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Good Morning!

Presentation By Mr. Hor Hen The Executive Director of Brain Activation And Skill.

The Effective Presentation

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General Information: 1. Please set up your phone silent

2. Value the time

3. Starting Session at 8.30 to 9.50am

( Energy Game, Music, Video,…etc.)

4. Break at 9.50 to 10.00am

5. Start Session at 10.00 to 11.30am

( Energy Game, Music, Video,…etc.)

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6. Lunch 12.oo to 1.30pm

7. Start Session at 1.30 to 3.30pm

( Energy Game, Music, Video,…etc.)

8. Break at 3.30 to 3.45pm 9. Start Session at 3.45 to 5.30pm

( Energy Game, Music, Video,…etc.)

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1. Participatory learning Approach

2. Teacher Sharing

3. Group Discussion( Small/Big)

& Presentation

1. Reflection & Experience

2. Questions and Answers

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+++The Purpose:+++ 1. To improve the Effectiveness of

Public Speaking

2. Learning How to Make Public Speaking

3. Learning about the Process Public Speaking

4. Learning about the Important of Public Speaking

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1. Why People Need Public Speaking?

2. Why People Knew the How to Public Speaking?

3. What People Used for Public Speaking?

4. Why Some People Failed in Public Speaking?

5. What are the Benefit of Public Speaking?

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+++The Keys of Public Speaking Success:+++

1. Desire or Passion to Make Public Speaking

2. Understanding the Process of Public Speaking

3. To Improve the Specific Skills

4. Practicing…..Practicing…..&….Practicing

5. Be Patient and Patient

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The World Famous

Public Speaker

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Public Speaking Skill

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What is Public Speaking?

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Overview of Public Speaking skill:

1.1 Definition of Public Speaking skill

1.2 Importance of Public Speaking skills

1.3 Essential Qualities of a Good Public Speaker

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4 Types of Presentations

1.5 Overall Structure of Presentation

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Definition? + Public Speaking skills refer to skills you employ when you make a speech to a group of people, no

matter whether the group is large or small.

+ Therefore, the word “Public Speaking” usually comes together with the term “Public Speech” or

“Presentation Skill”.

“Public Speaking skills” are also referred to as “Presentation skills” or “public speech skills”.

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+ Basically, Public Speaking skills are involving skills in

the following aspects:

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1- Organizing Content:

2- Using Basic Public Speaking Elements

3- Preparing for delivery

4- Using Visual Aids

5- Interacting with the Audience

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+++ Organizing Content:

+ Setting your speech objective

+ Analyzing your audience

+ Structuring your information

+ Preparing your outline

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Using basic Public speaking element:

+ Verbal: Your content and language

+ Vocal: Your voice

+ Physical: Your body

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Preparing for delivery:

+ practicing or rehearsing the speech

+ Overcoming speech anxiety ( feel confident)

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Using Visual Aids:

+ Types of visual aids

+ Making effective power Point slides

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Interacting with the Audience:

+ handling’s audience questions

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1.2 Importance of presentation skill:

+ Presentation skills are often overlooked by many people as

being unimportant.

+ They tend to think that they will never be called upon to speak in


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+ That is why they do not bother getting themselves

acquainted with any speaking skills.

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+ When they are faced with the possibility to be asked

to present or Make a Speech in

public, even a topic they know inside out, they often feel at a

loss or get tongue tied.

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+ The truth is, in a time when communication is

highly demanded

and valued, there is really no way you can avoid

public speaking.

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+ Regardless of whom you are and what type of job

you currently have or plan to have, there is a good chance that one day you

will be required to make a speech in public.

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+ It may be a presentation for your

colleagues, clients,


professional counterparts at home

and abroad.

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+It may be a toast at your best friend’s

wedding. It may be a statement at a

community meeting or at an international


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+ Whatever the occasion and

purpose, you need to be prepared to do a good job when that

time comes.

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+ Therefore, it is extremely important to

learn the skills of making a public speech. You can benefit from it in several


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Public Speaking Advances Your Personal


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+ Whenever a good speech is given, it

brings great personal satisfaction and a

sense of achievement.

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+This help the speaker realize his/ her self-worth


increase his/ her self-confidence towards other

things in life.

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Public Speaking Advance Your Social


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+ If you have the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts in front of a group,

Your one-on-one Interpersonal Public

Speaking skills will invariably improve as well.

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+ This will benefit you socially, outside of School, University

and Career.

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Public Speaking Advances

Your Professional Life:

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+ When you are a

student in college, you need to do various class presentations over the course of the semester.

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+ And you will be graded not only on your depth of knowledge on the topic,

but also on your ability to make a professional

presentation to the class.

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+ Not knowing how to give a clear and effective

presentation will only

disadvantage yourself due to the low grade you would

likely get.

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+When you are at the point of hunting for

a job

or singing up for a new job, you need to go for an interview.

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+ During the interview, the interviewers do not

just judge you

based on

your qualifications.

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+ Your ability to communicate,

Both spoken and unspoken, also constitutes a large part

of the decision-making process

of whether you will be accepted or not.

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+ Today, today employers consistently rank public



Related Communication

skills as one of the top skills they look for in employees.

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+ There is no doubt that

the better public speaking skills and the interrelated

communication skills you have, the more quickly you

will be able to climb the organization ladder.

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1.3 Essential Qualities of a Good

Public Speaker:

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+ You may have attended many

speeches and lectures so far in your life.

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+ Have you ever thought about this question:

Why are some speakers better in getting their messages

across while others are not that effective in their oral


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+ Do good public speakers share some essential


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+ What are these essential qualities?

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+ Good public speaker Tailor Their Speech

Content to Their Audience:

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+ Good public speakers choose topics that meet

the needs

or interests of their audience.

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+ With their speeches, they satisfy a need or contribute

to their listener’s knowledge bank.

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+ Good Public Speakers

Communicate with


and Conviction:

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+ Good public speakers use proper words, phrases,

voice and gestures

To convey information clearly. They

also know their subject well.

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+ They speak in an Affirmative way, providing

substantial statements


Strong arguments to make their listeners convinced.

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+ Good Public Speaker are Logical



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+ Good public speakers Organize

Their speech content Clearly.

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+ The main points and

Supporting details

of Their speeches are

Easily identified.

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+ A well-organized Presentation can be


With minimal mental Strain.

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+ Good Public Speakers


Impressive Image with Voice

and Gestures:

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+ Good public speakers never

speak with the same pace, tone, or


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+ They vary these vocal Elements in order to be



Emphatic rather than Communicate in a boring


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+ In addition, good public Speakers stay close to their Audience and look at their Audience when they speak.

They refer to their speaking notes, but do so only


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+ They never keep their eyes Rested on the speech texts


The computer screen.

They use gestures a lot to Convey meaning.

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+Good Public Speakers Use Visual

Aids Effectively:

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+ Good public speakers use visual aids

To make

Their message more Comprehensible.

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+ They use visual aids only to aid the message, rather Than make them be the


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+ That is, they do not get their audience to merely

read their message,


help to get the message more easily.

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+Good public Speakers Exhibit Poise


Handle Difficult Questions with Ease:

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+ Good public speakers look confident


Calm with giving their Speeches.

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+ They never rush to a start and

haste to an end.

+ They also respond intelligently to the

audience’s question.

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+Good Public Speakers Incorporate Humor-

Make Fun:

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+ Good public Speakers try to create

a relaxed Environment for their

Audience with Humor.

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+ The audience enjoys listening to them

and never Feels bored and tired.

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Additional Behavior


a Good Public Speaker:

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+ Planning

+ Active

+ Proactive

+ Motivation

+ Courage

+ Commitment

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+ Confident

+ Open Mind & Heart

+ Good Communication

+ Good Relation

+ Good Behavior

+ Good Attitude

+ Good Ward

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+ Positive Thinking

+ Creative Thinking

+ Innovative Thinking

+ Smart

+ Flexible

+ Kindness

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+ Humble

+ Up-to-Date

+ Values the Time

+ Values the Others

+ Respectful

+ High Decision

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+ Not Discrimination

+ Patient

+ Love-full

+ Peaceful

+ Not Judgment

+ Fairness

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+ Attractive


+ Influence

+Good Health

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+ Do you have these Essential qualities?

If you do not, you Shouldn’t worry.

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+ Nobody is born to be a Perfect public speaker. However, with a lot of Practice, you can learn

These qualities and Become a good public

Speaker, too.

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4 Types of Presentations:

+ When people speak, they always do it for a purpose.

people make speeches for three different purposes:

= To inform

= To persuade

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+ To make a special occasion

No matter when, where and how you make a speech,

Your speech will address one of these three general


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Public Speaking or

Presentation Skill

Can be

Classified in to Three Types:

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1.The Informative


With an informative Presentation, your general

Purpose is to convey Information.

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+ Thus your speech aims to Promote the

Audience’s Understanding and

Awareness of a topic.

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+ To do this, you define, Describe, explain,

or Demonstrate information

about it.

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+This following are examples of informative speech topics:

+ The Forbidden City

+ Bill Gates

+ How to Make Chocolate Cakes

+ Game Theory

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+ With a persuasive presentation,


Generally purpose is to persuade people.

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+ Your speech aims to influent the attitudes, beliefs, action of your

audience with respect to your topic.

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+ With a persuasive Presentation, you

Generally purpose is to persuade people.

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2. The Persuasive Presentation:

+ When you try to persuade people, you need to make use of statistics, facts or

other evidence to help you.

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+ Informative speeches, persuasive speeches also

increase listener’s knowledge and

understanding of topic.

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+ It seeks to influence or change the listener Behavior or attitude with the information


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+ But the primary

purpose of a persuasive speech

goes beyond giving information.

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The following are example of persuasive topics:

+ Be a Blood Donor + Don’t Skip Breakfast

+ Green Tea Is Good for Your health + Should College Students Rent

apartments off Campus?

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3. Special Occasion Presentations:

+ Special occasion presentations are also

called “ceremonial speeches”.

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+ They are done on special occasions for purpose of

celebrating or commemorating special events, such as a wedding, an anniversary, a retirement party, a graduation ceremony, or an after

dinner party, etc.

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+ special occasion presentations could be either informative or

persuasive, or an mix of both.

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1.5 Overall Structure of Presentation:

+ Before looking at how to give a presentation, it would be necessary and useful for us to visualize the overall

structure of a presentation.

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+ It can help us to be organized when we speak,

which, as has been discussed in 1.3, is also an important

quality of good public speaker.

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+ A well- organized presentation usually has three clearly divided:

1. Introduction,

2. body,


3. conclusion.

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+ Some speakers would add question and answer session as

another important part.

+ To get a better idea of the overall presentation structure and of what to do in each part,

look at the following chart:

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Introduction: + welcome the audience

+ Catch the audience’s

interest with an attention getter

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+ Introduce the topic, purpose, and thesis of the

speech + Establish credibility

+ Preview the main points + Give guideline for questions (optional)

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Body: + Present and illustrate main

points in a logical order + Use transitional phrases or

sentences between main points + Summarize the preceding

main point before moving onto the next

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+ Signal the conclusion + Restate the topic,


and thesis + Summarize the main


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+ Provide closing remarks + Leave your audience

with Something to think about

+ Thank your audience

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Question and Answer:

+ Invite questions + Repeat questions to entire

audience + Answer questions directly,

concisely and clearly

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+ Check for Satisfaction

+ Thank Your Audience for their


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1. Services Marketing by Lovelock

2. How to develop Self Confidence for Success

3. Habit, a New Practical concept to Success

4. Grammar to Success

5. Advance Practical Leadership and Management

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6. Buddha Teaching

7. The Essence of Services Marketing by Adrian Payne

8. The Marketing Management - An Asian Perspective by Philip Kotler

9. The Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler

10. The marketing of services by Donal & Cowell

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Thank for your attention!

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