Page 1: Plagiarism, Netiquette, And Copyrighting


BY: Bailey Batts

DATE: September 17, 2012

Page 2: Plagiarism, Netiquette, And Copyrighting

What is the exact definition of plagiarism?

The real meaning of plagiarism is when you take a page or cite and you copy and paste it to a blank document and claim it as yours.

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How can you tell when something is plagiarized?

When someone plagiarizes something, they usually don’t look at the cite very well, just the information. They will have big words that you know a person there age would not say. They usually have more pages then asked for also.

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How can you avoid plagiarism?

Well for starters, you can put the links of your information in the reference page. Also if a quote you want in your project comes from a web site, make sure to put in quotation marks and say who said it. Make sure if you are reading something, put it in your own words instead of using the writers story.

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What is the meaning of Netiquette?

The meaning of netiquette is basically the rules of the internet. Basically it’s the safety rules that you must use on the internet.

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What are the rules of Netiquette?

1. Don’t put anything on the internet about someone if you yourself wouldn’t like it up there.

2. Be careful about what you say on the internet. Anyone can see it and I mean anyone.

Don’t cyber bully anyone PERIOD. Don’t do it face to face either. Bullying is wrong and you never know what's going on.

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The types of Netiquette

Netiquette Basics

The Netiquette of Sending

Netiquette of Replying

Netiquette of Confidentially

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Netiquette Basics

Help the newbies

Research before asking

Remember emotion

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Netiquette of Sending

Be brief

Use white spaces

Use descriptive subject lines

Stay on-topic

Be careful sending attachment

Copy the minimum number of people.

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Netiquette of Replying

Acknowledge important communications

Replying and forwarding

Summarize for the group

Check current information before replying

Reference past communications.

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Netiquette of Cofidentially

Don’t put other peoples email addresses on the internet

Never send something if you didn’t read it first

Remember archiving

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Copy writing is the basic problem of the internet. If a cite is copy righted you should not claim it as your own. You should never do that to a picture either. If is is not yours then don’t claim it as yours.