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Page 1: Poster review

My slogan got the biggest font out of all the text in

the poster, this is because It is the main concept of the poster because after

the image it’s the first thing that should attract

audiences eyes.

This message on the side is an important small message

because the poster should not just be a poster with a picture

and a slogan.

There is the website link on the bottom left side, Conner for audiences to further research on the campaign

This poster is a factual and editorial. This is because it states facts and information for audiences to receive and its factual in a way that the truth that their giving out its not just educating audiences but helping them out too.

It is editorial because there are loads of filters used to create this image. There is a dark faded background to create a dark effect and further attract the audience.

Page 2: Poster review

The reason for my poster

• The reason why I created this poster is because I wanted my poster to make the audience understand how not sleeping at night properly can effect you in different ways.

• the way the actor look in the picture exemplifies that because he had lots of spots, he looked very tired and he had heavy bags under his eyes and he also covered half his face to avoid embarrassment- that’s why on my sleep banner I put “avoid embarrassment” on the right to remind my audience what lack of sleep can do to you. This why I think it was successful because it can apply to the audience

• Also I want my poster to spread a message across so that higher grades come in schools and collages because with better sleep you can perform better the next day.