Download pdf - PoleFreaks Workouts v2.0

  • Strength & FlexibilityWorkouts For Pole Dancing 2013 1

  • Introduction

    Thanks for downloading this guide for pole dance specific strength and flexibility workouts. Our aim is to provide you with structured and effective workouts you can use with minimal equipment.

    We have partnered with experienced fitness professionals to create two Strength & Core workouts, and two Flexibility mini-workouts.

    Workout #1 focuses on abdominal and leg strength, great for pole climbs, inverts, gemini variations and knee holds for example.

    Workout #2 involves exercises targeting upper body and abdominal strength. This workout will help you with all spins, inverted moves like butterfly and ayesha and work towards deadlifts.

    Workout #3 is a short flexibility blast, aimed at improving back flexibility. This will help you progress on to more advanced moves, often limited by this kind of flexibility - for example allegra and yogini.

    Workout #4 provides a short leg stretching routine. Regular stretches like these will help you achieve moves requiring increased hip mobility, such as splits, cupid holds, jade, banana splits etc...

    We hope you find the workouts useful. As always, we would love to hear your feedback, so please let us know how you get on!

    2 2013

  • Terms of Use

    Important - Please Read!

    In using the information delivered in this document you agree to the following terms:

    Always warm up adequately before any workout and immediately cease any exercise which results in pain or discomfort. Consult a sports medicine doctor, physiotherapist or other suitable exercise professional before beginning any new exercise regime.

    Whilst we have specifically chosen exercises which will be appropriate and of benefit to pole dancers of all levels, we shall not be held responsible for any loss or injury that is incurred through the use of the information or exercises within this document.

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  • Workout #1

    Session Focus: Abdominal & Leg Strength

    Notes: The termSupersetrefers to a pair of exercises which are completed one after the other, with rest time coming after the second exercise. This type of training is highly specific for Pole Dancing due to the non-stop nature of our routines. Each Superset is completed three times in the workout below, before moving on to the next pair of exercises

    5min Cardio Warm-Up

    Superset 1 - Repeat Three Times:

    Split Squats x 15 Each LegPike Sit-Ups x 30Rest 90sec

    Superset 2 - Repeat Three Times:

    Wall Squats x 1min HoldLeg Lowers x 30 Rest 90sec

    Superset 3 - Repeat Three Times:

    Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls x 20Dead Bugs x 1min non-stop Rest 90sec

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    Workout #2

    Session Focus: Abdominal & Upper Body Strength

    Notes: The termSupersetrefers to a pair of exercises which are completed one after the other, with rest time coming after the second exercise. This type of training is highly specific for Pole Dancing due to the non-stop nature of our routines. Each Superset is completed three times in the workout below, before moving on to the next pair of exercises

    5min Cardio Warm-Up

    Superset 1 - Repeat Three Times:

    Press-Up Rotations x 6-10 each side alternatingSide Plank Crunch x 20 each sideRest 90sec

    Superset 2 - Repeat Three Times:

    Supine Pull Ups x 15Mountain Climbers x 1min non-stopRest 90sec

    Superset 3 - Repeat Three Times:

    Tricep Dips x 15V-Sit Rotations x 10 each side alternatingRest 90sec

  • 6 2013

    Workout #3

    Session Focus: Back Flexibility

    Notes: This mini-workout is intended as an add-on to your pole sessions, either before or after. The aim is to gradually, over time improve back flexibility, to help you successfully achieve more advanced moves. IMPORTANT! If you are not already warmed-up, make sure you complete a 5min cardio warm-up to get your body ready for these stretches!

    Stretch 1 - Cobra Stretch - Either Hands or Elbows - 5 x 20-30sec holds

    Stretch 2 - Dog & Cat - 3 x 30reps alternating (3-5sec holds)

    Stretch 3 - Bow Stretch - 5 x 10-20sec holds

    Stretch 4 - Iron Cross - 3 x 20 (10 each side)

  • 7 2013

    Workout #4

    Session Focus: Leg Flexibility

    Notes: This mini-workout is intended as an add-on to your pole sessions, either before or after. The aim is to gradually, over time improve back flexibility, to help you successfully achieve more advanced moves. IMPORTANT! If you are not already warmed-up, make sure you complete a 5min cardio warm-up to get your body ready for these stretches!

    Stretch 1 - Hamstring Stretch 3 x 15 (5-7sec holds)

    Stretch 2 - Spiderman Rotation 3 x 10 each side (5-7sec holds)

    Stretch 3 - Splits Tutorial 3 times through. (10-20sec holds each stage)

    Stretch 4 - Frog Stretch 5 x 10-20sec holds

    Let us know how you get on with these workouts... Tweet us @PoleFreaks

  • 8Details:

    3 Sets of 15 Reps Each Leg

    Target Areas:

    The Split Squat is a great all-round strengthening exercise for the lower body. Your Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings and Adductors will all get a good workout as you complete every set with both left and right foot forward.


    Make sure you maintain a good upper body posture as you execute the split squat. Placing your hands behind your head will encourage you to keep your chest up and upper back straight, rather than hunching over. Take your time descending, lower to the count of three, then come up more quickly. Keep the weight on your front heel, rather than coming on to your toes - this will prevent your front knee from traveling too far forwards.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Split Squat

    Start Position End Position

  • 9Details:

    3 Sets of 1min Hold

    Target Areas:

    The Wall Squat targets the thighs, particularly focusing on the quadriceps muscles. Maintaining the end position shown above will help to develop strength and local muscle endurance in your thighs.


    While the exercise focuses on the thighs, also try clenching your butt to get the glute muscles working harder to assist. Push down into the floor with your heels.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Wall Squat

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 10 Reps to Each Side (Alternating Sides Throughout)

    Target Areas:

    As with most sit-up based exercises, this will target your rectus abdominals (six pack muscles), while the rotational nature of the exercise will additionally target the oblique abdominals. Holding your legs in the air will also target your hip flexors and lower abdominals.


    It can take time to find your balancing point with this exercise - give it time and practice. Once in position, try to focus on keeping your feet still, as your upper body rotates.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    V-Sit Rotations

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 15 Reps

    Target Areas:

    In addition to targeting the muscles of the upper back, this pulling exercise will help tone your biceps and shoulders.


    In the start position, then throughout the exercise, keep your butt squeezed tight. Then pull yourself up quickly by first pulling your shoulder blades together, then pulling up with your arms. Slowly lower to the start position.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Supine Pull-Ups

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 1 Minute Alternating Sides Throughout

    Target Areas:

    This modification of the more traditional plank exercise is great for strengthening the core muscles while adding an element of dynamic movement and a particular focus on the oblique abdominals.


    Keep breathing! Many people will try to hold their breath as they perform this exercise. Instead focus on relaxed breathing. As you pull your knee up to your elbow, give an extra squeeze of your oblique abdominals (muscles on your side below your ribs).

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Mountain Climbers

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 15 Reps

    Target Areas:

    These dips do a great job of targeting the Triceps muscles, at the rear of the upper arm. It also exercises the pectoral muscles of your chest.


    To get into the start position, sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the forward edge of the chair - just beside your butt. Using your arms, push down and lift your butt off the chair. From this straight-armed start position, you can then bend your elbows and lower your body into the exercise. At the low-point of the exercise, push yourself up again using your arms.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Tricep Dips

    Start Position End Position

  • 14


    7-15sec at each stage. Progressively moving as close to the wall as you can.

    Target Areas:

    This stretch will target your Adductors (muscles of the inner thigh) and inner Hamstrings.


    Start in a comfortable position, sitting with good posture and your legs apart, feet against the wall. Shuffle your feet apart as you move your butt closer to the wall. Hold and repeat - getting closer every time.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Splits Progression

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 10 Reps (5 reps to each side, alternating)

    Target Areas:

    This provides a great stretch around the hips in general, both a Hamstring, Hip Flexor, and Adductor stretch, while also challenging your core strength and balance.


    Start in a press-up start position, then bring your left foot forwards to meet your left hand, keeping your butt down. Then raise your right hand to the ceiling, with a straight arm. Keep watching your lifted hand. Lower, then repeat on the other side.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Spiderman Rotation

    Start Position End Position

  • 16


    3 Sets of 20 on Each Side

    Target Areas:

    While providing a great all-round core workout, this exercise particularly targets the Oblique Abdominals (your the sides of your torso).


    Start from a standard Side Plank position, then raise your upper hand over your head to reach the start position for this exercise. Holding your hips high off the ground, bring your upper elbow to your upper knee - meeting in the middle. Return to the start position, then repeat.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Side Plank Crunch

    Start Position End Position

  • 17


    3 Sets of 6-10 Each Side Alternating

    Target Areas:

    This variation to the classic press-up can be performed on your knees, or in a standard press-up position as a progression. The rotational element of this exercise adds a good core challenge. As an exercise, this builds upper body strength, particularly in the chest, arms and shoulders.


    Start from the bottom of a press-up position. Push your self up to the top of the press-up, then with a straight arm, raise your right arm towards the ceiling, watching your moving hand as you do so. Bring your hand to the original position, then lower back to the bottom of the press-up.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Press-Up Rotation

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of MAX Reps

    Target Areas:

    This exercise does a great job of targeting the upper abdominal muscles.


    Try to keep your legs straight, and your feet together, as you perform this sit-up variation. Do not hold your breath, instead breathe out as your reach up towards your toes.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Pike Sit-Up

    Start Position End Position

  • 19


    3 Sets of 30 Reps

    Target Areas:

    This abdominal exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles, and hip flexors.


    If you do not have a partner, you can hold on to a chair or table - anything heavy enough to anchor your upper body. From the top position, drop your straight legs down and to the left, stopping them before you hit the floor. Then immediately raise the straight legs back to the start. Repeat down and to the right, then straight down.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Leg Lowers

    Start Position End Position

  • 20


    3 Sets of 20 Reps (10 to Each Side)

    Target Areas:

    This is a simple yet effective exercise to mobilize the lower back, while also getting a good hamstring stretch and stretch down the outside of the leg.


    Aim to keep both shoulders on the ground throughout, and try to bring the moving foot closer to your hand with each rep - increasing the stretch.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Iron Cross

    Start Position End Position

  • 21


    3 Sets of 20 Reps

    Target Areas:

    As well as challenging your core, this exercise primarily focuses on your Hamstrings in the back of your thighs.


    Place your hands firmly on the floor, out to your sides, to provide added stability. From the outer position, keep your hips high as you bring your heels in, then push your heels away from you slowly, challenging your hamstrings both in terms of strength and control.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 15 Reps Each Leg (Hold Each Rep For 7-10sec)

    Target Areas:

    This exercise provides a great stretch for the hamstring muscles of the rear thigh. Holding the back of your knee, pull your knee closer to you with each rep.


    Stay relaxed through the arms and upper body, throughout.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Hamstring Stretch

    Start Position End Position

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    5 Sets of 10-20 Second Stretches

    Target Areas:

    This stretch targets the Adductor muscles of the inner thigh and groin.


    From the start position, bring your knees and ankles apart as wide as you can before pushing your hips forwards. The insides of your knees and the insides of your feet should be on the floor.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Frog Stretch

    Start Position End Position

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    3 Sets of 30 reps. 3-5sec holds each pose.

    Target Areas:

    This exercise provides a gently mobilization of your lower and mid back, helping develop flexibility in your spine and torso.


    Breathe in as you raise your back upwards, and breathe out fully as you hollow your back out, pushing your belly towards the ground. Start gently with the exercise and progressively add movement as your back warms up.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Cat & Dog Stretch

    Start Position End Position

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    3 x 1min non-stop. Alternating arms and legs throughout.

    Target Areas:

    This exercise targets your core abdominal muscles, forcing them to work to maintain a stable pelvis and lower back as as you move your arms and legs together.


    Keep your lower back pressed into the ground as you tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep breathing throughout!

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Dead Bug

    Start Position End Position

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    5 x 20-30sec Holds. First on the elbows, then onto your hands.

    Target Areas:

    A great exercise to gradually increasing extension in the lumbar and thoracic spine.


    As you push up onto your elbows or hands, keep your hips pushed into the floor and hold your chest high. Do not push into any discomfort.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Cobra Stretch

    Start Position End Position

  • 27


    5 x 10-20sec

    Target Areas:

    This stretch provides a strong stretch through the abdominals, hip flexors and quads, as well as developing extension through your back.


    From the start position, pull your ankles towards your head, as you simultaneously try to straighten your knees. You will feel a stretch through the front of your thighs as your knees and shoulders lift and your body achieves a bow-like position.

    Video Demonstration 2013

    Bow Stretch

    Start Position End Position