  • 1. Internet Plagiarism in the ClassroomBy: Shelly Dunsford

2. Some statistics for you approximately 74 percent of students admitplagiarizing at least once during the past schoolyear. more than half the high school studentssurveyed had used material copied from theInternet in research papers. Fifteen percent said they had turned in reportscopied entirely off the Internet -- or purchased onthe Internet. 3. Why do students Plagiarize? Intentional vs. most common type of plagiarism Unintentional Happens in higher grades 4. Intentional Plagiarism Thrill/ challenge of trying to get away withplagiarizing. Lack of time. Intimidated by/ lack of confidence in their ownwork. Their classmates are doing it so why not do it too? 5. Unintentional Plagiarism They dont know how to paraphrase. Mix up their own notes with notes fromtheir source. Forget to write down the bibliographicalinformation when researching, and cantfind it again later. Confusion over expectations and whatplagiarizing is. 6. So what can we do as teachers? Prevention, prevention, and moreprevention 7. Preventing Intentional PlagiarismSusan Siebers ideas:1.Use specific/ unique research topics for essays.2.Have students do lots of brainstorming, outlining,and prewriting within class time.Plagiarism.orgs ideas:1.Tell students that their perspectives/analyses aremore important than the perspectives of otherwriters.2.Their own life experiences give a more interestingspin on the topic than other writers work on thesame topic. 8. Preventing Intentional Plagiarismcontinued Education World suggests:1. Taking a paper right off the internet and grading it together as a class. 9. Preventing Unintentional Plagiarism Education World suggests to make sure yourstudents: 1.know the specific consequences for plagiarism. 2.All the different forms plagiarism can take. 3.Write the citations next to all of their notes. 4.Give them a handout with clear expectations for citing within the assignment and in the Bibliography 10. Preventing Unintentional Plagiarism continued suggests: Teachers have writing workshops within class time where students can practice skills like paraphrasing or note taking. 11. Resources to help you withprevention There are literally hundreds of ways to preventplagiarism so here are some websites, that I foundvery useful, for you to check out if youre lookingfor more prevention strategies: 12. How do we detect plagiarism? Viper, the plagiarism checker for Microsoft Windows: Eve Plagiarism Detection System: one is 29.99 for unlimited use. Turnitin: is commonly used in University.Susan Sieber suggests having students write a short in class essay so youcan get an idea/ sample of their writing style so its easier to pick outplagiarism when they do larger essays/ assignments. (prevention anddetection tool) 13. ReferencesiParadigms, LLC. (2011). Plagiarism in the Digital Age: Voices from theFront Lines: Whats Happening in High Schools Now?. plagiarismdotORG.Retrieved October 16th, 2011, from, Melissa. (n.d.). Integrating the Internet. RetrievedOctober 14, 2011, from an End to Plagiarism in Your Classroom.(n.d.). Education World.Retrieved October 14, 2011, from, Susan. (Nov.1, 2010). Plagiarism in the classroom: Preventionrather than detection. Helium. Retrieved October 16, 2011, from 14. Extra Resources for you: This article is about one teacher`s battle withparents and students in regards to plagiarism: (retrieved October 18, 2011) More strategies for dealing with plagiarismfor Teachers: October 18, 2011)
