Page 1: Pilgrimage Information The Catholic Pilgrim Office WORLD ......WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Krakow, poland The Catholic Pilgrim Office Presents Celebrating our 37th year providing superior



Krakow, poland

The Catholic Pilgrim OfficePresents

Celebrating our 37th year providing superior Catholic Pilgrimages!

Pilgrimage Information

Carefully  read  this  brochure  and  the  tour  conditions.  Once  enrollment  and  payment  are  submitted  for  any  program  offered,  herein  constitutes  acceptance  and  agreement  to  be  

bound  by  the  terms  thereof.

DEPOSITS   –   CANCELLATIONS   -­‐   REFUNDS:   The   registration  deposit   of   $175   per   person   is   required   to   con7irm   tour  acceptance   and   will   be   applied   to   total   price   of   program  selected.   Pilgrim’s   names   not   required   at   this   time.   Full  Payment   is   due   by   March   01,   2016.   If   full   payment   is   not  received   by   March   01,   2016;   the   passenger   will   be  automatically   cancelled.   All   payments   are   non-­‐refundable.  Name   substitutions  will   be   permitted   after  registration   up   to  February   01,   2016.   New   Pilgrims   may   be   added  at   full   price  subject   to   space   availability   by   March   01,   2016.   Receipt   of  deposit   or   any   partial   payment   of   a   tour   constitutes  acceptance   of   all   terms   and   conditions   listed   herein.   TOUR  INSURANCE  IS  AVAILABLE  AND   STRONGLY  RECOMMENDED.  OUR   CANCELLATION   POLICY   APPLIES   TO   INDIVIDUAL  PASSENGERS,  AND   NOT  FOR  MASS  CANCELLATIONS.   IN  CASE  OF   MASS   CANCELLATIONS,   CANCELLATION   FEES   IMPOSED  BY   SUPPLIERS   WILL   ALSO   APPLY.   All   claims   must   be   in  writing.  No   refunds   for   services   or   sightseeing   rendered   and  not  used  by   tour  members.  In  the  event   that  departures  do  not  reach   the   minimum   15   persons   prior   to   departure,   The  Catholic  Pilgrim  Of7ice,   Inc.  /  Quest  Travel  Group,   Inc.   reserves  the  right   to   cancel,  withdraw  or  change   the   tour   in  whole   or  in  part   at   any   time.   The   sole   obligation   of   The   Catholic   Pilgrim  Of7ice,   Inc.   /   Quest   Travel   Group,   Inc.   is   to   refund  payments  received   in   connection   herewith   if   not   acceptable   to   tour  members.  All  cancellations  must  be  in  writing.

Archdiocese of milwaukeeYoung adults ( 18-35 years old )

JULY 22-AUGUST 02, 2016 ~ $3,400.00 ~

Departing from Chicago, IL (ORD)

“Via shuttle service from milwaukee”

12 Days

Your WYD Pilgrimage includes:

• Round-­‐trip  air  transportation  from  ORD• Land  transportation:  Provided  during  tour.  During  WYD,  local  transportation  provided  by  WYD  Council

•  City  Guides  are  included  on  tours  • Tips  are  included  for  your  driver  &  guides  on  tours

• Transfers:  To  your  WYD  accommodations  and  return  to  airport  for  departure

• Accommodations:  3*  Hotel  Accommodations  (]irst  2  nights);  Simple  accommodations  are  provided  by  WYD  Council  

• Meals:  Breakfast  &  dinner  included  for  ]irst  two  days  at  hotel  accommodations.  All  meals  as  provided  by  the  WYD  Council,  during  WYD  week

* WYD  registration  fee:  $300* Taxes  &  fuel  surcharge:  $650

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *subject  to  change*  

Please  ReadThis  Important  Informa4on:

Each   tour   member   must   hold   a   U.S.   passport   that   is  valid  up   to   6  months  a8er   the   scheduled   return.   The  passport  must  be  valid  until  February  02,  2017.  Applica:on  forms  are  available  at  your  local   Passport  Office  or  U.S.  Postal   Service.   Any   required   visas   are   the   sole  responsibility   of   the   tour  member.   Rates  are   based  on  the   es:mated   airline   fuel   surcharge   at   the   date   of  quota:on  to  your  host.  Subject  to  change  up  to  30  days  prior  to  departure.  

• Pilgrims under the age of 18 by July 22, 2016 must register with the Youth Pilgrimage, hosted by Inspirio,

For more information contact:

BRIAN ZANIN 262-473-5555

[email protected]

***$200  Deposit***$200  Deposit

OCTOBER  15,  2014 $600

MARCH  16,  2015 $600

AUGUST  14,  2015 $600

JANUARY  15,  2016 $600

MARCH  01,  2016 $800


Page 2: Pilgrimage Information The Catholic Pilgrim Office WORLD ......WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Krakow, poland The Catholic Pilgrim Office Presents Celebrating our 37th year providing superior

Day   1:   FRI,   JUL   22:   NORTH   AMERICA/  POLAND.  Depart  North   America   for  Poland.  Your   7light   includes   meals,   drinks,   and   in-­‐7light  entertainment.  Day  2:  SAT,  JUL  23:  KRAKOW.    Upon  arrival  in   Krakow,   we   will   be   met   by   CPO   staff  member   at   the   airport.   This   afternoon   we  will   begin   our   pilgrimage   with   Mass   in   the  Convent  of  St.  Faustina  (Lagwieniki).  You  can  walk  the  convent  grounds  where  St.  Faustina  spent  most  of   her  short   life  praying.  We  will  also   visit   Dominican   Church   -­‐   the   best  preserved   Gothic   Church   in   Poland   before  driving  to  our  hotel  for  dinner  and  overnight.

Day  3:   SUN,   JUL  24:   CZESTOCHOWA.    We  drive   to  Czestochowa  where  we  will  have  an  escorted  tour  of  Jasna  Gora  monastery  with  a  resident   English-­‐speaking   monk.   This   is  Poland’s  national   shrine   to  Our  Lady  and  an  international   pilgrimage   center.   Your   guide  will   explain   its   very   full   and   rich   Christian  history.  We   now  have   Stations   of   the   Cross  along   the  walls  of  the  Monastery  followed  by  Mass   in   the   Chapel   of   The   Black   Madonna  viewing   the  miraculous  portrait.   It   is  to  this  Holy   place   -­‐   ”The   Bright   Mountain”   -­‐   that  Polish   kings  down   the   centuries   have   come  to   lay   their   crown   at   the   feet   of   Our  Lady.  Free   time   before   we   return   to   Krakow.    Dinner  and  overnight.

Day   4:     MON,   JUL   25:   KRAKOW.     After  breakfast   we   will   visit   Wieliczka,   once  Europe’s  most  proli7ic  rock  salt  mines  where  the   miners   built   shrines   and   a   Cathedral  underground.     Return   to   Krakow   and   visit  the   Church  of   St.  Stanislaw  on  the   Rock  and  Nova   Huta   Church,   built   in   the   shape   of   a  boat.  In  the  afternoon,  we  will  have  a   tour  of  Krakow   including  Main   Market  Square   with  St.   Mary's   Church   and   its  Wit   Stwosz   Altar,  and   Wawel   Cathedral   with   Royal   tombs.  Onwards   to   the   Abbey  of  Mogita   where   the  miraculous   Cruci7ix   with   the   human   hair   is  located.   Tonight   we   check   in   to   our   WYD  accommodations.  Day   5:   TUE,   JUL   26:   WYD.   KRAKOW—WYD.  Today  is  a   day  of   leisure   for  activities  to  visit  Krakow  on  our  own.  This  evening  we  attend   the   opening   ceremonies   of   World  Youth  Day  2016.  Day   6:   WED,   JUL   27:   WYD.   Catechesis  (teaching)   sessions   in   the   morning   and  festival  events  in  the  afternoon  and  evening.    Day   7:   THU,   JUL   28:   WYD.   Catechesis  (teaching)   sessions   in   the   morning.   Arrival  and   welcome   of   the   Holy   Father   in   the  afternoon  and  evening.    

Day   8:   FRI,   JUL   29:   WYD.   Catechesis  (teaching)   sessions   in   the  morning.   Stations  of   the   Cross   -­‐   a   re-­‐enactment   of   our   Lord's  Passion   and   Death   in   the   afternoon   and  evening.  Day  9:   SAT,  JUL   30:  WYD.   Pilgrimage   walk  to  site  of  Closing  Mass,  evening  Vigil  with  the  Holy  Father  and  sleep  out  'under  the  stars'.  Day   10:   SUN,   JUL   31:   WYD.   Closing   Mass  and   concluding   events.   Overnight   at   our  accommodations.    

Day   11:   MON,   AUG   01:   AUSCHWITZ   /  WADOWICE.  Today  we   visit  Auschwitz,   the  infamous   Nazi   concentration   camp,   now  preserved  as  a  national  monument.   Visit  the  cell  where   St.  Maximilian  Kolbe   gave  his  life  to   save   a   fellow  prisoner.   This  day   you   will  never  forget  for  the   rest  of  your  life.  We  will  also  drive   to  Wadowice,   home   town  of  Pope  John   Paul   II,   visiting   the   **Holy   Father’s  House,  now  a  museum,  and  his  home   parish  church.  Return  to  Krakow.  Day   12:   TUE,   AUG   02:   POLAND/   NORTH  AMERICA.  We   transfer  to  the  airport  for  our  departure   from   Poland   to   North   America   -­‐  the   end   of   our   Pilgrimage   to   World   Youth  Day  2016.        

12  Days  -­‐  WYD  with  Day  Tours
