Page 1: PLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. - digifind-it. · PDF filePLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. *), N. ... iy wl]l be t.u ... bops, with A M. GEUTEN Randolph Marsh


TtaW-lho,0«Bermll7 fair atodwarmer.

a n battling fori»r w e ball arena to-day, la tkda otty.

_Tne Kl'-trif Cricket Club of Newark

tre playing » ortcke* match game in t

_ i j i (- "f>»t™nr exoaraton to M MChunk thl* morning, too* only a an•atnix-r from this rtty,; because of tbe

_IIi]|*lflr areuue peoi«tr»«t maoadaml»d. A pettOon waa aeotto ih» Common Council a t their last

-KsrvbalPanKborareporta that thir-IWD North Plainneld doga, oaugfat ru

vrrk. Ten were redeemed and two areIn ibe pound awaiting tbe aentenoe ofdsatb.

-Boynlon Beaob open* In tU old ttaa•ptsD'lor to-day. The popular proprie-tor of that resort, Mr. Boyotoo, baaadded several new attraction, wMongreaUv aid plonlo parties at U M pleasoracnwnd*.

—In (be oaee of 8. A. Ornlkahank vsfjktnner, hackman, charged with ualntadeoent language, (he Ut ter "fctaptee from not guiltyIndm. Juda* "«ee dollar.

- i j f h t n i n g played a curious freak

iT Klorm. John Brown, • oarpeawrtbiTi>, was wmlkiOK home wltb a, eoflM copper wire slum aoroas hU should <•whfti 11 IITTIHC nrasb WII beard, Agraph pole, a few feat away from Brownwii mattered, tbe electric ourr"jumpiim from the pole to tbe wireSrowa'sshoulder.tbrowtDichimvloleotlla tbe Br«iinrl. The IlirbUna: played•round every strand o/ Ibe Win•tdm IwlstlSR It Into lanteittc sbapeearound tbe man'a body, whloh wiTcrt-ly burned. HI* watch chainMelted. Be w u found lying nnooosoiouIn 1 he road and taken to hi* borne, whereJu'i-ertred aufflolentlT to relatebad happened. HI* condition, howeveri« critical, a> be suffers greatly from•bock. _


Lartfr* MaDnftctOrlee (oat Garwootl.

1 lane tract of unimproved land, be(ween WeUfleld and Cranford,which tbe oonntr road run*, baa beenpurrnaied, and will be known a* Gar-wood. Four manafaetorlea, with atoreaand dwelling bouaaa, lor at leaat 10,000

• operatora will be at onoe oooctraotedThe tnduitrlea to be operated are «eeand mm oarwheel works, ala-nal sppli•nc-feit, and eleotrioal railroad appUanowa,The erection of a atatton and ibopa, with*i'l >• track*, etc, have been b*Knn,

Two of the Industrie, will be Me Boa-too Car Wneel Company, of which thapopnlv dtlaen. Major J. C. Paul of ~fifth street, Plalnfletd, la president, andtho Hail Block iHjtBal HMNTCompany.

Tbe looaUna; of thla rqamifanagrln*town hat made neoeaaarr t b ' "u xieotrio railroad along the line ofImproTh project ha

(1 DOW It 1* SIiy wl]l be t.u

treme eaaaarn boundary of Onkm eoastyTill* road wtOQarwood andOeutral en«iaaraiwill facilitate traflkt

Thelnfliu^ot .the newpofHiIntloo, meat of which la- Bom**Guhotte, will canae the bulldlnc ofUrre Baman CaitbdUo Okarafl at Wee*-

««0MinomaMto and traam t

(mail for IU <».boo Wl«rer wtU «o *O

D»t we«k to look at alttt* tor (toe M I

lands, Mpeolallr building and:•Hes, bave advanoed la prloe frooaWperoent . a lo t* the line Of tae Im

- j i of thla o l ^ f« one of theBoard tf Managers ef The GUftoa Houseat Patrboguo, L. L, which la advfrtiaad•w^where. Following Is what th* BrooktraCMtaaiB -


local oondrtions sometlm•ule, but they are, safe

Morrtsoo sp^nt some tweoiv- i '_ _ U sea, oommandlaic v«s*el* '

Mtta In all parta of the world. Ha "

v ban* 1er or tbe

Club and took aotlve part In their •— photography.


n M H H G O K K H I Cham*.

JonriH* meeting, last evpnln*. Mayor" iden In the chair.

ODOtlmen Sebrlng, Hummer, MMKIham. Heal aod OooaUly ware preaei

Tbai reading Ml the rnlnatM of' tlnravloaa nseettog waa dlapeuved with.


w aod OrA oommuntaauoa waa read from UM

lotto Plaloflold street railway

aU a line of atBrook line 0*1 St t t t

• to own*

Soweraetattwt, out thatstn*ek to the teafUMlal Hulu of tbeborough, the said raOway to be operatabyoompresaed air or any other otetbothat toe OounoB than order. Xbe

.unicatioD waa signed by Messrs. .Ms tier, J. H. Oooley and others

Hew SortHaw* of Haroh'lMh, and Mar Mta, la

Tbe Street CaajualttM, by Mr. Heal,•s report rroommmded that a mldewa

be laid at lh« brtaraeotton of l i n d e niuo and Grove street. On motio

t o e report was reoelved and placed oHe,

Tbaobalrman of tbe Street Committee

The CresoeDt I*a*ue, tfaroagh IU man-ager, petitioned the OouooQ to appotn

- igborn a spKoial marmbal to beat all tlmea when tbe Creaoen

Tbe motion waa amended to read thatMr. Paocborn be appointed a specialmarshal to act at all tlmea the properaotborltlea call upon him. Tbe motion

•aaoarried.Mr. Baseman moved that *Mewalks beild on Linden avenue at UM orosatng

of £to«r and Grove streeU. Uarrled.Mr. Connolly moved that the Clerk beutborlsed to borrow the ann of •1.000,Be same to be nsed In atreot BghHnff.

Adopted.Mr. CoDooUy a»oved that a Ore alarme purchased by the Council tor the use

Of Warren Engine Company, the saidCompany to pay all expenses.

Clerk Brokaw stated that the alarmroutd eoet about MO. Tbe motion

carried.Mr. Heal moved that UM reaolatloa

I W. a T. UI In UM OMaoeM bubdlng to-

t ntne a. m., and four p. m. AJ -» will be held t*ts

rp.5). A a• evening A .

Mr. »~1on WiUow or MTTU. H M » until tb«M M M a M c i i M by tb» n^Unm at



PlalnfteM1* Share *3O.43S OS.The Hortb Pbnaaetd TowaaUp Oam-l t l l l t B

BaU, WM« erawtag, a a u k

the wall shewing the proposed eaten

A* was reportedlB Tax Maws of Jon7th, the total amount of daajegea al-lowed for lands taken for the

that township, to «*&,«.(«, while the

in PiatnJUid is ti.asr.rr.

The township of Northd M m •MOtW

work to be dope being In that township,tbe city ta aa»*«ed at lance M80J7

In the otty tbe street only runs fi

N E T H B E W O O D ,*- **•! "ITj -r HI'TIIIH. T i - *in»r


LATEST NEWS BY WIRE.Yellow Ftngr • • the Snath.O n u n U . , June ISth. (SpeolaL

-The steamship dloton. from Haraaa.tsbeldatqoarantlM station to h* fusafeMad. Two wen were found en "

t-err-r. The patleoW i• 111 t i l ^

Ho dang.-r is apprehended.

Caxuao, ni.. Jane 18. (8pechU.)-Eav»ooa B U M died auddenly in thla otty



m. At elgbt D. m., I>r. Carroll w


oot^nilng; the ' 1G«n«ral Oonf ereooe al

avenue ohurah, B>v. W. K.D pastor Bewtces a)

^ ^ ^ s i S £ g Importer.


Saturday, June 25th,

42 Desirable Plots,

Ice Cream Freezers.

Che Automatic,

The Rapid,


Jawn - Sprinklers.




Greatly Increased



June 18th, 1892.

Flags, Fireworks,

Japanese Lanterns,Mtitlll Ill—•»

Jolly Fourth,



mdofmy wrfeaad BtyaaV.

Randolph Marsh,4 4 PLAI1TF1ELD A YEN I E.

Fdday, June 17T-rade Makers.

or 48cWe will sell you a first-class

Summer Corset. T i s aboutas good as you generally pay

5c for."he price but 13c

Fora Children's full regularrriade fast black Stocking,Jermsdorf" dye, worth 20chey are."he price but 35c

Gentlemen, you need thembese warm days, a FrenchJallbriggan Shirt that is wortho cents of any one's money.

As complete an assortmenttf wash fabrics, such as Ging-

ham, Challies, Cambric, CrepeClojh, Satteen and BedfordCord as yoirfind in most NewYork houses, and the price*and styles yotj will not findfault with.



BICE, DUVAL & LUCKET,1 and Tailors,

881 Broadway, Few York.Exclusively Fine Claw Tailoring.

ModmtePti im


Saturday, June 25th,


lowing to

Terms of sale in brief. 8Wr Hanford, Ho. I ■HI BlNWl l»lfc> pn Uato Inanhw It, and. w| favorite* of Uw poblkv wfctofc are now wea t* notably maa pawm b ney.Ofber artMs • stall ■ p -no... p v LooU C. 1UM] HmlllU*. G«-orw« fradww Banta Wktrbi

The Automatic,

The Rapid, A LOST BOY !

nam member of tta« IHub and took taotlee | tear photography.

A M. GEUTEN ■bops, with Randolph Marsh.

BOYNTON Friday, June 17 CQh Trade Makers. For 48c

We will sell you a first-class Summer Corset Tis about as good as you generally pay 75*- for. The price but itc.


For a Children's full re mad.- fast black Stoc Hermsdorf; dye. worth

BICE, DUVAL & LUCKEY, Importers and Tailors,

Page 2: PLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. - digifind-it. · PDF filePLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. *), N. ... iy wl]l be t.u ... bops, with A M. GEUTEN Randolph Marsh


I.t'trrty •nd Oumo.One* in furocHtinR ihe fntur« of nro-

•fe In America E m u Abbott dec Urertkw conviction that the great stagers oftb* world were to com* from thte cono-

. try. Everything pointed to that. Timfrwdinn from oOBVonttoBallty eujoy.-fby American jfirli and tbe consequent•pow-r to develop tlieir faculties tallytaml- OIM (tMt point in f*v..r of tlii>Tb»* second great point was our Ameri-can climate. It la dry and exhilarating•0 that it tone* np the vole* to tbe kem-ert, rtroiiKart timbre. Then, too, ouratr n * foil of gloriona osone,. firingus the- best bnatfaing apparatus andTocal cord*, and making as at ottoe ro-bust and of HIM nervous organization.What was trno of stagers was alao tiroof actors; tbe gnat one* V tbe futon.Him Abbott thought, would come fromAmerica. Bat we moat cultivate ourvoice* Unit, the common apeaking toneeof tbe people, making them clear and


Kawroanr, * . I , ) m i a — W w »ployed by John Jacob Astor Ban forotblymoved a fence sad ohamayil walks whir*.

nploy**sof W. K. Vanderbflt pat fain bat a few days ago. This act h th'

-1 a of a •iknartsislawllm • •ililiat bain—a IB f M b p w

The trouble anas whs* Mr. VaKdstbfit be-twbBildinc hUwhiu marble

tbe diff*. hi-being bonded oatbeaorth and

•oath by ska astatasof ~Jacob Aster. It originated, It . cbaritabl-to Mppoee, from the attempts of oflteioBH

to abroad tbe constrooUon of UMcotta*. ia mystery.

As If to pntTmt spying from tbe wtndow.

Hias Abbott W I I undoubtedly right.Wln.-iif.-vCT anybody predict*, that thebeat of anything la going to be producedIn America he ! • always right. If wedo not in tiine become the happiest, mostenl tared, polite, good natured and bean-tifnI race on earth, it will be simply be-cause w* ha vo not taken advantage ofour liberty Hnd osone. In **t«vi"g onoar mercies we have not heretoforemade enough account of ozone. In themystic workshop of nature it is otone(bat builds into tin.* American charactertts invincible pluck, energy and quickwit*,,!.,,.. .. It enables us to do in *month ofu-n what older nations wouldrequire a yuar lor. Where elae oan actriliicd town be made in a wildernessla four days?

Liberty and ozone now and forerei

of tbe widaan& well kept tawoa which hwlhitherto beeaasr i idtrto each otter, aaaOhedge, alone marking tbe boaodaries.

Ikra th* A n o n «M Ma*.These lofty banttn w«te rontlnwWl a

block acroM tbe front of tbe VanderbBt lotill a tatt wan of .tooe, flanked oa eitherside by boge iron gate* backed by cor-roptted aheet toon. The anaightUitt** ofthese itroetnres were annoying, but tbe A«-U*goTg» did not ris* til) Mr. V*nderbUt'i

Joy on Leg*.That Is what Mr. Charles F. Lnmnv.

calls bis journey on foot from Ohio toCalifornia. Ho made the distance,8,007 miles by the routes he took, in H idays, and if we are to believe his M>

life. < Jijj-il tramps, those who waketht-ir liv-iiic,- at it M a profession, in 0Mor two iij^tancee tried to rob him, notrecognizing him a t s l l u a man and «brother. He sent hie lnggage t.y i>.\!•)- .• 11- [ carried witb him only matchestobacco, fishing tackle and writing ma-terial. Be wore knickerbockers becnnxonobody except an experienced w&Jkerknown thH nuisance of a couple of feetof flapping trotMera. A* to his feet hewas shoil in Apache moccuinn. one pr.irof which Mr. Lantmls wonld not givefor a carload of civilized shoes. He•ays If one Is tmaccnatomed to walking,broad snled, strong shoes a n best, bniif the experienced walker starts on atramp be will find most comfort in bo-ing shod aa lightly u possible. At firm,with tliin moccasins his feet became•oreand Inflamed, but afewdays tongh-i-ji '•• them rr.i'l IIG had no more tronl^K

His money Mr. Lammis carried i.tS.OO gold pieces (trapped in a leatht-ibelt around his body. Th.: were rent-ing place* in bis Journey where the t'i--

.play of a twenty doflar gold piece won].?havi» cost him bin life. It may be men-tioned that in addition to the otberiteinebe carried & revolver. Thus equippedand thus tramping he tasted for nearlvhalf a year the delight* of earthly pandie-. -

Somelimcs thuw a n facts that poin;either to tbe oriatenoe of a sixth senseat to a foiiiiiv-iiiiii among the otherlout resolves them all Into one. Oneacted example of » blind man who Isapparently not inconvenienced to anygreat degree thereby ia Herreshoff, thebottbuilder, a man able to plan, ayacht or steamboat with a symmetricaland beautiful model, find Us way AboutIlia ahipyard and manage a Urge forceof workmen better than most men withtwo good eyas could do.equally remarkable, is a Maasaehuwttsfanner, stone blind, but who superin-tends succe-fully tbe details of TOOacres. He buys his own live stock.judging of age, fiesta, breed and otherqnalitlea simply by passing Ms hand*over the animal, and he laceived. The nerve power from tb* loal•yea seeing somehow to have pawed tothe other senses and quickened thempowerfully. All tbe sense* are reaoJra-Ue into tbe one of touch, and eyesightk often mad* up for bytbe finger tips. But notouch has aa yet bees able to make•eaf man's nerves detect tb* vibratioQ.-of xnnJ against his finger tips. Per.haps a machine w i l l « day be Invent*d which will enable him to do this.

IK t!t..| ,.• any kind of reference or ii•tnujttwjo or anytMng to the folloirina—lit (rom the Britwii magiui)F-::.-:\ •• rin-U-ated, ooenrring is a« ar-t U « on Prince George, the new heir U:the throne: "The undoubted brainpowar that he ntntflwsaoe is inherit^'' per-baps froi* the pnnoe eonsort aa well mfrom iha i v n u nt Dewawrk."

CalifomU has » new idea in fuel. I;Is peach atosas. la place* where the— " " I and dicing indostrioi are par-«ned pouch etoBt* tie about by tbe aar-loaMi. and it has occurred- to some genfcuto utilui* tkem For b vn ing . They makea fr.irfr.iat. brifbtly burninic fir*, which-gives out M much htat w th* Hate>uw>ant of eooL

MILLIONAIRES AT WARc Pence Row Between As-

tor* and VuderfaUta.

t oottagen. Ugh and no-1 MM abeM ttJTTander-

— aelghbonwithout so mtMhas sartng "Byyour h*™.'

They built an artflcbl promontory fromthe dlffs out Into the M H O , oompteu-lj•hutting ofl half of tha superb view rrou

being connected with the Vanderl>i!ilawn by grading the latter op above thtxof tbe Astora'. Not satisfied with tbw, AD "being determined to shut out a view of itgrounds is well as of the marble* hntwe frwthe ocean walk, the Vandorbilt woi-tit..'carved tbe AM'OT wnllcs woirmrtl and (lowalong a terracv dug in the face of thr ci.rcarrying thp pathway by a tunnel thn.uutb* promontory.

When thin came to tbe knowledge of ,1-hJacob Astor, who owns tbe property at Usooth, he ordered his gardener* to ctu-i.,the path bock to its old pnitioD. aoiMii:

plot. To pmptuwiM hla dicguat and "<•termination LH pot up a. rnogii fence oT pbascantling and boards on the border line Bf

cliff*, the distance being about twenty fntVudarbllf- Mm Strlk* One*.

i opening was left between this w. • 11 hibarbed wire fence* »nd hedges of tbe V.--derbllt property, to that pedmtriann opffdrop down to the path on tbe lower U-v..and pliioge into tbe tumxi there.

Much to Mr. Astoi* surprise, the otb»:day tbe Tsndfrbilt men ton. up the friK-moving it inland so as to permit tbe ivplm-mgof the patb BIOUK the vvrgcof the uli:T,the turf being again and b-.'t-down over tbe Astor path. Mr.AntcrV t.iployees were initrnctwl by t*d*t[[raph'hatfge the path back to the old Viue, mo1

the fence out to the cliff aa before amis«e that it stayed there. Thia was dratonce, tbe turf being moved out to tbe . l-.iand stamped down bard no that tbe Artpath now eiidn abruptly against the Tailil-bUt border line- and wire tenor, tbe bank htween the upper and lower paths b.iuitsodded, while watchful ganlswn prowlabout in the vicinity on either aide of Us!

idary.most the whole side of the promno'i.r

—rocks, earth, shrub, and all—him appnen tly given a war and fallen, fur the niiilie Wuw in the ocmn. Mormtm. tbe wnlOf the tunnel have been no <l«min;«l that

been liw.-wmry to shore them op wlcIT timbers.

__, jaw. Tb* diff dweD>r>< Mchawxt their eaUMs under this hmiuti.knowing that th* eomrts year* ago *»t*nsbsd tb* right of the public to free .

BVFFALO, Jane IB. -Connesl for JohnItsnmn, n»d«r Mntesak <£ death la Anam prleau' far murder, ha* *\;-\ 1 4

KIw T o n , Jv» l*.-'Tbrcnst gntvrrflra. of Acker. Krrrall ft Cubdit hu a>>•olnd and •rgrtai 1 Mirraf


a partaUb* c A h * ^ e d In th* IWalk: i s M I n t e M , J « B l K «

John Dell, child of Mayland Stem.

•**ttral gwtagj. t w t ^ y i S

tear WOT trahM w*sy wa^^jqW

erty ia half s dsaweoBBUss K kMmwBOtnaggerated. It will i«ach •SOO.fDO.

At llankato (h* deaths a n ssttataMa atthirty, aad probably fifty: AaSMBBl ^ T - UW foOoWlO ~

county: ABEra. Mfchael

thre* amah aMUre*, Fr*-_ , ; M. Sheqoia *•»! family, B. Mc-

Carthy and famUy, Andrew Pauhw*, Mn>Cfcf-luuhss and child; ufcaowB ~

a H « U » A n d BJch-. _ killMl north of N«w

An ncbUeD-mtHtbtctd baby ww• I n there lo a swamp. It si no!

, June 1ft—Bane*Bmtth, prsatdeat of the Chtoopes MktiiMialbank, of this city, has given MnBtyflv*• - - 'at Boatom and Albany imflraad «<-•!.

indowmmt fond of th* Mount f MMM>1 for boys at Ifortbfleld, cam*JviBgiBst Moody. The gift fsa»good a* •15,000<*afa. A *b

1 hi atouk b grren by Mr. Smttlthe aadowment fand of Uw NorthflrM

for girU, £bo 'm-riint-^ by Mi.

The report labors to auk* oat a caseJ-III1TT ~ It «nd* that the

sotfeai of tb* ci vfl servtoa com to tattoo laBns—)«wg tfcj* n w m l of oartatB « B -<• to the Baltimore portoftV* was wrtlled. The resort amys: "Tha npttescs:p nit m i l if ganwal *a many of the

faaattoBB propounded by your cwan evasive and utterly iawith the evidenoe on which be

Chlr«jT> to Get Its ••I.OOO.OOO.ASBIKOTOH, June 18.—The In nss oom-

soltkee on the World's fab completed

oat of „ritable BBHuVrbe work of prepw*-for raangnrasmg the World's Fair.Shall be coined at the mints of tb-

d S i l l f

Th* bul provides that, for the iaiding in defraying the cost of o

ia be ___lUtea attver half doQars, of the

lecml weight and naeneas, not *xc*'_-10,000,006 piena, to be kuownas the Co-fanabtaa, half AoOmt, the devices and d«i«r .Hfor which shall bs proscribed by the di-

tbe coins to be maunit subsidiary nlvcr

UOffI, iI»T AXDWe show hen the very newest **

hi the way of aeharmtnj- boating or

•legunea wttk eotnfort; the bodlM beta*aalto loose has all the advaataca* of a,blonse, adapting lUalt to as? Sgw*.without the o f \ tx»eobodlee. Uranbemade op In anyotherlight material, thoue-b there la nothing a*•atWaetory aa striped flannel.

8i»ATO<i*, June 18.—Tha !

BUthnore, pntMaat; F. D. GSBSMVM, FonWayw, lad.; John & Lento, Ptckert,™.Pa., andX A. n lilt. BwsUo, via* pre-i-d o l i i JohnW.Oood. Chtoago, iG. W. Damanst, Baltimor., tree*

i, JnM 18.—BepistafaCoEgawall. of Maawi ha«llll. han it* - - 1 a bill to protect the toal«ni* — -

of tb- Bad Croat *• Dcwrribad by ta-t r yincorporate the Awerpas ef the Bed Crass.

wunam uom «t>ere |i IHIIII IIBITHM BH-meroMlettfnitflAin.rkv.fOTthspwrpi*-of grtttog tWir BM«-7 a. ntaiaMB f*r »

8.—The T-«nI<latt, withthe pope's approval, ^^nies the AtrhbiahopinhwitMervtow. I. t-impoartbU. 11 ->y-,

[ tta BOOMB Catholic irfiirfoo *xmM b ._. _ to a enrpee like the Freochtfce l t i t a f r^.h^y^

IS IT SECRETARY DEPEWTbe Great Orator Will Proba

Mr Succeed Blalne.


coajort ty of the bow eomamttsse on reformbitheolva-arvtaeaireed upon a long re-port WIMM by Mr. Boatoer, of Lonknaua,s>th* sHaged violations of the dvilserr^

it BeHtasore, which have been so lively

ir of the mint.

they da not reoM utwan b» wonld be gtad to aead, •. within his power to do ao.

iUWT, Jnne 1&-The Albwiy Law*ooi. a part of th* Union vniveraity, b-MsgradMtiac exefe in thte aty. 11.-

Chsrto* Appl̂

lahMS, Oeorga B. Harriaoa, ArthurCUytoo Haff, H.rbert L Hunt"* Lord. Wi

rsSBBMJr, I l lmrd D. O'Brin. Gharln B.Paga, Jr.. LssHa A. Pease, Safes W. P« k-

Jr . Bobwt M. a Pataam. Maah

trowB*d at Nevtlls Wand, eat the Obi.i

toek, loutMBTMn old. and Edna HJctiard-s—. tMrtasu years old. The Pittoek cbil-Irw, whoa* btkarhi pnadMt of tb* Bell^-

IW oUss 'of -M. nmotorhWow 1ten, hav reeeivxl tWtr dipkanes.

, • • » • Tal.f Ak* Whlavl* Kill.*.WnjfBBBiBW. P*., Jaam I&-AW Whip-

sto ,wa«l*«ldtohav*D M . a B . o r ZM M d s h i fa tbMa

* « l d t o h a v * D M . a B .ghorM a i n w fat tbaie

• l l ' troaT^pooos'fo^os £"£^7*b»y*» Waahbsrn for aUowiBg Jafaa Co-i-m.* gsanbnag bouas keeper, U> mdonc


Modelof the

Remington:is now

on the market

CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT^ ^ baa characterixed the histor]of the REMINGTON STANDARDTYPEWRITE*. The changes introduced into the 1893 moderepresent the carefully te-results of expert study of variouspoints deemed capable of im-provement. They present ad-vantages in the quality of thework, and ease as well as con-venience of operation whichwill readily commend them-selves to all users.

(Ztyekoff, Seamans A Benedict,

A Point Worthy ofAttention.

I* what yon eat When yon get meat, buy

It wfean Mb both


tb* place for that J* at


17 West Front Street



of the

Produce Business

to Mr."I* A.




Plainfield HardwareStore,

& Rump£



Laing's Hotel Stablis,



Light Bin* Color.

w. A. DUUHAM, onwmnm.

wean. A. M I I H I , I^WIOBM

Smalley Bros.,

Gleaner Coal!A R k A £



SOUTH AvEiagg.p. a BOX Mot

United Tea & Coffee Growers' Association,

George - Bremlnet,


A Ticket to Europe

^o Suit Your Pone.

ph T. Sullivan,•e w«> i w «.~-.


Wines, Liquors, etaOW DftADGHT.







(Qyckoff, Seamans ft Benedict,




of the

tertal. He wore knickerbockers because ■oboly except an experienced walker know* tbto doImiic* of a couple of feel of flapping trooaem. Aa to hie feet be wm ahod in Apache moccasin*', one pair at which Mr. Loumii would not girt for a carload of drlllaed ahoea. He ■aye If one is anaccnatosued to walking, broad ailed, strung ahoaa are beat, bm


tramp be will flad moat comfort in be- ing -hod aa lightly aa poaatUe. At Aral with thin moccaaina his feet became •ore and inflamed, but a few days tough- Plainfield Hardware Store,

United Tea & Coffee Growers’ Association,

To Suit Your Purse.

Page 3: PLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. - digifind-it. · PDF filePLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. *), N. ... iy wl]l be t.u ... bops, with A M. GEUTEN Randolph Marsh


THE BOUNCE OF POWERHill Men Said t o Hold It a t



c c , J*m m.-Ix-Seerstary of tb*Xary WHBata a Wldtnor, leader * tt»JX.JIM* forow h m . I n aMde tha follow-,_ r tpl 7t< , th.Hrtct«™ of Hon. toward" bj, Jr., Lfcainaaii 0* IBM Haw Turk

JjiM*if|rn 111 n •-nlinntr rtil rii A,-**dliu to Mr Mdlbot tfe*

f̂VKTfttlc part f I n prafMFtG tO TO%a

w aa* il.nt If Mr. iforpbr twllme what ]NT*, then b* r-wanta bla ows foUowan ifirraap* ratter tban DeaaoerMa.

"HI. Intartlaw aa Isn l t ."

went Qowaor Bfaaahaa. Taanfaaaww-raltovnMtoa ullB*aMM<*MawYorkUi*th->Tn f i traaciHTOiH to t&a UUODJH tK*#t u ilaH,•ad I ItUnk it not mn!Uwlr that tbay will b**xHtlu thw ...•«• if" ibtjT do DO* happen to 1«fCawd with tbs BomtnaMaa mada. Hot U»y*m not b* tibia to orrr wit* tluta a* nun?Itemon-tla » than wan baton, wd I ha*a fat

iTfirollitt Democrat la the state of KmYork will rota for Kr. CVr»Uoa if be U nomiMUd. and bo ou> bold • • independent and K-.

M of a »lx» AaTer before known IH Nobody •!•* w do

Mr* o( the UniUdPrM: "Tha utory j.iiltbbad that the Hilt poopta > » mabiBft in

fat) U4 UUI UPDUII"! « " *•*«* I b L U I U ^ W1U1~

• W tint tha aitafi— will BO* vote forhim at all. By tonight we will be able to*,*• M V U I N to Mr. CieTcUnd'* adherentthat be will bare •ntBctont TMM to nomUaM Um on taa Drat ballot." '

Tbomu J. DowUnc, pMaidantof theTork Btate TndM aa^mbly. and

H SWOOOU ridura of that«rlr*d ban-. Whan aaked hia position byanpneratatireof ttm UniWd Praia, aafd:"A* the pmidjint of Uw tndaa aawmbiyi M u h m to f«Tor tb . nomlnatloi. of D .TMB. Hill. Without any penooal prtjo.lict fuwt Mr. ClaTelaod, I aay aaeqoivocaJl.vHut ba cannot get the•< Maw Ta«k •

aoUdlr• becoold not ba alectad, and t b n

ih»IM»0itm wo«Jd drop Into 11M for Oor-

at aboat i t ita>lh of tba WOwkoaa rotaa wDl maka tha Dtnocarraitrfcifirltin JBWIIIIIIIJ mill weak—a ^ " ^ • • • • W « » B • • L I * a . v amm i.iaiaa."

It k ooDcadKl by fepwamtomM of aU•JliamU tbat tha adbMwata at Snwtor "Prt— M 1 \ a l i m M i B TWHSWBW

wffl bold tba fcalMoa of power. Jut JfOT ft IMllCIOllfi 1/T1I1K* part tcolar i t n bar of n M tba nap-I—n uf riiuni n i n h a t l will lack upon

it baltot 1* a datatabla qoaatkML A

^ 50c. Formosa Oolong

iLS5S s s "s»&Urf

men ao daaailWd a n optt to atm u l l of OorarMr Boiea, whobav*%a»


their fivrorita to eraditsd with only tb* atof Iowa. Tbey say that they haTe a»

_ JBCW of at toast To Tote» on tha tint bai-M. Tba 8 rote* of Booth Dakota, wbk-b

1 be apUt np between CUll tb ba lid

lowao, while they wth h t

will, they lay, be aolid furiliethey wooUl L»T# snpport from of

the aoottkeni itate* tbat would npaot Dm Hopatcong

,r, The Plainfield Ice

Cold Storage Co... * i . ^-.^fe Sff^aL^*?^.

^MMVb^^tSrV^.1 |g"^J5tKB-SRSri»?='far at the Booth.™ mi-ionary work i. OBte, Ko, « Sorth BTamaatheyarebaiikingroBMderablyt-i. DepoKT Grant aveou*, . . .

~ bill lie- ltlu.tegt.Hi Valley and Park

* in qneatlon w

• in a call made by a nlittle Iibar of Ii • > •: 11

. M aiphyand othon of the Tammany brigade. Anhoar or two after tblc aome of (be New -Yorkers paid a fraternal visit to the Iowa

< with attnclined t

with titbctr candidate. Tba Tammany delegmtioBha* received an aoceeaktn in the p



•15.00 '


E T E E 8 O N ,

PIPTON1ZEDBeet Iron and Wine

50c.Per Pint Bottle.


Daniel Hulick,Carpenter

Wholesale DealerGteneral Jobber.J. E. YOSE


36 Jackson Avenue.To Hew York, Brooklyn or any nearby

that tbey are feeling their way toward ua-U tha Hill man in Uie intnwt at Marsh, Ayers & Co.,

Mantel and Cabinet I.EADIK6 KilLEOlD SYSTEM.DECOR ATOKS | f


to 1100 that Senator Hill would not benominated and of *100 to MO tbat if be

won Id not ART N«w YorkThere were no wagers made on either

30 W. Second streetKIHDe Or CARPENTER 1TOMK.

John Peterson,FRED. W. DUNN,ttaetf into Cleveland agBiixtthe field, with DO odUa on eitaer rtda.

fruk-r ami H I I H Tall OakCal-

Tln S. Brloe had a falling out at the PalmerH o w , Tha/ had Iwen in one of the hob>1Barkalew & Dunn,

16 North a n o w , ' PtalnfleU, K. J.

Fine Groceries.THREE IMP TEA

Burnett &

28 East Front S Edw. C. Mulford,ESTATE

Mr. Croher repli«l la a whwpcrBrtea aaawnad him la a Una ea«iiy baard

"Mo, air; It ia no oaa talk'ing. I wffl Mot oooaent to aDeb a thins."


Oougr-aman Tracey, who hi with theCtev-land torcea, uiU to the United Pnm:

1 U Bfl BMB Btwallj oOTCMd tb* In-twior at tin- A « d M I « haM with ItaW-

John P. Enunong,erfect Fittingerode Shirts. Joseph T. Vail,

HEAL ESTATE* • (art paellas• b of thair bMtN, w*m An propoa.• a k . tt-for ny. Crohw !• inctln«t to•BRMtkat tba acpaan of UM

H. M J . thrt ralrehOd k a mu»-p, and alMf-tkw too h Carpenters

and Builders.talktasat nwbJaTaad Uu* T w u a r h(or•Dl to tt. end. aad that tb* p~>W. who

Do You Srookjar--— f " ^ mniaa c. inn.

ntAcnoAi. MAaoa AHD >UIU>U.All a « rot l « a » K—aV H I'• I


Briar Wood Pipes,

. F . M BMMll TMlkfcft. BfewaO, o* BattaJo, wbo

parta-r« n t Into poBttefc

y, and b« will b* takam kata

Carpenter & Builder. Sptccr&Hubbard,

Hot Water or SteamHeating Apparatus

ad i> noca atwayjr todayTb* tariff n t o r m U M faa* J[. N. SCHENCK, baac Brokaw & SOB;

Just^VhatTou Need!

Do Yon Want Shirts?If ~, nUal.blm.l l iaia.

».inll l,mmm.

Hallock ft Davis,• WartTHMBknjat.

Trunks and Bags.



Parties & Receptions


Eugene Hoerster,206 Grove. Street,

J. P. LAIBE & CO,rwon Min i Ajn> FAME imvr .

General Hardware and Housefurnishings,LAWN MOWERS,

Refrigerators, - - Hammocks,I d CRaB^L>H «T*aakaEBZXK8k

Sole agents for Hartman Steel Fence.


CASH DISCOUNT,»a1iHiboafcorBI|iMiaa<nt*iaftwJiiiMpa«u.Wa»«»rli||>a»

E. W. BICE & CO.,


The Est. P. J. Boice and A. D. Cook & Bro.,Daakva to

Coal, Lumber and Masons' MaterialsOtoMPAHK AVUfDK.

Are BOW pnoamd wMt tlof Mmn A. R Csofe * Bn. J to On all ordata ptoapar/V ami aobctt jamr n

43 WEST FRONT STREET.k D1KHRH H M W n-Hahrd •Ubiial • i t M tf OOOD WIITB. W»

S.TJJ!!Lfi£^ nTi'^arrrSrw^Clinlnr"™*""^ * * ' * •—"'fr-»» awr *r|a tad

Sherries. Sauternes, Clarets, Champagnes^


Refrigerators, Hammocks,


50c. Formosa Oolong t*A.»aatoa

Delicious Iced Tea. 1 M nil* (Mm nal«il —Mr szl « BOICE, RUNYON & CO., CONFECTIONER,

The Est. D. J. Boice and A. D. Cook & Bro.

The Plainfield Ice Per Pint Bottle. ICE CREAM

Eugene Hoerster, 206 Grove. Street

/iruaottm *»«:«».

Daniel Hulick, Carpenter

General Jobber.

85 Jackson Avenue. Furniture Moved F. LINKE,

Mantel and Cabinet

30 W. Second street

Edw. C. Mulford, BEAD ESTAT3

ON SALE TO-DAY John P. Emmons, erfect Fitting

ercale Shirts.


boi North A\

Wm. A. Woodgu%

Page 4: PLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. - digifind-it. · PDF filePLAIMPIELD EVENING NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. *), N. ... iy wl]l be t.u ... bops, with A M. GEUTEN Randolph Marsh



a drenlar —w. after which It la wedged Inpot onto the latha. Pigs, a,

- • W stagn at tbeoperations, wbil

WOOD AICD i o n FOR nrm.root pipe. Prom a Arm engaged In tha

• - of t h e . pipe, came the fol

There are few people probably who bareany Idea of the trouble and difficulty ofproduri ng a perfect, pipe. Few ara awarewhen barbw a pipe that the earoe ha*pesaed tbronxb more tlu.n flft 'fore It U ready for sale in theshop*. With clean pines the

L aa long a.

make" in addition to thatbe stem of tb« pipe Indicate that It Is

Tha brierwood U a wild growing ahmt,,und la not related in any way to tbe plantwith fnwmnt leares. The proper namela "brnyere." It in found in the Pyrenees.Italy. Cor»iea and northern Africa, andIs cut Into piece, like Pig*. A and B. Inthe fin* cnt. on the -pot where it la found,and from thrrr 'hipped in bale* to all part*of tbe world, and particularly to thoxetowns which make the pipe ioduatry their

Tbe proceaa of making tbe•d one piece of

___• than adOceDband* before It la ready to receive Uiemouthplixv, which alao p a w . throughDumeroux band, Iwtorr it U perfect, aaalso doea tbe diver band and other *d-fnnct* to a well lunde pipe. Pig. A showsDOW a piece of bricrwood (maturing threeor four Inchea at[uara can ua made she

• lo t Pig. C I* the tip of a ban, from

ebon" (a. llie f notch

—i lately ,through a clean cut opAn 1-W.OOOtb of an Inch. __,

hat thii fact thoroughly CI-T.a piece of paper tw

^ba surfaces at one end, tbe oppunfteend belag allowed to com. together. Tbe

igfat edge, being placed between tbeiod altroog light i « . dark

r light waswbJehtb*

BOM opposite when brought together.*• thlekneas of tha paper being known,

mall end of tha wedge of light wae easily

menu In constructing pMW pUo, whereby tbe I

i h t d d i i f l

* The Electrical World atatea that the HI-MLllUMflll Application of electricity furgiu' [ cotton. In the history Of tbe world._ mads at Auburn. Ala., (eceatly. at tbe

.gricaltaral and Mechanic*] College of

Tba ow <a* alMct nwMU for cdliiiga to 00

A wrlur In Electricity sajs that ao tarainown tba aia*uetic property U pwnliae1 Iron, nickel nod cobalt, and thla properf la aaaUy davtroyed by admixture with


Caspar's Hotel,

246-26 E. F>o*t St

Reasonable t Bates.


Hotel Grenada,HOSTH AVXraB.

CSfjr Hotel,

Kline's Extracts,. Pure Fruit Flavors.

• the report at expert


elDwhltaallkiBtheeniUr: ___

iuy fruit !

onoeeted U^ether with a faney lin.•ion. Hoan] doitlm sum to be aa mm

Crocfaet work t»a praMIRng oeeasatio*.— are patteriu of every kind ili t«'

'craft, A mibrrHtrtklnghain).' of large interluctti rin^s

ally tapertna; toward the middle of :table co— for u occXnal table, whiajuattbcraaltghtly deutel; trow tbeitbe ring* In •Ok. U-auUfuily ahaded, ag.

•olding a tulip aaspe.nauApawZof gUaa,tba reat of tba boilow atam aUaebedtoit to tbe good that bacteria might

I B W M "-Walook

the bouquet and won on tba tuT.lln,treaa. Tba ribbon for tba boaq net abool.N «ttber tana yarda of threa4ncb

the U» of tha petal t____,I f - ' With ooertJtcbofailk tomttchwbcreaa tbe Dloeclle U paaned through tbematrrlalattaa Upoftba 1-eal.aUKKtwDthread beiag takan up wUbtae '

__ JKK Infrequently nre-vaated from using lea In their summernouekaeptnV fcy tbr want of 1 TrfHKe-rator. Tlie patent

Put tha yolks of eight raw eggs Into,an with tbe whitos of tame -eggs, two

reah Urawnerry pulp, half * tsaspooeniil•saenoa of vanilla, and a few drop, ofl>ld carmine to color it nicely; ataatl tbaJI Mot-Snto* thta In another half lull ofaUng water and wbtp tbe eggs, etc.

this till warm, then lift It out of tbaater and whip It until cold and thick,half a pint of whipped cream mustdad. the whole whipped together,

then pound into a mold and boson for twoand a half boon. .

M*W P»— I« r m c b Btyla.Doll tionie yoong pean in plealy of «•

• i lh a little aalt In It; when done, draintew them for a few minutea with apiece of butter, a green onion, a •prig

f nl lt d Uttl* pandered, mix with a

rd and Garden an lwith direction* for toK

ifactory article. It was builL ilimih'•<tbe •andi' cellarf- bottom:'ifwi' •*""''' t *

LOOK, atWerner's Show Windows


md see what you can do in$15 suits reduced to

All Sizes and All Wool.

T. J. CATtfUf, - Proprietor.


Oiie Thousand Pair of Trousers from $1 up.Whole Suits from S5 np.

C. SCHEPPtlk & CO.


- .MdaHcUJMnnlMVErLIrantwwrb

7 J E % ^'&rz

BM in tba digeatlo. of (ood. i t M H M•H^. that bacteria nnj •—lit In the• M of dbjeattoo, and U is doaWleaa a•bat tbe bacteria which wa Mice into

to be naad. throw them Ant intor, then drain them, and fiaUu

•tare It is used, tbe whiM ofused for the latter being watttruth ami uirred into it justbefore u-U.K tba baUer. Bec____

- ' BinrbewriiteatodoaoaaiightlyajidTrapawlih.

e xr being whipped to a. iinto it jost at tbe labM B * '

OWINGLarge stock




Ram^K^cles .


m^Tuw ta ttHTu»e of H T a

• Of tb* lower r«t re

oooa inatl«n«l * laryt qmauUty of blood toPopaIarSciencaXew.Hr.: "ThenrM

ahouM be b f UncaXew.Hr.: "ThenrMtbe a m * of prrrMUoo.

ygH.grWDdor[Jhiiiwai ti»tUgbtly with a[Jhiiiwai ti»tnhmiUgbtly with a roUer g

u be fin* applied npoo the foot.hen by dow,UM«Mtn, carpfnl tan*tba limb, rolled nporer the pad to

oec or blgber. acoording to cirenm-a. Tbe mbaequent treatment eon

r for tbe pud and rcapplying tbr


nl lay to frequently mixed with a(tb«rorchUiorroaaa. bnt nrUds and roaa. areeeldom used in tha aama bouquet. Theya n rival quaena that are happiest apart.

A pretty Idem to arrange the bride'itohavaltonapoaed of acraralhat after tbe bride lawns tbemaid of honor may distributetanda whom tba brJdem*jwU

.__. Tba ribbon can remain on tbrsection intended for the .bride', motherJUtlm-tb^t bridehasj^rajoriMBowar.or


1892 JTOE. 1892

_ lily of tha Tmlley. One whlU othis be very email, and several a

ly of tha valley sW « r y s t a t tnch aoaght after, a

wtth an ORDIS ASCS >-t


TbgMP AND wer.Taj




R A N D O L P H ' S

8PUTT BOTTLES - - 60 CEHTS.L. W. RANDOLPH,' Prescription Druggist,


Tk» Dtto hi ffiitorj-Jond 18.










1622 23







THE BEE HIVEtinmmer Underwear*

as1 ribbed Teats, W, WJi 15. M an*

a# rfbbaa **>••, m ugb neck, •bort_ , -77,-t a J W g a o a «snv ia abort and kwa;

AM fB f


Lonfg Callman,

Bicycle 'Repaired

GoeQer, Jfei

liaaBlanche Fellows

lobjjf Stetirr. mTBMITT AIBPWtic OWING ait

Werner’s Show Windows

and see what yon can do in $15 suits reduced to


34 &26 E. Front St n.t»ncLo, ». r


.aJiniS Reasonable 1 Bates.

nr:. L.nflhiimtaifoaftrii? w mnnam oc trowiey.

jl C3S3 E3G3 Sit' 3? a □ 3 4

T tI 7 D 8 10 11 12 13 14 m 16 17 18 10 20 21 m 23 z4 25 26 27 28 m 30
