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Robert Blayne Kettlewell Engineering Project Portfolio

Page 2: Portfolio of Designs

LabVIEW FPGA Guitar Effects – Created an IPad app that would wirlessly interface with a NI CompactRIO system to create dynamic guitar effects through FPGA based digital filters.

Spring 2012

Page 3: Portfolio of Designs

CNC Mill – retrofitted a manual mill to create a computer numerically controlled mill that could produce hobby parts at a resolution of nearly 1/1000 of an inch like the longhorn milled out below.

Winter 2011

Page 4: Portfolio of Designs

Non-Contact Skin Cancer Detection Probe - designed in Collaboration with Dr. James Tunnel at The University of Texas at Austin

Spring 2011

Page 5: Portfolio of Designs

AstraSight – an electronic travel aid for the blind that emitted ultrasonic waves to sense the distance of objects in a given environment and provide feedback in the form of a vibrational intensity to the wrist that scaled with distance.

Summer 2011

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Solar Powered Solar Tracking System – Created a system that would monitor the movement of the sun throughout the day to maximize the incident power received from the sun. The system was completely power autonomous and could recharge itself and start tracking the sun if placed outside fully depleted of charge.

Fall 2010

Page 7: Portfolio of Designs

Fatometer – A non-invasive fat layer thickness measurement system that used the optical properties of human tissue to accurately gauge body fat composition via an infrared LED translational system and an optical detector.

Summer 2010

Page 8: Portfolio of Designs

Vision Guided Robotic Arm – Used Image processing to monitor an operators arm with RGB LEDS mapping their movement 1-to-1 to a robotic arm dexterous enough to tie a shoelace.

Spring 2010

Page 9: Portfolio of Designs

ACL Damage Assessment Device – After tearing my ACL in high school and finding out that there was a lack of quantitative tools for assessing the severity of knee damage outside of an MRI, I put together a pneumatic actuated and laser translation monitoring system that could more accurately gauge this type of damage.

Summer 2007