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Ways used in which my news bulletin attracts my target audience 14-19 year olds

Because my target audience are made up of teenagers, I used slang and informal language throughout the whole of the news bulletin.

I spoke directly to the target audience by saying “you are listening to Oldham Community Radio…” when the news bulletin was being introduced. This will sound professional and the listeners will feel that I am directly speaking to them. I could have said “we are listening to Oldham Community Radio…” to make it sound like I am addressing the whole of the Oldham community.

All the news stories in the news bulletin were all closeness to home and there weren’t any news stories regarding any other town or city outside of Oldham. I think the choice of stories were appropriate and current.

The soft story is all about sport and the male listeners in my target will be interested and drawn to that particular news story. Also students from The Oldham Academy North will be drawn to that news story because their academy is mentioned in that news story.

College students will be interested in the hard story (Recession having dramatic effects for the regions students) because it’s about how recession is affecting them and their education.

I think the whole of my target audience will be interested in the off the wall story (Oldham Hosts Twitter festival) because these days nearly everyone aged 14-19 years old use social networks like Twitter or Facebook. So they will be attracted in that news story more than the rest.

The jingle and the soundbed were upbeat and current with the sounds of this current generation. I tried to create a jingle and soundbed which is catchy and plays throughout the whole of the news bulletin. I think my target audience will be happy with my choices of the jingle and soundbed because it’s catchy, fun and upbeat.