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Abstract – This project focuses on the development of a new technologies on nuclear power instead of conventional light water nuclear reactor. Race of new energy production sparks out interest among big nation like China, Russia, France and India to pursue alternative and abundance energy sources. The conventional nuclear reactor that use light water for coolant poses extreme danger like what happened in Fukushima, Daichi power plants.


Race of energy sparks out interest in pursuing alternative and interesting energy source. So we planned to pursue the topics of Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor

As we all know, current light water nuclear reactor operates at higher temperature and high pressure, which consist a lot of problem if disaster occurs. If the fuel meltdown, then the reaction wouldn’t stop.

At 1950’s Alvin Weinberg a director at Oak Bridge National Laboratory and a nuclear scientist of US approach what is we called as Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor for military purpose but however were stopped after the facts that current light water nuclear reactors were proven to work. In early nuclear approach, the research was grant for military purpose. The decision of approaching light water nuclear reactor is only optimized for Navy needs and water suits well in the ocean for them. But not in energy production.

II. Problem Statement

Current light water nuclear reactor that uses same technology about 50 years poses high risk because of high pressure just what already happen to Fukushima, Daichi Nuclear Plant and Chernobyl Plant. Current nuclear reactor need to be built nearby water sources for cooling and the size of the reactor need to be really big. The current nuclear reactor technology utilize about 30-40% of the heat energy whereas Molten Salt Reactor achieve about 45- 50%

III. Objectives

i) To propose a better solution for abundant nuclear energy. ii) To promote nuclear technology to the society. iii) To encourage participation on nuclear technology awareness

iv) To develop new type of nuclear energy that are safer and better efficiency

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IV. (Proposed) Project Overview

Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor Plant

Low Pressure but High TemperatureInstead of using light water, we use molten salt mixture to cool down the reactor. The fuel itself could be use molten salt mixture. It runs on higher temperature to achieve higher efficiency on thermodynamics but low vapor pressure which means it needs very high temperature to turn into gas.

Safe DesignAnd in case of disaster, passive mechanism to drain the fuel itself could be use for shutdown the whole reactor. The best part of it, when it cools down, the nuclear reaction would stops.The cost estimates from 1970s were slightly lower than for conventional light water reactors.So you could have better power generated on same fuel use as conventional nuclear reactor.

Liquid Salts as a fuel

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor is one type of molten salt reactor, it uses liquid salts as fuel instead of the solid Uranium. This is safe since if any incident happen the fuel can drains into a passively cooled configuration where nuclear fission and meltdown are not possible. Molten salts such as lithium, beryllium and thorium mixtures were perfect for reactor operation. They would melt around 400 degree celcius and sustain fission reaction in the salt. If it happened to be spills al LFTR plant, the salt would quickly cool into solid forming blockage if pipe leakage.

V. Conclusions (Expected Outcome)

We hope to promote safer nuclear technology to use in our nation. To build such humongous plant would need a lot of support from government as well large sum of money. China, India, France, Russia and other country already starts to pursue this new technology. The technology were proven working in plant Oak Ridge National Laboratory that run for 5 years.

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