Page 1: Planning Experiment (Mind Map and Mood Board)

PlanningHannah Sewell

Page 2: Planning Experiment (Mind Map and Mood Board)
Page 3: Planning Experiment (Mind Map and Mood Board)

First Idea – Finding Life Through TechnologyThis is the kind of size that I’m hoping for when taking my image, I would like to be high up when taking an image of crowds of people so that either be standing on a bridge or something which will help me to show crowds of people. The aim of this is to show light drawing which can be social networking logo’s or phone/ipad shape drawings so that it looks like these people are constantly attached to it. By having the shape of a megaphone which pours out the shapes of technology etc. This to me is discovery because people are discovering news and media all the time through technology, they are using it to find out and discover new information in our society. I believe getting a large picture like this will help to prove my point.These symbols are hopefully some of the signs that I will create, I’d like to make symbols like a Twitter and Facebook logo, phones, Ipads and also Wifi signs. This will give out a message straight away that this is a society of technology and that as a crowd of people we are discovering information by being surrounded by technology. I think lighting photography is one of the most important types of techniques to use for this idea because you can create your own sizes and art like pictures. I feel that this is an important message as people don’t talk about technology as being suffocating, instead they think it’s important for communication, by not discovering other people’s interest and personality it means it harder to know what they are like. By looking at phones and Ipads you miss this relationship a lot. I’ve decided that I don’t want Hockney or Harris Shutter in this idea because the technique would take you away from the message, whilst drawing things is much better and clearer to the audience. I would only use the other techniques if they were telling a message.

Page 4: Planning Experiment (Mind Map and Mood Board)

When finding this image I realised that you could use out of focus blur which means you could blur out a person and drawing a technologic logo like this which means the person is wanting to discover the information on that product.

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Second Idea – New Music, New Emotion These two images are the type that I will be taking, this is because of the fact that I’m going to use double exposure on them so that they merge. This technique would be great to use because it shows how music can change someone’s emotion and when you discover new music you feel that you have to listen to it over and over again. This brings out an emotion that your not normally used to and it’s exciting when you start to like a new song, it controls you and some people dance to it constantly as it makes them feel good. Hopefully when experimenting with the two pictures it would help to show that emotion and why is within the theme of discovery. The first image is what I’m hoping it will look like so that when I increase the saturation it will bring out the colours of the people and bits of the music notes which will be transparent so you can just see the notes which will give a big effect.I think this image with the notes is a good image as it shows the variety of music symbols that you can use, by doing this I would have to find a piece of music and take an image so that it can go on top of the other image to give it it’s exposure effect. I would try to do multiple images of this so that there is a theme of colours and how different types of music can change people’s emotion, for example for rock music I would take different pictures of instruments and then use multiple exposure so that you can see the types of instruments over people dancing in rock outfits. The example shown is a group of people that would stereotypically listen to pop music which is bright colours and music notes. I would use different saturations for different exposures because of the type of music, pop would be bright red, pinks and blues, rock would be red/blacks and indie music would be dark greens etc. As long as the idea comes across will help the image to look interesting.

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Third Idea – You as a person When producing an image about the person that you are I thought it would be difficult as nobody knows who they really are at my age. By making it simple and getting a message across I thought I’d change the idea a bit, by having only one symbol on a person face instead of several will be much better when using a Harris Shutter effect. This will give an effect of a person moving which shows there emotion but will also make the main symbol stand out. This will be difficult to produce but hopefully it will tell the audience that this person is controlled by there symbol and only they have it. The first image shown is the kind of thing I want, by having a plain background and only that face will help to show the person face without and distraction. To me this is discovery because it’s about a person finding there own self and by doing that they have to discover it. I was thinking that I could use a question mark on each persons face because it looks like they are trying to get out of that phase and to move into a better emotion.I like this image shown because it’s plain and really shows that symbol really well, I feel that a black question mark across someone’s face will really strand out compared to a coloured one which will be cover with the Harris effect. This type of photography will be simple to make and also allows me to experiment with art and showing emotion through the image which is important into showing discovery. I am hoping to do multiple images of this so that I can have both genders, this will show there stories, a representation of two genders and how they look overall.

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