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2. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant. The stamens are the male parts which produce pollen. The ovary is the female part and produces ovules. Ovules become seeds. 3. POLLINATION The stamens are full of tiny pollen grains. Pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamens to the ovary. 4. POLLINATION Pollination usually takes place in the same plant. Wind and insects also carry pollen to other plants. 5. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Some plants reproduce without flowers or seeds.1210Tubers: such as potatoes.8Bulbs: such as onions.4Stolons: such as strawberries.2Column 1 Column 2 Column 360 Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4 6. SEEDS AND FRUIT After pollination the flower changes. 1.- Its petals fall. 2.- The ovary grows and becomes a fruit with seeds. 7. SEEDS AND FRUIT When the fruit is ripe, it falls. The fruit opens and its seeds fall out. The seeds germinate: they open and small roots and tiny leaves grow.A new plant forms.
