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Portable Music Player

Portable Music PlayerSyazaniHikmalAmiezulSamhanPortable Music PlayerIt is a personal mobile device that allows the user to listen to recorded audio while on the goDistinctive features;Portable playerBattery-poweredUses earphones/headphones


20011998199219841979CassetteWalkmanFirst portable cassette playerManufactured by Sony, a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporationReleased to market on 1979

DiscmanFirst portable CD playerManufactured by Sony, a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporationReleased to market on 1984

MPMan First portable digital music playerManufactured by South Korean company, SaeHan Information Systems (currently known as TAK Information SystemsPoor reception and thus was not a success

iPodThe first iPod was released in 2001, Apple.It could save up to 1000 songs in your pocketUntil now, the iPod was revised a few timesAs of 2011, 4 iPod models are available: (Classic, Nano, Shuffle and Touch)

2001 apple released the first ipod. With his cool minimalistic design and a fancy interface it could save up to 1000 Songs in your pocket.The ipod weithed 185 gramm and could play 9 hours of music with one battery charge.Until now the ipod was revised a few times and has sold over 250 Million times and it still goes on8iPod InterfaceMost iPods have 5 buttons and the later generations, some of the iPod have the buttons integrated into the click-wheel(an innovation that gives an uncluttered, minimalist interface)Menu, Play, Pause, Next Track, Previous TrackScrolling the Menu Items and Controlling Volume in rotational manner(Click-Wheel)iPods with color displays useanti-aliasedgraphics and text, with sliding animations. All iPods (except the3rd-generation iPod Shuffle, the6th & 7th generation iPod Nano, andiPod Touch) have five buttons and the later generations have the buttons integrated into theclick wheel an innovation that gives an uncluttered, minimalistinterface. The buttons perform basic functions such as menu, play, pause, next track, and previous track. Other operations, such as scrolling through menu items and controlling the volume, are performed by using the click wheel in a rotational manner. The 3rd-generationiPod Shuffledoes not have any controls on the actual player; instead it has a small control on the earphone cable, with volume-up and -down buttons and a single button for play and pause, next track, etc. TheiPod Touchhas no click-wheel; instead it uses a 3.5" touch screen along with a home button, sleep/wake button and (on the second and third generations of the iPod Touch) volume-up and -down buttons. The user interface for the iPod Touch is identical to that of theiPhone. Differences include a lack of a phone application. Both devices useiOS.9iPod Interface3rd Shuffle small control on the earphone cable 6th Nano the first iPod nano that uses multi-touch screen7th Nano and iPod Touch no click-wheel, uses touch screen along with a home buttoniPods with color displays useanti-aliasedgraphics and text, with sliding animations. All iPods (except the3rd-generation iPod Shuffle, the6th & 7th generation iPod Nano, andiPod Touch) have five buttons and the later generations have the buttons integrated into theclick wheel an innovation that gives an uncluttered, minimalistinterface. The buttons perform basic functions such as menu, play, pause, next track, and previous track. Other operations, such as scrolling through menu items and controlling the volume, are performed by using the click wheel in a rotational manner. The 3rd-generationiPod Shuffledoes not have any controls on the actual player; instead it has a small control on the earphone cable, with volume-up and -down buttons and a single button for play and pause, next track, etc. TheiPod Touchhas no click-wheel; instead it uses a 3.5" touch screen along with a home button, sleep/wake button and (on the second and third generations of the iPod Touch) volume-up and -down buttons. The user interface for the iPod Touch is identical to that of theiPhone. Differences include a lack of a phone application. Both devices useiOS.

10iPod Touch1st Gen (Sept 07) Wi-fi Capability, Web Browser2nd Gen (Sept 08) Built-in Speaker, Microphone abilities3rd Gen (Sept 09) Voice Control Support, RAM CPU GPU are upgraded

4th Gen (Sept 10) Front Camera, Built-in Microphone, Support for recording 720px video and 960x720 still photo5th Gen (Oct 12) 4-inch Screen, Support for recording 1080p video and panoramic still photos via rear camera

ComparisonConclusionTrends of portable music playerMinimalistic philosophyLess weightDecrease in sizeLess buttonsLess effort to useIncreasing data capacity

RecommendationsMake smallerIncreased data capacityDecrease weightIncrease durability
