
England told colonists not to settle west of

Appalachian Mountains. Colonists felt England

taking away their rights. Colonists angered.

Tax England charged colonists to help pay for debt England

had from French & Indian War. Colonists angered

because they weren’t allowed to vote on it in Parliament. No

Taxation without Representation

Tax from England on colonists. Colonists had to pay tax on paper goods. Impacted

everyone. Colonists angry because they can’t vote on

tax. Led to boycotts of English paper goods. Hurt English


England forced colonists to house & pay for British soldiers. Was a way for

England to save money & spy on colonists. Angered


England closed Boston Harbor & all of Boston.

Legislative assemblies shut down in Massachusetts.

Other colonies feared England could do the same

to them.

Men disguised as Native Americans dumped

shiploads of tea overboard into Boston Harbor. Civil

Disobedience. England was furious.

Tea most popular drink in colonies. British put a tax on tea. Colonists had no

vote. Colonists boycotted tea.

Group in Boston taunted British soldiers. Soldiers fired

on civilians. Several protesters killed. Used by Paul Revere &

others to make colonists angry at British tyranny.

Written by Thomas Jefferson. 1776. Declared

America free & independent of England. Listed grievances against King George. Founding


5 men who helped write the Declaration of

Independence. Jefferson is credited with most of it.

After 1 year of fighting, Congress decided to declare

Independence from England. Wrote Declaration of

Independence. Named George Washington Commander in Chief

of Army. Ran country during Revolution

Paul Revere & others warned that British were coming to

collect weapons in Lexington & Concord. Colonists hid weapons & fired on British troops as they

marched back to Boston. Beginning of American

Revolution. Shot Heard Round the World.

Defended the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre.

Member of Continental Congress. Argued that

America needed to declare independence. Helped write


Spanish nobleman who helped in American

Revolution. Transported supplies. Galveston

named for him.

Wife of John Adams. Exchanged letters with

him about what was happening as America

debated independence.

Slave in Virginia. Served as a spy for Continental


Winter camp for Washington’s troops. Lots of deaths due to disease & starvation. German

Von Stuben showed up & trained troops. Men who left VF were determined to beat


Spoke against the Stamp Act. Quote: “Give me

liberty or give me death!” Supported


African American patriot. Made Midnight Ride with Paul Revere to warn Lexington & Concord that British

were coming.

French Aristocrat (rich, part of French rulers). Became best

friend to George Washington. Volunteered to fight in

American Revolution. Helped get French to side with


Organized the protests to the Stamp Act & other taxes. Led the

Sons of Liberty in civil disobedience, like Tea


First battles of American Revolution. Known as

“Shot Heard Round the World.”

Author Declaration of Independence. Helped

convince French to support war. Helped

negotiate Treaty of Paris at end of war.

Woman. Wrote plays & propaganda to convince

colonists to support American Revolution.

King of England. Angered colonists by

sending troops & raising taxes. Determined to

keep colonies. Led England during war.

Battle. Turning point of American Revolution. French chose to help

America after this battle.

Helped write Declaration of Independence.

Convinced France to help America during

war. Negotiated Treaty of Paris at end of war.

Last battle of American Revolution. British Gen. Cornwallis surrendered here for England after he was surrounded by

American & French troops.

Jewish immigrant to America. Helped finance the war. Lent money to

Continental Congress for war.

Wrote pamphlet, Common Sense, to

convince colonists who were undecided that the war against England was

necessary. Very convincing.

African American. Killed in Boston Massacre. First

casualty of American Revolution.

Commander in Chief of American (Continental) Army. Led America to victory over British.

Patriots- Colonists who supported American Independence.

Loyalists- Americans who wanted to stay with Britain.

American Colonists vs. England


Lexington and Concord



Valley Forge

1. England began taxing the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War.

2. Colonists resisted and cried out “Taxation without Representation!”

3. England began punishing Colonists who resisted.

4. Colonists organized and declared independence.

1. Wrote the Declaration of Independence.

2. Fought the American Revolutionary War.

3. War ends with the Treaty of Paris 1783.

1. The U.S became an independent nation.

2. Inspired people around the world to resist and fight for independence. (Ex- French Revolution/Mexican Independence from Spain)

Year 1215; In England; Document that limited the King’s power.

First Representative Assembly in the American colonies. Members were elected.

Established the idea of self government and majority rule for the Pilgrims in Plymouth. (It carried over to other colonies)

First written constitution in the American colonies. It was written by Thomas Hooker.

An English document that listed individual rights. It served as a model for the U.S Bill of Rights.Document that declared America was “Free and Independent” from England.

Government is a socialcontract between the people. People have unalienable rights.

First written constitution of the U.S. Had too many weaknesses.Established the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Failed because of Shay’s Rebellion.Written by the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. Established the 7 Principles of government. Replaced the Articles of Confederation. Provided a Bill of Rights.

Written by the Federalists to convince Americans to ratify the U.S Constitution.

List of American individual rights. Anti Federalists argued and insisted that it be included in the Constitution.

DOI: Colonists upset because England stopped allowing us to keep our legislatures operating. We had no voice in our government.AOC: The legislatures choose representatives for Americans each year.Constitution:Now we ELECT our representatives every 2 years

DOI: Colonists were upset because King George (England) kept troops stationed in the colonies when there was no war going on.AOC: Law says we don't keep soldiers around citizens in times of peace.Constitution: Bill of Rights 3rd Amend. We don't quarter soldiers (force citizens to house them)

DOI: Colonists were upset that England was taxing them without giving them a voice in the government. No Taxation Without Representation.AOC: The Legislatures in the states would decide if they wanted to tax citizens.Constitution: The U.S. Congress (elected by the people) will decide which taxes to collect.

Small States wanted EQUAL


Large States wanted representation based

on population.

Bi-cameral (TWO HOUSE) LegislatureHouse of Representatives- based on each States population.House of the Senate- Based on EQUAL representation. (2 Senators from each state)

To settle issue of how to count slaves-3 out of 5 slaves were counted as people to give South more Representatives. And same 3 out of 5 were counted as property to give North more to tax (and try to discourage slavery)

Loose Interpretation of ConstitutionStrong Federal Government

Alexander Hamilton

Strict Interpretation of ConstitutionFavored States Rights

Thomas Jefferson

All 13 States had to vote and approve the Constitution.

Intro to Constitution. Set the goals for our laws.

Specific laws. How our government is set up.

Changes made to the Constitution. Hard to do.

Separation of Powers-separate powers of government into 3 branches to keep any one from taking too much power.

Freedom of Religion-Part of 1st AmendmentRight to Bear Arms-2nd Amendment (toprotect the 1st)

2 Ways to become citizen: Born here or become naturalized citizen thru certain steps

Free speech, Free press, Right to vote, Hold government office

Obey laws, pay taxes, serve on juries, Behave responsibly, Defend the nation in military if


Anti-Federalist. Pushed for Bill of Rights-helped write. Wouldn’t sign Constitution unless BOR included.

Each branch is given certain powers to stop the other 2 branches. Purpose-keep any 1 branch from becoming too powerful. Example: Congress passes laws but President can veto laws he doesn’t think are good. Congress can

then override President’s veto if they can get 2/3 to agree.

Power is distributed between the Federal government & the State governments. Similar to a school-Principal has most power but teachers have

some powers.

Power is divided between 3 branches of government to keep any 1 from having all the power.

Legislative: Makes lawsExecutive: Enforces laws

Judicial: Interprets-Decides if laws are Constitutional (follow our Constitution)

Constitution limits the power of the government in order to protect citizens rights. Everyone must obey the law

We elect representatives to serve us in government. Do this by voting for the representative who then votes on our laws.

The power to run our government is in the hands of the people. We do this by voting. “We the People”

Rights of citizens listed in the Bill of Rights. Rights that cannot be taken away by the government without Due Process-they have to prove you broke the


Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly (to gather in groups) & petition (join with others to pressure the government to change it’s policy)

Right to Bear Arms-to defend your home during times of peace

No quartering of troops in private homes during times of peace

Rights when being investigated-No unlawful search or seizure-Government can’t just take your things without proof you did something wrong

Rights when being arrested-Right to Due Process-Can’t be charged twice for same crime, Can’t be forced to testify against yourself.

Eminent Domain-Government can take private land but they have to compensate the owner.

Rights while being tried for a crime-Right to a speedy, public trail-Government can’t just leave you in prison-& a jury to hear your case

Right while being tried for a crime-Right to a trial by jury in civil cases

Rights during punishment phase-There will be no excessive bail or cruel or unusual punishment

Right of the people-We have more rights than can be listed or thought of here. If no listed as a right of the government, assume it belongs to the


Rights of the states-If it is not listed as a power of the Federal government, it is assumed to be a power of the states.

Laws under Articles of Confederation to set up the Northwest Territory to become future states. Very successful. Helped settle Ohio River valley and

other areas for westward expansion

Laws the set up our Federal court system. Set up judges, terms, how they are elected, etc.

England & France were at war & attacking our ships & sailors. Jefferson stopped America from trading with Europe to keep peace. Forced us to start

manufacturing for ourselves.

Attempt to keep peace between slave & free states. Set up at 36x30 line. Territories North of line would be admitted as free states, South admitted as

slave. To keep balance in Congress.

Warning to Europe that they must not interfere in the America’s. We would take care of American continent. Act of war if they try to take over any Latin

American countries.

1st President-Set lots of precedents (tradition). In Farewell Address he warned US to avoid political parties (they’d divide the nation) & getting into foreign

alliances (they’d pull us into their wars.)

2nd President-Dealt with XYZ Affair-France demanded bribe from US .Implemented Alien & Sedition Acts-Illegal to write or speak out against

President’s party. Unconstitutional. Immigrants deported.

3rd President-Approved Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark Expedition, Embargo Act to keep peace with Europe but it failed & hurt US economy

Secretary of Treasury under Washington. Federalist. Argued for National Bank. Led 4 Point Pla to get US out of debt from Revolution.

4th President. Father of Constitution. Federalist. President during War of 1812

President. Oversaw Monroe Doctrine-Warned Europe to stay out of American Continent. Led during Era of Good Feelings. Acquired Florida from Spain.

Napoleon (France) sold LA to US for $15 million. Best land deal. France needed money to pay for European war. America needed access to Mississippi River & Port of New Orleans.

Doubled size of U.S. Jefferson criticized because Constitution doesn’t say President can buy land.

Court case that gave us Judicial Review-Set precedent that the Supreme Court has the final say on whether laws are Constitutional

War with England. England was impressing (kidnapping) our sailors. Andrew Jackson made famous when he defended New Orleans. Star Spangled Banner

written. US won. Led to Era of Good Feelings.

Supreme Court case that strengthened the power of the Federal government. States can’t tax (hold power over) the Federal government.

Supreme Court case that strengthened the power of the Federal government. Fed government sets up trade rules between states

See information under George Washington on left

Precedent set during Marbury vs. Madison Supreme Court case. Supreme Court has the power to interpret if a law is Constitutional. If they say no, the

law goes away.

Person who believes the Constitution allows government to pass laws that aren’t specifically listed in the Constitution. Claim the “necessary & proper”

clause allows government to do what has to be done to run country. Also called the “elastic clause”. Adams & Hamilton led this group.

Person who believes government may only pass laws that are specifically listed in the Constitution. Government is limited. Jefferson & Madison led

this group. Jefferson criticized for not following this is LA Purchase.

Democratic-Republican Party

Federalist Party

Alexander Hamilton

Loose Construction-Government can pass laws that help country, even if not specifically granted in

Constitution. Example: Can set up National Bank

Favored a strong National (Federal) government

Pro-British-Feared the French Revolution as an example of mobs (uneducated) in charge of government

Merchants & Manufacturers-Businesses

Believed only those who owned property or met certain qualifications should vote

Thomas Jefferson

Strict Construction-Government is limited to having only those powers specified to it in the Constitution.

Example: Can’t set up National Bank

Favored strong state governments-State’s Rights

Pro-French-Sympathetic to people in France trying to get rid of their monarch during French Revolution. Feared the elite of society ruling over the people.

Farmers & Skilled Craftsmen-working class people

Believed vote should be open to all adult, white males-no qualifications

Nickname for high tax on imported goods to pay for canals other stuff. Helped North, hurt South. South argued shouldn’t have to pay. Argued State’s Rights.

Caused Nullification Crisis.

Law that made it possible to move Cherokee off land in Georgia. Forced them west of Mississippi River. Jackson oversaw. Caused Trail of Tears.

Cherokee sued state so they would have to leave their land. Supreme Court refused to hear the case

Georgia ruled whites couldn’t live with Indians. Worcester sued saying it was unconstitutional. Supreme Court ruled only Fed government can make decisions about Indians. Meant GA couldn’t force Indians

off land. Jackson said he didn’t care and ordered the Cherokee removed.

Path taken by Indians as they were forced to move to Oklahoma. Thousands died of exposure, starvation & disease.

President during Trail of Tears, National Bank closing & Nullification Crisis. Seen as taking more power than previous presidents. Criticized for being a “king”.

Argued for State’s Rights & the Right of states to nullify (ignore) laws that hurt them.

Known as Great Orator (speaker). Argued against Nullification. Said states must obey Federal law. Worked to bring about compromises.

Came up with American System-Use taxes to pay for roads, etc. Called Great Compromiser because he came up with Missouri Compromise & Compromise of

1850-both to keep peace between North & South over issue of slavery.

Tribe that was forced to leave Georgia & relocate to Oklahoma. Path called Trail of Tears. Thousands died.

Idea that the common people, not the rich & educated had the right to vote & impact the government. Jackson appealed to the common man. They got him

elected president.

Term used during Jackson’s presidency. Refers to people in power giving favors & jobs to people who supported them. Jackson did this a lot. “To the victor, go

the spoils.”

Idea that people shouldn’t have to won property to vote. Common man could vote. Modern Democratic Party born. Common man started impacting


Caused by Tariff of Abominations-South refused to pay the tax (nullified). Jackson threatened to send troops to force South to pay. South threatened to


Jackson didn’t trust the National Bank. Refused to renew their charter. Put government money into state (Pet) banks. Caused National Bank to close & the

Panic of 1837

Idea that staes can ignore a Federal law because of State’s Rights

Idea that states can leave the Union to form new country if the Federal government abuses their rights.

Taxes on things coming into the country. Used by government to pay for roads, canals, RR’s. Helped North more than South.

Image showing Andrew Jackson’s inauguration day. Shows common people at

the White House celebrating. Very different from previous presidents,

like Washington

Land purchased by US under Jefferson. From

France. Doubled size of US. 1803. $15 million. France sold to pay for

European wars

Originally owned by Spain. Ceded to US.

Territory split with England for awhile.

Rich in resources. Area settlers wanted. Split area with England at

46th parallel

Originally part of Spain. Gained

independence and became a Republic.

Annexed in 1845. Led to Mexican War with


Causes: Annexation of TX, President Polk & Americans wanted Mexican territory,

Border disputeImpact: US gained

Mexican Cession, US paid Mexico $15

Last land gained in North America. Purchased from Mexico to finish

railroad. Paid $10 million

11th PresidentResponsible for Mexican Cession

Firm belief that Americans were destined by God to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.

Oregon Territory


Mexican Cession


Louisiana Purchase


Texas Annexation


Land Gained after

American Revolution

from England1783

Original 13




Land above Louisiana Purchase



Irish Potato Famine

Million or more died in Ireland


Jobs & to get away from civil war in China

They took low paying, dangerousejobs. Helped to build the RR’s.

Huge numbers of Chinese immigrants


Political-escape problems in Germany

Economic-find work not available in Germany

Education systemKindergartenPolka music

Art of curing meatSausage making

TelegraphSamuel Morse

Steam BoatRobert Fulton

Interchangeable Parts

Eli Whitney

Cotton GinEli Whitney

Inventor. Created Cotton Gin-led to increased demand for slaves. Created interchangeable parts-led to explosion in industrialization. Parts could now be

manufactured in factories.

Developed Factory System in America. Idea-Bring all parts of manufacturing process under 1 roof. Brought down cost of producing items which led to

more jobs & more people being able to afford manufactured goods.

Attached steam engine to boat. Created steam boat. Allowed goods & people to travel faster, cheaper & easier. Improved economy by bringing costs down

Built textile (cloth) mills & hired women to work. 1st time many women left home to work & earn money. Gave women new opportunities. Set up Lowell

Mills with dorms, factories & small towns for women

Came up with American System-use tax money to build roads, etc. Necessary to move goods as industrial revolution took off

Idea to build road that could be used year round. Use tax money to build. Improved US economy because people could use at all times of year. Allowed people & goods to move cheaper & faster. Pulled different regions of country


Idea from Henry Clay. Use tax money to build roads, canals, bridges, & RR’s. Would make it easier for buisnesses to move goods around country.

Built to connect rivers & lakes to make it easier & cheaper to ship goods & people. Improved economy. Made it faster, easier cheaper to transport goods

& people.

Idea to connect Atlantic & Pacific coasts with a railroad. Improved economy by making it cheaper, faster & easier to transport goods & people

Allowed communication over long distances. Created by Samuel Morse. Improved economy by allowing businesses to connect quickly. Aided North in winning war against South during

Civil War.

Country. Not in city. 90% of Americans worked on farms in rural communities before the industrial revolution

Movement of people from rural communities to city living. 90% of Americans now live in Urban areas

Economic system. Businesses operate with as little government interference as possible. People can keep most of their profit. Led to explosion in US

economyMove from skilled craftsmen making all items by hand to manufacturing

items in factories. Brought down cost of items, more people could buy things. Also increased demand for unskilled laborers so more people employed.

American economy boomed.

Moved all parts of manufacturing under 1 roof. Brought down cost of producing goods which allowed more people to be able to afford them. Also led to increased need for

unskilled workers which meant more jobs for immigrants. Led to explosion in immigration & economy

Bessemer Process: Way to make steel cheaper & stronger. Led to more RR’s being

built & helped westward expansion

Paintings & drawing of wildlife in America

John James Audubon

Hudson River School of Art

Leader of Transcendental Movement. Spent time in jail because he refused to pay taxes in protest of Mexican War. Wrote “Walden” about his experience living in

the wilderness.

Led fight for women’s rights & temperance. Voted several times & was arrested

Leader of women’s suffrage movement (right to vote). Led Seneca Falls Convention. Wrote Declaration of Sentiments-Document based on Declaration of

Independence that detailed complaints women had against men

Considered Father of Education. Believed all Americans deserve free, public education so that they can help run this Republic & get out of poverty.

Brought attention to conditions of physically & mentall handicapped people who were kept in prisons. Convinced states to build hospitals & schools to train drs.

Improved conditions in prisons.

Escaped slave who brought attention to conditions of slavery. Gave speeches, met with politicians, wrote newspaper & books. Told personal story

Renewal of religious faith in 1790’s-1800’s. Led to desire for spiritual reforms that encouraged many to begin looking for ways to fix society’s problems.

1st National Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, NY. Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Purpose: Draw attention to need for women to get

suffrage (the vote).

When people refuse to obey a law they feel is unfair or immoral. US has long history of Civil Disobedience to draw attention to problems. Tea Party, Henry David Thoreau not paying taxes because of Mexican War, Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, Martin Luther King

leading Civil Rights Movement

Drew pictures of American wildlife. Most of what we know comes from his detailed descriptions & drawings.

School that taught artist to paint what was unique in America-our wilderness. Led to appreciation for American style art.

Movement to get in touch with your inner man. Henry David Thoreau leader. Idea to live without worldly goods. Live in nature. Follow your instincts

Movement to end the buying, selling, drinking and manufacturing of alcohol in US

Movement to get the vote for women. Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony

Movement to end slavery in America. Led by Frederick Douglass, & William Lloyd Garrison

To work to change society for the better.



Western Territories

Democratic-Republican. Beat Andrew Jackson for President. Accused of making a deal to get votes. Caused split in party.

Vice-President under Jackson. Encouraged South to nullify Tariff of Abominations. Jackson threatened to kill him

Argued states do not have right to secede. Worked to reach a compromise during Nullification Crisis

Came up with Compromise Tariff that reduced tariffs over 10 years. Both Jackson & South claimed they got what they wanted and secession averted

Missouri Compromise-To keep peace between slave & free states while territories from Louisiana Purchase were being settled. Above 36x30 line

would be free, below would be slave. Kept balance for 30 years

Compromise of 1850-To keep peace while settling land gained after Mexican War. Gave both sides some things they wanted. Fugitive Slave Act caused

most problems for abolitionists

Kansas Nebraska Act-Law to allow these territories to vote to decide if they’d be slave or free. Led to Bleeding Kansas: Small civil war between 2 groups.

Presidential Election-Abraham Lincoln won. South began seceding. Lincoln refused to accept.

Focusing on the needs of your region of the country more than on the needs of the whole

Ownership of another human being

States have the right to ignore Federal laws that hurt their state.

If Federal government passes laws that hurt a state and won’t address their concerns, the state has the right to leave the Union and form it’s own country

Where 2 sides that are arguing each agree to give up some things in order to gain some things.

Formal agreement between 2 groups.

Henry Clay. Allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state and Maine as free. Maintained balance in Congress. New states above 36x30 line must be free, below must be free

Tax that helped Northern industry because it caused more Americans to buy American goods but hurt South because they traded withEurope and didn’t want to pay price for goods

Abolitionist newspaper. Called for end to slavery

Slave who led rebellion. Killed whites. Was killed with 70 followers. Caused great fear among whites in South that others would rebel

Autobiography of Douglass. Was a slave. Escaped. Story helped convince North of evils of slavery. Had credibility because he had lived as a slave

Civil Disobedience is peaceful protest against government. Thoreau called on Am’s to refuse to pay Poll Tax in protest of Mexican War. Went to jail

Tubman was escaped slave who went back many times to lead other slaves to freedom. UR was path slaves took that had safe housesalong the way

Henry Clay. CA entered as free state. Mexican Cession territory able to vote to be free or slave. Slave trade ended in DC. Fugitive Slave Law tightened=required return of runaway slaves. Angered Northerners

Powerful anti-slavery novel. Encouraged abolitionist movement

allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide to be slave or free by voting. Popular Sovereignty. Caused illegal elections & violence

Small scale Civil War in Kansas because of people going into state to sway elections in their favor. So much killing over slavery issue got name Bleeding Kansas

Supreme Court case-Scott sued for his freedom and lost. Court declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. Said blacks not citizens

Series of debates when Lincoln ran for Illinois senate. Lost but his speeches gained him national recognition and led to him being nominated for president by Republican party

Harper’s Ferry, VA. Brown led a raid on the armory hoping to cause slaves to revolt and end slavery. Slaves didn’t rise up and Brown was captured and killed along with his sons. Seen as a martyr in North and murderer in South

1860. South Carolina seceded followed by 7 other states. Lincoln said secession illegal and Civil War began

Opening battle of Civil War. 1861. S. Carolina demanded Fort Sumter be turned over to South. Lincoln refused. Lasted 1 day and no one was killed. North surrendered fort

1- Factories, bankers, merchants2- Supported tariffs3- Economy based on industry4- Free states

1- Agriculture based economy


3- Did NOT support tariffs4- Believed in states' rights


Fort Sumter-1st Battle of Civil War. Confederate Victory

Antietam- Bloodiest single day battle in American History

Gettysburg- Turning point;

Bloodiest Battle of war, Union victory and last attack by theConfederates on Northern SoilVicksburg- Union siege the city of Vicksburg and captured control of the Mississippi River dividing.the Southern States

Anaconda Plan - blockade Confederacy, split Confederacy in half (Mississippi River), and capture the Confederacy Capital, Richmond, VAAdvantages: 1- Larger population2- Technology (Railroads and Telegraph)3- Industry4- wealth (Established Gov’t)

Cotton Diplomacy

1- Smaller population2- Did not use technology very good3- Did not manufacture goods4- Did not have an established government

1- General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, VA on April 9, 1865

2- Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the Confederate States

3- North wins the war


End slavery in US


Guaranteed citizenship to African Americans


Gave vote to African American men

Killed Abraham Lincoln.

First African American Senator

Vice-President under Lincoln. Became President. Oversaw Reconstruction. 10% Plan. Vetoed many bills. Congress overrode.

Almost impeached

Organization set up during Reconstruction to help ex-slaves get education, job training, legal help, etc.

Set land aside for use as colleges to train agricultural and mechanical students. Land free if college taught these.

Free land to settlers. Agree to live there 5 years and improve land. Led to huge rush to settle western lands

Lincoln killed. Led to change in way Reconstruction was handled

Democrats agreed to allow Republican to become President if they would end Reconstruction. Corrupt Bargain.

Attempt to Americanize the Indian tribes. Force them to farm and move their children to boarding schools

Laws aimed at taking away rights of ex-slaves after the war. Rights had been guaranteed during Reconstruction

Another form of slavery. Worker would get to harvest the land, pay owner for use and for all goods bought on credit through the year.

Radical Republicans-50% Plan. Harder for states to rejoin the Union. Lots of laws passed to guarantee protections to ex-slaves

Southern states divided into districts. Union military in control.

Laws in South to take away rights of African Americans. Can’t serve on juries, can’t testify against white person, etc.

Group formed to intimidate and threaten blacks who tried to better their people. People killed, hurt.

As Englishmen the colonists were familiar with the idea that they have the right to speak their mind. Certain kings had taken this right. Americans believed it is a God-given right and the king has no power to take it away.

FOR Ratification: People must have some form of government to be able to live together in a society. Democracies only work in small groups. Must have a Republic for large areas. Without government, society will not workAGAINST Ratification: If the President is a man who loves power, he will have control of the army and be able to control us. He will become a king

We won’t interfere with Europe and we don’t want them to interfere with us

We stayed out of European wars. They didn’t come into Central or South America once those countries became free of their rule

Our government was founded on the idea of liberty, and it is our responsibility to protect it and keep the Union together.

Davis felt the Union wasn’t respecting the rights of the South and that secession was a necessity.

Specifically describes events from our history (attack on Ft. McHenry & raid of Harper’s Ferry)

Triumph in the face of adversity
