Page 1: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking




Government of KeralaDepartment of Education

Prepared by

State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Kerala


Class - XI



Page 2: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


Guidelines for the Preparation of Question Paper forHIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION 2014-15


Term evaluation is an important aspect of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).It covers the assessment of learning aspect of the CCE. The Kerala School Curriculum 2013postulated that the examination system should be recast so as to ensure a method ofassessment that is a valid, reliable and objective measure of student development and apowerful instrument for improving the learning process. The outcome focused written testsare being used as tools for terminal assessment. Practical assessment is also considered forsome subjects. The syllabus, scheme of work, textual materials, teacher texts and learningexperiences may be considered while developing tools for term evaluation.

In order to make the examination system effective and objective, quality of the question paperneeds to be ensured. Questions of different types considering various learning outcomes,thinking skills and of varying difficulty levels are to be included in the question paper. Thismakes question paper setting a significant task that has to be undertaken with the support ofproper guidelines.

The guidelines for the preparation of the question paper have been divided into four headsfor its effective implementation and monitoring. The areas are i) preparatory stage, ii) nature

of questions, iii) question paper setting and iv) structure of the question paper.

I. Preparatory stage

Before starting the process of question paper setting, the question paper setter shouldensure that she/he has:

l Familiarised the current syllabus and textbook of the concerned subject.

l secured the list of LOs (Learning Outcomes) relating to the subject.

l acquired the list of thinking skills applicable to the subject.

l prepared a pool of questions from each unit of the subject.

l verified the scheme of work and weight of score for each unit/lesson.

l gone through guidelines for the preparation of question paper for highersecondary education 2014-15.

II Nature of questions

Questions selected from the pool to be included in the question paper should reflect thefollowing features:

l stem of the question text should be relevant to the question posed.

l multiple choice questions should be provided with four competitive distracters.

l the possibilities of higher order thinking skills should be considered while settingMCQs

l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking skillsinvolved.

l the scope and length of the answer should be clearly indicated.

l questions should be prepared by considering the learning level of the learner.

Page 3: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


l the question should focus on the learning outcomes.

l a wide range of thinking skills and learning outcomes from each unit/lessonshould be considered.

l varied forms of questions should be covered.

l there should be a balance between the time allotted and the level of question.

l question should be very specific and free from ambiguity.

l question text should not be too lengthy and complicated.

l questions can be prepared based on a single or a cluster of learning outcomeswhich is scattered over one particular unit or units.

l cluster of learning outcomes from different units can be considered only for gradedquestions (questions with sub-divisions).

l the possibilities of graded questions reflecting different thinking skills can be explored.

l while preparing questions for language papers importance should be given to thelanguage elements, language skills, discourses, textual content and elements ofcreativity.

l while preparing questions for subjects other than languages, importance should begiven to content, concepts and skills.

l questions should cater the needs of differently abled learners and CWSEN(Children With Special Education Needs)

l the questions should contain varied forms such as objective type with specificfocus to multiple choice test items and descriptive types (short answer and essaytypes).

l directions regarding the minimum word limit for essay type questions should be given.

l sufficient hints can be provided for essay type questions, if necessary.

l maximum usage of supporting items like pictures, graphs, tables and collage maybe used while preparing questions.

l questions which hurt the feelings of caste, religion, gender, etc. must be completelyavoided.

III. Question paper setting

During the process of question paper setting the question setter should:

l prepare a design of the question paper with due weight to content, learningoutcomes, different forms of questions and thinking skills.

l prepare a blue print based on the design.

l prepare scoring key indicating value points and question based analysis alongwith the question paper.

l while preparing scoring key, thinking skills should also be integrated.

l 60% weight should be given to thinking skills for conceptual attainment and 40% tothinking skills for conceptual generation.

l 15 to 20% weight of total scores must be given to objective type questions and upto 20% weight of total score must be given to essay type questions.

l the highest score that can be given to a question in the question paper is limited to10% of the total score.

Page 4: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


l while fixing the time for answering a question, time for reading, comprehendingand writing the answer must be considered.

l The total time limit of the question paper - two hours for 60 scores and 2.30 hoursfor 80 scores question papers with an extra cool-off time of 15 minutes.

IV. Structure of the question paper

The question paper should reflect the following features in general:

l general instructions for the question paper should be given on the top.

l instructions for specific questions can be given before the question text.

l monotony of set patterns (objective or descriptive) should be avoided.

l questions should be prepared in bilingual form.

l there should not be any mismatch between the bilingual versions of the questions.

l choice can be given for questions up to 20% of the total score.

l while giving choice, alternative questions should be from the same unit with thesame level of thinking skills.

l in the case of languages, language of the questions and answers should be in theparticular language concerned. Necessary directions in this regard must be givenin the question paper.


Category/ Alternative terms


1. Remember Retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory

1.1. Recognising identifying- (e.g. Recognize the dates of important events in Indianhistory)

1.2. Recalling retrieving - (e.g. Recall the major exports of India)

2. Understand Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral,written and graphic information

2.1. Interpreting clarifying, paraphrasing, representing, translating (e.g. Write anequation [using B for the number of boys and G for the number ofgirls] that corresponds to the statement ‘There are twice as many boysas girls in this class’)

2.2. Exemplifying illustrating, instantiating (e.g. Locate an inorganic compound and tellwhy it is inorganic)

2.3. Classifying categorizing, subsuming (e.g. Classify the given transactions to berecorded in Purchase returns book and Sales returns book)

2.4. Summarising abstracting, generalizing (e.g. Students are asked to read an untitledpassage and then write an appropriate title.)

2.5. Inferring concluding, extrapolating, interpolating, predicting (e.g. a studentmay be given three physics problems, two involving one principleand another involving a different principle and ask to state theunderlying principle or concept the student is using to arrive at thecorrect answer.)

Page 5: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


2.6. Comparing contrasting, mapping, matching (e.g. Compare historical events tocontemporary situations)

2.7. Explaining constructing models (e.g. the students who have studied Ohm’s laware asked to explain what happens to the rate of the current when asecond battery is added to a circuit.)

3. Apply Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation

3.1. Executing Carrying out (e.g. Prepare Trading and Profit and loss Account fromthe Trial Balance given and find out the net profit.)

3.2. Implementing using (e.g. Select the appropriate given situation where Newton’sSecond Law can be used)

4. Analyse Break material into its constituent parts and determines how theparts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose

4.1. Differentiating discriminating, distinguishing, focusing, selecting (e.g. distinguishbetween relevant and irrelevant numbers in a mathematical wordproblem)

4.2. Organising finding coherence, integrating, outlining, parsing, structuring (e.g. thestudents are asked to write graphic hierarchies best corresponds tothe organisation of a presented passage.)

4.3. Attributing deconstructing (e.g. determine the point of view of the author of anessay in terms of his or her ethical perspective)

5. Evaluate Make judgements based on criteria and standards

5.1. Checking coordinating, detecting, monitoring, testing (e.g. after reading a reportof a chemistry experiment, determine whether or not the conclusionfollows from the results of the experiment.)

5.2. Critiquing judging (e.g. Judge which of the two methods is the best way to solvea given problem)

6. Create Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole;reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure

6.1. Generating hypothesizing (e.g. suggest as many ways as you can to assure thateveryone has adequate medical insurance)

6.2. Planning designing (e.g. design social intervention programmes forovercoming excessive consumerism)

6.3. Producing constructing (e.g. the students are asked to write a short story basedon some specifications)

Considering the intellectual level of learners, while setting the question paper;

1. 60% weight may be given to thinking skills used for factual and conceptual

attainment and

2. 40% weight may be given to thinking skills for conceptual generation (higher thinkingskills has to be ensured in this category). Thinking skills for conceptual generationmeans thinking skills needed for elaborating the concepts.

Refer the range of thinking skills given above. We can include the thinking skills no.1.1to 3.2 (11 processes) under first category and 4.1 to 6.3 (8 processes) under secondcategory.

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Reg. No:

Higher Secondary Education

POLITICAL SCIENCESample Question Paper -I

Maximum : 80 ScoreTime: 2½ hrs

General Instructions to candidates:

• There is a 'Cool off time' of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2.30 hrs.• You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the 'cool off time'.• Use the 'cool off time' to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.• Read the questions carefully before answering• All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.• When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.• Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.• Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.• Give equations wherever necessary


• \n¿±njvS ka-b-Øn\v ]pdsa 15 an\n´v "Iqƒ Hm^v ssSw' D≠m-bn-cn-°pw. Cu ka-bØv tNmZy-߃°v

DØcw Fgp-Xmt\m, a‰p-≈-cp-ambn Bibw hn\n-abw \S-tØmt\m ]mSn-√.

• DØ-c-߃ Fgp-Xp-∂-Xn\v apºv tNmZy-߃ i≤m-]q¿∆w hmbn-°-Ww.

• F√m tNmZy-߃°pw DØcw Fgp-X-Ww.

• Hcp tNmZy-\-º¿ DØ-c-sa-gp-Xm≥ sXsc-s™-SpØv Ign-™m¬ D]-tNm-Zy-ßfpw AtX tNmZy-\-º-

cn¬ \n∂v Xs∂ sXsc-s™-Sp-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.

• IW°v Iq´-ep-Iƒ, NnX-߃, Km^p-Iƒ, F∂nh DØ-c-t]-∏-dn¬Øs∂ D≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

• Bh-iy-ap≈ ÿeØv ka-hm-Iy-߃ sImSp-°Ww

• tNmZy-߃ ae-bm-f-Ønepw \¬In-bn-´p-≠v.

1. Who is the real Executive Head of a state

in India?

(1 )

2. Indian Parliament consists of two

houses - Lok Sabha and Rajya sabha.

Distinguish the functions of these two.


1. C¥-y-bn¬ kwÿm-\-X-e-Øn¬ Imcy-\n¿∆-

l-W-Øns‚ bYm¿∞ Xe-h≥ Bcv?


2. temI-k-`bpw cmP-y-k-`bpw tN¿∂-XmWv

C¥-y≥ ]m¿e-sa‚ v Ccpk- -I-fp-tSbpw NpaX-

e-Iƒ hnth-Nn-s®-gp-XpI


Sys/Dileep/2014/Question Paper/HSS/Political Sciences/Set - 1

Page 7: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


3. Some of the borrowed provisions of the

Indian constitution given below.

Classify them appropriate columns

given below. (3)

American British Canadian

Constitution Constitution Constitution

$ Federal System $ Judicial Review

$ Rule of Law $ Residual Power

$ Preamble $ Parliamentary


4. Indias Election system needs more

effective reforms? Suggest reforms with

suitable suitable example. (6)

5. Supreme Court and High Courts can

issue various 'writs' for the enforcement

of fundamental Rights. Write the Name

of any four writs. (2)

6. Who is the exponent of the idea - 'Harm


(Karl Marx, John Rawls, T.H.Green,

Rousseau) (1)

7. Indian Parliament uses various

Mechanisms to control the executive. List

out any four and briefly explain. (4 )

8. Match the following (3)

Books Author

1. Long walks to - Mahatma Gandhi


2. Hind Swaraj Aung San Soukyi

3. Freedom from - Nelson Mandela


3. C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S\ IS-sa-SpØ Nne hyh-

ÿ-Iƒ NphsS \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ahsb

A\p-tbm-Py-ambn Iao-I-cn-°p-I. (3)

$ kwbp-‡-hy-hÿ $ \oXn-\ymb ]p\-c-h-


$ \nb-a-hmgvN $ Ah-injvS A[n-Imcw

$ BapJw $ ]m¿e-sa‚dn hyhÿ

4. C¥-y≥ Xnc-s™-Sp∏v ]In-b-bn¬ IqSp-X¬

]cn-jvI-c-W-߃ Bh-i-y-am-W.v A\p-tbm-Py-

amb ]cnjvIcW-߃ \n¿t±-in-°p-I. (6)

5. auenI Ah-Im-i-߃ \S-∏n-em-°p-∂-Xn\v

th≠n kp]ow tImS-Xnbpw sslt°m-S-XnIfpw

hnhn[ dn´p-Iƒ A\p-h-Zn-°m-dp-≠v. GsX-¶nepw

\mev dn´p-I-fp-sS t]sc-gp-Xp-I. (2)

6. "lm\n' kn≤m-¥-Øns‚ D]-⁄m-Xmhmcv?

(Imd¬ am¿Ivkv, tPm¨ tdmƒkv, Sn.F®v.

Ko≥, dqtkm) (1)

7 hnhn-[-am¿§-ß-fn-eqsSbmWv C¥-y≥ ]m¿e-

sa‚ v Imc-y-\n¿h-l-W hn`m-K-sØ \nb-¥n-

°p-∂-Xv. Ch-bn¬ GsX-¶nepw \mse-Æ-

sagpXn Ah-sb-°p-dn®v eLp hnh-cWw

\¬IpI. (4)

8. tNcpw ]Sn tN¿°p-I. (3)

IrXn-Iƒ KŸ I¿Ømhv

1. temwKv hm¬Ivkv alm-flm-Km‘n

Sp ^oUw

2. lnµv kz-cmPv B≥ km≥ kqIn

3. ^nUw ^w alm-flm-Km‘n








Page 8: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


9. 'Peace has become a tie in the prevent

turbulent world' in this context explain

the following:

a. Contemporary challenger to pease.

b. Approacher to bring peace (8)


Structural violence is a major threat to

peace. Explain the different forms of

structural violence and anlaysis how it

affect peace (8)

10. Article 370 gives special states to a state

in India Identify the state? (1)

11. In democracy the elected represent-

atives lead the Government. But the day

to day administration is done by trained

and skilled officers, known as

Bureaucrats. What are the major

differences between, them? (4)

12. "Nationalism is a feeling of oneness"

based on this statement always the

following :

a) Factore which promots


b) Suggest measures to control anti -

National activities. (6)


Nationalism is the product of many

factors. Identify and briefly explain

the factors that promote Nationalist


13. Who introduced the idea of a"veid of

ignorance" ? (1)

14. Distinguish social equality and

political equality by citing appropriate

examples. (3)

9. kwL¿j`cn-X-amb C\-\sØ temIØvkam-[\w Hcp anYy-bm-Ip-∂p. Cu ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ Xmsg ]d-bp-∂h hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-I.

a. kam-[m\w t\cn-Sp∂ ka-Im-enI sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ.

b. kam-[m-\-ÿm-]-\-Øn-\p≈ hnhn[ kao-]-\-߃ (8)


LS-\m-]-c-amb lnwk, kam-[m-\-Øn\vhenb oj-Wn-bm-Wv. LS-\m-]-c-amb lnwk-bpsS hnhn[ cq] -߃ FgpXn AhFßns\ kam-[m-\sØ _m[n-°p-∂p-sh∂v

hni-I-e\w sNøp-I. (8)

10. C¥y≥ c-W-L-S-\-bpsS B¿´n-°nƒ 370 Hcp

kwÿm-\-Øn\v ]tXyI ]Zhn \¬Ip-∂p.

kwÿm\taXv? (1)

11. Xnc-s™-Sp-°-s∏´ ]Xn-\n-[n-I-fmWv P\m-[n-

]-Xy-Øn¬ k¿°m-cns\ \bn-°p-∂-Xv.

F∂m¬ _yqtdm-Im‰vkv F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ ]cn-

io-e\w e`n-®-h-cpw, sshZ-KvZy-hpap≈ DtZym-

K-ÿ-cmWv ssZ\w-Zn\ `cWw \S-Øp-∂-Xv.

Ch XΩn-ep≈ hyXym-k-ß-sf-gp-XpI. (4)

12. \mw H∂m-sW∂ hnIm-c-amWv tZio-b-X. Cu

]kvXmh\-bpsS ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ Xmsg

]d-bp-∂h hni-I-e\w sNøp-I.

a. tZio-bX t]m¬km-ln-∏n-°p∂ LS-I-߃.

b. tZio-b- hncp≤ ]h¿Ø-\-߃ XS-bp-∂-Xn-\p≈ \S-]-Sn-Iƒ. (6)


tZio-bX F∂Xv ]e LS-I-ß-fp-tSbpw

D¬]-∂-am-Wv. tZio-b-hn-Im-csØ t]m’m-

ln-∏n-°p∂ LS-I-߃ Is≠Øn hnh-cn-

°p-I. (6)

13. A⁄-X-bpsS aqSp-]Sw F∂ XXzw Bhn-

jvI-cn-®-Xmcv? (1)

14. kmaqly ka-Xzhpw cmjvSob kaXzw XΩn-

ep≈ hyXymkw DZm-l-c-W-k-lnXw hy‡-

am-°p-I. (3)

Page 9: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


15. 'Judicial activism' revolutionised the

functioning of Judiciary and made it

more 'People , friendly'. Give

arguments in support and against this


(Hint: - Merits and demerits of Judicial

activitism) (5 )

16. Who appoints the chief minister and

ministers in a state? (1 )

(Chief Justice, President, Governor,


17. Democracy is about meaningful

participation of people. How 73rd

Amendment of the constitution helps to

achieve it. (6)

(Hints: - Three tier structure, Grama

Sabha, Reservations of seats to SC/STS,

periodical elections)

18. Find out the fundamental Right in the

Indian constitution which provides the

right to approach court. (1)

19. Indian concept of Secularism differs

from the of western concept. Find out

the major differences between the two.


20. "Displacement of people for

developmental activities is related to

which one of the following.

a) Environmental cost of development

b) Social cost of development

c) Political cost of development

d) Economic cost of development (1)

21. The study of political theory is

definitely useful to political scientists.

How its study is helpful to students?


15. ""\oXn-\ymb Du¿÷-kz-eX PpUn-jy-dn-

bpsS ]h¿Ø-\sØ hnπ-hmfl-Ihpw

P\kulr-Z-hp-am°n'' Cu ]kvXm-h-\sb

A\p-Iq-en®pw ]Xn-Iq-en-®p-ap≈ hmZ-K-Xn-Iƒ

Fgp-Xp-I. (5)

(kqN\:-˛ \oXn-\ymb Du¿÷-kz-e-X-bpsS

ta≥a-Ifpw t]mcm-bva-Ifpw)

16. Hcp kwÿm-\-Ønse apJy-a-¥n-tbbpw

a¥n-am-tcbpw \nb-an-°p-∂-Xmcv?

(No^v PÃn-kv, Kh¿W¿, ][m-\-a-¥n) (1)

17. P\-ß-fpsS kPoh ]¶m-fn-Ø-amWv P\m-[n-

]-XysØ IqSp-X¬ A¿∞-]q¿W-am-°p-∂-

Xv. 73˛mw c-W-L-S-\m-t`-Z-KXn \n¿t±-i-߃

Cu e£ysØ ]n≥Xp-W-°p-∂-sX-ß-s\-

sb∂v hni-Z-am-°pI (6)

(kqN\:˛ LS-\, Kma-k- , kwh-c-Ww, IrXy-

amb CS-th-f-I-fn-ep≈ Xnc-s™-Sp-∏p-Iƒ)

18. C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S-\-bnse aueoI Ah-Im-

i-ß-fn¬ tImS-Xnsb kao-]n-°m-\p≈ Ah-

Im-i-taXv? (1)

19. C¥y≥ atX-Xc Bi-b-߃ ]m›mXy

Bi-b-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw n∂-amWv. Ch c≠pw

XΩn-ep≈ hyXymk߃ Is≠Øn Fgp-

Xp-I. (4)

20. hnI-k\ ]h¿Ø-\-߃°p-th≠n P\-

ßsf IpSn-sbm-gn-∏n-°p-∂Xv Xmsg-]-d-bp-∂-

Xn-te-Xn-t\mSv _‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. (1)

a) hnI-k-\-Øns‚ ]cnÿnXnI Nne-hp-Iƒ.

b) hnI-k-\-Øns‚ kmaqly Nne-hp-Iƒ

c) hnI-k-\-Øns‚ cojvSob Nne-hp-Iƒ

d) hnI-k-\-Øns‚ kmº-ØnI Nne-hp-Iƒ.

21. cmjvSob kn≤m¥ ]T-\w, cmjvS-X-¥-im-

kvX-⁄¿°v XnI®pw ]tbm-P-\-]-Z-am-Wv.

CXns‚ ]T\w Ip´n-Iƒ°v ]tbm-P-\-s∏-

Sp-∂-sX-ßns\? (3)

Page 10: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


22. The conflicting areas in Indian federal

system are given below:

a. Centre - State relations

b. Demand for autonomy

c. Role of Governor and President


d. Demand for new states

Make a brief note on any three: (6)

23. Which among the following is a

political Right :

(Right to work, Right to property,

Right to vote, Right to Education) (1)

24. Indian constitution is not free from

criticisms. Write any two criticisms


25. Global citizenship means:

a) National Citizenship

b) Universal Citizenship

c) Acquired Citizenship

d) An imaginary citizenship beyond

National boundaries. (1)

26. We have learned that Indian

constitution is a 'living document' what

is meant by it? (3)

22. C¥y≥ s^U-d-en-k-Ønse kwL¿j

taJ-e-I-fn¬ NneXv Xmsg sImSpØncn-°p-

∂p. Ah-bn¬ GsX-¶nepw aqs∂-Æ-sØ-

°p-dn®v eLp Ipdn∏v Xøm-dm-°p-I. (6)

a) tIµ-kw-ÿm\ _‘-߃

b) IqSp-X¬ kzbw`cW Bh-iy-߃

c) Kh¿Wsd CS-s]-S-ep-Ifpw cmjvS-]Xn


d) ]pXnb kwÿm-\-߃°v th≠n-bp≈


23. Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬ cmjvSob


(tPmen sNøm-\p≈ Ah-Im-iw, kzØ-h-

Im-iw, thm´p sNøm-\p≈ Ah-Imiw

hnZym-`ymk Ah-Im-i-am-Wv) (1)

24. C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S\ hna¿i-\-ap-‡-a-√.

GsX-¶nepw c≠v hna¿i-\-߃ Fgp-Xp-I.


25. BtKmf ]ucXzw F∂m-se¥v?

a) tZiob ]ucXzw

b) km¿∆-XnI ]ucXzw

c) B¿⁄nX ]ucXzw

d) cmPym-Xn¿Øn-Iƒ°-∏p-d-tØ°v \ofp∂

km¶¬]n-I-amb ]ucXzw (1)

26. C¥y≥ `c-W-L-S\ Hcp kPoh ]am-W-am-

sW∂v \mw ]Tn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v. CXp-sIm≠v

A¿∞-am-°p-∂-sX¥v? (3)

Page 11: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


Qn. Sub Value points Score Total

No. Qns

Answer Key

1 The Chief Minister 1 Score 1

2 Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha

- Financial Bill - Indirectly elected

- Directly Elected - States representative

- Consider no confidanciale motion - No Financial Bill ½ x 6 =3 3

3 American British Canadian

- Preamble Parliamentary system Federal System ½ x 6 =3 3form of govt.

- Judicial Review Rule of Law Residual Powers

- Flawless voters list - Voting is obligatory

- Epic Compulsory - Control money and musile

4 power

- Complete state Election - Strict auditing of expreses

funding power

- Reservation for women - Provision to call back 1x6 =6 6


- Habeas Corpus - Quowarranto

5 - Mandamus

- Certiorari - Prohibition ½ x 4 =2 2

6 John Rawls 1 1

7 - Deliberation and Discussion

- Approval/Refusal of Bills

- Financial Control

- No Confidence motion 4x 1 = 4 4

8 - Long walks to freedom - Nelson Mandela

- Hind Swaraj - Mahathma Gandhi

- Freedom from Fear - Aung san Soukiji 1 3

- Challenges Approaches 1 1

- Terrorism - Admit the centrality &

9 A - Gencide respect state sovereignty

- Wars

- Climate Changes - Promote interdependence 5+ 3 = 8 8

between states

Page 12: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


- Wide spreaded disescs

- Relegion/cast/Riveiry - Build global


- Displacement due to

development -

- Economics in balancing

B Structural Violence

Cast system, Patriarchy, Colonialism, Racism, Communal

Violence (Explanation of any revelent points) 3 + 5= 8

10 Jammu & Kashmir 1 1

11 Political Leadership Bureacrates

- Non parmanent - Permenant

- Elected - Appointed

- Committed to people - Skilled and trained

- Change with every election - Working according

- Working according to to Law

will of people - Committed to govt. 2x2 =4 4

12 A A. B.

Common History, culture, - accept pluralist

belief, Territory, common Principle

political identity - Meet minimum

economic need of the


- Avoid social

discrimination 3x2 =6 6

- Give democratic Rights

B Common past, Common living

together to develop the sense of

identify 3x2 =6 6

13 John Rewls 1 1

14 Social Political

- Minimise social evils - equal citizenship 1 ½ × 2 = 3

- Equality of opportunities - equal rights

- Recognition and acceptance - equal participation

15 Merits Demerits

- Help the poor - Threat to theory of 1 ½ × 2 = 3

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seperation of power.

- More responsive &

accountable - Create imbalance 2 ½ x +2 = 5- Control excess of legislative

& Executive intervention - Authoritarian Nature

- Extaent scope of Judiciary - May lead to corruption

16 Governor 1 1

17 Three Tier system, structure Grama Panchayath

Block Panchayath

District Panchayath

- Grama Sabha - Functioning

- Reservation of seats to SC/ST/,Women

- Time bound periodical election 2x3 =6 6

- Public participation

18 Rights to Constitutional Remedies 1 1

19 Indian Western- accept - religion - issues- State inter vention where ever

need - Rejects the greatness- Special protection to religions of Religion

minorities - No state interference- Balancing various religionus - Religion and state

groups separation 2x 2 =4 4

20 Social cost of development 1 1

21 - Create good sitizenship- Effective political participation- Getting a good profession- Oppose inquality and injustice- Support the poor

- Model member of an elite political system. 1x3 = 3 3

22 Centre State Relations - issues

- Appointment of governor - Demand for new State

- President Rule -

- Demand more Resources - Inter state problems

- Demand for autonomy - Over involvement of 1x6 =6 6

central government

23 Right to Vote 1 1

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24 - Bulky and Unrepresented- Not suitable to Indian situations sometimes- aline document- Easy to amend 1x2 = 2 2

25 An Imaginay citizenship beyond National Boundaries 1 1

26 - Amendable Flexible and adaptive.

- Subject to changing needs

- responds to the changing world

- Includes the will of the people. 1x3 = 3 3

- Not frogen

Total 80

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Reg. No:

Higher Secondary Education

POLITICAL SCIENCESample Question Paper - 2

Maximum : 80 ScoreTime: 2½ hrs

General Instructions to candidates:

• There is a 'Cool off time' of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2.30 hrs.• You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the 'cool off time'.• Use the 'cool off time' to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.• Read the questions carefully before answering• All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.• When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.• Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.• Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.• Give equations wherever necessary


• \n¿±njvS ka-b-Øn\v ]pdsa 15 an\n´v "Iqƒ Hm^v ssSw' D≠m-bn-cn-°pw. Cu ka-bØv tNmZy-߃°v

DØcw Fgp-Xmt\m, a‰p-≈-cp-ambn Bibw hn\n-abw \S-tØmt\m ]mSn-√.

• DØ-c-߃ Fgp-Xp-∂-Xn\v apºv tNmZy-߃ i≤m-]q¿∆w hmbn-°-Ww.

• F√m tNmZy-߃°pw DØcw Fgp-X-Ww.

• Hcp tNmZy-\-º¿ DØ-c-sa-gp-Xm≥ sXsc-s™-SpØv Ign-™m¬ D]-tNm-Zy-ßfpw AtX tNmZy-\-º-

cn¬ \n∂v Xs∂ sXsc-s™-Sp-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.

• IW°v Iq´-ep-Iƒ, NnX-߃, Km^p-Iƒ, F∂nh DØ-c-t]-∏-dn¬Øs∂ D≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww.

• Bh-iy-ap≈ ÿeØv ka-hm-Iy-߃ sImSp-°Ww

• tNmZy-߃ ae-bm-f-Ønepw \¬In-bn-´p-≠v.

1. The Constitution performs many

functions in a society. List out any three

functions of it. (3)

2. Name the system of Representation

which ensure a proportion between

votes and seats. (1)

3. Normally the president has to act on the

advice of the prime minister and his

council of ministers. But there are

certain situations in which the president

can cat his discretion. Explain such

situations. (1)

1. Hcp kaq-l-Øn¬ `cW-L-S\ ]e-X-c-Øn-

ep≈ [¿Ω-߃ \n¿h-ln-°p-∂p-≠v. AXn¬

GsX-¶nepw aq∂v [¿Ω-߃ ]´n-I-s∏-Sp-

ØpI. (2)

2. thm´pw ko‰pw XΩn-ep≈ A\p-]mXw Dd-∏p-

h-cp-Øp∂ ]mXn-\n-[y kº-Zm-b-Øns‚

t]cv Fgp-Xp-I. (3)

3. ][m-\-a-¥n-bp-sSbpw a¥n-k-`-bp-tSbpw

D]tZ-i-]-Im-c-amWv km[m-cW cmjvS]Xn

]h¿Øn-t°-≠-Xv. F∂m¬ Nne kml-Ncy-

ß-fn¬ cmjvS-]-Xn°v Xs‚ hnth-N\w A\p-

k-cn®v ]h¿Øn-°mw. Aßs\bp≈

kmlN-c-y-߃ hni-Z-am-°pI. (1 )

Sys/Dileep/2014/Question Paper/HSS/Political Sciences/

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4. A set of rights are identifies as very

important and included in the

constitution as fundamental Rights.

List out these fundamental Rights and

explain the importance of each one.


5. Name the commission appointed by

central government in 1983 to study the

Centre - State relations.

a) Sarkaria Commission

b) Sree Krishna Commission

c) Mandal Commission

d) Rama Murthy Commission (1 )

6. In India there is an Election

Commission with constitutional status

and extensive powers. Explain its

powers and functions. (5 )

7. "Indian Constitution's federal in form

and unitary in spirit'' Substantiate this

statement by listing any three unitary

features (3 )

8. Classify the following in the respective

columns given below. (3)

$ Nominal executive

$ Real executive

$ Impeachment

$ Chairman of the union councilministers

$ elected by an electoral college

$ enjoys majority support in theLok - Sabha

President Prime Miniser

4. hfsc ][m-\-s∏-´-sX∂v Xncn-®-dn™v Hcp

Iq´w Ah-Im-i-ßsf auen-Im-h-Imiw F∂

t]cn¬ `c-W-L-S-\-bn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp -Øn.

auenI Ah-Im-i-ß-fpsS ]´nI Xøm-dm-°p-

Ibpw Ah Hmtcm-∂nt‚bpw ]m[m-\yw hni-

Z-am-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I. (8 )

5. tIµ-kw-ÿm\ _‘-ß-sf-°p-dn®v ]Tn-°p-

hm≥ 1983 ˛ ¬ tIµ-K-h¨sa‚ v \nb-an®

IΩo-js‚ t]cv Fgp-Xp-I.

a) k¿°m-cnb IΩo-j≥

b) ioIrjvW IΩo-j≥

c) afi¬ IΩo-j≥

d) cma-aq¿Øn IΩo-j≥ (8 )

6. `c-W-L-S\m-]-c-amb ]Z-hnbpw hn]p-e-amb

A[n-Im-c-ßfpw D≈ Hcp Xnc-s™-Sp∏v IΩo-

j≥ C¥-y-bn-ep-≠v. AXns‚ A[n-Im-c-ßfpw

Npa-X-e-Ifpw hni-Z-am-°p-I. (5 )

7. ]Ir-X-Øn¬ kwbp-‡-k-z-`m-hhpw Aflm-

hn¬ GIm-bØ kz-`m-h-hp-amWv C¥-y≥ c-

W-L-S-\-bv°p-≈-Xv. GsX-¶nepw aq∂v

FImbØ khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ FgpXn Cu

]kvXm-h\ km[q-I-cn-°p-I. (3 )

8. Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂-hsb A\p tbmPy

amb tImf-ß-fn¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-I. (3)

$ \ma-am-X-Im-c-\n¿h-lW hn`mKw

$ bYm¿∞ Imc-y-\n¿∆-lW hn`mKw

$ Cw]o-®vsa‚ v tIµ-a-¥n-k-`-bpsS


$ Xnc-s™-Sp-°p-∂Xv Ce-IvS¬


$ temIvk`-bnse `qcn-]£ ]n¥pW


cmjvS-]Xn ][m-\-a¥n

Page 17: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


9. An Independent and impartial judiciary

are very essential for smooth

functioning of Democracy. How we can

protect the independence of judiciary.

Suggest any three measures. (5 )

10. Name the viceroy who took the

initiative in creating elected local self

governments in India

Lord Mount Button, Lord Wellesley,

Lord Ripon; Lord Canning (1 )

11. The basic function of any legislature is

to make the laws for its people. A

definite procedure is followed in the

process of making law. Example the

given statement and analyze the

different procedures to make the laws

in Indian parliament. (6 )

12. Certain precisions of the constitution

can be amended only through special

majority. Write the procedure related to

special majority. (2)

13. Constitution is not merely a collection

of laws. It has written on the basic of a

sound, political philosophical

approach. List out the various political

philosophies reflected in our

constitution and explain any five. (8 )

14. 73rd Amendment was a land mark in

the history of the evolution of

panchayathi Raj & institutions. Analyze

the main features of these amendment

on the basic of the three tier Structure

and Grama Sabha. (2 )

15. Identify the author of famous book

"The Republic".

(Aristotle, Socrates, Rousseau, Plato)

(1 )

9. Hcp P\m-[n-]-Xy kº-Zm-b-Øn¬ kpK-a-amb

]h¿Ø-\-Øn\v kz-X-¥hpw \njv]-£-hp-

amb \oXn-\-ymb hy-hÿ Bh-i-y-am-Wv.

Fßs\ \ap°v \oXn-\-ymb hy-h-ÿ-bpsS

kzm-X-¥-yhpw kwc-£n-°mw. GsX-¶nepw

aq∂v \S-]-Sn-Iƒ \n¿t±-in-°p-I. (5)

10. C¥-y -bn¬ Xnc -s™-Sp -°-s∏´ Hcp

]mtZioI kzbw `c-W-kw-hn-[m-\-Øn\v

XpS°w Ipdn® sshtkmbn BcmWv?

au≠v _m‰¨ ]`p, sh√…n ]`p, dn∏¨

]`p, Im\nwKv ]`p. (1)

11. P\-߃°p-th≠n \nb-a-߃ D≠m-°pI

F∂p-≈-XmWv \nb-a-\n¿ΩmW k`-bpsS

Hcp ][m\ Npa-X-e. hy-‡-amb Nne \S]Sn-

I-a-߃ ]n≥Xp-S¿∂p sIm≠mWv \nb-a-

߃ D≠m-°p∂Xv. \nb-a-\n¿amW ]In-

b-bpsS hnhn[ \S-]-Sn-I-a-߃ hni-I-e\w

sNøpI (6)

12. C¥-y≥ `c-W-L-S-\-bnse Nne hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ

]tX-yI `qcn-]-£-Øn-eqsSbmWv t`Z-KXn

sNøp-∂-Xv. ]tX-yI qcn-]-£-Øn¬ t`Z-KXn

sNøp∂ \S-]-Sn-I-a߃ Fgp-Xp-I. (2)

13. `c-W-L-S\ F∂Xv tIhew Hcp \nb-a-

kwlnX amX-a-√. hy-‡-amb cmjvSob kao-

]-\-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ Fgp-X-s∏-

´XmWv. `c-W-L-S-\-bn¬ ]Xn-^-en-°p∂

cmjvSob XX-z-im-kvX-ß-fpsS Hcp ]´nI

Xøm-dm°p-Ibpw GsX-¶nepw 5 FÆw hni-

Z-am-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I. (8)

14. 73 mw c-W-L-S-\m-t -Z-KXn ]©m-b-Øn-cmPv

ÿm-] -\ -ß-fpsS hf¿®-bpsS Hcp

\mgnI°√m-Wv. XnXe ]©m-b-Øo-cmPv

LS-\-bp-tSbpw Kma-k-`-bp-sSbpw ASn-ÿm-

\-Øn¬ Cu `c-W-L-S-\m-t`-Z-KXnbpsS

][m\ khn -ti-j-X-Iƒ hni-I-e\w

sNøpI. (2)

15. ""dn∏_vfnIv '' F∂ ]pkvXIØns‚

KŸI¿Ømhv Bcv?

(Acn-tÃm- n¬, tkmI- okv, dqtm, tπt‰m)

(1 )

Page 18: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


16. The concepts of freedom have two

dimensions - Negative and positive,

Differentiate between these two. (3)

17. We have learned about political

Theory. What is the subject area of

study in political theory. (3)

18. Match the following (4 )

Rights Examples

Legal Rights Right to Vote

Economic Right Right to celebrate


Political Right Right ro work

cultural Right Right tp approch


19. Write any two affirmative actions's

undertaken in India to ensure equality.

Explain how it ensured equality (2)

20. Theories suggest solutions to many

problems. In this context analyze John

Rawl's Theory of Justice and write the

measures given by this theory to ensure

justice. (2 )

21. We have learned about different types

of citizenship - Global citizenship and

universal citizen ship. Differentiate

between these two. (2)

22. Structural violence is a major threat to

peace. Analyze the concept of structural

violence and explain how affects peace.

(4 )

23. Indian secularism is having its own

unique features. Explain any three



16. kzm-X--¥-y-Øn\v c≠v Xc-Øn-ep≈ ImgvN-

∏m-Sp-I-fp-≠v. \ntj-[m-flI kzm-X-¥-yhpw,

Inbm-flI kzm-X-¥-yhpw Ah XΩn-ep≈

hy-X-ymkw Xncn-®-dn-bp-I. (3)

17. cmjvSob kn≤m-¥-ßsf Ipdn®v \Ωƒ

]Tn®p. CXn¬ ]Tn-°p∂ hnj-b-ta-J-e-Iƒ

GsX-√m-am-Wv. (3)

18. tNcpw ]Sn tN¿°p-I. (4 )

Ah-Im-i-߃ DZm-l-c-W-߃

\nb-am-h-Im-i-߃ thm´-h-Imiw

kmº-ØnI D’hw B-tLm-jn-°p-

Ah-Imiw ∂-Xn-\p≈ Ah-Imiw

cmjvSob sXmgn¬ Ah-Imiw


kmwkvIm-cnI tImS-Xnsb kao-]n-°p-

Ah-Imiw hm\p≈ Ah-Imiw

19. ka-Xzw Dd-∏p-h-cp-Øp-∂-Xn-\mbn C¥y \S-∏n-

em-°nb c≠v A\p-Iq-em-flI \S-]Sn-Iƒ Fgp-

Xp-I. Ah Fßs\ ka-Xzw Dd∏v hcp-Øp-∂p-

sh∂v hni-Z-am-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I. (2)

20. kn≤m¥w ]e ]iv\ -߃°p-ap≈

]cnlmcw \n¿t±-in-°p-∂p. CXns‚ ]›m-

Ø-e-Øn¬ tPm¨tdm -ƒ -kns‚ \oXn

kn≤m¥w hni-I-e\w sNbvXv \oXn Dd-∏m-

°p-∂-Xn-\mbn At±lw \n¿t±-in® \S-]-Sn-

I-a-߃ Fgp-Xp-I. (3)

21. ]e-X-c-Øn-ep≈ ]uc-X-z-sØ-°p-dn®v \mw

]Tn-®p. ˛ BtKmf ]uc-X-zhpw, km¿h-XnI

]uc-X-zhpw. Ch XΩn-ep≈ hy-X-ymkw

th¿Xn-cn-°p-I. (3)

22. LS-\m-]-c-amb lnwk kam-[m-\-Øn\v hen-

sbmcp oj-Wn-bm-Wv. LS-\m-]-c-amb lnwk

F∂ Bibw hni-I-e\w sNbvXv AXv

Fßs\ kam-[m-\sØ _m[n-°p-∂p-sh∂v

hni-Z-am-°p-I. (4)

23. C¥-y≥ atX-X-cX-z-Øn\v AXnt‚Xmb Nne

khn-ti-j-X-I-fp-≠v. GsX-¶nepw 3 FÆw



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24. Alternative models of development

considers democratic participation as

the base, What is expected by

democratic participation (3 )

25. Nationalism is the product of many

factors. Analyze how territory helps in

the emergence of nationalism. (3 )

24. P\m-[n-]-Xy ]¶m-fn-Ø-amWv _Z¬ hnI-k\

amXrI-I-fpsS ASn-Ø-d-I-fn¬ H∂mbn IW-

°m-°p-∂-Xv. P\m-[n-]-Xy ]¶m-fnØw F∂-

Xp-sIm≠v ChnsS Dt±-in-°p-∂Xv F¥mWv?


25. tZio-bX F∂p ]d-bp-∂Xv ]e LS-I-

ßfpsS Hcp Dev]-∂-am-Wv. `q]-tZiw tZio-

b-X- F∂p≈ Bibw cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm≥

Fßs\ klm-bn-°p-∂p-sh-∂vv hni-I-e\w


(2 )

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1 a. Co -ordination amongst members of the society 1b. To specity who has the power to make decissions

in a society3d. Aspiration of a society

Any 3 functions give full credit. 1

2 Proportional Represntation 1 1

3 a. The president can sent back the advice given by the 1council of ministers to re-consider the decission.

b. Veto power - he can with hold or retuse to give 3assent to bills. Other than mony bill-pocket veto. 1

c. President appoints the PM. No leader has a clear majority.Present has use his own discretion 1

4 Fundamintal Rightsa. Rights to equality, Right to freedom, Right against

exploritation, freedom of Religion, Cultural and 3Educational Rights, Constitutional remedies.

b. Brief explanation of Fundamintal Rights 3 8c. Importence-Protect the Freedom of an Individual

essential for the personality devolepment 2more responsible and ensuresparticipation enhances responsibility.

5 Sarkaria commission 1 1

6 Brief mention on the election commission of india powers 2a. Superintedentce, direction, control electoral rolls.b. Conduct elections to parliament, state legislature, 3 5

office of the president, and vice-president, fix the timetable.c. appoiment of election officers, code of contect etc.

7 1. More items in the union list 12. Central Govt. can dismiss the state Govt. 1 33. During emegency parliamnet can 1

legislate even in the items of state list. (consider.4. Direction state emergency any other points related the

unitary features.)

8 President PM1. Nominal executive 1. Real Executive2. Impeachment Chairman of council of 6×½ = 3

2. ministers 33. Electoral College 3. Mejority support

in the Lok-Sabha

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9 1. Appoiment of Judges - Qualification2. Removal of Judges - Only in case of serious 1

misbehaviour 1 33. High Salaries from undue interferensce 14. Judiciary should be protected of legislature and

exicutive etc.(Any 3 answers.) 1

10 Lord Ripon 1

11 a. First Reading 1b. Second Reading

Committee Stage 3Reporting Stage 6

c. Third Readingd. President's assent 1

(Brief explanation is necessary) 1

12 1. Special majority procedure with Examples 2

2. Not less than half of total membership.

3. 2/3 majority of the members present and voting

13 List out Political Philosophies - individual freedom, 3Social justice, secularism, monority rights, Universal 8adult franchise, federalism, 5

14 1. tier structure 3. eonstitutional states 1

2. ereation of Grama- Sabha 4. state election commission 1 2

15 Mahatma Gandhi 1

16 Negative PositiveMaximum Individual Minimum individual

freedom freedom 1Absence of all restrains some political restrictionsComplete freedom Not complete freedom 1

Absence of external Creation of Opportunity 1 3Constraints individual development

Non interference interferes in an individual bitein individual freedom

17 It deals with ideals, principles, that shape the constitution, 1

govt. and social life,

- analysis basic social issues 1 3

- New interpretation of political Institutions.

- Freedom, Social Justice, Secularism etc... 1

Any Other points.

Page 22: Political Science - Set · MCQs l time allotted for each question should be justified according to the thinking


18 Legal Rights - Right to approach court 1

Economic Right - Right to work 1


Political Right - Rights to Vote 1

Cultural Right - Celebrate Festivals 1

19 a. Reservation ½ × ½ =1

b. Scholarship and hostels 2

c. Special consideration to admission in educational

Institution etc. 1

ensure equality - reserved seats backward sections

20 1. An idea of veil of ignorance2. He expecrts every individual to think his position. Status, 1

in society in a situation of complete ignorance 3 about his role

3. Such a situation every individual 1 would think goodness to all. This brings Justice.

21 1. Global citizenship imaginary concept goes beyondNational cotizen ship 1 ½ 3

2. Universal citizenship to all irrespective of his orgin 1 ½

22 Structural violence and different forms 1of structural violence- caste system, patriarchy,colonialism, Racism and communalism etc. 3 4

23 Features of Indian Secularisma. Religious freedom 1 eachb. Religious tolerancec. Suppors religious reforms 3d. Equal respect to all religions.

24 Democratic Participationa. Right of the people to participate 1 × 3 = 3b. Consider the need of the people.c. Enhanced responsibilityd. Increasing the power of local govt. 3e. Decentralization of powers.

25 a. Territory helps in the emergence of nationalism 1 eachb. Common past and common living together - 2

to develop the sense of collective identityc. links the people together

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