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Page 1: PLANNING: Scripting


VISUALS SOUND Ext. Shot of house Where party is taking place

Intro of song, guitar strings

Int. Shot of party guests Actors talking and laughing, a casual social event

“Bones sinking like”

Int. Shot of beer bottle Beer at Rory’s feet, signifying his alcoholic tendencies

“Stones/ All that we fall for”

Int. Shot of Rory slumped in chair He is in the corner of the room, clear divide between himself, his girlfriend (who is chatting) and the guests

“Homes, places we’ve/Grown”

Int. Shot of Holly (Rory POV) She is smiling and talking to guests, clear that he wants to talk to her as he watches

“All of us are”

Int. POV Shot Rory drinking, we see through the neck of the bottle

“done for” (musical bridge to chorus)

“Int. Shot of Holly (B&W) She lip syncs the song

“We live in a beautiful world”

Ext. Shot of Rory crossing the room Through the bi-folding doors outside, Rory gets up from his chair and crosses to Holly

“Yeah we do/Yeah we do”

Int. Shot of party (Rory POV) Rory’s perspective as he crosses the room, shaky hand held, unfocused

“We live in a beautiful world”

Int. Shot blood in sink

(Musical bridge between verses)

Int. Quick cut from Holly POV We see Rory approaching her, stumbling angrily Insert shot of promise ring (B&W)

“Bones sinking like stones/ All”

Int. Rory grabs Holly’s wrist He is speaking quickly to her under his breath

“that we fall for/Homes places”

Int. Shot Guests reaction Guests look shocked/uncomfortable

“We’ve grown”

Int. Shot of hallway Holly leading guests out nervously, Rory behind her

“All of us are done for”

Ext. Shot of doorway Guests being hugged goodbye at the door, Rory can be seen looking miserable

(backing vocals) “Done for”

Int. Shot of hallway Rory turned to Holly and is angrily conversing

“And we live in a beautiful world”

Int. Shot of Holly She lip syncs the lyrics of the song

“Yeah we do/Yeah”

Int. Shot (POV) of Rory’s face as he yells at Holly “We do/ We live in a”

Int. Shot of party props Incremental zoom to Rory’s stack of beer bottles

“beautiful world”

Page 2: PLANNING: Scripting

Int. Shot of couple in hallway Rory shaking Holly’s shoulders roughly, becoming aggressive/physical

Musical interlude

(B&W) Insert shot of blood Bloody tissue from Holly’s nose Int. Shot of couple in hallway Holly pushes Rory away, and turns to bedroom door. (B&W) Insert shot of Holly removing makeup and crying

Musical interlude (intro piano) – 15 sec

Int. Shot of couple in hallway He turns Holly round and hits her across the face

“And we live in a beautiful world”

Shot of picture frame to reflect a previous, more happy life they once shared

“Yeah we do/Yeah we do”

Insert shot of roses “We live in a beautiful world” Int. Blood dripping in sink “Bones sinking like stones”

Int. Bathroom- girl leant over sink “All that we fall for/homes, places we’ve grown/all of us”

Int. Shot of Girl looking at blood on fingers “are done for”

Int. Close-up of bloody fingers “Oh/all that I’ve know, there’s” Close-up of ring being thrown away “nothing here to run from”

Int. Close-up of girl lip-syncing lyrics to the song. “’Cause yeah, everybody here’s got somebody to lean on”

FADE TO BLACK. *music interlude*
