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© Wipfli LLP

Individual Estate and Financial Planning After Tax Reform

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Ryan Laughlin, CPA, MST, JD


Wipfli LLP

Mark Albers, CPA, MST, CFP®


Wipfli Financial Advisors, LLC

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Major Areas

• Individual changes

• Estate, gift and GST changes

• Business changes

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Individual Changes*

*Subject to sunset after 2025

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Individual – Selected Major Changes

• Summary of major changes

• Filing status, rate comparisons and AMT

• Education incentives and credits

• Retirement savings modifications

• Kiddie tax changes

• Affordable Care Act

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Not Included in Law Change

• Changes to the exclusion of gain on the sale of a principal residence

• Elimination of the specific identification method in favor a FIFO basis

accounting for marketable securities

• Reduction of the capital gain rates or changes to the taxation of

interest income

• Elimination of the “step-up” in basis

• The “five-year rule” for inherited IRAs

Require balances in most inherited IRAs and 401(k) plans to be

distributed within five years of a saver's death

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Individual Deductions

Deduction 2018

Alimony paid • Eliminates the deduction for agreements entered

into or modified after 12/31/18.

Moving expenses • Eliminated

Personal exemptions • Eliminated (see next slide)

Standard deductions • Roughly doubled (see next slide)

• Approximately 85% of all taxpayers will no longer

itemize! Consider state and local tax limitation


PEASE limitation • Eliminated, but fewer deductions to limit!

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Individual Provisions

Standard Deduction

Year Single MFJ MFS HOH

2017 $6,350 $12,700 $6,350 $9,350

2018 $12,000 $24,000 $12,000 $18,000


Year Personal Exemptions

2017 $4,050

2018 $0

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Individual Deductions

Deduction 2018

Medical expenses • 7.5% AGI limitation for 2017 and 2018; 10% 2019

State and Local Taxes (SALT) • Schedule A deduction limited to $10,000

• Specifically disallowed prepayment of 2018 taxes

paid in 2017

Mortgage interest deduction • Existing mortgages grandfathered; generally

deductible on new loans up to $750k; Limited to

two qualified residences

• Acquisition indebtedness incurred before

12/15/17 grandfathered under prior $1 million

• No deduction for (most) home equity debt

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Individual – Home Equity Indebtedness

• Acquisition indebtedness: Incurred in acquiring,

constructing or substantially improving a qualified

residence and securing the residence

• Home-equity indebtedness: Other than acquisition

indebtedness secured by qualified residence

• Planning: Review outstanding balances – decision to pay off, what

are current interest rates, etc.; may still be receiving WI itemized

deduction tax credit

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Individual Deductions

Deduction 2018

Charitable contributions • Increased cash contribution limits to 60% of

AGI. Will we see more direct IRA dollars to


Personal casualty losses • Repealed except for federally declared

disaster areas

Miscellaneous itemized deductions • Eliminated; includes tax prep fees, investment

advisory, and legal fees

Unreimbursed employee business expenses • Eliminated

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Individual Deductions – Example

2017 2018

State income tax $8,000

Property taxes $4,000

Total taxes $12,000

Mortgage interest $7,000

Charity $3,500

Misc. deductions* $1,000

Total $23,500

Standard deduction $12,700

State income tax $8,000

Property taxes $4,000

Total taxes (max) $10,000

Mortgage interest $7,000

Charity $3,500

Misc. deductions** N/A

Total $20,500

Standard deduction $24,000

*After 2% floor. **Disallowed.

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Individual – QCD and IRAs

• Increased QCDs due to standard deduction and limits of

itemized deductions

• Requirements: 70 ½, $100,000 limit, substantiation

• Qualifying charities do not include:

• Private foundations

• Supporting organizations

• Donor-advised funds

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Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

• Nothing new, but will become more popular

• What is it?

• Charitable giving account where individuals can donate cash, securities

and other assets to their causes without the high costs and logistical

complexities associated with traditional private foundations

• Deduction on front end, at time of transfer

• Funds donated over time to charities

• Why it works:

• DAFs aggregate multiple donors and processes high number of

charitable transactions, lowering cost barriers.

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• Community foundations

• Public foundations

• Institutional foundations

• IRA QCD rules don’t apply to DAFs

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

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Filing Status Comparisons

Rate Single Married Head of Household

10% >$0 >$0 >$0

12% >$9,525 >$19,050 >$13,600

22% >$38,700 >$77,400 >$51,800

24% >$82,500 >$165,000 >$82,500

32% >$157,500 >$315,000 >$157,500

35% >$200,000 >$400,000 >$200,000

37% >$500,000 >$600,000 >$500,000

Return of marriage penalty…

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Individuals–Capital Gain Rates

Rate Single MFJ MFS HOH T&E

0% $38,600 $77,200 $38,600 $51,700 $ 2,600

15% $425,800 $479,000 $239,500 $452,400 $ 12,700

20% > $425,800 > $479,000 > $239,500 > $452,400 > $12,700

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Alternative Minimum Tax

Filing Status 2017 2018


Single/HOH $54,300 $70,300

MFJ $84,500 $109,400

Phase-out begins

Single/HOH $120,700 $156,300

MFJ $160,900 $208,400

Full phase-out

Single/HOH $337,900 $500,000

MFJ $498,900 $1,000,000

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Individual Family Credits

Year Per Child Tax


Non-Child Dependents Phase-Out Begins


2017 $1,000 ($1,000) $0 $110,000

2018 $2,000 ($1,400) $500 (nonrefundable) $400,000

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Education Incentives

• Allows Section 529 accounts to be used for up to $10,000 of

elementary and secondary school tuition

• Excludes from income student loan discharges for death or

disability until the end of 2025

• Allows rollovers from Section 529 plans into ABLE accounts

and increases contribution limit for ABLE accounts until end

of 2025

• Exclusion for home schoolers was removed from final bill

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Wisconsin 529s - Contributions

• Wisconsin income tax deduction of up to $3,200 per beneficiary for

contributions from WI residents (indexed for inflation; carries forward)

• Can elect to spread a gift over 5 years

• Qualified rollovers from other state plans can receive tax deduction

for amount of the prior contributions

• Employer Contribution Credit: may be able to receive credit of

25% of contributions to employee accounts, up to $800 per employee

(adjusted for inflation)

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Wisconsin 529s - Planning

• No income tax consequences for transfers between family

• Must transfer to appropriate beneficiary before withdrawals

• Still have gift implications if changing generations

• Income tax deductions are recaptured for outgoing rollovers and

non-qualified withdrawals

• No deduction on amounts withdrawn within 365 days

• FAFSA implications

• Parent/child-owned: 5.64% asset

• Grandparent-owned: withdrawal is income at 50%

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Retirement Savings

• Repeals a special rule that allows an individual to recharacterize a

contribution to a traditional IRA as a contribution to a Roth IRA and vice

versa, with some exceptions

• Recharacterization cannot be used to unwind a Roth conversion made

on or after January 1, 2018, but it may be used with respect to other

contributions (e.g., unexpected-income situations)

• A Roth IRA conversion made in 2017 may be recharacterized if done by

October 15, 2018

• Extends period of time during which a plan participant may roll over a plan

loan in the event an employee separates from service or the plan terminates

while a loan is outstanding. The time period would be extended from 60

days to the due date of the employee’s tax return.

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Roth Conversions – Market Timing

Dow Jones Industrial Average:

12/29/17: 24,719.22 • 2/9/18: 23,360.29 • 5.5% decline

2017 conversion could have been recharacterized.

Source:, February 2018.

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Roth Conversions – Market Timing

01/26/18: 26,616.71 • 02/09/18: 23,360.29 • 12.2% decline

2018 conversion cannot be recharacterized.

Dow Jones Industrial Average:

Source:, February 2018.

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Kiddie Tax Changes

• Apply estate and trust brackets (below) to net unearned income of

child; child’s brackets apply to earned income

• Tax calculations no longer tied to parents’ return

Estates and Trusts

< $2,550 10% of the taxable income

> $2,550 but < $9,150 $255 plus 24% of the excess over $2,550

> $9,150 but < $12,500 $1,839 plus 35% of the excess over $9,150

> $12,500 $3,011.50 plus 37% of the excess over $12,500

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Affordable Care Act


• Penalty to maintain health insurance coverage (individual

mandate) is repealed for 2019 and forward

• However, still in effect for 2017 and 2018

• 2017 penalty:

• Higher of 2.5% of yearly household income, or

• $695 per person ($347.50 per child under 18)

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Estate, Gift, and GST*

*Subject to sunset after 2025

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Transfer Tax Updates


• Doubles basic exclusion amount from $5 million to $10 million

(adjusted for inflation occurring after 2011)… about $11.18 million

• Per person, so $22.36 million per couple!

• Effective January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2025

• Exemptions would revert back to $5 million (indexed for inflation)

after December 31, 2025

• No repeal of estate tax or “death” tax

• Maximum tax rate does not change: 40%

• Portability is retained

• Basis adjustment (step up/down) of § 1014 is retained

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Basic Exclusion Amounts

Exclusions 2017 2018

Basic exclusion amount$5,490,000


Annual exclusion amount for gifting $14,000 $15,000

Annual exclusion to

non-citizen spouses$149,000 $152,000

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Tax Brackets for Estates and Trusts

Taxable Income 2017 2018

$0 – $2,550 15% 10%

$2,550 – $6,000 25% 24%

$6,000 – $9,150 28% 24%

$9,150 – $12,500 33% 35%

> $12,500 39.6% 37%

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• Do not have standard deduction (with a minimal exemption)

• Tax-rate changes are minimal


• Code Sec. 67 imposes a 2% floor on all miscellaneous itemized deductions

• Code Sec. 67(e) exception to the 2% floor when computing the AGI of a

trust or estate, if the deduction is for costs which would not have been

incurred if the property were not held in a trust or estate, “fiduciary specific


Deductions – Impact to Trusts and Estates

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• NEW IRC 67(g) simply states that “no miscellaneous itemized

deductions shall be allowed” for tax years 2018–2025

• Does IRC 67(e)’s exclusion of fiduciary-specific expenses mean

those expenses are NOT miscellaneous itemized and they would

get a deduction

• If IRC 67(e)’s exclusion of fiduciary-specific expenses is to the

application of the 2% floor and not the exclusion from the definition

of miscellaneous itemized deductions, they would not receive a


Deductions – Impact to Trusts and Estates

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• Other deductions may or may not:

• Tax Preparation Fees for 1041

• Legal fees: administration of trust/estate

• SALT over $10,000 related to federally-taxable investment

• Administrative fees: appraisals, accounting, etc.

More Guidance …

Deductions – Impact to Trusts and Estates

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Tax Planning for Estates and Trusts

• Deduction for state income taxes limited (e.g., individual

taxpayers); trustees should focus on state tax reduction

• 65-day rule for estates and complex trusts

• 1041-T allocations and filing

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Business Changes

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Business Taxes– Select Major Changes

• C-corporation rate reduction

• New 199A 20% deduction for non-corporate taxpayers

• Dividends received deduction

• Depreciation cost recovery (bonus/section 179)

• Accounting method changes

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Corporate Rate Reduction

C-Corporation Tax Rates:

Taxable Income 2017 2018

$0 – $50,000 15% 21%

$50,001 – $75,000 25% 21%

$75,001 – $10,000,000 34% 21%

> $10,000,000 35% 21%

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Corporate Tax Rate – Additional Considerations

• Tax rate applies for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017

• No change to IRC Section 15. Fiscal-year corporate taxpayers will

use a blended rate. Calculate tax for full year based on old and

new rates and pro-rate tax based on number of days before and

after rate change date

• June 30 year-end: July 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 taxed at 35%

(assumed rate) and January 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018 taxed at 21%.

Blended rate of 28.06%

• Personal Service Corporations are also at 21% (previously taxed

at 35%)


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New 199A Deduction – High Level Overview

• Available for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before

January 1, 2026

• Can be claimed by individuals, trusts and estates

• Generally applies to business income from S-corporations, single member

LLCs, any entities taxed as partnerships and sole proprietorships

• Intended to equalize the results of operating a business in a C-

corporation taxed at a flat corporate rate of 21% versus a pass-thru entity

taxed at a top individual rate of 37%

• If the full 20% deduction applies, the top rate on flow-thru income will

instead be 29.6% (37% x 80%)


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New 199A Deduction – High Level Overview

• Deduction is generally equal to 20% of the following:

Qualified business income (QBI)

Qualified publicly-traded partnership (PTP) income

Qualified REIT dividends

• The total deduction calculated above is then limited to 20% of the

taxpayer’s total taxable income — after reduction for any net capital gain

income which is already taxed at favorable rates under Sec. 1(h):

• Capital gain income — including “regular” capital gains taxed at 20%,

unrecaptured Sec. 1250 gain taxed at 25% and collectibles gain taxed at 28%

• Qualified dividend income — taxed at 20%


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New 199A Deduction – High Level Overview

• Depending upon the taxpayer’s taxable income level, the

deduction for 20% of QBI may also be limited by:

• “W-2 limitation” and

• “Specified Service Business” limitation


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New 199A Deduction: Qualified Business Income (QBI)

QBI Defined:

• QBI generally includes all net income from a business other

than investment income

• Does not include dividends, investment interest income, capital

gains and losses, commodities gains, and foreign currency gains

• QBI includes only income that is effectively connected with the

conduct of a U.S. trade or business


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New 199A Deduction – QBI Defined

• QBI does not include any amount paid to the taxpayer:

• Treated as reasonable compensation (as determined under current law)

• By a partnership that is a guaranteed payment (for services under

section 707(c) or a section 707(a))

• “Specified Service Business” income is generally not QBI

• Exception provided for taxpayers under taxable income thresholds —

$315,000 MFJ, $157,500 for all other taxpayers

• Deduction relating to service business income completely phased out

for taxpayers with taxable incomes — $415,000 MFJ, $207,500 for all

other taxpayers


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New 199A Deduction – Specified Service Business

A “specified service business” includes any trade or business

involving performance of services by owners or employees in:


Any trade or business for which the principal asset is

the skill or reputation of its employees or owners

Health Law Accounting

Actuarial Science Performing Arts Consulting

Athletics Financial Services Brokerage Services

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199A Deduction – Specified Service Business Limitation

• The final version of the TCJA excluded from the list of

“Specified Service Business” above:

• Architects

• Engineers

• Architects and engineers were specifically called out as

eligible under the former Sec. 199, the Domestic Production

Activities Deduction (“DPAD”), which this new Sec. 199A


These professions help “build” things….


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New 199A Deduction















income > 315k


QBI * 20%


income > 315k



income > 415k



income > 415k


No deductionApply W-2


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New 199A Deduction – Wage Limitation

Wage Limitation

• Wage Limitation (also referred to as W-2 limits):

Greater of:

• 50% of W-2 wages paid by the trade or business


• Sum of 25% of W-2 wages paid by the trade or business plus a

“capital component” equal to 2.5% of the unadjusted basis of all

tangible property subject to depreciation


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New 199A Deduction – Wage Limitation

Wage Limitation (continued)

• W-2 limitation is not applicable to low taxpayers

• Not applicable for taxpayers with taxable income less $315,000

(MFJ), $157,500 (others)

• Partially applicable to taxpayers with income between $315,000

and $415,000 (MFJ), $157,500 and $207,500 (others)


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New 199A Deduction – Basic Formula

Basic Formula

Deductible amount for each qualified trade or business is:

• Lesser of:

• 20% of taxpayer's QBI with respect to the trade or business, or

• Wage limitation

• Net QBI from all trades or businesses is further limited by 20% of taxpayer’s taxable income

Determined pre-199A deduction and without capital gains

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New 199A – Simple Example

Simple Example


Married couple filing jointly

Wage income $200,000

S-corporation income (all QBI) $700,000

Share of S-corporation wages =$800,000

Standard deduction ($24,000)

Taxable income (pre-199A deduction) $876,000

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New 199A – Simple Example

Example (continued)

199A Deduction Calculation:

Lesser of:

1) QBI $700,000

x Deduction rate 20%___


OR Lesser = $140,000

2) Share of business wages $800,000 (Then limited to 20%

x 50%___ of taxable income)


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New 199A – Simple Example

Simple Example

Wage income $200,000

S corporation income–all QBI $700,000

Share of S corporation wages = $800,000

Standard deduction ($24,000)

Taxable income (pre-199A) $876,000

IRC 199A deduction ($140,000)

Taxable income (post-199A) $736,000

IRC 199A deduction $140,000

Top marginal tax rate x 37%

Tax savings $51,800

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New 199A Deduction – Open Questions/Planning

• Unclear how a “trade or business” is defined and whether

grouping rules will be included in the definition

• How will ordinary income from asset dispositions be treated?

• Clarification on definition of “specified service business”

• Setting “reasonable” compensation and partnership

guaranteed payments

• Several other unanswered questions and possibly

unintended consequences to be sorted out (DPAD IRC 199

regulations were 199 pages!)

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New 199A Deduction - Planning

• Mitigate issues created by $315,000 / $415,000 limits

• Retirement plan contributions (IRA, SEP, 401(k), others)

• Depreciation write-offs

• Non-grantor trusts — beware of IRC 643(f)

• Gifts to children or others — beware of new Kiddie Tax


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New 199A Deduction – Miscellaneous

• Deduction does not reduce adjusted gross income

• Can be taken by taxpayers, regardless whether they itemize or

take the standard deduction

• The deduction is not added back in computing individual AMT

• If the combined QBI of the taxpayer for any taxable year is less

than zero, that amount is treated as a loss from a qualified trade

or business in the succeeding taxable year

• The deduction sunsets after December 31, 2025


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Corporate Dividends Received Deduction

• The general 70% limitation is reduced to 50%

• The 80% limitation for “20% owned corporations” is reduced

to 65%

• The FSC dividend deduction is similarly reduced

• Effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017

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Rate Comparison

Regular Pass-

ThroughService Pass-Through

C Corp With Dividends

— New

C Corp With Dividends

— Old


$(20) 199A



x .21

$ 21


x .35






x .37


$79 dividend

x .238


$65 dividend

x .238


29.6% 37.0% 39.802% 50.47%

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Depreciation and Expensing

• The TCJA increases the 50% bonus depreciation under current law

to 100% through 2022 (through 2023 for longer production period

property and certain aircraft)

• First-year additional bonus depreciation is also extended through

2026 (2027 for longer production period property and certain

aircraft) with a phase-down beginning in 2023

• The TCJA removes the requirement that the original use of

qualified property must commence with the taxpayer

• As a result, the TCJA allows the additional first-year depreciation

deduction for new and used property

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Period Applicable Percentage

9/27/2017 – 2022 100%

2023 80%

2024 60%

2025 40%

2026 20%

Bonus Depreciation

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179 Expensing

• The TCJA increases the Section 179 expensing limit to $1 million

• Both expensing limitation and phase amounts will be indexed for inflation for

tax years beginning after 2018

• $25,000 Section 179 expensing for SUVs indexed for inflation after 2018

• Expands the definition of qualified-improvement property to include

improvements to nonresidential real property placed in service after the date

the property was first placed in service:

• Roofs

• Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

• Fire protection and alarm systems and security systems

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Section 179 Expensing

YearSection 179

Expense LimitationPhase-out Starts At

2017 $510,000 $2,030,000

2018 $1,000,000 $2,500,000

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Accounting Method Changes

• Cash vs. Accrual

• Inventory

• Revoke Unicap

• Change from Percentage of Completion method to Exempt-

contact method

• All permitted automatic changes!!!

Page 64: PowerPoint Presentation · PowerPoint Presentation Author: McEachin, Jenn Created Date: 10/18/2018 10:32:36 AM

Important Wipfli LLP Disclosure

The information in this material is provided solely for general illustration and guidance and does not create a business or professional

services relationship. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing

nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there may be delays, omissions or

inaccuracies in information contained in this material. Accordingly, the information on this site is provided with the understanding that

the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. As

such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal or other competent advisers.

Before making any decision or taking any action, you should obtain appropriate professional guidance.

While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this material has been obtained from reliable sources,

Wipfli is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this

material is provided "as is," with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this

information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance,

merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Wipfli LLP, its related partnerships or corporations, or the

partners, agents or employees thereof be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the

information in this material or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

Page 65: PowerPoint Presentation · PowerPoint Presentation Author: McEachin, Jenn Created Date: 10/18/2018 10:32:36 AM

Important Wipfli Financial Disclosure

Wipfli Financial Advisors, LLC (“Wipfli Financial”) is an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC) under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Wipfli Financial is a proud affiliate of Wipfli LLP, a national accounting

and consulting firm. Information pertaining to Wipfli Financial’s management, operations, services and fees is set forth in W ipfli

Financial’s current Form ADV Part 2A brochure, copies of which are available upon request at no cost or at

Wipfli Financial does not provide tax, accounting or legal services.

Page 66: PowerPoint Presentation · PowerPoint Presentation Author: McEachin, Jenn Created Date: 10/18/2018 10:32:36 AM

Individual Estate and Financial Planning

After Tax Reform
