
Portfolio Assessment in ENSP 703

Presented to:

Mr. Rio S. Aburido

Presented by:

Christian Bernard P. Lagarde


December 2013Table of contentsI. Introduction

iII. Body

A.The Future of Human Space Exploration


How Can I Go on and Finish My Race


Definition Essay (We are All Together as One)

5Descriptive Essay (Typhoon Yolanda: Deadliest Natural Disaster)


Comparison and Contrast (Songs that never change)


Augmentative Essay


III. ConclusionIntroductionIn this compilation of essays shows my work in the course on ENSP 703.There are 6 compiled essays that I have done during the 2nd trimester here in FEU EAC during my study in ENSP 703 under the supervision of Mr. Rio S. Aburido. He has thought a lot to us to improve our way on making essays and guides us to the right path to have a perfect or a presentable essay that we can show others about. I hope that I satisfied his expectations by taking notes on my mistakes in my essays and improve it well.

My first essay is about the future of space exploration. I wrote that because I have been a fan of space exploration since I was a child and by the inspiration that it has given me I wrote that essay. In my second essay we are asked to do if what is your purpose in life, obligations and etc and write it and reflect on it. Our professor asked us to watch a music video and reflect on it. After watching the music video we were asked to do our third essay and make a title of our own in connection to the message that was given to us by the We are the World music video which was sung by various artists. As we get through our fourth essay Mr. Aburido showed us a video presentation about the devastation made by the typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. We are asked to describe it using the words that I picked and my classmates picked. For our fifth essay we are said to compare 2 songs 1 modern and 1 old and compare it to one another, and we learned to compare and contrast the two. Lastly we have done the argumentative speech. I chose the space shuttle because I was a fan of it since I was a child and wanted to write an essay about it.Future of Human Space ExplorationIt has been more than six decades since man first step foot on the moon and recorded its longest spaceflight of human in space. The Apollo space program was not continued and was never replaced by any rockets that can reach the moon and possibly the planet Mars. They made the space shuttle but it only flew in low earth orbit. They retired the shuttles last 2011 and many were thinking that if there will be a cheaper and amazing spacecraft that can bring humans in deep space. The scientists believe and I also believe that the future of human space exploration can make people go into deep space with very large amount of speed, explore other asteroids, planets and stars in out universe and learn that if we are the only human species in our vast and large universe.

With the retirement of the reusable aircraft space shuttle, Nasa wanted to do something fast and reusable. They wanted to put four SRBs (Shuttle Rocket Boosters) to the new Orion spacecraft and same as the other spacecrafts they wanted to do that in stages for it to go further than the low earth orbit. Lockheed Martin proposed that the Orion spacecraft should be lightweight for they dont waste a lot of rocket fuel and save the remaining rocket fuel for the remaining of the space travel. They are targeting to times 100 the space speed of the International Space Station which is 7.71 km/s to 200 km/s with the help of the boosters.

Nasa with the help of Lockheed Martin they could reach asteroids and maybe nearby planets with their new Orion spacecraft with 100 times the speed of the ISS. Many satellites had made explorations to space and reached many planets. Nasa wanted to do the same but with 4-6 persons inside, but their problem is how can they sustain their food inside the spacecraft, so they have to make small pads of food which is rich in protein so they can eat and be full after. It should take about 2-3 days to travel to the moon and months to years to reach another planet.

With our space eye the Hubble space telescope we are convinced that there are millions of billions of planets, stars and asteroids in our universe and we are on of that tiny spec of planets. With the Orion space with more boost it will be possible, but it will take us along time to reach to that destination. We would like to see if there are other species in the universe that is human like and can sustain life. With our curiosity to that, we made the Orion for us humans can go to space not only satellites but also human beings.

With our serious curiosity about stuff in space, we can know how our universe became to life. From satellites, Apollo mission to the space shuttle era up to this Orion years, we have proven that we can explore anything with ambition and our imagination for us to achieve and do our work that is to explore. Just with a little push from a friend or a teacher we can do anything even the dream of getting into space.Why Should I Go on and Finish My Race

Why should I go on and finish my race, because I have a purpose, I am destined to be great and I shall never never never never never give up. Today, we are on a stage where we write our own future. We intend to do things which we do not know weather it is right or wrong. Were tempted by others and force us to do nothing.

We all have our own purpose; each person around the globe has a specific purpose very much like a mission. It must be fulfilled especially me, I need to repay my parents by being a good student in my university and I pledge to finish my program and after doing all the things I think, I will serve them as well my country by being a good citizen to the place I live and making and making an impact to the place where I belong.

I am destined to be great by people knowing my specialties and making me known to all by my works and skills that I expose throughout my whole life. I need to work hard and do my best for me to be an outstanding engineer like my mom what was 15th placer in the board exams, before I intend to surpass that rank for me to be able to achieve and fulfill my destiny to be an outstanding and excellent engineer not only here in the Philippines but also worldwide.

Many challenges have came in my way and I sometimes give up to them, because I cannot surpass the level of pressure that I am in. my mom said that I should never never never never never give up and find solutions to the problems that I am in. Now in college most of us freshmen students are having a hard time on passing math subjects but my friends told me that you must find ways for you for you to be able to finish that subject.

By those elements I believe that if I accomplish all of that I would be able to reach my goal to be an engineer. Maybe in the future with hard work and the never never never never never give up spirit I can be an outstanding and world wide known engineer. Lastly is to serve my country, friends and my family. We Are All Together as one

People these days always think about themselves, how they look better than others and thing always their needs and not the needs of the society, people or the nation. As we see in our news every day, many politicians corrupt or use our money for their own desire. They are not united on serving people or helping them especially these days we are greatly devastated by the storm. For me the way for us to rise from the bottom we must and we need to be united, in order for us to be united we need to have camaraderie, solid brotherhood and being a family.

In a game of basketball you need the whole team for you and your own team to be able to win the game. The same goes with helping other people, like the devastating calamity that hit the Philippines, and broke all the things on its way. Many countries all over the world and organizations had united and formed camaraderie and together they helped our country. Our country cannot stand alone and help our self, and thankfully countries and orgs helped us to rise again from the ground.

As my mom said to me when I was I was young that it is hard to stand alone without the help of your friends. In situations, we are feeling to quit and stop trying. We sometimes need someone or somebody to help us face our problems. All we need is a brotherhood that stands by our side and never lets us go in times of adversity. We need brothers or elders to guide us in a way that we succeed. For example in Haiti many countries had helped them and look at them now, they are a country that rose up from the ground. For us to be together as one we need a brotherhood that stands by us and never fails us.

When we were a child before we hate our moms and dads go, because we want them to be there in our sides always. Our family guides us and thought us on our first words, on how to walk and lastly on how to smile. We must consider other people as our family, like again here in the Philippines our family which is the foreign countries helped us and never lets us go in times of great need and never lets us go in the dark.

Camaraderie, brotherhood and having a large family would help us rise from any adversity in life. By being as one with the whole can bring much effort to help someone or somebody to lift their morale to get back up and go to work. All of these are possible if we stand side by side and never let others go in the dark alone.Yolanda: Deadliest Natural Disaster

Many things have happened since the typhoon struck the Visayas region of the Philippines. Many were dead, no money, no shelter and no food to eat. Tacloban and other provinces were devastated by the sheer power of the storm. People in provinces said it is very tragic for them, they have been isolated for weeks and how powerful the storm was.

Many were terrified when the storm came and devastate Visayas, many lost their lives, parents, sons and daughters. Almost all sites of rice and sugarcanes were put into waste by the scourging storm and farmer, people with small businesses said that it was a very tragic thing that has happened to them and they dont know how long it would take them to ragain their lost products.

After the storm, villages and farmlands were isolated and deserted. The places villagers were living is nothing, washed away by the storm and was never restored as like in the church of Baclayon. When rescuers first went to Tacloban, they were shocked on what they saw, because almost all of the villages was washed away and they told the media that it was very isolated and difficult to rescue.

Typhoon Yolanda was considered one of the powerful typhoons in the history and the strongest this year. Yolanda has maximum sustained winds of 195 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 203 kph which is very fast! No wonder why many houses collapsed and was flown away and never gained back. Even luxurious cars was scrapped and turned into trash.

So the typhoon Yolanda has brought many headaches to the country especially to the Visayas region. Many said that it was tragic, they felt isolated, and many considered this as the strongest storm. Many help come from foreign countries and from the government. Lastly we should be ready for situations like this, because experts say that this is just the beginning.Songs in Time That Never Change

Many songs were made since it was first recorded and put into tracks; I think there are millions or maybe billions of songs and albums that were sold worldwide. Artists and song writers write songs where they express their feelings especially love songs. In the course of time love songs are very popular to those who are in love and for those who need and finding the right one for them. As I heard the songs come what may and it will rain I noticed that over the years the message, emotional effect and the way of the artists express their feelings is the same.It will rain is the song that sung by a world famous artists named Bruno Mars. The song depicts a person saying that if the woman will leave him, he will be downed into sadness and very much like his days will be like a rain falling down. The main message of the song is to never ever leave the person that has loved you very much. When people are listening to this music they become emotional due to its semi slow effect and slow melody. Bruno Mars shows sadness through the course of the song for us listeners to feel the sadness of the song.Come what may is a song that was sung by two artists in a movie. The soul message of the song is Ill never leave thy side, which means whatever happens you shall never leave the side of your love. Due to its slow effect the listeners could be emotional on listening this song and the melody of this song is slow relatively the same as the Bruno Mars song which makes the song more dramatic. The artists singing this song shows great emotion to have an effect of them being emotionally sad during the course of the song.Over the course of time songs have been created and produced, but still they are similar to each other. Like the emotional effect of this to the listeners, the message of this song and how the artist executes the song to give respect to its emotional feeling. Almost all songs has been made before and being made right now.The Space Shuttles Could Fly Again.

In the year 1981 NASA and the US government decided to make a reusable spacecraft named the Space shuttle. The shuttle has a fleet of 6 namely the Enterprise, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour. They are the first Spacecraft to be reusable and can be modified compared to the one hit wonders like Apollo and more. After its 30 years of service to the world, NASA retired its fleet last 2011. Their reason is that it is too expensive for them to maintain these Shuttles and costs billions to maintain. After they were retired many rumors came out from other people saying that the shuttles will never fly again forever and would be replaced by another spacecraft which cost less to maintain and still reusable. I strongly believe that the space shuttles could fly again because we are not certain when they will replace the space shuttle, in case of ISS rescue mission of the astronauts and resupplying the ISS.

After its retirement last 2011 many were asking NASA if how and when they will replace the shuttles. There has been a list of companies that could help them to make a new spacecraft that can bring people in space without using the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. SpaceX, Boeing, ATK and Lockheed Martin announced their interest on making a bid to make a new spacecraft for the use of the world. Even though bids were made we are not certain about the time it would take them to make this kind of spacecraft that can match the features on the recently retired space shuttle. Many designs were sent to NASA and were posted online but the question of many is how they will replace it.

The international space station was made in 1998 and was finished last 2010 by the Space shuttle Atlantis in the mission STS 135 they placed a multipurpose logistics module which contains supplies that can replenish the station. Come and think of it with the absence of the shuttles when a emergency happens or a some depressurizing modules who can save the astronauts? Soyuz can only bring 4 astronauts in the station and the space shuttle can be modified and can fit 12 astronauts at maximum. They can reach space in only 9 minutes with the use of the shuttle and can rescue them fast with no hassle not like the Soyuz spacecraft that is small for the astronauts to fit in.

Astronauts survive in the ISS by the supplies that are brought by the Soyuz and the shuttles. Try to compare the two; the shuttle has a large payload bay that can bring tons of supplies in the ISS from earth. The Soyuz can also bring supplies but not as many as the shuttle can do. In the mission STS 135 the shuttle brought supplies for the ISS which can support them for a couple of years to come. Without the shuttles America and Russia would depend to the Soyuz and can cost them billions and would launch twice in a year compared to the shuttle once in 2 years.

The space shuttle is a marvelous vehicle that can send people to space and bring supplies to the ISS. Many said that the shuttle is useless and unable to fly again. But I stand that the shuttles could fly again in a ISS rescue mission and major resupplying of the International Space Station and we are not certain when will they replace the shuttle.


As I finish ENSP 703 I learned that writing an essay is an art, why?, because we express our feelings by words that some people may not know. It is very much like speaking but with more considerations on where to put your BP1 or how to improve your sentence by changing the term of the word, or where to put your sub topics. Words are needed to be chosen to be able to fit appropriately to the message that you want your readers to get and understand. Mr. Rio Aburido guided us to be an excellent writer that we can use to our chosen program. Even though many mistakes were made during the course of our essay writing, we managed to fix it by the guidance of our professor.
