Page 1: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency

2006 / 1

The technical specification of thisPLCopen Task Force has been releasedto the community for comments tillJune 30, 2006. With this releasePLCopen is seeking for feedback form abroader community about its usability

for their environments before develop-ing the applicable test software.The released document is available atthe PLCopen under TC3 –Certification / Task Force

Benchmarking for free-of-charge down-load.

More about benchmarking inside thisNewsletter.

PLCopen Benchmarking – Released for Comments

The TC5 Safety Specification provides guidelines, styleguides, and basic specifications of function blocks for imple-mentation and use in safety-related environments. For usersthis means an easier commissioning of their equipment. Byusing the specified function blocks together with the generalaspects, the certification procedure of the application itselfbecomes much easier and faster.

The BGIA, based in Sankt Augustin, Germany, is an institutefor research and testing of the GermanBerufsgenossenschaften (BG), the institutions for statutoryaccident insurance and prevention in Germany.

As a certification body it reviewed the PLCopen specificationand confirmed that it meets the relevant aspects of IEC 61508and the related standards and can be used as a part of a spe-cific safety requirement specification. This will result in a cer-tificate for PLCopen.This supports the suppliers of the software environment withregard to the implementation of this specification. However,this document or a PLCopen certificate does not guaranteethat the implementation meets the requirements of the safetystandards. Therefore the implementation of the FBs, or theirappropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/oruser, including safety certification.

PLCopen TC5 Safety SpecificationVersion 1.0 approved by BGIA

for efficiency in automation


PLCopen focuses on efficiency inautomation. With so many results, Ihope that our work helped you andyour company.

We are currently investigating newareas of work, which should help you

in the future. I would appreciate if youwould consider sharing your visionwith me, and help identifying newwork areas to solve your problems,especially if you are a user or systemintegrator.

Your help can shape our future.

Kind regards,

Eelco van der Wal,Managing Director PLCopen.

Help to shape your future – your feedback needed

Page 2: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency

Contents of this issuePLCopen Benchmarking – Released forComments 1

PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0approved by BGIA 1

Help to shape your future – your feedbackneeded 1

PLCopen Organization 2

Upcoming events 2

Introduction into PLCopen 3

Integrating safety functionality into the development system 5

PLCopen TC3 - TF Benchmarking – released forcomments 10

PLCopen TC6 XML meets in Hamburg,Germany 10

PLCopen Motion Control – Status of the work 11

New PLCopen Certificates 11

First Board Meeting held at PLCopen China 12

New activities in North America with Bill Lydon 12

Press from our members 12

PLCopen Voting Members April 2006 15

Certified Products 15

PLCopen Offerings 16



Please check the website for up-to-date information,

PLCopen organization

Upcoming eventsHanover Fair April 24-28 Hanover GermanyPLCopen Board meeting April 26 Hanover GermanyInternational Symposium Programmable Electronic May 3-4 Cologne GermanySystems in Safety Related ApplicationsPLCopen Motion Control meeting May 11-12 Barcelona SpainPLCopen General Meeting June 22 Amsterdam The NetherlandsFA/PA June 28 – July 1 Beijing ChinaPLCopen Motion Control meeting July 5-6 United KingdomPLCopen XML meeting July 28 Bubenreuth GermanySPS/IPC/Drives November 28-30 Nürnberg GermanyMOF (Manufacturing Open Forum) November 29 – December 1 Yokohama JapanSCS Automation & Control December 5-8 Paris France

Board of managementChairman: R. Simon IfakSecretary: B. Busher Digital/ProFace USATreasurer: S. Oblasser SiemensMember: A. Orzelski KW-Software

Managing Director E. van der Wal Forum Foundation

Technical committeesTC1 - StandardsTC2 - Functions TC3 - CertificationTC4 - CommunicationsTC5 - Safe SoftwareTC6 - XML

Promotional committees PC1 - Promotion Activities PC2 - Common TrainingPC3 - Promotion North-AmericaPC4 - Promotion JapanPC5 - Promotion China

Page 3: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency



PLCopen is a vendor- and product-independentworldwide association, headquartered in theNetherlands. As such we want to be the leadingassociation resolving topics related to control pro-gramming to support the use of internationalstandards in this field. As association, PLCopen isdepending on its income through its membershipfees. For this, PLCopen supports a multi-levelmembership, ranging from suppliers to educa-tional institutes. PLCopen strongly supports theuser community. For this it created additionalmembership categories. To achieve its goals, theorganization PLCopen works on enhancements toindustrial control programming, to generate moreefficiency in industrial control. The committeesworking within PLCopen and their results aredescribed in short form hereunder.

Technical resultsThe Technical Committees, TCs, with representa-tives of PLCopen members, work on specificitems.

Within TC1 - Standards, PLCopen collects pro-posals from its members for the IEC 65B WG7working group, develops a joint position, and dis-tributes related information. This was specificallyfocused to the second edition of the standard,which was released at the beginning of 2003.

TC2 - Functions defines common libraries ofFunction (Blocks) for specific application areas.Examples are the library definitions of FunctionBlocks for Motion Control. This standardizationintegrates motion control with industrial control.As such, it provides a common look-and-feeltowards the users: programmers, as well as instal-lation and maintenance people. With multipleimplementations of this library, reusability of soft-ware and scaling of the control system is mucheasier, even across different architectures and / orcontroller brands.

Certification & Conformity testingTC3 - Certification defines a certification systemfor IEC 61131-3 PSEs, Program SupportEnvironments (development environments). EachPSE can be tested to show that it complies with aPLCopen specified subset of the IEC 61131-3standard. In addition, PLCopen extended thestandard to support the reusability of userderived Function Blocks between different PSEs.Conformity Level, CL is the highest level. Withthe broad range of application areas for IEC61131-3 not all implementations use exactly the

same data types, 26 in total. To accompany this,the certification according to Conformity Level,CL, implies that the supplier of a PSE selects thedata types supported by his product matching hiscompliance statement. All supported IEC featuresare tested. This means that although the test is aYes/No test (conformant or non-conformant),there can be differences between two certifiedproducts. These differences can influence thereusability of user derived function blocks.

In addition Reusability Level, RL, is dedicated tomaking the programming units functions andfunction blocks reusable on a different PSE in thesame programming language. This is a major, butnatural, contribution of PLCopen to the IEC61131-3 standard.Historically there exists an entry level called BaseLevel, to show commitment to the standard.Although rather restricted, it is feasible to devel-op applications based on it. For the users it pro-vides a normalized interpretation of the standard,especially important if they have to work withsystems of different vendors. Detailed specifica-tions of most of the IEC 61131-3 languages arealready finished. Work is in progress for theremaining languages. The compliance test proce-dure and the accreditation procedure for test lab-oratories have been established. Independent testlaboratories have been accredited and an increas-ing number of products have been certified. For acomplete list please refer to the .

TC4 - Communications works on the relationbetween communication and programming lan-guages, like the mapping of Profibus andCANopen via IEC 61131-5 onto IEC 61131-3.

TC5 - Safe Software prepares recommendationsfor applying the IEC 61131-3 standard to safetyrelated applications, esp. focused to machines,and the new safety standards IEC 61508 and61511. In addition, it provides guidelines for theuser to use safety aspects within their applica-tions, supported by their development environ-ments, as well as library definitions of FunctionBlocks for Safety applications.

TC6 - XML works on the specification of XMLschemes for all languages, as well as full projects.This specification will provide the basis forexchange, as well as coupling to other softwaretools, including higher-level development tools,documentation tools, and verification tools.

Promotional EventsAn important tasks of PLCopen is to inform users / programmers about the benefits of standardized industrial control programming.This is done via:• the PLCopen website: ;• publication of a free electronic and printed

newsletter, called “PLCopening”;• publications in the press;• participation at conferences and shows;• organization of own conferences, and seminars.The Promotional Committees PC1, PC3, PC4 andPC5 support these activities.

PC2 - Common training has defined a commonbasis for training. This includes certification. Inthis way, certified training centers for training onIEC 61131-3 can be easily identified.

For on-going information, please check the web-site, as well as the electronicmagazine to which you can subscribe at this web-site.

Benefits of MembershipA membership of PLCopen has many benefits forusers, vendors, and institutes. By joiningPLCopen, one makes a clear statement aboutyour commitment to open architectures. In addi-tion, one can participate in the committees, and assuch have upfront information as well as influ-ence on the work done, and use the PLCopenlogo’s.The annual contribution depends on voting andnon-voting rights, the number of relevantemployees active in the field of IndustrialControl, IC, and the nature of the organization.There are 3 different sizes: over 1,000 relevantemployees, between 100 and 1,000 and less than100. The different organizational types are:• Companies: commercial organizations active in

the IC• Users: focused to the application and usage of

IC• System Integrators / Re-sellers: added value is

not in the IC or its programming environment• Non-profit organizations• Educational institutes

For more information, please check the . Here one can subscribe to theelectronic newsletter, keeping you updated on theactivities of PLCopen.

Software plays an ever-increasing role in industrial automation. With this, the associated software costs increase, even to the point that it becomes thehighest part of the total system. And not all costs are directly visible: the required maintenance over the life cycle, adding new functionalities, coping withnew governmental rules. To control these costs, one needs higher efficiency during the application development, while increasing the software quality.PLCopen, as an organization active in Industrial Control, is creating a higher efficiency in your application software development: in one-off projects aswell as in higher volume products. As such it is based on standard available tools to which extensions are and will be defined.With results like Motion Control Library, Safety, XML specification, Reusability Level and Conformity Level, PLCopen made solid contributions to thecommunity, extending the hardware independence from the software code, as well as reusability of the code and coupling to external software tools.Since its foundation in 1992, PLCopen has grown into a professional worldwide association with around 100 members and offices in Europe, USA andJapan. This is supported by a high percentage of user members, and our “one member - one vote principle”, making the association independent of anysingle company.One of the core activities of PLCopen is focused around IEC 61131-3, the only global standard for industrial control programming. It harmonizes the waypeople design and operate industrial controls by standardizing the programming interface. This allows people with different backgrounds and skills tocreate different elements of a program during different stages of the software lifecycle: specification, design, implementation, testing, installation andmaintenance. Yet all pieces adhere to a common structure and work together harmoniously. The standard includes the definition of the Sequential FunctionChart (SFC) language, used to structure the internal organization of a program, and four inter-operable programming languages: Instruction List (IL),Ladder Diagram (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD) and Structured Text (ST). Via decomposition into logical elements, modularization and modernsoftware techniques, each program is structured, increasing its re-usability, reducing errors and increasing programming and user efficiency.

Introduction into PLCopen

Page 4: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency

KW-Software GmbHLagesche Straße 3232657 LemgoGermanyPhone +49 5261 9373-0 Fax +49 5261 [email protected]

Software solutionsfor safety controls

according to IEC 61508 (SIL 3)

KW-Software offers an integrated software platform for drives and controls ranging

from safe parameterization and configuration up to a freely programmable safety


SAFEPROG - the safe IEC 61131 programming system – and the safe runtime envi-

ronment SafeOS have been developed according to strict requirements of the IEC

61508 (SIL 3). With these software solutions a programmable safety control can be

realized, requiring significantly less effort.

Thanks to open interfaces, SAFEPROG and SafeOS can be adjusted to customer-

specific hardware and different bus systems.

KW-Software is the first software company which has been certified by the TÜV

Rheinland with regard to the development process for software components accor-

ding to IEC 61508.

Visit us on theHannover Fair!

Hall 11Booth C23

2nd Place for



Page 5: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency




The changing environments facing themachine building industry asks for newsolutions.The changes include:

• The availability of many safety stan-dards, including IEC 61508 and IEC62061;

• Additional governmental requirementsincreasing the liability issues;

• The tendency to move from one motor(master axis) to multiple axes, driven bymechatronic solutions;

• The availability and acceptance of digi-tal networks with safety functionalitybuilt-in;

• The inherent move from hardwiredsafety functionalities to software solu-tions;

• The increasing importance of safetyrelated issues regarding personnel andmachines.

The solution includes standardization ofthe safety functionality on the softwarelevel, and integrating this in the develop-ment environment. This combinationhelps developers to integrate safety relat-ed functionality with more ease in theirsystems, even from the beginning of thedevelopment cycle. Also, it contributes tothe understanding of safety aspects, aswell as reducing the certification time andcosts by relevant organizations.

The Rationale of a New Safety StandardMachine builders are faced with a largeset of safety-related standards. This makesit expensive and in some cases unfeasiblefor machine builders to understand themall fully. Yet in the end they are stillresponsible for their products and relatedsafety aspects. This risk situation is notvery healthy, especially since legislationimposes greater constraints on the equip-ment suppliers. And their liability increas-es.Nowadays there is often a clear separationbetween the safety-related part and thefunctional application part. This separa-tion can be made be using different sys-tems for the environments, different tools,and even different people can be involved.This separation often results in the safetyaspects being included at the end, and notintegrated into the whole system philoso-

phy from the beginning, and often withonly limited tests performed. This clearlydoes not contribute to the overall safetyaspects.Also, the on-going technological innova-tion now provides safety-approved digitalcommunication buses. This supports thetrend away from hard-wired systemstowards software-oriented solutions. Aparallel can be drawn with the movementaway from hard-wired relay logic towardsprogrammable logic controllers, PLCs.Such a trend, of course, involves a changein the mindset. This type of changerequires time, widespread support fromthe industry as a whole, support fromeducational institutes as well as from certi-fication bodies.In addition, governmental requirementsadd to the complexity. For instance, theUS-based FDA, Food and DrugsAdministration, has set strict regulationsthat must be complied with. Non-compli-ance can result in heavy financial penal-ties, again weakening the sustainability ofthe organization.

Standards enhance the safety aspectsWith so many standards already available,one needs to help the users to implementthem, without inhibiting their functionali-ty and performance, and without addingcosts. Standardization in functionalitiesand the integration and support from thesoftware tools should help the program-mers to integrate safety functionality intheir applications more easily.The common basic requirements of a safe-ty application for machine builders withinall applicable safety standards are:• Distinction between safety and non-

safety functionalities • Use of applicable programming lan-

guages and language subsets• Use of validated software blocks• Use of applicable programming guide-

lines• Use of recognized error-reducing meas-

ures for the lifecycle of the safety-relatedsoftware

Standardization in the look and feelIn order to help developers use safety-related functionalities, the comfort zone ofusers must be improved, thus making iteasier to accept this way of working. This

can be done by standardizing the look andfeel of the safety function blocks. In thisway the safety functionality can be betterrecognized and used independently of theapplicable system. Re-training is not nec-essary and the tendency to create dedicat-ed safety functionality is reduced. In addition, this assists the certificationbodies: specifying and checking the safetysoftware becomes much easier, and there-fore quicker, less risky, and less costly.Providing function blocks at a higher levelmakes them less dependent on the under-lying hardware architecture. Architecturessuch as hard-wired systems, systems con-taining safe input and output modules,and network-based systems can be sup-ported with the same function blocks.With this higher-level solution the imple-mentation details can be hidden fromusers, making the implementation of safe-ty-related software much easier and lesscostly. This also improves the comfortzone of users.

In order to support this, the independentassociation PLCopen, together with itsmembers and external safety relatedorganizations, defined safety relatedaspects within the IEC 61131-3 develop-ment environments. With this, the safetyaspects are transferred to a software tool,which is integrated in the software devel-opment tools. As such it combines thelogic and motion application developmentwith the related safety aspects. This com-bination helps developers to integratesafety-related functionality into their sys-tems, even from the beginning of thedevelopment cycle. Also, it contributes tothe overall understanding of safetyaspects, as well as reducing the certifica-tion time and costs by relevant organiza-tions.

Integrating safety functionality into the development system

Page 6: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency



This PLCopen safe software specificationincludes:• Representation of the software architec-

ture• Definition of the programming lan-

guages and user levels for easy pro-gramming and error prevention

• Presentation of safety-related data types• Definition of language subsets• Error handling and diagnostic concept• Definition of a generic FB and a set of 20

safety-related function blocks• The definition of a PLCopen compliance

procedure combined with the use of thePLCopen Safety logo

This complete approach provides the userwith a harmonized view to the total appli-cation with one environment. With this, amajor contribution to the acceptance andusage of safety related functionality ismade. This will take away several hurdlesas they now exist, and are describedabove, for especially the machine buildingindustry.

Representation of the software archi-tectureBy integrating the functional applicationwith the safety application in the sameenvironment, one can exchange databetween both. This goes beyond the diag-nosis functionality. It can include confir-mation by an operator. It can give generalstatus information. Of course differentrules apply for going from the safety envi-ronment to the operational applicationthen vice versa. Again, the safety relatedsoftware tool help to avoid errors here.

On the left side of the model, two sets ofinputs are identified, and on the right sidetwo levels of outputs. In the middle, thetwo environments are shown separately,both coupled to their related inputs andoutputs.Data exchange between the safety and thefunctional applications are shown in themiddle. The functional application has unrestrict-ed read access to the safety inputs. Theusage of non-safe inputs within the safetyenvironment is limited to the non-

SAFEBOOL input parameters, such as a‘reset’, and limited to the AND functionwith a SAFEBOOL parameter for a safetyrelated input.The same is valid for the two sets of out-puts.This represents a major contribution to theacceptance and use of safety-related func-tions, thus eliminating several obstacles asthey now exist, and are described above,especially for the machine building indus-try.

Definition of the programming lan-guages and user levels for easy pro-gramming and error preventionThere are three levels of users identified,with different sets of experience andauthority to manage the safety relatedaspects:

1. Basic / user level – focused to the safe-ty-application programmer using thespecified function blocks

2. Extended / Expert level – extendedfunctionality giving the ability to defineown extensions to the specified functionblocks

3. System level – focused to the implemen-tation by the suppliers of the (specified)function blocks. This level is not furtherdescribed in the document

Without going into too much detail, wezoom in on the first group. For this, thesafety standard IEC 61508, Chapter 7,defines a reduction in the preferred pro-gramming languages for the different SILlevels (Highly Recommended,Recommended or Not Recommended).Based on this, the preferred languageswithin this group are the graphical lan-guages FBD and LD, with a defined subsetof these. These graphical languages pro-vide a clear overview of the safety pro-gram itself, and the tool suppliers can real-ize a much better support and guidance ofthe users.

Presentation of safety-related datatypesOnce the functionalities have been pre-sented in function blocks, the next stage isto determine how to combine them intosafety-related programs. At this level thesoftware tool should help the user asmuch as possible. For this, a newBOOLEAN data type is introduced that isapplicable within the safety-related envi-ronment, and provides a distinctionbetween safety-related and non-safety-

related Boolean variables. This providesthe basis for the development tool to iden-tify safety-critical program parts, andguide the user with permissible connec-tions, while preventing incorrect connec-tions. In this way, support can be imple-mented for the different levels of thevarious safety standards.Although the "SAFE" data type cannotguarantee that the signal status is safe(e.g., in the event of incorrectly wiredperiphery), it is, however, an organization-al tool used to minimize errors in theapplication program. Additionally, whenreleasing the application program, thesafety-relevant signals can be clearly rec-ognized. This simplifies and shortens sig-nal flow verification.Safe data types are data types applicablewithin the safety-related environment.These data types shall be used in order todifferentiate between safe signals andnon-safe signals for ease of validation andcertification purposes.Possible means of supporting safety-relat-ed data types in programming environ-ments could be:• Different means of display/representa-

tion of safe data types• Compiler support of safe data types

SAFEBOOL is a data type that is applica-ble within the safety-related environmentand represents a higher safety integritylevel. It differentiates between safety-relat-ed and non-safety-related variables. ASAFEBOOL acts as a BOOL within the sys-tem, but can contain additional informa-tion (attributes) necessary for the safetystatus and level (could include cate-gories/PL, SILs, PFD/PFH). Such infor-mation could be used to calculate the SILwith the programming tool.The control system guarantees the SafetyIntegrity Level within the system limits.SAFExx variables are represented as "sin-gle-channel", regardless of the internalstructure (which can be 1oo1, 1oo2D, 2oo2or 2oo3). Therefore, such control systems,which execute FB’s with SAFExx inputsand outputs, are to be certified, especiallyin respect of the generation of SAFExx sig-nals.Essentially there are (at least) two ways toget a SAFEBOOL variable in the applica-tion level:1. The data is provided as a safe data type

by the devices, either by the devicesthemselves or by the operating systemor firmware. This can include a safe net-work.

Page 7: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency



2. The data is provided by combining safe-ty inputs in the application itself (suchas two safe single-channel inputs).

The safe value for SAFEBOOL must beFALSE. Application designers must ensurethat all SAFEBOOL variables result in safebehavior when set to FALSE. SAFEBOOLvariables are set to FALSE on initializationand following any faults.

•Definition of language subsetsReduction in data types and declarations(See IEC 61131-3; Table 10)

Error handling and diagnostic concept A transparent and unique diagnostic con-cept forms the basis of all function blocks.For this, all safety-related function blockshave two error-related outputs: Error andDiagCode. These are provided for diag-nostic purposes on the user applicationlevel, and not for diagnostics on the sys-tem/hardware level.With this it is guaranteed, that, independ-ent of the vendor's implementation, uni-form diagnostic information in the form ofa set of pre-defined DiagCodes per func-tion block is available to the user. In caseof no error the internal status of the func-tion block (State Machine) is indicated. Anerror is indicated via a binary output(Error). One can retrieve detailed informa-tion on the function block internal orexternal errors via the DiagCode.The rule for safety related environments isthat the switching of a safety-related func-tion has the highest priority, and followingswitching there is sufficient time for thediagnostics, either in the functional pro-gram or the operator interface.

Definition of a generic and a set of 20safety-related function blockThe PLCopen Technical Committee 5 –Safety has identified 16 safety functions,which are represented by 20 FunctionBlocks. These provide the basis for devel-oping certified Function Blocks within anenvironment.

The specification itself provides a unifieddescription of all the Function Blocks.Included elements are:1. Applicable Safety standards, with refer-

ence to the sections of the relevantrequirements

2. Interface description, including name ofFB, and short description

3. Functional description, including SafeState description, in both a. textual formb. graphical form, including description

of normal operation and start behavior4. Error detection, with description of

External signals, Internal signals, andExternal test signals

Reduction in functions and function blocksStandard functions: (See IEC 61131-3; Tables 22-30)

NOTE: Safe AND and OR functions will not have additional non-safe inputs. If needed(for User – Enable / ‘Freigabe’) this is done via the applicable FB.

Standard function blocks: (See IEC 61131-3; Tables 34-37)

Page 8: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency

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Page 9: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency



5. Error behavior6. Function Block specific error and status


The full list of blocks is:

The next step is implementing these func-tion blocks on multiple platforms. At thislevel these FBs can be certified by inde-pendent organizations. With this, the stan-dardized look and feel is supported on abroad set of software tools, adding again tothe comfort feeling, and reducing the ten-dency to create own functionality whichcan contain errors.

PLCopen compliance informationFor quick identification of compliant prod-ucts, PLCopen has developed a logo forthe Safety Specification:

In order to fulfill the requirements set, dif-ferent levels of certification are applicable:1. Certification of the software tool suppli-

er, often part of the control supplier

2. Certification / Conformity of the appli-cation at the user and/or machinebuilder

Ad 1: Certification of the software tool supplierThe development environment, includingthe safety related function blocks, as wellas the underlying hardware, have to becertified by the relevant safety related bod-ies. In order to be able to be certified, cer-tain rules, like described in IEC 61508 andrelated standards like IEC 61511, are appli-cable. The PLCopen specification providesa framework for this; however the overallrequirements are beyond the scope ofPLCopen, and have to be dealt with byexternal dedicated organizations.

Ad 2: Certification / Conformity of the applica-tionWithin an application, a certificationincludes the safety related software com-bined with the infrastructure, like sensors,switches and actuators, connectionschemes, etc, like described in standardslike IEC 62061. Certification or approvalsfor the application software are made easi-er, however the full application have to bedealt with by external dedicated organiza-tions.

The use of the PLCopen logo does not giveany guarantee about any compliance orfulfillment. The use of the logo just refersto the inclusion of the ideas and guidelinesas described in this document, within therelevant software environment, and theavailability of this information in moredetail on the relevant section of PLCopenwebsite

Integration of safety aspects in theapplication – a changing mindsetWith the integration of safety in the devel-opment environment and the inclusion ofmany safety related standards, an organi-zational change is needed to add the safetyaspects in the machine design from thebeginning of the development.Technology trends like the tendency tomove from one motor (master axis) to mul-tiple axes, the availability and acceptanceof digital networks with safety functionali-ty built-in, coupled to the inherent movefrom hardwired safety functionalities tosoftware solutions, and the increasingimportance of safety related issues regard-ing personnel and machines, of courseincludes a change in the mindset of the rel-evant people. A change that needs broadsupport from the industry as a whole, sup-port from educational institutes, as well ascertification and specification bodies, andlast but not least - time.

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Positioning of the work of PLCopenIEC 61508 and IEC 62061, and companionand related standards, describe safetyrequirements at different levels. However,they are open on the implementation ofthis functionality in software developmentenvironments for the creation of the appli-cation software. Also, both standards aretargeted to a somewhat different level: runtime environment or application level. Forboth different tools are used. The follow-ing picture provides an overview:

The new safety related standards comewith a new nomenclature. Some relatedterms are:

• FVL Full Variability Language.Application independent lan-guages used by componentsuppliers for the implementa-tion of (safety) firmware, oper-

ating systems, or developmenttools. Rarely used for the safetyapplication itself. Typical lan-guages are C/C++, Java, andassembler.

• LVL Limited Variability Language.Aimed at users to create theirsafety application functionality.Typical languages used areLadder Diagram and FunctionBlock Diagram

• SRAS Safety Related ApplicationSoftware

• SRES Safety Related EmbeddedSoftware

The PLCopen Task Force Benchmarking released their technicalspecification to the community for comments till June 30, 2006. With this release we want feedback from a broader communityabout its usability for their environments before developing theapplicable test software. The published version is 0.4, and is com-bined with a feedback form.

A benchmark is a reproducible, portable test to measure the per-formance of a given system in comparison to other systems. ForPLC systems there are no defined benchmarks. The only commonmeasurement for PLC performance is the execution speed of 1000Boolean operations. This number provides not a good benchmark,because one cannot derive the performance of the PLC in a typicalapplication from it, and as such it is not comparable between sys-tems due to the lack of the definition of the test conditions.

There are two main objectives, when you use a benchmark:1. To estimate the performance of the PLC in your own applica-


2. To compare the performance of the PLC with other PLCs andfind out the specific strength and weakness of a given system

The paper defines two different sets of benchmarks to meet theobjectives described above.

The first set of benchmarks defines five different types of applica-tions, which are typical for the usage of a PLC. Most applicationsbelong either to one of these types or consist of a mixture of them.

The second set of benchmarks measures each language feature ofthe IEC 61131-3 separately. The goal of this test is to excludeeffects of other features to the most possible extent.

The released document is available at the PLCopen website underTC3 – Certification / Task Force Benchmarking for free-of-chargedownload. Please use the enclosed form for your feedback, toimprove the usability of this for you.

PLCopen TC3 - TF Benchmarking – released for comments

Although the TC6 - XML specification isfinalized, there is a need amongst themembers to discuss implementation top-ics, test procedures, certification topics,and transformations.For this reason, the participants met at theuniversity in Hamburg.PLCopen Japan wants to popularize theIEC 61131-3 standard in Japan. For this, itplans 3 local developments based on opensource tools: an XML Editor, an XMLSimulator and an XML based Library ofFunction Blocks. Thes status of thesedevelopments were presented.For this, four changes to the existing XMLscheme were presented. They will be dealtwith in a separate amendment of the XMLschema.

PLCopen Japan suggested to use thedeveloped tool as a PLCopen TC6 XMLreference tool. The proposal was dis-cussed. With various IEC 61131 tools beingwidely used in Europe, the situation inEurope is regarded different from the situ-ation in Japan.

The University of Bilbao presented theresults of an EU project which has beencompleted by the end of 2005. The basicidea was to start with UML as model, gen-erate XML code from this, and transformthese to the different development envi-ronments. PLCopen XML should help toreduce these transitions, and have moreXML import functionality in the differentsystems. Among other results, it was

showed that various kinds of conversionsbetween different XML formats can be car-ried out easily by the help of XSLT.Furthermore, XSLT can serve to create doc-umentation (html, doc, pdf) from the XMLsource.

Certification issues - the participants dis-cussed how a certification of a tool being“TC 6 compliant” could be implemented.Since mutual import/export “withouterror messages” and / or comparison ofXML Schemata and / or numerous testcases seem not sufficient to prove compli-ance, the participants felt that there is alack of a certification methodology. For this reason and additional meeting isplanned for July 28, at infoteam Software.

PLCopen TC6 XML meets in Hamburg, Germany

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The success of the PLCopen MotionControl is clearly visible. With supportfrom nearly 30 platforms, it unifies theaccess of motion control across platforms.The integration of motion control and logicon one platform helps users to add motioncontrol functionality much easier.Here we give you an overview of the dif-ferent parts of the PLCopen MotionControl specifications. If you want to con-tribute in the work, contact us.

Part 1 - Basics - at version 1.1With so many implementations, as well asthe first applications, inconsistencies werefound in the first specification, as well asadditional features to be added. Thisresulted in an update of the basic docu-ment, Part 1, as originally published in2001. This new update is Version 1.1 ofPart 1, and includes an extension to thehoming functionality, the addition of theoutput ‘Busy’ (signalling the status of theFunction Block), and the capability tomerge and blend function blocks.

Part 2 – Extensions – at version 1.0Part 2 – Extensions, is the second docu-ment, and contains additional functionblocks, adding to Part 1. It was publishedin September 2005 as version 1.0 – officialrelease. This version includes the feedback,as well as the additional features as addedin Part 1.With this release, this part is ready forimplementations at the suppliers, andready for certification at PLCopen.

Part 3 – User Guidelines – as version 0.3This part contains guidelines for users andexamples. The current version 0.3 of April16, 2004 needs an update with the addi-tions of part 1 and the release of part 2. Theupdate is back on the agenda, and hopeful-ly will bring a new release with furtherexamples before the end of this year.This part was always intended to havemultiple on-going releases. In this waynew examples could easily be added. Thefocus now is on adding functionalities asdescribed in the OMAC PackagingWorkgroup software specification. Thismeans that we will show users on how tocreate their own function blocks with thesedefined functionalities based on the exist-ing function blocks and the standard IECfunctionality. With this, users can easilyadopt different control algorithms or rou-tines in their own library, and make themavailable troughout their companies.

Part 4 – Interpolation – work under con-structionInterpolation brings the work in MotionControl at a new level. Part 4 is focused tothe coordinated multi-axes motion in 3D

space. In order to work in 3D, several coor-dinate systems are applicable, as well as akinematic model of the mechanicsinvolved. The coordinate systems includethe axes coordinate system, the machinecoordinate system and the product relatedsystem.The kinematic model normally comes outof a different software tool, like a CAD orsimulation system. An interface is provid-ed to incorporate such a model in theapplication program.The work started in 2005, although severalideas were presented for other parts, andpostponed at that time. The release forcomments, version 0.99, is expectedaround the SPS/IPC/Drives thisNovember.

Part 5 – Homing – going to version 1.0Part 5 – Homing is a complete new docu-ment, which was published in November2005 as Version 0.99 – release for com-ments. It is coupled to the extension of thehoming function block, as defined in Part1. It normalizes multiple homing proce-dures, as well as the description of a gener-al homing software tool to add additionalhoming modes for applications not yetcovered. We know that there are additionalapplication areas, which have differentneeds for the homing functionality. Since itis impossible to define all homing modesupfront, it is more practical to define ahoming tool combine with basic modes.The status is that the feedback will bemerged in the current version, and pub-lished as official release version 1.0 proba-bly this year still.

PLCopen Motion Control – Status of the work

Two new certificates for the PLCopen Motion Control compliancewere handed out recently. This includes the first certificate for theupdate of Part 1 – Basics, as version 1.1, for the company:

• Schneider Automation S.A.S for their product “MFB on UnityPro”, version 2.2 of January 2006.

The second certificate is for the company:

• Berger Lahr GmbH Co. KG for their product “Motion libraryfor TLC V2.002”, of May 2005.

For specific information on their support, check the PLCopenwebsite under TC2 - Function Blocks. With this, the number of

motion control certified products has now reached 25, as listed onthe PLCopen website.

PLCopen would like to congratulate the following companies forbecoming a PLCopen Certified Training Centre:

• University of Limerick, Ireland

• Alexandria Technical College, USA

For a complete list, as well as information on how to reach thePLCopen certified training institutes, check the PLCopen websiteunder PC2 - Training

New PLCopen Certificates

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The PLCopen Board of Management ispleased to welcome Bill Lydon ofMarketing Solutions as the new ManagingDirector of PLCopen for the NorthAmerican market. Based on his industryexperience, knowledge of the industrialcontrol markets, personnel recommenda-tions, and his knowledge of PLCopen andIEC61131-3, they are confident that BillLydon will be successful in positioningPLCopen NA as a strong organization inthe various control markets.

Bruce Buscher, PLCopen board memberobserved, "Everyday it becomes moreapparent that efficient industrial automa-tion based on worldwide standards is

required for companies to compete global-ly, Bill is a great addition to PLCopen.”“I am excited to work with PLCopen; theconcept of open architecture programminglanguages for controls has been discussedfor years and is being realized todaythrough the efforts of PLCopen and mem-ber companies. PLCopen North Americaplans to achieve the high awareness andadoption of IEC-61131-3 and otherautomation standards that are successfulin Europe, Japan, and China.” commentedBill Lydon.

About Bill LydonBill Lydon has been at the forefront of con-trols technology for many years and now

provides business development services tocompanies in the industrial, process con-trols, and Building Automation industries.Bill has a powerful combination of back-ground including business development,enterprise software, engineering, market-ing and sales. Bill’s clients sell to a widerange of controls and automation applica-tions including Building Automation,Process Controls, Programmable LogicControls (PLC), and embedded controls.

Contacts: Bill Lydon, Managing Director PLCopenNorth AmericaFranklin, Wisconsin, USA

New activities in North America with Bill Lydon

PRESSNews from ESR Pollmeier: Function Blocks for Servo DrivesESR Pollmeier offers comprehensive libraries with functionblocks for their digital servo drives TrioDrive D, TrioDrive D/xS,MidiDrive D, and MaxiDrive. Function blocks simplify servodrive integration into automation systems.The software libraries follow the PLCopen specification“Function blocks for motion control” (based on IEC 61131?3).They are available for controllers with IEC 61131?3 programminglanguage and ProfibusDP, CANopen, or EtherCAT interface.Many drive and control functions are directly accessible using thefunction blocks, e. g. positioning, I/O access, parameter transmis-sion, or error handling. The servo drive can also run completepositioning sequences or velocity profiles autonomously usingthe integrated positioning control (part program), which can beselected and influenced by function blocks, too.For more information check:

News from ICS Triplex: ISaGRAF 5.0 Wins Prizes for NewSoftwareICS Triplex ISaGRAF Inc. announces the official release of the IEC61499 compliant ISaGRAF version 5.0. Users can now designpowerful automation controllers and devices that meet the IEC61131 and IEC 61499 standards.The unique technology offers all the components to rapidly pro-totype and create a high quality control product. It provides acombination of the field-proven control engine software used bymost PLC, DCS and RTU manufacturers worldwide; a toolkit toadapt it to any hardware platform and operating system; and anIEC 61131 and IEC 61499 programming environment that makesthe automation solution easy to use for all engineers.IEC 61499 redefines the way to configure and program automa-tions systems and is a natural complement to the IEC 61131methodology. The IEC 61499 standard is the result of 10 years ofwork by the IEC standards organization and defines the means to

The first board meeting for PLCopen China 2006 was held onJanuary 20th, 2006 in the Shanghai Institute of AutomationInstruments. The meeting was attended by participants from over20 member companies.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Fan, the Director of SIPAN, fol-lowed by a report from Mr. Peng Yu, the Chairman of PLCopenChina, on the activities of 2005 and the plans for 2006. Supportedby Mrs. Wang Jun, the Secretary General of CAMETA, the mem-bers of PLCopen China engaged in the discussions on the upcom-ing seminars on IEC61131-3 in 2006 in terms of the location andthe joint booth for the 2006 FA/PA Fair. It was confirmed that theseminars on IEC61131-3 in the first half year of 2006 will be heldin Guangzhou (or Shenzhen), Nanjing and Chongqin.Due to the local-for-local concept of the Chinese organization, themembership fees were explained by the secretariat of PLCopenChina. The membership fees are euro 1000 /year for standard

members and euro 2000 /year for board members.The Members of the Board of PLCopen China are:Zhejiang Zheda Zhongzi Integrated Control Co., Ltd., Advantech of Taiwan (China) Ltd., Siemens (China) Ltd., Rockwell Automation Technical Support Center,Beckhoff, Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co., Ltd., KW-Software GmbH Shanghai Representative Office, Fuji Electric FA(Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

On the FA/PA fair in 2006, there will be a joint booth of PLCopenChina on which all the logos of the members will be displayed.

The secretariat of PLCopen China can be reached [email protected] , and the PLCopen China web .

First Board Meeting held at PLCopen China

Page 13: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency





design and implement robust and efficient cooperating systems.ICS Triplex ISaGRAF was presented with the Grand Prize inInnovation award for the new ISaGRAF 5.0 software launched atthe Automation Optimation tradeshow in Paris in October 2005.In addition it received the prestigious Control EngineeringEditors' Choice Award.For more information check:

News from iƒak: changes within the Institut f. Kommunikationund AutomationThe Institut f. Kommunikation und Automation (ifak)Magdeburg-Germany, as a founding member of PLCopen and aninstitute for applied research since 1991, has undertaken severalchanges over the past year. Previous to the successful change atthe start of 2005 in management from Prof. Peter Neumann toProf. Ulrich Jumar, there was a process of joint concept planning,new structural change of research areas and some structuralchanges within the institute itself. An event of “handing over thebatton” in spring 2005 offered the opportunity to introduce thecurrent profile as well as future perspectives. In comparison tothe previous year, a significant increase of research projects withinternational and national funding could be reached in 2005.There was also a growth in the number and volume of industryorders. ifak researches in the following 4 departments:Information Management for Automation and EnvironmentalSystems, Intelligent Transport Systems, IndustrialCommunication Systems and Mechatronic Systems. The institute is again planning an event, which will take on amore festive character. On the 30th November 2006, ifak will cele-brate its 15th anniversary of the founding of the institute at theHerrenkrug Parkhotel in Magdeburg. On the same day, it will

also be the 65th birthdayof Prof. Peter Neumann asfounder and long-stand-ing head of institute. Thehonorary colloquium is toinclude the institute’sanniversary as well as theacknowledgement of Prof.Neumann.For more informationcheck:

News from kirchner SOFT: releases its new "LogicComparision" for logiCAD V4.2Changing POUs is a natural process during the development ofPLC applications. The same is true for the maintenance of PLCapplications over the years. Tracking changes is supported bylogiCAD in multiple ways. Changes are recorded automaticallyby its change management module, and modifications can bestored in a version control system for later use. Changes areshown online and in the printed documentation as well.With the new logiCAD version 4.2, a unique functionality will beprovided: "Logic Comparison" shows the differences between thePLC applications interactively. Differences are shown in thegraphical view of the FBD and SFC editor. Comparing the graphically programmed logic of one POU withanother POU, or with a revision of the same POU from the ver-sion control system, is possible.Tracking changes in the project is made easy for e.g. project

reviews supporting quality assurance and re-certification.For more information check:

News from KW-Software: Standard for safe application soft-ware Well-known automation providers work out a standard for safeapplication software within the PLCopen. The PLCopen SafetySpecification is a milestone on the way to the standardization ofsafety-relevant application software. The PLCopen compliancelogo allows users to easily identify software, which fulfils therequirements defined by this, standard. This kind of software ischaracterized by a high standard of quality.KW-Software offers already today a scalable safety platformaccording to IEC 61508 up to SIL3, which meets the quality stan-dard of the PLCopen. On one hand, the PLCopen safety standarddefines guidelines for safe programming user interfaces. Theseguidelines are already met by the safe programming systemSAFEPROG provided by KW-Software. On the other hand, themost important safety functions are standardized by means offunction blocks. KW-Software, the leading provider of safety-rele-vant software, will realize 17 of these PLCopen safety functionblocks until autumn 2006. For more information check:

More News from KW-Software: Automation Framework withFDT container and runtime system further expandedKW-Software present the second generation of its component-based development and engineering platform AutomationFramework. This platform, which is based on .NET technology,provides many advantages to its users regarding integration,openness and scalability. KW-Software has developed an integrated development platformon the basis of Microsoft.NET standards with a standardized pro-gramming interface (MSIL), which covers functionalities fromengineering (Automation Framework 2.0) up to the runtime sys-tem (Embedded CLR). Now, KW-Software further expands thisplatform by engineering and runtime components, such as PLCprogramming, HMI, Safety and ProConOS eCLR. At theSPS/IPC/Drives, KW-Software introduced an FDT container asAutomation Framework component for the first time. The indi-vidual components of the entire platform can be used independ-ently and supplemented by own components. The openness isdemonstrated not only by the simple integration of own tools, butalso by the free choice of the used programming language. KW-Software will further support IEC 61131 programming as well asobject-oriented programming using C#. By using components asprovided by KW-Software, as well as own components based onthe Automation Framework, it is very easy to create scalableautomation software applications by means of an XML configura-tion file.For more information check:

News from Panasonic: New FP-Sigma CPUs available: faster,more flexible, more powerful!Panasonic Electric Works presents a new generation of CPUs fortheir successful PLC FP-Sigma series. Technical improvementsinclude: larger program and data memory, faster processing ofinstructions, expanded instruction set, improved temperature andmotion control functions. These features allow you to solve evenmore complicated tasks and integrate more sophisticated func-

“Handing over the batton” Event, April 2005 (Prof.Ulrich Jumar (left), Prof. Peter Neumann (right))

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PRESStion blocks into your program. The FP-Sigma series combinesstate-of-the-art positioning technology with an extremely com-pact size and distinguishes itself by being able to communicatevia all important media. It is compatible with all other Panasoniccontrollers and can naturally be programmed with FPWIN Pro,the premier PLC programming software designed according toIEC 61131-3.

The most important features: Large pro-gram memory of 32k instructions, largedata memory of 32k words (expandableby 1024k words), the fastest processingspeed of 0.32µs/basic instruction, commu-nication abilities with up to 3 serial inter-faces on the CPU and a compact size (W30 x H 90 x D 60mm)By combining the FP-Sigma with theMinas A and Minas A4 series servo drives,you can confidently conquer advancedpositioning tasks. Included: softwarelibraries for programming and motioncontrol, certified according to PLCopen.

For more information check:

News from SEW-Eurodrive: new MOVI-PLC advanced*The new MOVI-PLC advanced from SEW-EURODRIVE, as avail-able from fall 2006, is designed for demanding drive applications.It includes the full functionality of MOVI-PLC basic and alsooffers sufficient power reserves to execute complex online com-putations, for example, curves to be calculated during operation,multi-axis interpolation and kinematic transformations. Anotheradvantage of the unit is the broad range of interfaces. Two CANsystem busses and one Ethernet-based system bus allow opti-mized and universal control of up to 64 drives from SEW-EURO-DRIVE and additional CANopen I/O modules. Eight digitalI/Os, five of them interrupt-capable, are integrated in the MOVI-PLC unit itself. Two RS485 serial interfaces allow, for example, aDOP (Drive Operator Panel) to be connected. Several interfaces(TCP/IP, Modbus/TCP, Ethernet/IP, PROFINET RT andPROFIBUS DP-V1) are available for communication with a high-er-level controller. MOVI-PLC advanced is programmed in IEC61131 in accordance with the PLCopen motion control specifica-tion. The IEC program has permanent access to the parameters ofall the connected drives and to the complete area of the memorycard reserved for the user. In this way, even extended curve orpath data and recipes can be stored and managed by the MOVI-PLC. Engineering is possible via RS485, Ethernet or even USB.For more information check:

News from Siemens: new version of SIMOTIONWith its new Version V4.0 of SIMOTION, Siemens is offering amotion control system with new programming, testing and diag-nostic functions, making engineering even more efficient.In addition to the increase in performance, a high degree of sig-nificance was given to user-friendly engineering. This means thatthe engineering and commissioning have been simplified; forinstance, the measuring functions in trace allow the position con-troller to be simply optimized. The PLCopen functional scope for motion control - including themulti-axis functions – is included in Scout as system functions.These functions and the fact that PLC, motion control and tech-

nology have been merged in one environment, makes program-ming especially simple for the user. Further, it provides extensivesystem functions that form a flexible and high performance basisto implement all of the different types of production machines.The runtime as well as the associated engineering project can bedirectly saved on the memory card in the device. This means thatthe current engineering project in the plant is always available viaPROFIBUS/PROFINET.SIMOTION has 3 different hardware platforms – the controller,the panel PC and the drive. This permits a high degree of flexibil-ity when designing the machine. The performance of the PC-based version has been significantly increased: the SIMOTIONP350-3 controls machines with over 40 axes in 2 ms. SIMOTION D, the drive-based version is directly integrated intothe high-performance SINAMICS S120 drive system. In additionto the closed-loop drive control it includes all functions for a fullmachine control system. Reduced cycle times result in a higherdynamic performance and shorter I/O response times.The communications performance can be significantly increasedusing PROFINET. This allows drives to be synchronized in realtime in the µs range and at the same time allows standard com-munications with TCP/IP.For more information check:

More news from Siemens: Turnkey embedded automationMicrobox 420-T – maintenance-free and rugged in operationWith Simatic Embedded Automation, Siemens Automation andDrives (A&D) has introduced a new control technology to themarket. The turnkey and maintenance-free devices combine theopenness of PC-based automation with the ruggedness of pro-grammable controllers (PLCs). The controllers are operated with-out fans or hard disks and the data are stored on easy-to-exchange compact flash cards. The new devices in the compactMicrobox PC or Panel PC format are equipped with the WindowsXP Embedded operating system as well as a host of typical PCinterfaces.One important member of this new product group is the newSimatic Microbox 420-T, which is suitable for combined PLC andmotion control tasks. The device contains the software PLCWinAC RTX with technology functions for dynamic motion con-trol, as well as an isochronous Profibus DP (drive) interface. Forengineering the technological tasks, PLCopen-compliant motion-control blocks are used for curve synchronization, say, or print-mark correction, path-dependent or time-dependent cam controland position-controlled hydraulic axes. The S7 Technology V3.0 option package for Step 7 supports theconfiguration and parameterization of up to 64 technologyobjects, put together from up to 32 axes, 32 cam plates, 32 cams,16 probes or 16 external sensors. In addition to the Profibus DPinterface with DP drive profile, the device features anotherProfibus interface, and the standard PC interfaces Ethernet, USB,COM and DVI/VGA.The Simatic Microbox 420-RTX is especially compact. With theintegral WinAC RTX software PLC, specially designed for PLCapplications, the device has two interfaces for Ethernet and onefor Profibus, three PC/104-Plus slots, as well as connections forfour USB devices, a flat-panel monitor (DVI/VGA) and an RS 232device.For more information check:

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ABB Automation Technologies SwedenAdvantech TaiwanAMC Europe HungaryAtos Automaçao Industrial BrazilATS International NetherlandsBaumüller GermanyBeckhoff GermanyBerger Lahr GermanyBernecker & Rainer AustriaBosch Rexroth GermanyControl Techniques United KingdomDanfoss Drives DenmarkDigital Electronics JapanEckelmann GermanyElau GermanyESR Pollmeier GermanyETM profession control AustriaFuji Electric JapanGE Fanuc USA

G&L Motion Control USAHIMA GermanyHoneywell SMS NetherlandsICS Triplex ISaGRAF CanadaIndustrial Control Systems USAinfoteam Software GermanyISG GermanyKeba Austriakirchner SOFT AustriaKUKA Roboter GermanyKW-Software GermanyLenze GermanyMatsushita Electric Works JapanMitsubishi Electric Works GermanyOmron NetherlandsOrmec USAPanasonic Electric Works Europe GermanyParker Hannifin GermanyPhoenix Contact Germany

Rockwell Automation USA3S Smart Software Solutions GermanySchneider Electric USASelectron Systems SwitserlandSEW-Eurodrive GermanySICK GermanySiemens GermanySMS Demag GermanyStöber Antriebstechnik GermanyTEAM SpainTeco Czech RepublicTNI -Valiosys FranceToshiba JapanTriconex USAVacon ItalyYokogawa Japan

...and Other Non-Voting Members andEducational Institutes

PLCopen Voting Members - April 2006

PLCopen Certified Motion Control SuppliersName How to reach them

Baumüller www.baumueller.comBeckhoff www.beckhoff.comBerger Lahr www.berger-lahr.comBosch Rexroth www.boschrexroth.deB&R www.elau.deG&L motion control www.glcontrols.comICS Triplex ISaGRAF www.isagraf.comInfoteam www.infoteam.deISG www.isg-stuttgart.deKW Software www.omron.comOrmec www.ormec.comPanasonic Hannifin www.parker-emd.comPhoenix Contact www.phoenixcontact.com3S www.3s-software.comSchneider Automation www.schneider-electric.comSEW-Eurodrive

PLCopen Certified Training Course for IEC61131-3 ProgrammersName How to reach them

Alexandria Technical www.camc-online.orgCollegeATS www.ats.nlKeba www.keba.comKTH Kista www.kth.seKW Software Metropolitan www.ormec.comPanasonic www.selectron.chTriconex www.triconex.comUniversity of Limerick

Certified Products Product name Base Level CL & RL Company

Codesys IL & ST 3S Smart Software SolutionsopenDK IL infoteam SoftwareopenPCS IL & ST infoteam SoftwareISaGRAF IL ISC Triplex ISaGRAFPUMA IL & ST KEBAMULTIPROG wt IL & ST KW-SoftwareNAiS Control FPWIN Pro IL, CL-ST, RL-ST PanasonicMelsoft GX IEC Developer IL, ST MitsubishiMELSEC MEDOC plus IL MitsubishiRSLogix 5000 V.13 RL-ST Rockwell AutomationConcept IL, ST, FBD CL-ST, RL-ST Schneider AutomationSELECONTROL CAP 1131 IL SelectronS7-SCL ST RL-ST SiemensSimotion Eng. Sytem Scout-standard ST SiemensS7-GRAPH SFC SiemensSisteam Servicer (IEC 1131-3) ST TEAM

Page 16: PLCopening...appropriate use, is the responsibility of the supplier and/or user, including safety certification. PLCopen TC5 Safety Specification Version 1.0 approved by BGIA for efficiency





Currency: € / US$ Currency: € / US$

Book: Progr. Ind. contr. syst. using IEC 61131, Lewis 69 / 86 69 / 86

Book: SPS standard: IEC 1131, Neumann et al. 50 / 50 50 / 50

Book: IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems 76 / 95 76 / 95

Chinese version 15 / 19 15 / 19

Book: SPS-Programmierung mit IEC 61131-3 K.H John et al. 51 / 00 51 / 00

Book: IEC 61131-3 Programming Methodology 75 / 94 75 / 94

Book: Softlogic: Overcomming funel vision 17 / 21 17 / 21

Book: Grundkurs IEC1131-3 69 / 00 69 / 00

Advertisements in PLCopening

1 page black/white 700 / 700 not possible

1/2 page black/white 400 / 400 not possible

Additional Newsletters in quantity 0.50 / 0.50 not applicable

Company profile catalogue free of charge free of charge

IEC 61131-3 Short description, English (in quantity) 0.50 / 0.50 not applicable

10th anniversary brochure: IEC in reality (in quantity) 0.50 / 0.50 0.50 / 0.50PL









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