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Page 1: Poster analysis 007

Poster Analysis EMILY. RADCLIFFE

Page 2: Poster analysis 007

The date of the poster has been clearly stated under the logo and title of the film. The reason for this is because it will catch the attention of the audience after looking at what this poster is for.It has also been placed here to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with the main image.

The logo has been placed directly below the title and has been put in a different colour from the rest of the poster. The reason for this is to make sure that the audience link it in with the title and to show that this is a James bond film. The reason for it being put into a different colour is because it is the main franchise and will be the reason on why this poster grabs the attention of the audience.

The producers and companies who have been involved in the making of this film have been placed at the bottom of the poster. The reason for this is because they don’t want the attention to be taken away from the main image and the title of the film. The colour of the logos is the same as the release date and the main title to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with the theme of the poster.

The main title of the poster has been placed just bellow the main image, this could suggest that the reason for this is because people are more likely to recognise the image and the character in it rather than the title. However the title has been made bigger than the rest of the test on the screen the reason for this is because they want people to recognize the picture to the name of the film.

Page 3: Poster analysis 007

The main image: The main image has been made in black and white, this creates a very cool and mysterious effect to the poster. Within the James bonds films he acts like a very mysterious character and the poster helps to highlight this through the colouring. The lighting of the poster especially around the main character is very light and become darker when going out. The idea of it being light around the main character highlights the idea that his is the protagonist.Framing has been used for this mage as they have placed a long shot of the main character in the middle of the poster and them framed him. The reason or this is to highlight the fact that he is the most important character and also that he is the one that will be recognised by the audience. Due to this film being a franchise this can highlight why they have chosen the image to be a long shot rather than a close up on the face. The reason for it is because people will recognise the actor and the logo and will put these two different aspects together and will then come to a conclusion on what the film we be about. The denotation of the image is that the tunnel suggest the idea of looking down the barrel of a gun, of what links in with the genre of this film being action.

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Target audience:This poster isn’t trying to reach out to a new target audience however are reaching out to the already there James Bond fan base. This helps to explain why they have used a clear image of the main character and why they have put in the logo of the film.