all ________ of tylenol.

    Correct Answer Stocks

    Your Answer Capsules

    True/FalseQuestion The famous research agencies in India are IMRB, ORG MARG

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion For effective advertising one has to get it successful through :

    Correct Answer Advertising Agency

    Your Answer Advertising Agency

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The feature story is valuable publicity tool and an idea vehicle for helping people understand :-

    Correct Answer How to choose , Buy , Use product or service

    Your Answer How to choose , Buy , Use product or service , The material

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The PR practitioner has to understand and be skilled in the usage and application of all :-

    Correct Answer Communication Media

    Your Answer Advertisement Media

    Select The BlankQuestion Do not choose a location just because it has network affiliated stations since the networks often do not

    use material from their affiliates except for ________ and major crimes.

    Correct Answer Disasters

    Your Answer Lock outs

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    True/FalseQuestion A journalist is a observer.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Day by day the crime rate is controlled through out the world.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Public ________ is stronger than legal right or miltary might.

    Correct Answer Opinion

    Your Answer Opinion

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In a corporate identity if the building is constructed of granite and glass it sends out signals of :-

    Correct Answer Prosperity & Competence

    Your Answer Rich & Famous

    True/FalseQuestion The fundamental democracy that played a major role in the American Campaign

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release

    Correct Answer Immediate

    Your Answer Immediate

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In advertsement collateral material refers to

    Correct Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Your Answer Brochures , Video Tapes , Product Leaflets

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion For impact on communication the industrial revolution invented the

    Correct Answer Photography , Telephone , Telegraph

    Your Answer Telephone , Telegraph

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    Your Answer Facts

    Select The BlankQuestion Cities where the local press usually gives a favourable ________ for press conference.

    Correct Answer Coverage

    Your Answer Publicity

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion While scheduling the press conferences be aware of the :-

    Correct Answer Media Deadlines

    Your Answer Press

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The group to whom the advertisng message is communicated is called as

    Correct Answer Audience

    Your Answer Audience

    Select The BlankQuestion If you have a website include the ________ in your heading.

    Correct Answer URL

    Your Answer URL

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question To become a good and well known Public Relation practitioner, one should develop numerous :-

    Correct Answer Skills

    Your Answer Skills

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Who was CEO of The San Diego & Electric company?

    Correct Answer Thomas Page

    Your Answer Victor Newman

    Select The BlankQuestion Organisations use a variety of spokespersons depending upon the ________and the audience.

    Correct Answer Message

    Your Answer Message

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Media Strategy Determine Geographic spread Determine Geographic spread

    Print Media Newspapers & Magazines Newspapers & Magazines

    Electronic Media Redio, Television Redio, Television

    Media Objective Target Audience, Reach & Frequency Target Audience, Reach & Fre

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Public information came into the exsitence at the time of ancient egyptians which are :-

    Correct Answer 5000 years ago

    Your Answer 6000 years ago

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The crisis management team should have the ability of :-

    Correct Answer Irregular Hours , No Sleep , Working hours long

    Your Answer No Sleep , Working hours long , to handle situation effectively

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion A brand is a valuable :-

    Correct Answer Assest

    Your Answer Price

    Select The BlankQuestion As world becomes a ________ place, where news travel with great speed.

    Correct Answer Smaller

    Your Answer Tiny

    Select The BlankQuestion In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________

    Correct Answer Position

    Your Answer Position

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ guides cast members and manages the crew during the shooting of the ad.

    Correct Answer Director

    Your Answer Director

    True/FalseQuestion GEC is an Organizational Brand

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    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion For effective advertising one has to get it successful through :

    Correct Answer Advertising Agency

    Your Answer Advertising Agency

    True/FalseQuestion J & J offered a reward of $200,000 for capturing the perpetrators.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion When a mistake is been committed :-

    Correct Answer Do not lie , Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right

    Your Answer Do not try to cover up things , Do not pretend to be right , Do not tell the truth

    Select The BlankQuestion The main step was to recall all ________ of tylenol.

    Correct Answer Stocks

    Your Answer Packages

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion There are three type of situtations in which you can paln an interview with a journalist these are :-

    Correct Answer Proactive , Reactive , Crisis

    Your Answer Proactive , Reactive

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The functions of an advertising agency are

    Correct Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Your Answer Account Management , Planning, Creativity,Production , Media and Agency Management

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The buyers buy for business or non profit motives, these consists of

    Correct Answer Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation

    Your Answer Government , Non-Government Organisation

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

  • 8/6/2019 PR +3rd+Sem


    Question A PR should always have a track of :-

    Correct Answer Bottlenecks

    Your Answer Quality of communication exchange

    Select The BlankQuestion For holding a press conference invitations are to be sent and ________ has to be selected.

    Correct Answer Venue

    Your Answer Media Selection (TV, NewsPaper etc)

    True/FalseQuestion The market share fell from 37 % to 23%.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False
