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EgyptHospitality and culture

HTM2118Group members: Steven Chow,Brant Wong,Shawn Park,Dee Sin,Alan Liu

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The History of Egypt

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The History of Egypt

The longest continuous history of any country in the world.

The Nile valley forms a natural geographic and economic unit, being bounded to the east and west by deserts, to the north by the sea and to the south by the Cataracts of the Nile.

The need to have a single authority to manage the waters of the Nile led to the creation of the world's first state in Egypt in about 3000 BC.

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The History of Egypt Egypt's peculiar geography made it a

difficult country to attack Egypt’s settlement began in about 5000

B.C Shortly before 3000 B.C., came some

traders from Iraq. Attracted by the fertility of the country, they stayed on, building villages, domesticating cattle, and growing barley. (Hart 6).

Two thousand dynasties rose and fell in the two thousand years that followed unification . ("Ancient Civilizations" n.p.).

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The History of Egypt Once Egypt did succumb to foreign rule;

however, it proved unable to escape from it, and for 2,300 years Egypt was governed by foreigners: Persians, Greeks etc.

Egyptian history has been divided by this encyclopedia into six periods:

History of Ancient Egypt: 3000 BC to 332 BC

History of Greek and Roman Egypt: 332 BC to 639 AD

History of early Arab Egypt: 639 to 1517

History of Ottoman Egypt: 1517 to 1805

Egypt under Mehemet Ali and his successors: 1805 to 1882

History of Modern Egypt: since 1882

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Hospitality Development Through Culture

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Hospitality Development Through Culture

Ex) Cultural impact : Mummy

A mummy is a corpse whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals.

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earliest known Egyptian "mummified"

3300 BC. nicknamed 'Ginger’ is not internationally renowned

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Hospitality Development Through Culture

Mummy impact on hospitality,

Unique Exotic Secret Absorbing Attractive

Tourism development

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Hospitality Development Through Culture

Ex) Cultural impact : Pyramids

Pyramids were built in the Fourth Dynasty

The grave of Pharaohs : Grave robbers stubbornly stole from the pyramids, people want to know more about pyramids

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Hospitality Development Through Culture

Pyramids impact on hospitality,

Distinctive Cultural heritage Exotic Imposing

Attract the touristsHospitality development

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Cultural Influences on Different Industries & Society & Individuals

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Impact on Hospitality IndustryOne of the attractions for tourists

The art Tombs Mummies Pyramid

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Impact on Hospitality IndustryThe concept of providing a place to stay

Tombs = place for where the dead “dwell”

Mansions of the gods (Temple) Informal entertainments (inns or beer

house), leisure and relaxation Egyptian sculpture (comfort)

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Impact on Service IndustryThe concept of serving another person

Egyptian sculpture (Models) In patrician household

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Impact on Service Industry Full service Special menu to Muslim

- Muslims do not eat pork

- Alcoholic beverages are forbidden by Islam

- BUT they are available at most restaurants and stores at most of the time (except Ramadan , the month of fasting)

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Impact on Service Industry


Because Egyptians from a society of a mixture of middle Eastern family standards, taken from the different religious rules, (Islam or Christianity) it may impact on their decision-making.

Yet, it is precise training that makes Egyptians some of the most charming and helpful host

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Impact on Service Industry


Tips is the basic income of Egyptian. (because of their extremely low salary)

They will expect everyone gives them a tips even traveling a bus with a big luggage.

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Impact on Service Industry


The shishah, or waterpipe, is inseparable from Egyptian cafe society.

It influences the service industry very much since there is a type of shop (i.e. coffee shop or restaurant) which also provide these equipment for customers to smoke

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Impact on Service Industry

Ex) Marhaba Oriental Café ,Hilton Hurghada Resort, Egypt

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Impact on The Society As A Whole

The Amarna Period Religion (Unifying force)

Ex) Osiris Entertainment (harmonious


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Impact on The Society As A Whole

Living pattern

In every transports, Koranic content will be broadcasted repeatly, showing that their religion totally immerse into their life

Law According to the constitution of Egypt, any new legislation must

at least implicitly agree with Islamic law: however ,the constitution bans parties with a religious agenda


No crime is allowed in Muslim countries (there still have some thief to steal tourists money)

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Impact on The Society As A Whole


Arrow headed symbol for Muslim

Ex) Direct the location of East for Muslim to pray

Therefore there are symbols telling people the direction of Mecca

Special cooking tools for killing animals

Killing animals with special way in order to reduce their pain

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Impact on Individuals Within the Society

Artist and Craftsmen (“Ostraka”) Funerary beliefs and customs (live

forever) Concept of human “personality” Ex) “Ba” & “Ka”

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Impact on Individuals Within the Society


They need to pray five times per day No gambling Each family member is responsible for integrity of his or her

Family and for the behavior of other members, creating an

Environment that would be envied many people in the west

Dressing Not like other Muslim countries, Egypt government allows their

female to show their hair , don’t wear veil and scarf in public area

For male, they always wear casual dress

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Impact on Tourism Industry

Travel seasons

Egypt is a Muslims country, there has some unique festivals such as Ramadan.

Egypt is a place which is the nearest Muslim country with Europe so it will be the first choice of European who want to experience oriental culture.

The peak seasons and the low seasons of the tourism industry highly depend on the pattern of European’s holidays

Ex) Christmas (MID October – May)

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In 2000, there were 5,506,179 foreign visitor arrivals, with more than 3,800,000 from European countries.(~70% of tourists are from Europe)

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Impact on Tourism Industry

People are slow  during day time  but very active after they take a break

But on the other hand Ramadan is a lovely month in Egypt, as it a month-long festival.

At night all coffee shops  are open and  full of people who will stay up till the early morning hours. It is the time when Cairo (and the rest of Egypt) never sleeps, the time when all people go out to have fun

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Impact on Tourism Industry

Some Egypt travelers may avoid travelling to Egypt during Ramadan

Alcohol is not allowed, especially during the daytime

Or restaurants are closed during Ramadan

All tourist sites would usually close entry at least two hours earlier than usual

A shorter time for visiting

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Impact on Tourism Industry

Travel pattern Due to plentiful heritage, most

tourists go to Egypt will visit most important Pharaonic site Ex)The Pyramid and the Egyptian Antiquity museum

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Impact on Tourism Industry

Pilgrimage (Hajj)

For the local people, unless they are illness or poverty ,they will also want to go to Mecca at least once a lifetime.

It forms a great demand for overseas travel of local people.

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Travel by cruise is also a good alternative to tourists.

The cruise travel along the River Nile.

Most of the famous cities are located along the River Nile.

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• Location - Near the sightseeing place

-Many tourists come to Egypt for their history, not their local

culture. Thus they want to provide a history views for them

-Make tourists immerse in their heritage

- In big cities

-Some tourists want to live in a daily environment. Thus they

prefer a city more than a heritage site

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Thank You

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Roy, James, (2007) Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece and the near East, Oxford : Oxbow Books.

Shaw Ian, (2003) Exploring Ancient Egypt, New York, NY : Oxford University Press Laytner, Ron (2007). "The Mummy Makers". Edit International. Retrieved 2007-09-16. Re-trieved 2008-02-08.,Nejla M. Abu Izzed-din, Nasser of the Arabs, published circa 1973