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The takeover of mid lane by Corki has been running rampant. One of the most notable European midlaner to take control of Daring Bombadiers copter in pro play was G2 esports Perkz, picking the Marksman multiple times and displaying great mastery on the champion.

Stress broke down some of the strengths of Corki mid in a recent telestrator segment which highlighted: Corki's strength as a flex pick His early power spike on Trinity Force & Sorc Shoes How he fits the meta as it trends towards siege / poke compositions & how he fits with other poke champs. The package.

This is a great foundation for anyone looking to play some high-level Corki, but to really get the most out of the champion we should take a look at how the pros have their runes and masteries set up. Here's how Perkz does it:


Perkz runs a rune page that's a bit different from the AD Carry setups shown by Pulse in his Week 3 AD Carry runes & masteries masterclass. The most notable changes are the 9 scaling health seals, due to the lack of an opposing lane AD threatSimilarly, the 9 flat magic resist glyphs due to him facing off against Febivens Lissandra in Game 1 of the week. Three attack speed quintessances and 9 attack damage marks round out his rune page, which is pretty standard for a Marksman.


As with his Rune page, Perkz has a slightly different mastery setup. One that highlights his playstyle on Corki. His 12th and final point in the Ferocity tree has been placed in Bounty Hunter, giving him 1% increased damage for each unique champion killed. In the game vs Fnatic, Perkz took down Gamsu, Febiven and Spirit, netting him 3% Increased damage, but vs the Unicorns of Love, Perkz achieved the full 5% damage increase before 20 minutes.

The remaining masteries are also along the lines of standard Marksman pages, running Fury & Feast in Ferocity, with the choice of Vampirism for added sustain. The remaining points in the Cunning tree track through Savagery, Secret Stash, Merciless & Dangerous Game, with the Keystone mastery choice of Thunderlords Decree. Corki synergises well with Thunderlords because he can very easily get the 3rd stack to proc the lightning strike using his gatling gun, or by chaining auto attacks, rockets and his phosphorous bomb.

The Package

Perhaps the most complex part of the pick is knowing when and how to use the package. After spawning at 8 minutes, the package lies dormant at the steps of the fountain, ready for express delivery. For the next 60 seconds after picking up the package, Corki gains 40% movement speed and has access to the ability special delivery, an enhanced version of valkyrie with a displacement for any enemy he hits, which leaves a large slowing and damaging field. We spoke to Perkz briefly to get some insight into who is in charge when it comes to deciding when and where to deliver the package.It depends whether you want to make a play with the package, rotate or catch someone or just siege and waveclear. The team doesnt decide. When I play Corki I decide what to do since I am leading the charge. Luka Perkz Perkovi