Page 1: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Bonnie Osborne , Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Page 2: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Agenda• PBIS Overview• PBIS Behavior Matrix and T-Chart• Lessons• Tickets• School Events• Quarterly Incentives• Up and Coming• Needs Assessment

Special thanks to the amazing PBIS Green Team!

Page 3: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

What is PBIS?

• Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive systems approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.

• District-wide initiative


Page 4: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5%•Individual students•Assessment-based•High intensity

1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions• Individual students• Assessment-based• Intense, durable procedures

Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15%•Some students (at-risk)•High efficiency•Rapid response•Small group interventions• Some individualizing

5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions• Some students (at-risk)• High efficiency• Rapid response• Small group interventions• Some individualizing

Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90%•All students•Preventive, proactive

80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions• All settings, all students• Preventive, proactive

School-Wide Systems for Student Success:A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model

Academic Systems Behavioral Systems

Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at

Page 5: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Levels and Descriptions of Behavior SupportLEVEL DESCRIPTION

1. School-wide (Tier 1)

Procedures and processes intended for all students, staff, in specific settings and across campus

2. Classroom (Tier 1)

Processes and procedures that reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with pre-planned strategies applied within classrooms

3. Target Group (Tier 2)

Process and procedures designed to address behavioral issues of groups of students with similar behavior problems or behaviors that seem to occur for the same reasons (i.e. attention seeking, escape)

3. Individual-Student (Tier 2 & 3)

Processes and procedures reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with team-based strategies to address problematic behaviors of individual students

Adapted from Levels and Descriptions of Behavior Support Peshak-George, Harrower, & Knoster, in press)

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Staff Behavior

SupportingStudent Behavior


Supporting Social Competence &Academic Achievement


4 PBIS Elements

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5 School Wide Practices of PBISDefine

• 3-5 Simple School-wide Expectations (Heart of a BARB)

Teach • Behaviors identified in Matrix

Remind • Clear In-the-Moment Reminders (common language)

Acknowledgements • Daily recognition – not currently in place (4:1ratio)• Weekly/quarterly grade-level/whole school celebrations (like Dodgeball)

Reteach• Classroom procedure for minor problem behaviors• Office Discipline Referral for major problem behaviors• Pre-correct often

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1. Common purpose & approach to discipline2. Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior4. Continuum of procedures for encouraging

expected behavior5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging

inappropriate behavior6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation

School-wide Systems

Page 9: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

AlliWhat does it

mean to be a BARB…Be



Self & OthersBe


School-Wide *Use electronic devices for academic purposes*Respect school property*Maintain a drug-free campus*Follow dress code

*Update and check agenda regularly

*Be considerate when others are talking*Use kind words and voice*Follow directions given by staff

*Know and follow all school expectations*Have high expectations of learning *Refrain from PDA

In the Classroom *Be on time*Bring necessary supplies*Ask for make-up work when absent*Strive for perfect attendance

*Do homework*Turn work in on time*Ask questions*Strive for excellence*Stay awake and on task

*Keep body parts to yourself*Treat others as you would like to be treated*Listen when the teacher is talking*Follow all staff directions

*Dress appropriately*Respect others’ space and belongings*Participate in special events

In the Hallways *Pick up after self*Keep to the right

*Keep moving*Be on time

*Use appropriate language*Refrain from PDA

*Respect others’ space*Respect others’ property

In the Bathroom *Use facility for designated purpose only*Have agenda for a pass*Keep facility clean*Wash hands

*Return to class promptly *Respect others’ space*Respect others’ property*Respect school property*Use trash cans and flush toilets

*Inform staff if something is out of order*Thank the teacher for allowing you to go during class time

In the Commons and at Lunch

*Eat food at tables only*Place garbage in trash cans*Be on time

*Eat nutritious food *Respect school property*Respect others’ space

*Use appropriate language*Use appropriate table manners

In the Parking Lot *Follow all parking guidelines*Exit campus at proper locations*Place garbage in trash cans

*Take homework with you*Drive slowly and safely

*Use appropriate language*Follow adult directions

*Retain driving privileges by following all rules

At School Events *Use appropriate language*Be polite*Follow adult directions

*Be cooperative*Celebrate successes of all participants

*Be on time*Pay attention*Leave when event ends

*Put cell phones on silent*Cheer when appropriate*Encourage others

During Emergency Situations

*Follow directions given by staff and emergency personnel*Stay calm and listen*Be aware of emergency exits within the building

*Return to class promptly following the drill or actual emergency situation

*Use appropriate language*Keep body parts to yourself*Treat others as you want to be treated*Put cell phones away

*Represent DHS in a positive manner*Report suspicious behavior to staff members

PBIS Heart of a Barb Behavior Matrix

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Staff Managed Behavior Homework and learning materials Off-task behaviors Talking Dishonesty Drinks/food/gum Public display of affection Recording absences and tardies in skyward Unacceptable Language Minor defiance/disrespect/

insubordination/noncompliance Technology violation Minor property damage/misuse/vandalism

Office Managed Behavior Weapons Pattern of insubordination Drugs/alcohol/tobacco Major vandalism Theft Consequences for tardies and absences Major defiance/disrespect

/insubordination/noncompliance Threats to students or staff Parking violations Gang activity Fighting Dress code Bullying Any pattern of behavior that has become disruptive to

the classroom despite classroom interventions

Be ResponsibleAchieve AcademicallyRespect Self & OthersBe Proud Who’s Responsible?

Page 11: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Lessons• For each quarter of the school year there will be two to three

PBIS lessons taught by teachers in FLEX• Lesson plans will be developed by the PBIS Green Team• Lessons will be approximately 5 minutes with a specific day

pre-identified for teaching the lesson• Lessons (electronic and paper) will be provided to staff during

one of our monthly faculty meetings each quarter• Posters incorporating the lesson topic will be posted

throughout the school and available electronically for teachers to post in their classrooms

Page 12: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Lessons• Quarter 1: Be Responsible (next slide)• Quarter 2: Achieve Academically

• Homework completion• “Practice Makes Perfect”

• Stay awake and on task• “You Snooze you Lose”

• Progress monitoring (different from grade level to grade level)• Check Yourself (Before You Wreck Yourself)

• Quarter 3: Respect Self & Others• Quarter 4: Be Proud

Page 14: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

PBIS Tickets• What are they?

• Tickets that can be given by teachers to all students for following school-wide expectations (Heart of a Barb PBIS Behavior Matrix)

• When do you give them?• Tickets can be given any time of the day, any day of the week,

throughout the entire year• How do you use it to motivate students?

• Rewarding positive behavior with praise!!• Rewarding positive behavior with incentives earned (see next slide)

Heart of a BARBWinner! Name________________


Lunch Hour_________

Page 15: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

PBIS Tickets• Monthly Acknowledgements

• Students are only allowed to redeem one ticket for the monthly rewards

• School store will be opened at end of school day• October 1st = Heart of a Barb Pencils-”Heart of a

Barb” • November 5th = Mix of Candy• December 3rd = Candy Canes• January 7th = Smarties• February 4th = Valentine’s Day Cookies• March 4th = Nutty Bars• April 1st = Fortune Cookies • May 6th = May Flower Cookies

Page 16: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Positive Referral Tickets Heart of a Barb PBIS Positive Student Referral Tickets: Staff Referrals for Students• What are they?

• Staff members complete a ticket for a student who went above and beyond to exemplify school-wide expectations (Heart of a Barb PBIS Behavior Matrix)

• How do I get them?• Tickets are provided in your folder• Extra tickets will be provided in Allison Friedrich’s office (Student Services area)

• Where do we turn them in?• Box available for nominations will be housed in Allison Friedrich’s office• Tickets can be turned into Allison or Bonnie’s mailbox or given to them directly

• What happens with the tickets?• Deans will go to the classroom and hand out the ticket to the student

**BONUS: Tickets will be entered in monthly drawing for VIP Parking for staff and duty free/flex free days for staff**

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Positive Referral Tickets

Page 18: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Positive Referral TicketsStaff Recognition Tickets: Staff Referrals for Staff• What are they?

• Staff members complete a ticket for another staff member who went above and beyond to exemplify school-wide expectations (Heart of a Barb PBIS Behavior Matrix)

• How do I get them?• Tickets are provided in your folder• Extra tickets will be provided in Allison Friedrich’s office (Student

Services area)• Where do we turn them in?

• Box available for nominations will be housed in Allison Friedrich’s office• Tickets can be turned into Allison or Bonnie’s mailbox or given to them

directly• What happens with the tickets?

• You will receive a surprise reward in your mailbox • Recognition at staff meeting

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Positive Referral Tickets

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School Events-Special TicketsSecond Quarter Movie Event-select group event

•Each teacher gets 3 tickets•Criteria: Sustained excellence or improvement•Movie picked by students (vote in FLEX or lunch)

March Movie Night Event-whole school event•Criteria: N/A-all students•Snack bar in Commons•Movie picked by students (vote in FLEX or lunch)

Third Quarter Movie Event-select group event•Each teacher gets 3 tickets•Criteria: Sustained excellence or improvement•Movie picked by students (vote in FLEX or lunch)

End of Year Event (TENATIVE)-whole school event•Last day of school•Criteria: N/A-All students, with behavioral tiers for students earning rewards•Outdoor games and movies

Page 21: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bonnie Osborne, Allison Friedrich, & Laura Edwards

Quarterly Incentives/RafflesFirst Quarter Raffle • Criteria: All student who have no tardies, no dress code violations,

and no tech violation referrals will be entered into a raffle • Reward: Kindle Fires (1 freshman, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, 1 senior)• September 26th

Second Quarter Raffle• Criteria: All students who have A’s and B’s in all classes get entered

into a raffle • Reward: Barb Care Package (1 freshman, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, 1


Third Quarter Raffle• Criteria: All students who have had no referrals for insubordination

get entered into a raffle • Reward: Names will be drawn and 40 students will get to eat pizza

with the deans during 12th period (10 students from each class)

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Up and Coming……• More Staff Acknowledgements…to be announced throughout

the year• PBIS Website

•• Access to:

• PBIS T-Chart• PBIS Matrix• Lesson Plans • Monthly calendar of PBIS events • Monthly calendar of PBIS Green Team Meetings

• PBIS Green Team • Interested in joining the team? Email Bonnie (

[email protected]) or Allison ([email protected])

• Meetings will be held monthly after school

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What Are Your Needs??

• Complete exit survey contained in your folder• Data will be used to identify professional development

opportunities for staff for the 2013-2014 school year
