Page 1: Postman plagued by jealous pheasant


A Devon postman is facing a daily assault on his round - from a jealous pheasant. The bird lies in wait for the 59-year-old as he drives his van on his 12-mile daily round in Swimbridge. So far the cock pheasant has injured Mr Patton's hand and leg, and has tried to sneak into his postal van. The postie said: "I think it is the red colour of the van which is triggering the aggression. Pheasants have spurs on their legs, and it flies and tries to get me with them. "I think it sees me as a giant pheasant which it has got to see off. It is totally obsessed by me and the van. I have been attacked by dogs in the past but never by a pheasant." Mr Patton says he now "runs the gauntlet" every day along a fifty-yard lane when he collects or delivers to a farm at one end and a cottage at the other. He says the bird sometimes changes its tactics by hiding or cutting corners to get ahead of him for a confrontation.