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Page 1: Poetry Slam Poems

Swansboro Pirate Poetry


Page 2: Poetry Slam Poems


By: Alejandro Rivera

I am the worst at being the best.

I am the dark growing in your chest.

I'm the spear in your heart.

I'm the black that causes you to part.

I'm the monster under your bed.

Or am I just in your head?

I'm the shadows in your soul.

I'm the demon, black as coal.

I'm the worst, I'm the monster, I'm the spear

I'm not leaving, because I am fear.

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Bibbiddy Bobbity Boo

By: Tatihana Loya

Bibbiddy Bobbity Boo

Villains, Heroes, Damsels in Distress

That’s how the game goes

From Hakuna Matata to Happily ever after

All you need is faith dust and a little bit of pixie dust

If you always let your conscience be your guide

The happiest places lives in you

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Why Can’t I

By: Brianna Ward

Why can’t I be anything

But not everything?

Why can I be the words,

Yet not the melody?

Why can I be the water,

But not the ocean?

Why can I be good,

But not good enough?

Why can I be the jewel

But not the crown?

If I am not everything

Then aren’t I nothing?

Why can’t I be the fastest

But also the slowest?

Why can’t I be the brightest

And still the dullest?

Why can’t I be weakest

Yet still the strongest?

Why can’t I be the best

And the worst?

Why must I always Choose

And if I am nothing,

Then why do people tell me I can be anything?

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Bullying's End

By: Winona West

Words are knives

Actions are bullets

It always ends in sadness

Jabs can't break my bones

I have an invisible shield

An armor of purity

They can't hurt me

I will not take it

I will not run

It will end in flames

The most unlikely of heroes will rise

Because they can't hurt us

Words are sticks and stones

But true friends are a steel sword

Defense against all words

We are invisible to them

But in the end, true, kind and compassionate will always win

We have a strength they will never understand

Compassion and love are a bully's worst enemy

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Secrets of the World

Dichele Cantoral

The world is a spider’s web

Her heart is a lava pot

Her air is a jar of candy

The world is an evergreen forest that will never grow old

Her hair is a jungle of vines

The world has skin of soft silk

She smells of fresh strawberries

Her touch is never gone

Her eyes are the stars

The world’s voice is my guide

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By Aubrie LaCroix

Birds fly,

Babies cry,

Wolves howl,

In life there’s fouls,

But love it, love it,

Every single bit,

We all run

But when life’s done,

We all cry,

Then die.

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By: Chloe Lentz

This is a blackout poem. Mrs.

Starlin gave us a text and we

had to find words that stand

out, and black out the other





Everybody’s waiting





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Metaphor Poem

By: Grace Raimo

My body is a long tree trunk

My static hair are branches

My toes are roots

That keep me grounded

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Romeo and Juliet

By, Seth Brown

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

So are you

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They Are Alive

By, Jade Peterson

Dean loves his brother who he

kept alive

But, he’s forgotten how to smile

Sherlock might have died

But John will be around for a


Dirk was able to survive

But how with his heart being

only a lost file

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I’m thinking of a Time

BY: Jaci Brown

I’m thinking of a time

when all thoughts

used to rhyme and

they would dance

as they were spoken from

your tongue.

Every thought was

true or at least that's

what I thought when

there was once

the land of truth.

There was no thought

of wrong or right

just the thought of rhyme

as the words would dance

off your tongue

lost through time.

There was one clock

that lovely clock that

slowed by the day and

the songs that played

one hour a day, all of

sudden just stopped.

But now the time of

rhyme is gone

the words have been

forever lost but as

the spokes of time

keep turning, there

will always be that

one rhyme going.

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By: Tristan Guidry

Love is spelled L-O-V-E,

It can be crazy as you can see.

People say nice things like roses are red violets are blue,

But that’s just junk like people saying “oh you’re my boo”

They really need to get a life,

Love is stupid, that’s my advice.

So if you’re sad then so be it,

I’m just telling the truth, you have to admit.

So stop saying “LOVE” and start using “LIKE”

Tie up “LOVE” and send it on a hike.

This is how it’s going to be,

Open up your eyes and please just see.

So now you know the truth about “LOVE”,

Let’s rise up and give it a shove.

Leave love behind don’t let the snake strike

Love isn’t real, you’re all just in like.

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I Think That I Shall Never See

By: Taylin Adams

I think that I shall never see

A day as bright as the sun I see

A smile so long that I can’t breath

A room so colored that I’m filled with glee

A tree so tall that I can see the sea

Poems are made by fool like me,

But when I get writing, well you’ll just see.

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I still have crystal days

By: Avery Cobbs

You may try to hurt my feelings

With your evil, twisted ways.

With everything you put me through I still have crystal days.

Does my happiness upset you?

Does it bother you I don’t cry?

Because I walk with my own ways I still have crystal days

There’s a difference between you and me.

It’s the things you choose see

It’s the things you choose not to be.

The difference between you and me is

I walk with my own ways and still have crystal days.

Does making me miserable make you feel better?

Does what I say or do even mean something to you?

Is this all because I can walk with my own ways and sill have crystal


The crystal gives off so much power is can turn a weed into a flower

Just give up the bad things you do and let the crystal transform you.

Now you too can walk with your own ways and have crystal days.

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By: Damien Cuellar

I would look around in the cabinet

For something that can prove to be a good snack

At the corner of my eye

I saw a chocolate bar wedged between some fruit snacks

The temptation started to infest my head

The sugary sweet taste that calms my nerves

Coming in different varieties to appease my taste buds

Sure it is a little fattening

But it’s not like I will be the size of a whale in less than a few minutes

I don’t mean to offend any chocoholics

I thought for what seemed like an eternity

I was about to grab a pack of fruit snacks

Then the thought of chocolate started to flow back to my mind

I can’t turn down this sweet treat

I left my mouth open

I started to drool

I couldn’t control myself for much longer

I don’t care what people say about chocolate

You can nag at me all you want

You can’t stop me from eating this chocolate

Then I stopped to think

There is probably a reason

Why the chocolate bar is shoved between the fruit snacks

The chocolate bar is probably a surprise

Or it belonged to one of my family members

Whatever the reason was

I knew that they hid it

So I wouldn’t go on a chocolate rage

With that thought in mind

I grabbed a pack of fruit snacks instead

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Love That Girl

By: Savannah Drew

Love that girl,

Like a balloon in the sky

I said I love that girl like

A balloon in the sky

Love to call her in the evening

Love to call her

“C’mon Hun”

She dances like her mama

And grins like her daddy

I said she dances like her mama

And grins like her daddy

She Smiles with joy

When she’s sad she frowns

Her mama likes to rock her back

and forth

And call her her baby

I said her mama likes to rock

Her back and forth

And call her her baby

She won’t leave me

I know now

I won’t leave her either

She’s got long paths to

Walk to her future

Before the rising sun

I said she’s got long paths

To walk to her future

Before the rising sun

She’ll be a lone ranger

Until they come

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By Jolene Wiley

Bowling is like an adventure.

It can be as easy like



Three… You’re out!

Whoops… wrong sport.

And when you get a

Spilt and get a

Field goal!

Whoops… wrong sport. Again.

But the best part of it

Is the turkey.

Like Thanksgiving.

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By: Kayla Gibson

Tear drops kiss the Earth

Making the sun smile brightly

When all comes to end

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Still I have a friend

By: Alexis Green

You may hate me

Just because I am not like you

You may act like I am invisible

But still, like the human I am, I have a friend

Does my happiness upset you?

Why are you still trying?

Because I walk like I have no care in the world

Just like the stars & the ocean

I’m so far but so close

Just like no peace in the world

Still i have a friend

Did you want my self-esteem go down?

Well it’s not happening

Because still I have a friend

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This Is Just To Say

By: Hayden Jaramillo

This is just to say

The eggs

That were in

The box

And which

You were probably



Forgive me

I smashed them


The wall


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Fat squirrels

By: Thomas Johnson and Hayden Jaramillo

Squirrels are fat

Is a lie and

Money is happiness

Rich people

Are more important that

Fat squirrels


Will make you awesome


Are dumb

Greedy bankers

Will rule over all


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I think that I shall never see

By: Kaitlyn LeGrande

I think that I shall never see

A poem so lovely as a guitar

Showing off its beauty

Playing the strings like it was a puppet

Using the dark pick and fingers to help

Having no ending to this beautiful piece

Making connections to everything

Poems are made by fools like me,

But guitars are too.

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Where Am I

25 word poem

By: Kendall Swindell

Where am I

Surrounded by fear

Crammed in a tiny room

10 children in a single bed

I never get to see you

In my life

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Clausen at the Line (Inspired by

Casey at the Bat)

By Justin Thorpe

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the

Chicago Bears that day

The score stood 40-22 with one

quarter left to play

And after Cutler fumbled twice and

Forte did the same

A sickly silence fell upon the patrons

of the game

A straggling few got up to go in deep

despair. The rest

Clung to that hope which springs

eternal in the human breast

They thought, if only Clausen could

get but a throw would be so fine

They'd put up even money, now, with

Clausen at the line

But Cutler had more minutes, as did

also Draft Pick Jake

And the former was a lulu and the

latter was a fake

Though all the fans thought that it

was just about time

For there seemed but little chance of

Clausen getting to the line

But Cutler got a touchdown, to the

wonderment of all

And Jake, the much despised, ripped

the laces off the ball

And when the dust had lifted, and the

men saw what had occurred

They were only ahead by 6, and

Minnesota now on third

Then from 5,000 throats and more

there rose a lusty yell

It rumbled through the valley, it

rattled in the dell

It knocked upon the mountain and up

the incline

For Clausen, mighty Clausen, was

coming to the line

There was ease in Clausen's manner as

he stepped into his place

There was pride in Clausen's bearing

and a smile on Clausen's face

And when, responding to the cheers,

he crouched as you would find

No stranger in the crowd could doubt

'twas Clausen at the line

Ten thousand eyes were on him as he

rubbed his hands with mud

Five thousand tongues applauded when

they heard his

Then while the eager lineman put the

ball into the ground

Anger gleamed in Clausen's eye, and it

showed in his strong frown

And now the leather-covered spheroid

came hurtling through the air

And Casey stood caught it and threw

it over there

Close by the wide receiver the ball

unheeded sped

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"You could’ve caught that," said

Clausen. "Second down," the referee


From the bleachers, black with people,

there went up a muffled roar,

Like the beating of the storm-waves

on a stern and distant shore

"Kill him! Kill the referee!" shouted

someone on the stand

And it's likely they'd a-killed him had

not Clausen raised his hand

With a smile of Christian charity

great Clausen's visage shone

He stilled the rising tumult; he bade

the game go on

He signaled to the center, and once

more the spheroid he found

But Clausen still threw it away, and

the referee said, "Third down."

"Fraud!" cried the maddened

thousands, and echo answered fraud

But one scornful look from Clausen

and the audience was awed

They saw his face grow stern and

cold, they saw his muscles strain

And they knew that Clausen wouldn't

let that ball go incomplete again

The sneer is gone from Clausen's lip,

his teeth are clenched, not fine

He yells with cruel violence his voice

upon the line

And now Clausen holds the ball, and

now he lets it go

And now the air is shattered by the

force of the linebacker's blow

Oh, somewhere in this favored land

the sun is shining bright

The band is playing somewhere, and

somewhere hearts are light

And somewhere men are laughing, and

somewhere children shout

But there is no joy in Chicago —

mighty Clausen has gone 3 and out

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Found Poem

By: Dani Vance

Passed out flyers


Dark and terrifying











He was only 17 years old

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Birds of a Feather

By: Wyheb Tokhli and Abby Oqueli

Oqueli: Wyheb: You’re a munchkin!

You’re just so small!

What are you talking about

You’re not very tall!

When I first saw you I thought

“He’s bound to grow”

Yeah – Well when I first

saw You, I thought

“She’ll teach me everything

I Need to know”

That’s wonderful!!!!

I’m sure you were right

I’m not!

I’m still short and not

feelin’ too Bright

Oh little Wyheb –

Don’t be so hard on your mind!

I have to be perfect! I

don’t want to fall behind!

Never fear!

You’re right where you need to be

How do you know??!!

What is it that you see?

Aside from right over your head??

No! Something more

helpful instead!

I see two birds of a feather –

You’re me when I was little too

Littler . . . but I guess

that’s cool

So you see

Birds of a feather

We’ll fly together

In perfect


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The Majestic Goose

By: Erica Miller

My favorite animal is the




Honking loudly and obnoxiously,

Without stopping to breathe.

They are as beautiful

As an ocean.

And as I look out my window,

I hear the beautiful sound,

Of a goose singing its song.


They are as loud as an

Army filled with men.

As majestic as a rainbow.

And as I fill a cup with corn,

They race up to me.

Clawing their way through,

Chasing others away,

Fighting over who will get the most corn.

Corn is like money to the geese.

They fight over it like angry old men.

But all the while they

Maintain their beauty.

And sing their songs of joy.


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I Think That I Shall Never See

By: Bailey Inga

I think that I shall never see

a place as peaceful as the beach

The waves crash upon the shore

with an ever lasting sound I adore.

When my body lays down in the sand

I have to wait until I'm fully tanned.

I know that when I'm here I'm free

then I realize this is where I need to be.

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Randomly Randie

By: Isaiah Maneiro

Caring is sharing

It could be a little Daring

Yeah I rhymed like a crime

Like a boat going up in the sky

Lying is like dying

You’re killing your lies and you’re saving lives

Your knives are like outlives

You’ll go up to them and say hi

But they will never give you a high fives

I survived the five who said I will die

I hope this poem isn’t bad

Because that will be really sad

Quack- Quack- Bing- Bong bat cat—

I swong the bat

And I did not hit a cat

This poem is almost done I know you want more son-- Bambee and


I like to eat candy

That little squirrel in Spongebob-- I call her Sandy

I think she’s quite dandy

This poem is hot as fire and it’s drier than a dryer

This poem is longer than fire

If the fire is too hot I can get you a dryer

It’s hotter than fire

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I Long

By: Makenzie Proctor

I long to

Know if

You’re alive

To feel

Your heart

Beating, tingling

With life

And I know

You’re the one

I can’t live without

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Red is RAGE

By: Luis Rivera

Red is a flame burning inside.

Red is the rage you want to hide.

Red is a sign to have a good time.

Red is confusing.

Red is a sign of weakness with power.

Those of red beware every hour.

For Red is a rage you can’t hide in a


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A Remarkable Adventure

By: Coelbren Chapter

I was hunting in the Spine

When I found a giant blue stone.

When it appeared I said “shiver me whiskers”

It scared out of me body every single bone.

The next day I went to Sloan’s

to sell my catch.

He said it could brew enough trouble

to equal a huge batch.

Turns out it was an egg

it hatched into a dragon.

It put a mark upon me hand

and rubbed it’s head on me leg.

And scared me out of me skin

I knew I became a rider.

But that’s not what I am

I am a farmer

I wrestle with bears

not with Shades.

I have no magic

but my dragon bades.

That a rider I will be

I fought Urgals.

I took on the Razac

and wrestled with bulls.

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Still I go

By: Evelyn Wade

You may put up barriers

In a row

Wanting me to give up

But I’ll still go

Does me leaving upset you?

Do you want complete control?

Me leaving I know

Is going to have a toll

But I’ll be strong

And you’ll be low

Cause while you stay

Still I go

Do you need me?

Do I have to be tame

If I do all this stuff

I’ll just be the same

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…All about Me in Life… By: Aleina Arao

Life is life, but life is different

All I say is thank you, but I’m broken inside

If you say "Are you okay?" I'm going to say yes

But I’m not, I'm crying inside

...Life is Difficult...

I am Happy, but I am sad

I have fun, but I get left behind

I will laugh with you, but I'll get mad at you

I will speak out, but then I will be shy

...Life is Emotional...

I try to care, but not share

When someone is hurt, I cry and walk away

As I think and think and it all comes out

I try to do something, but I hold it back

...Life is Hopeful...

I watch the deer as they go by

I feel the wind while it says "Hi"

I am able to breath, I am able to see

I am able to let the world be

...Life is Living...

...Life is Difficult...

...Life is Emotional...

...Life is Hopeful...

...Life is Living...

...Life is the word to everything...

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He Was 12

By: Michael Hicks

He was 12 years old.

Drenched in sweat.

Brutally beaten

His face swollen and bruised.

Cried himself to sleep.

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Judging Eyes

By: Shelbee Justice

Judging eyes watch you while you walk

Making you scared as they mock

Analyzing all your flaws

As you withdraw

From there hatred stares

And there terrifying glares

Make no mistakes

For goodness sake

If you do

They will make you rue

You don’t need to be perfect

You can just go work it

Stand out in the crowd

Make some noise and be loud

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Still I Rise

By: Kameron Morris

You can break me down

With your bitter, twisted lies

You may laugh

But I won’t cry

You don’t faze me

Like a balloon in the sky I will rise

Does my happiness upset you?

You never get the clue

Cause I walk with my head held high

No though of you

You don’t faze me

Like a balloon in the sky I will rise

You are fake so I will let you be

You may have your fame now

But that’s all you get cause

When I’m happy and have what I need

I will shine and be me

You are now nothing

Your words don’t matter

You don’t faze me

Like a balloon in the sky I will rise

Did you want to see me broken?

Cause now it’s too late

Karma hit you hard

Now to people you are me

You don’t faze me

Like a balloon in the sky I will rise – I Rise – I Rise – I Rise!

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The Sensations of the Beach

By Cassandra Spencer

I can spree through the sparkling water

Foaming drizzles and refreshing fun

Or I can play volleyball in the sand

With my friends smiling under the sun

The shining light sizzling down

While I close my eyes with blankets on the ground

These are the sensations of the beach

Taking pictures, and making memories

Some things we will keep

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Mr. Bird

By: Shannon Sullivan

excuse me Mr. Bird,

how do you fly,

why do you squawk,

is it because you don't live on the block

what is your favorite food

is it worms is it bugs

or do you eat some Chinese food instead

I have one last question

and my question is why don't you have shoes on your little cold feet

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25 Word Poem

By: Kaleigh Miller

I hear the pain

I hear the screams

But don’t worry for me

I will be dead soon

I love you

Don’t forget me please

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By: Jenifer Conaway

When I went up into space

I had a big race

When I got to the moon

It was already noon

I found a big rail

And a big sail

It was a great day

And I wish I could stay

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I Am A Witness

By: Anna Crawford

I am a witness

Of something so sweet

Something so loving, planned, and neat.

They started with dinner and some light dinner chat

The girl didn’t know what would happen after that

All around the couple was Christmas lights and flowers

Only adding effect to what would happen in the next hour

The chatter in the room went to a slight peep

When the man at the table got down on his knee

He pulled out a box and opened it up

The light caught a ring fit for a queen

A string of words flowed out from his lips

The tears on her cheeks were just starting to drip

The scene before me had me in a shiver

It’s the only thing that my brain could deliver

The girl was in awe

She could barely process

So instead of feeling down she felt like a goddess

To have a guy so dedicated to win her heart

Could be enough to set him apart

From all the men looking for temporary love

This man wasn’t looking for something to dispose of

Instead he wanted a lot more

Something to wake up beside and cuddle on the floor

I am a witness of something so sweet, something so loving, planned and


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The Time Written By: Nathan Gutierrez

As I wait for the

End of the school year I

Watch the time everyday

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10 Ways to Describe Me

By: Brianna Lester

I may not be perfect, but I can dream

I always wish for happy endings

I do my best to understand the world

I can create drawings of my life

I want the people around me to feel special

I hold onto some things forever, like my family and love

I have unusual ideas, like buying a pony

If I were an animal, I’d be puppy

I have a secret talent – I can sing

I am exactly who I want to be

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The Strong One

By: Kaitlyn McBride

I am the happy one, who likes to have fun

I am the hyper, crazy one, who might say something random

I am the defiant one, who would never say never

I am the one with the scars and their secrets.

I am the messed up one, who thinks were not very different

I am the helpless one, who can’t change my thoughts

I am the hurt one, but much more hurt on the inside.

I am the one with the scars, and their angry message

The message being that society needs to change.

I am the strong one, who is determined to help

I am the dreamer, who imagines a different life, imagines a time when

society was different

I am the childlike one, who remembers when we were all friends

I am the one with the scars, but they are not me,

And one day their meaning will be to changes society and their


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By: Emunson Austin

I can be as strong as a hare. Ready to outsmart any predator

I can be as strong as a mouse. Pay attention to my friend and keep

them close and but my enemy’s closer. I will sneak away and live

another day.

I can be as strong as a walnut. Able to protect what I hold dear.

I can be as strong as a shrimp. Ready to help my alleys support them

back up.

I can stand up and fight back.

I can run and live another day.

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The Scars on her skin

By Jessica Gossert

I am the happy one, who like to be free,

I am the hyper, crazy one, who might go mad you see,

I am the one defiant one, who would never leave,

I am the one with the scars and their secrets.

I am the messed up one, who thinks badly of things,

I am the helpless one, who can’t change anything,

I am the hurt one, but much more hurt on the inside.

I am the one with the scars, and their angry message is, could you love

a girl with broken scars.

I am the strong one, who is determined to find a way,

I am the dreamer, who imagines a different life, imagines a time when

fear turns to light,

I am the childlike one, who remembers the good old days,

I am the one with the scars, but they are not me,

And one day their meaning will be that blood shaded will make me


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I Can Be

By: Ashley Holliman

I can be as strong as a pit-bull

Ready to fight

I can be as strong as the ocean

Pay attention to my strong waves

I will overwhelm anyone who comes too close

I can be strong in ways you don’t expect.

I can be as strong as a hero

Able to protect you from harm

My strength can be gentle.

I can be as strong as a friend

Ready to dry your tears

I can be strong and change the world.

I can be.

I can be.

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In My Life I’ve known Courage

By: Jay Miller

We met when I was born

Nowadays courage is slowly stripping away from me

I find courage when my back is against the wall

In my life I’ve known fear

We met when I was alone all my life

These days fear is darkness growing inside of me

Fear finds me when all hope is lost

I’ve learned that courage and Fear are different

When courage tells me I got your back

Fear says you can never take away the hate inside of people

Usually I listen to my gut

I wish I had no emotions

I wish I was perfect

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In My Life I’ve Known Courage

By: Anthony Morell

In my life I’ve known courage

We met when I give up

Nowadays courage is a dream

I find courage when I sleep

In my life I’ve known Fear

We met when I give up

These days fear is every day

Fear find me when I don’t sleep

I’ve learned that courage and fear are different

When courage tells me you’re nothing

Fears says to leave

Usually I listen to fear

I wish I could be stronger

I wish I wasn’t alone

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My Heart

By: Draven Muston

I may not be perfect, but I can still love you with every beat of my


I always wish for a happy life with you.

I do my best to understand how you feel.

I can create a world that you love and cherish.

I want the people around me to feel like they are all loved.

I hold onto some things forever, like you.

I have unusual ideas, like always finding a way to make you smile.

If I were an animal, I’d be a dove a sign of our love.

I have a secret talent – I can read your heart.

I am me and no one else.

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By: Arieanna Escobedo

People want to live forever,

and want to see the world become.

But they try so hard,

they can’t stop rushing on by.

Rushing and talking;

they never stop to notice the true problems.

People care for their hair and disasters,

but do nothing to help.

They spend so much money,

so much time.

On things, that does not matter.

They don’t see the true disasters.

When children are crying,

or when they are dying.

People are to busy to see.

When elders are in need on the streets.

Who is helping?

People are in their homes thinking how the world is perfect,

with the ac and heat blowing, they are enjoying.

But do they notice the people who don’t get.

The relaxing hair do’s or more.

The one’s who live the ones who care.

Knowing what is actually happening and helping.

They notice the ones who are in need,

and take the risk to stop.

The ones who care upon the ill and suffering so badly,

Will and do, live the life of freedom with no worry,

With peace among their side.

Knowing after the help,

everything is gonna be alright.

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By: Dalton Lee

We met when I was in a dark place.

Nowadays Courage is my ally,

I find Courage when no one helps me.

In my life I’ve known fear.

We met when I was in a dark place.

These days Fear is around the corner, waiting for you.

Fear finds me when I am alone.

I’ve learned that Fear and Courage are different.

When Courage tells me to get back up,

Fear says I’ll put you back down.

Usually I listen to my heart.

I wish Fear would fear me.

I wish Courage wouldn’t help me,

I wish I would help myself.

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By: Miya Johnson

Your sweet didn’t you know

Like the flower of the sun

The adorableness of a cherry bow

Your laugh like the shining light

Your warm embrace fills the skies

Didn’t you know how sweet you are?

The clouds o’er yonder

The forest pitch black liquidly tar

Glows softly even the world wonders

Just how sweet you are

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Why to love me

By: Shawn Johnson

I may not be perfect, but I can be sensitive

I always wish for me to be with my girlfriend

I do my best to understand what is in great relationship

I can create happiness and delight

I want the people around me to feel Happiness

I hold onto some things forever, like your image in my mined

I have unusual ideas, like you leaving this world

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Super Hero

By: Taaliyah Ross

In the wisp and thru the days a man makes his way

Thru the night he’s the one in red blue and white.

We sing the song to cheer them along.

That’s a hero’s that we all love,

A marine that serves is a hero to everyone


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The Poem of Work

By: Jaden Arao

When you fall, do you get up?

When you run into a wall do you continue?

When you struggle, do you give up?

When you are strong, what do you do?

Do you focus on a couple of things or multiple things?

When you are in pain, do you cry?

Do you overcome anything you face?

Do you work for what you earn?


When you fall, Get up.

When you run into a wall, Move on.

When you struggle, keep on going.

When you are strong, then be strong.

Don’t just focus on a couple of things, but focus on multiple things.

When you feel pain, its alright because, its just weakness in your body.

When you face something, you get stronger.

When you face something, you get stronger.

Make yourself work for what you will want later on.


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Best Friends

By: Kaitlyn Ribblett

I count on you my friend,

Sometimes I feel in this world, I’m all alone,

Not a single person in sight to call my own,

Then I close my eyes and your face comes in sight.

And makes me realize that I was not right.

Your presence makes loneliness itself such a myth,

You my friend put my entire life perfectly in sync,

I count on you for every little piece of advice,

Cause it is only you who understands me and it’s so nice,

Best friends that we are, will be forever,

Our hearts will be always be blended together,

And never ever go away my dearest best friend,

May this friendship that we share have end.

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Life of the Fashion

By: Joslyn Burgess

Fashion is a sense.

It makes you feel different.

On the inside and out.

It changes your outlook.

It creates a different person.

It something new.

It brings a better life to you.

Page 62: Poetry Slam Poems

10 Reasons to Love Me

By: Tyler Smith

1. I may not be perfect, but I can eat a Ham-Sammich

2. I always wish for a Ham-Sammich

3. I do my best to understand how a Ham-Sammich was made to

perform perfection

4. I can create a Ham-Sammich

5. I want the people around me to feel like a Ham-Sammich

6. I hold onto some things forever, like a Ham-Sammich

7. I have unusual ideas, like a Ham-Sammich

8. If I were an animal, I’d be a Ham-Sammich

9. I have a secret talent – I can eat a Ham-Sammich

10. I am a Ham-Sammich

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Silent Lunch

By: Ariel Adamczyk

Walking in class to a lady with a visitors pass sitting upright in my

teacher’s chair.

Going through my mind is a bunch of thoughts telling me OH NO!

She’s going to leave our class pulling out her hair

I can only imagine how far my class will go.

Will they rip up the books on the shelf?

Maybe they’ll shoot rubber bands up and down the aisles.

Shell try and tell them rules, but they’ll just listen to themselves.

Yells, laughs, and giggles leaving kids with smiles.

We are going to be left a bad note.

Well maybe if I act as a teacher’s pet I will be spared.

No need to gloat.

But as I was brownnosing my class just glared.

I didn’t want to be looked at as the teacher’s pet, so I sunk along with

my crew.

We were loud and obnoxious.

Silly and disobedient.

and at the end….


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“I can be strong.” By: Madeline Demming

I can be as strong as a horse.

Ready to run.

I can be as strong as the ocean.

Pay attention to my swirling waves.

I will overwhelm anyone who comes too close.

I can be strong in ways you don’t expect.

I can be as strong as a palm tree.

Able to protect you from the burning sun.

My strength can be gentle.

I can be as strong as a friend.

Ready to dry your tears.

I can be strong and change the world.

I can be strong and let go of the past,

I can be strong and move on from anything that hurt me.

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I am a bird

By: Zachery Burgess

1. I may not be perfect, but I can sing

2. I wish for peace

3. I do my best understand feeling

4. I can create music

5. I want the people to feel happy

6. I hold onto some things forever, like my mom

7. I have unusual ideas, like my dad

8. If I were an animal, I’d be a lion\

9. I have a secret talent –I can fly

10. I am a bird

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Don’t Let Fear Beat Your Courage

By: Aaron Marshall

In my life I’ve known Courage

We met when I was young.

Nowadays Courage is fading away

I find courage when I feel young

In my life I’ve known fear

We met when I was down

These days fear is playing a game

Fear finds me when I am in town

I’ve learned that Courage and Fear are different.

When Courage tells me wait longer

Fear says be stronger

I wish my courage was stronger

I wish fear could wait longer

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By: Breonna Peterson

I am an angle of God I walk with him through the path of everlasting


I was an angel and they were devils.

The devil said come little angle I’ll take you away into a world of no


My soul was whole and my heart was strong

I let him in without a cry the good little strong angel faded away

locked in a box, stored in the devil’s hands.

The big wicked world was slowly going away.

The angel busted out no more will I cry no more will I hide I will fear

no evil for he is with me no more no more will I. the light of the

heavens sing to me forever is our always and are always is okay no more

will I be with the evil the lies the bad, the hate the hurt the pain the

devil all they are is just my battle scars left in the box in the devil’s

hands. They are forever marked on my skin, but I am free the pain is

this there the memory is not lost. Just locked. I am free I am free.
