Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be
Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be
Page 3: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be
Page 4: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be


The Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe is the European HPC Research

Infrastructure PRACE enables world-class science through large scale simulationsPRACE provides HPC services on leading edge capability systems on a diverse set of architecturesPRACE operates six Tier-0 systems as a single entity including user and application supportPRACE offers its resources through a single pan-European peer review processPRACE is providing services since August 2010The first Tier-0 system available (Jugene) was at that time the fastest Supercomputer in Europe, now replaced by JUQUEEN

Page 5: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

PRACE open calls

Tier-0 call for PRACE regular access – open every 6 months

get CPU time on one of the six PRACE Tier-0 systems

Those calls are complemented by rolling Preparatory access calls, open all year round. No closing dates, but technical evaluations every 3 months at defined cut-off dates.

- type A(Code scalability tests); maximum allocation period is two months

- type B(Code development and optimisation); maximum allocation period is 6 months

- type C(Code development and optimisation with the support of PRACE experts); maximum allocation period is 6 months including up to 6 months expert help scaling your code for Tier-0 systems

DECI (Tier-1) call for applications – open every 6 months

get both CPU time and expert help for up to 6 months on one of the many Tier-1 systems across PRACE partner countries.


Page 6: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

PRACE 8th call: Tier-0 access March 2014 – March 2015PRACE 8th call for applications will open in September 2013. More information and

application form can be found at:

– Local experts can help with the application form:

– PDC• Michaela Barth [email protected]

– NSC• Chandan Basu [email protected]• Soon-Heum "Jeff" Ko [email protected]

– HPC2N• Mikael Rännar [email protected]• Jerry Eriksson [email protected]


PRACE upcoming calls:

Page 7: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

Tier-0 Preparatory access (PA) call is constant open, last cut-off date: 3rd of June! Next one again in 3 months.

It features additional 150PMs of expert help to scale code for Tier-0. These efforts are leftovers reactivated from the first implementation phase of PRACE (1IP). They have to be spent until Dec. 2013.

Extra-special for those interested to test a MIC architecture:

The 2IP Prototype system EURORA at CINECA (Intel Sandy Bridge, 16 GB DDR3, 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be one of the PA systems available.

PRACE Summer School on 8-12th of July in Bologna on Xeon Phi.

Those interested should also check out the PRACE Intel Xeon Phi BestPractice Guide currently being improved.


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Tier-0 application procedure

Guide for Tier-0 application procedure:

Proposals have to be submitted before the call deadline to be included in the peer review process. After submission, proposals can still be unsubmitted, edited and submitted again.

PRACE Peer review: includes both technical and scientific assessment.

If the reviewers have queries and/or raise issues regarding a proposal, the reviewer’s report will be sent to the applicants for an opportunity to respond, correcting any factual inaccuracies or providing any necessary further information in response to issues that the reviewers may have raised.

Post Award obligations include a final report and acknowledgement of PRACE support.


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Peer review process



PRACE office









YesScientific Applican

tRight to Reply


by Panel






Call for

Assessment Assessment





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Tier-0 Technical Evaluation (TE)The need to use a PRACE resource.

Software availability on the requested resource. The codes necessary for the project must be available on the system requested and/or, in case of codes developed by the applicants sufficiently tested for efficiency, high scalability, and suitability.

Feasibility of the requested resource. The requested system must be suitable for the proposed project. The technical assessment may redirect projects to a more appropriate system.

•High scalability of the computer code (at least 8k compute cores for JUQUEEN; at least 512 cores for the fat nodes partition and above 2 048 cores for the thin nodes partition for CURIE, 2 048 cores for HERMIT; at least 4 096 cores for SuperMUC, at least 2 048 cores for FERMI, and 2 048 cores for MareNostrum) must be demonstrated.


Page 11: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

Tier-0 Scientific Evaluation (SE)Scientific excellence. The proposed research must demonstrate scientific excellence and a potential for high European and international impact.

Novelty and transformative qualities. Proposals should be novel, develop an important scientific topic of major relevance to European research, describe possible transformative aspects, and expected advances.

Relevance to the call. Proposal needs to address how the proposed project is addressing the scope of the call if a specific scope is stated in the call.

Methodology. The methodology used should be described and appropriate to achieve the goals of the project;

Dissemination. The planned channels and resources for dissemination and knowledge exchange should be described. The applicant and the collaborators must include a list of recent publications relevant to the proposed project.

Management. There must be a solid management structure which will ensure that the project will be successfully completed.


Page 12: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

Tier-0: After TE and SEAfter technical and scientific assessments proposals are forwarded to the PRACE Access Committee that makes a recommendation for resource allocation to the PRACE Board of Directors.

The Access Committee prepares the ranked list in a face-to-face meeting organized in two phases.

In the first phase, subpanels for different areas of science are created for every call and rank the applications within their respective areas.

In the second phase, the different prioritized lists are merged in a single list with the participation of all members of the Access Committee, and inviting the experts of the subpanels of the different areas.

Allocation of resources is not decreased from the requested number of CPU hours and thus applications are being granted until the resources are finished.


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Preparatory Access A,B,CProposals for Preparatory Access only undergo technical assessment. This assessment is forwarded to the Board of Directors that makes the decision of allocations.

Applicants will be promptly informed about the outcome of their application.

The allocated resources are based on the recommendations of the technical reviewers, available resources and the Board of Directors prioritization, and may differ from those requested.

If expert support has been requested, applicants will be contacted by the assigned expert.


Page 14: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

DECI – Tier 1 access all over Europe

The amount of allocations received in DECI compares to what is already available on the national level. → can be considered as an additional resource.

DECI offers a variety of different architectures across Europe.

The amount of CPU time available per DECI call is about 5% (12m CPU hours) of Lindgren@PDC which is the Swedish PRACE resource. Over subscription is typically a factor 4.

DECI gives you the possibility to apply for up to 6 months PRACE expert enabling help on your applications’ scalability.

Post award obligations include a final report (going into PRACE Digest and acknowledgement of PRACE support.

Next DECI call: DECI 11 open since May 6th and close June 10th.

Computing access (for one year) from November 1st 2013.


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Seasonal prediction improvement with the Earth System Model EC-Earth

DECI 7 project SPIESM assessing the benefits of increased horizontal resolution of the EC-Earth dynamical climate forecast system on the forecast quality of its climate predictions. Prior results hint that increase in ocean resolution not only reduces the systematic error, but also increases the forecast quality of the climate predictions.

Fig by F.J. Doblas-Reyes: Mixed layer depth representation, ORCA025 configuration

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Available user documentation

• PRACE Best Practice Guide:

• PRACE User Documentation:

• Training Portal many hours of video training material available!

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X.509 CertificateYou need a valid certificate that you can use within PRACE:

Currently the easiest way to get such a certificate is to go to

and request a Terena e-Science certificate.If your university is connected and your personal identification flag in the

universities database is set, you'll get one immediately.Otherwise: any standard X.509 certificate of a CA in the IGTF will do.

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Ticket Trouble Shooting

• Primary user interface via web-interface:

Secondary interface via email: [email protected]• Users should submit their queries to the PRACE TTS

directly (rather than send to a given person).

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PRACE Common Production Environment:

$ module load prace

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CPU accounting information: DART

• DART• DART documentation still on DEISA site:

• (Not all centers automized yet: data added by hand once a month.)

Page 21: PowerPoint Presentation · 1600 MHz) was upgraded with Intel Xeon Phi cards, so that 64 of its nodes have Xeon Phi cards inside (the other 64 have already Kepler GPU cards) will be

PATCs and Seasonal Schools- There are six PRACE Advanced Training Centeres offering PATC

courses Seasonal Schools rotating through all the member states:

● PRACE Spring School in April in Umeå on accelerator programming● PRACE Summer School 8-12th of July in Bologna dedicated to Intel Xeon Phi architectures● PRACE Autumn School 23-27 September in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on Industry Oriented HPC Simulations● PRACE Winter School in Tel Aviv- Industrial Training: virtual iPATC organising industrial seminars

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Summer of HPC

PRACE summer placement programme, which offers students the opportunity to spend two months working abroad at top HPC centres across Europe.

July-August 2013: application & student selection process has now been completed: 24 students will join us this summer on 21 projects.

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Future of PRACE: PRACE 2.0

Currently PRACE 2IP (applying for one year extension) and 3IP (until August 2014)

PRACE 2.0 will start in 2015
