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Nicholas Sparks Films

Nicholas Sparks is a very famous director in the drama/melodrama genre (which is one of the genres we have chosen to do). Since his film posters all follow the same codes and conventions I felt as though one of our poster ideas should follow these codes and conventions.

We feel as though our main image should also be a mid shot of a couple as this along with our film name ‘ Missing You’ would give the audience an idea that something is going to happen to one of the people on the cover. The only thing about Nicholas Sparks’ posters is that they are very ‘Hollywood’. They are made to feel ‘lovey dovey’ since that is the genre, they have been created as a form of escapism. Whereas we have chosen to use the British genre as a result our poster needs to have some sense of realism in it. Whether that be a specific landmark or colour that people would associate with Britain.


Submarine is a British film, it is very different from the melodrama film posters. It is very simple and clean as everything is symmetrical. Also hardly any colours have been used on the actual poster, there are only three colours red, blue and yellow (also white for the writing). While this poster looks aesthetically pleasing we feel as though it wouldn’t give us an opportunity to push ourselves and create something that challenged us.

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go is one of the British/Melodramas that we have looked at for inspiration to our film. Their film poster is quite different to Hollywood film Posters as instead of having one main image the page has split of into sections. This is something that can be seen in a few other British film posters other examples would include; trainspotting and starred up. I like this film poster as it incorporates codes and conventions from both the British and melodrama genre. Creating a this hybrid genre was a concern for Shola and I as we weren’t quite sure how to make the two work when it came to the poster and website, however this film has helped us hugely.