Transcript 1

PoliticalSocial MediaLebanon and Elections 2013 2Table of Contents

Executive SummaryKey Findings

Think Media Labs and the ElectionsElections of Lebanon 2013 the Social Media Challenage

Challenges for Politicians and their TeamsOnline Advertising

Looking Forward RecommendationsGeneral Observations


MethodologyLegal Disclaimer

Think Media Labs Services


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Political parties and candidates

are learning how to use

Social Media with more

knowledge and familiarity, out

of necessity.

For the elections Think Media Labs has

developed specific election Social Media trainings, orientation

sessions, and detailed reports for political

candidates, their teams, media entities and

journalists, NGOs, and election monitoring


“ “

Politicians in Lebanon have been increasingly embracing Social Media over the last year and their Social Media activity will continue to grow at a much higher rate in 2013. Think Media Labs has been monitoring, documenting, and analyzing the Social Media activity of the politicians and has compiled and summarized this data in this detailed analytical report. After going through this report you will know who is active, who is a late comer to the political Social Media scene, who is more social than others, who has more followers, when are they having slow months...Upcoming elections in 2013

are expected to fuel the growth of political social media and will prove to be critical for some candidates. Political parties and candidates are learning how to use Social Media with more knowledge and familiarity, out of necessity. Their teams are already gearing up for the elections by improving their skills, learning about the latest Social Media tools, experimenting with different social channels… For the elections Think Media Labs has developed specific election Social Media trainings, orientation sessions, and detailed reports for political candidates, their teams, media entities and journalists, NGOs, and election monitoring organizations. Please refer to page 12.

“Executive Summary

Ayman ItaniFounder and CEO of Think Media Labs 2Executive Summary

The methodology and approach

we followed is that we are specialized in: Social Media Business Intelligence. We have gathered

and processed political Social Media data for more than one year and presented them in this report (with no political analysis) for you to

do your own. If you are into political analysis and have been monitoring the offline behavior of politicians, our studies have a wealth of data that will allow you

to match political analysis to political Social Media activity for assessing the online behavior of politicians during incidents, tough times, troubled political periods,…

Think Media Labs has created the first and only standard for Lebanon’s Social Media elections monitoring and online activity of politicians. Politicians from the different

parties get in touch with us on a monthly basis to get our latest reports to measure the activity of their teams as well as that of their competitors. Media institutions,

journalist, and embassies very frequently reach out for data on Political Social Media to provide insight and contribute to the reports they are


.Let us jump into the data


This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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Social Media training for:

politicians and the teams(community building, ad execution,…)

media institutions and individuals(how to monitor, what to look for, what to analyze,…)

NGOs monitoring the elections

Think Media Labs and the Elections

Social Media Business Intelligence Platform: politicians and their team have their own dedicated interface that they check their growth, the activity of their followers,…

Competitive Insight where we provide insight on their competitors


Independently of the adopted election law (as of this writing the different parties haven't agreed on a law) political Social Media will be a significant participant.

This is a challenge for politicians and their teams especially that some basic techniques of Twitter are not mastered such as the proper use of hashtags (a basic and powerful building block of Twitter).

Resources will be spent in online advertising (refer to page 18).

Political teams will receive training.

@# The Social Media Challenge


• Effectively identifying Social Media data of interest to them (refer to page 12 for Social Media Business Intelligence)

• Spending effectively their budget

• Analyzing and reporting to management the data with recommendations forward

• Creating relevant and engaging Branded Content to boost the discussions on Social Media (beyond the traditional political repertoire)

• Effective Mobile Strategy Challenges for Politicians and their Teams

This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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Mr. Saad Hariri and Mr. Najib Mikati are the only politicians with their account verified by Twitter.

Key Findings


Ad budget spending has been growing month on month and more politicians are using it, especially Facebook.This is a collage of ads used by politicians throughout

different times of the year. Online Advertising 20

Politicians are exploring

growth into mobile;

however, it is very

experimental at this stage.


This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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149$ 21

Whether a politician wins or loses, he /she might not be as active or as interested in Social Media post election.

That remains to be seen.

Social Media Activity after Election 23

Politicians are gradually starting to realize how

Social Media differs from the one-directional method of

communication of mass media.


Politicians are Competing in a Communication Space that is New to Them 31

More and more politicians are involving team members to help them keep their Social Media feeds regularly active.

Politicians who understand the medium well are putting a lot of efforts being considered as an active member of the community (arranging tweet ups, live tweet question and answer sessions, …)

Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui is known to use Social Media to channel user complaints of Internet and mobile networks to technical teams for review and intervention.

With political topics varying, many hashtags are created by the community as the discussion grows (and sometimes snowballs). Many of these hashtags don›t stick and many of them do (example: hashtag #blamebassil).

When on TV they don›t mention frequently their Social Media experience unless the presenter brings up the topic, and it is usually in the context of «who has more followers»


General Observations 32

There are doubts that politicians are

not listening to their audience (electors).

Via Social Media they are listening but are

they acting on citizen issues that are another

question. We will let you be the judge of that.

Politicians are Listening

This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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149$ 59

Politicians with very little activity on their Twitter accounts prior to 2012 and became active in 2012 are Ms. Bahia Hariri, Ms. Nayla Tueni and Mr. Atef Majdalani, Mr. Ibrahim Kanaan, and Mr. Fouad Makhzoumi

Tweets 60

The political party of Mr. Jumblat formally announced on September 11, 2012 that Mr. Jumblat has no official account on

any of the Social Media channels. As such the data we had earlier was removed from our study.


This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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149$ 86

For general listings, the order of the politicians is done in alphabetical order by last name, except

when they are being ranked against certain criteria (followers, activity …)

There may be certain gaps in the early months of the year due to either the politician was not active during

that time or that we didn't have that data at the time. In some of these cases, we have estimated the

activity for completion or comparison purposes.Most of the data is Twitter data. The analysis upon

request is by monitoring their full online presence (web, Facebook, twitter, mobile,…)

Methodology 87

Think Media Labs L.L.C and its individual contributors, system operators, developers, sponsors or anyone

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consequences presented in this analysis.


This is a summary presentation of the Social Media Activity of Lebanese Politicians.

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149$ 88

Increase brand’s awareness, customer engagement, and product

launch through Social Media Platforms.

Applications are developed for hand held devices such as personal digital

assistants, enterprise digital assis-tants or mobile phones

Manage and execute online ads, mobile ads,

Facebook apps, and gaming platforms for

maximum reach.

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