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Harnessing innovation within the food industry

© 2012 Food Innovation Solutions

Page 2: PowerPoint presentation template development for Food Innovation Solutions

LEAN Innovation

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

10  ways  LEAN  innova0on  can  help    your  organisa0on  to  win  in  a  recession  

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10 steps to achieving a LEAN Innovative organisation

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

1  LEAN  Roadmap  2  LEAN  Innova0on  Audit  3  Organisa0onal  Design  4  LEAN  Burning  PlaEorm  5  LEAN  Virtuous  Circle  6  How  to  Guides  7  People  Power  8  LEAN  PorEolio  Management  9  LEAN  KPI’s  10  LEAN  Philosophy    

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#1. LEAN Innovation roadmap

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

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#2. LEAN Innovation audit

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

What  does  this  achieve…?   •  Baseline  •  360  •  Awareness  •  Compe00on  

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#3. Organisational design

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

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#4. Burning platform

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

What  is  the  cost  of  not  innova0ng?   •  Hoover  •  Cirque  du  Soleil  •  Wii  •  Innocent  Drinks  

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#5. LEAN virtuous circle

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

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#6. How to guides

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

What  is  the  right  process?  •  Silver  bullet  •  Impact  +  -­‐  •  Trained  &  sponsored  •  Flexible  •  X  func0onal  •  Evolving  

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#7. People Power

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

•  Biggest  asset  or  barrier  •  Biggest  enabler  •  Training  •  Advocates  •  Aarac0ng  talent  •  Empowered  •  Accountable  

What  is  the  quickest  way  to  improve  the  ROI?  

Improve  the  capability  of  the  exis0ng  resource  

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#8. LEAN Portfolio management

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

A.  Strategic  buckets   B.  Selec0on  &  priori0sa0on  

You  have  got  to  know  when  to  hold  em,  know  when  to  fold  em,  know  when  to  walk  away…  Kenny  Rogers  the  Gambler  

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#9. LEAN KPI’s - Principles

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

•  Make  or  break  •  Think  carefully  •  Broad:  commercial,  brand  

and  innova0on  •  NVP  (net  present  value)  •  PorEolio  value  •  Zero  gap  execu0on  %  •  Market  share  

•  Brand  trust  •  Quality  tracking  studies  •  Total  cost  of  Innova0on  reduc0on  

%  •  Total  increase  of  revenue  from  

innova0on  %  •  Employee  sa0sfac0on  metrics  •  Customer  scorecards  

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#10. LEAN Philosophy

Harnessing innovation within the food industry

Challenge  –  Learn  -­‐  Persist  

Are  we  doing  the  right  project?  Are  we  doing  the  project  right?  

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Harnessing innovation within the food industry

Thanks for listening Mike  Faers  +44(0)7738  224  586