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  • 1. Alba Blanco& Sara Iturriaga 4 E.S.O 2 Evaluacin

2. Trip to London :1 We are arriving at Heathrow airport in London at the eight oclock of the morning.2 We are taking the, subway to the center of London, we are taking the subway GatwickExpress3 We are coming to Victoria Station to "Hotel Lidos Hotel" This hotel is at 10 minutes in theC / Belgrade Round4 Hotel Lidos Hotel 44 $ IVA is incorporating the hotel is in the center of London 3. Schedule:08:00 h We are get up .08:30 h We are brekfast in the hotel .09:00 h We have free time to we wash.09:30 h We have the morning visit .12:30 h We are eat in the fast food restaurant .14:00 h We have the afternoon visit .17:00 h We are going to drink the tea.17:30 h We have free time .19:00 h - We are dine in the hotel .20:00 h We have free time for we are talk the us experiences ofthe day.22:00 h We go to the bed in us room 4. LANDMARKS TO SEE :1 day : We are going to in the British Museum , the oldest museum in the world , after we entering the National Gallery. 5. 2 day :We are entering into the British Film Institute to see the London cinematographicheritage after We coming to the Pollocks Toy Museum for us remembering our childhood . 6. 3 day :We are to exploring a Covent Garden is a very lively area , after we visiting to theTate Modern for us watching their works 7. 4 day : We are going to Piccadilly Circus is a road junction and public space of London sWest End in the City of Westminster , after we visiting the famous the Abbey Road ot the BEATLES the famous singer 8. 5 day: We are goint to St James Park of London. We are to feed the ducks. And for Portobello Road Marcket. 9. OBJETIVE OF TRIP :We are going to London because we are learning a lot of English . 10. We are learning we are living together with ours schoolmate 24h of the day.Also we are know the different food that they are eat in London city. 11. RULE OF TRIP :We arent smoking cigarette in the trip . 12. We arent wearing the movile during of day .We arent speeding to the floor 13. Dears fathers/mothers or tutors:We will contact you theirs for talking information about of excursion that making you theirschildrens, the next 17 of February with destination London. 14. Dears fathers/mothers or tutors:Returned of enter in contact with you for inform that have to know as much as before theconfirmation of assistant or his daughters.The motive of his letter is important in hours there cultural trip.We his tutors have to know as soon as before or number of students that helped trip.The Money minimum advise for that take his daughters principally is 75$ for eat during of fivedays.In change for own expense were his choice.