

    Book byPETER WEBB

    Lyrics byMARK CAMPBELL



    440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016Tel. 212-683-8960 Fax 212-213-1539

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.



    Book byPETER WEBB

    Lyrics byMARK CAMPBELL



    440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016Tel. 212-683-8960 Fax 212-213-1539

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Music by Stephen HoffmanLyrics by Mark Campbell

    SplendoraAct I Prologue

    A d tj 1I ~ n an e

    I . -. -, -.. -I' I ... -, #. ~ ItJ ~ ~ '--------"p hauntingly

    .1 t\J "J. l L J..I

    .II 'l.J


    4 J1 If P"" I I

    I ... -, -.~ 411 ~

    11 4II~:lI ~:lI.J~ ~

    t L J. "J. "J. LJI 11 U U



    All (like a fanfare)8 11 If L ~ ~T~ ~r':\ egro n

    ltJ .... - .... .... 111 U I 11 1'f

    -----------. -- - fL J. o.j J J O-f J J !: ~ ~. II - - i=-

    f 11 U

    V ~~~~

    }2 r---= -~ r-s--, 1:7

    ----'-' LI I ---.:::l ~ ~ ..-e: ~ ~ !: !: ~ =; :; ~i=-

    f L.---- _____ ..... .....:; ~ ............ ~ 1/ D ~. ~>- >-

    1996 by Mark Campbell and Stephen Hoffman

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.1 In OUf Hearts(Maga Dell, Zeda Earl, A.P., Lucille, Sue Ella)

    CUE: SUEELLA: Andhereitis.

    Jjj ~ Moderato = 116


    I II ~,~ - - - - - - - ~f (play twice)

    IL .1L .0.



    "...our dear departedMiss Jessica Gatewood. II

    jj a MD: .........., r---.. . -

    ~ 3 I just loved her since I met her, I'm glad I

    I jj a -I

    ~ - - --- --- --.. --- ~~~ --==:::I11

    .0.. .0.

    I ..11


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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In OUf Hearts

    II i ZE: ,........., -~ ~5 I'm so proud that we were friends, how - e -- ver -brief. - - - -1 II ~

    I~ - - - - - - - -

    < -

    -e- -e-





    I !


    Ev - 'ry mo - ment of the day she's in

    - 2 -

    my thoughts.

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Our Hearts

    ZEII #

    ~ r9 .. --_.- . Miss


    I II H AP:

    ~~ ---- -

    r9 Miss

    , II # MD:

    t. r9 Miss

    II i L: ~ - I~ ~ I I r9 Time will ne - ver put an end to all my grief. Miss

    II H - ~I -.(

    ~ I "-I......L I -.l.......L I :::I::bJ ~ ~-- - - I I I


    h. .. .it(

    ~ ~45 :4j

    1I ~ i:4j ~

    I l"'- ~ H

    , . '; -,; ...47 Wait, I ain't fhished. Ask 'em all why. What's their re - ply? Pa- geants>-

    I fll- II ~ >- >-J >- >- >-

    (t.l :J 1 .,. 1 ! ::.< >-

    IL 1'\ 1\ 1\

    ( ...- ... ... ..

    ~ ~47 II >- >- >- >-

    >- >-

    11 ~ -- , - ,; "* '*711 ';.49

    and pa - rades. And when all that fades peo - pie like us still sit and cuss how the

    " 11 H r--t>- >->- >- >-

    (t.l .....~ ::lir ~ :J "-1 ! ~iIJ">- >- >-

    IL 1'\ 1\ , 1\(

    ~ ~.. .. I t. ~~ =: ~49 II >- >-

    - 6 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Don't Get Me Started

    i a ,

    tJ 51

    good gets gone and the bad stays on 'til, i H

    ItJ , ~Iir ~Iir #i i .. ..

    >- >- >-

    Il I

    ( ~ ~ ~


    f\ i a I I 1 - I"""""""tJ I q... -:,;- ~ 1T~53

    we're dear de - part- ed. 3 Please, please, please, please, please, please, please_ please__

    u a 3 3...- ...... ......(

    tJ ~ 1 j ... q# 7} .. 11"-3 3 ...- '""'"" ...... poco acce/." ""''''''

    I ;; - -- i 1 i i53 11-... 3 3 3

    , i a

    tJ I I57 -- --

    please don't get me start - ed!u a

    (u q-e- -I j _:I

    < >- f 3_~"ifz ~ i1 I.,-.(

    u JI ..- ~ ..57 U 1I

    I U a


    , i H _ 3 3 ~,tJ 1 :I .., ~~.., .

    'I ~ri-1~" ~ r+1~ ,., J\

    ( --.. .. .. ~ .. ~60 -


    - 7 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.4 Funny How She Knows(Sue Ella)

    CUE: JESSICA: I'll fmd it. A bientot.

    All, I egro~1

    , I(

    f) ~ ~:f .,.; '1. ~-dJ"0mf1-

    ( - l ~

    , I I

    ~ I .,; -;j. .,; :J5Fun - ny how she knows right off where Ruth - ie's house is like she's been to, I - I

    (f) c.. "JI ., ?i _ .,;u ~-';-;j.~?i"JI

    ( I

    --- I

    --- I

    --- I


    Segue ...9

    , I~

    -- ~u_ - ""- -9

    it be - fore.... Yo die lay. Yo-die lee. Yo-die lay Ycrdlelee., I on.



    ~, .,; -;j. ~ ~l~ h1 .~11 ~1 ~1 .--I I(

    -;j. I I- .


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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.5 Taking in the SightsUnderscore


    I ~ ~ 'L Allegro I I -

    ~~ tllilLU tllilLU UIillUp


    ( ..11 111 .-U


    I i R tl I I n.,~ U1llilI U1llilI r.r..u.rr.r.r


    ( 11

    -e: ---&-0:. --"0"8

    (, ~ R tl J n.~ Ull1lU Ull1lU r.r..u.rr.r.r a.r.uru< ..



    I ~ R 'I J I I~

    ~ U1llilI CLtlILU r.r..u.rr.r.r"(

    l' ..s.L -.J..!.

    12 - -0:. .... -&._---_-&


    ~ R IL . - I I{ ,

    U1llilI tLtlILU r.r..u.rr.r.r< .-- .( "


    II .Il~ ..

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Taking in the Sights


    , ~ * '11 I I,@.l

    tllliLU tllliLU liLllirI liIill.UIL

    ( l' 1

    thdi:ff t tCUEOUT J Y;


    " ~ * : : ~u are eren ye you are esame..1 I,~ LLiliW m.o:LU LLiliW LLiliW --e- - -

    'I rit.

    ( 11 U


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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.6 Pretty Boy(Lucille, Zeda Earl, A.P.)


    CUE: JESSICA: It's troubling to think that he did not.

    Allegro 1144, ~ . - -~ ... .., ... .., ~1 Bare- Iy four when she brung him through that door... Found him starved in Fla - to - nia.

    . '" ~I I

    .J ........... ...... 'ill.......... ~ ... ., .,.,~~.

    mf staccato~ "'"1 --1 1"""'1 ",

    ( .. .. - ~ ~



    , 1I I~ ~ -~

    . .., .. 3 Par - ents dead. Shot each 0- ther in the head. Na - ked in their -bed. On Thanks - giv - ing,

    1I I

    I~ ~. . .., ., ., .. ..

    - h.I I I It(

    I I .. 'I ) I-ZEL


    , 1I - -q

    e. ... - .,; ... , FI'" ~5 Gos - pel truth, he did worse by Es - ther Ruth: Bet - ter starved In a-to - ma,

    1I -I q...... ... ... 'ill .. ....... -,;. ...... ., "''' ... ~

    - -""""T I I I"""'T'I

    'ill I .....-


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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Pretty Boy



    II II{

    ~ ~ ~ -,;- . - - - . -

    You can guess... ...that the boy be - came no less... ...than the big - gest mess e- ver Iiv - ing.

    II I

    (~ -:J~ ~ -';--.1 .. ..

    - h.-1 I Il(

    I I 1 ~ .. I ~ I-

    ALL, II . .-.0"'\ r .........., I

    ~ 9 But he pret - !y. Too pret - !y for boy. Pret - !y. And odd.was a


    (~ ~ .. ~ .. .. ~ .. ~

    11.- .- h.- (

    "" ""9

    , II ALL:.-.o"'\ I ,......, I~ - I11 Pret - !y boy. Pret - ty. Too pret - ty for boy. Pret - ty. And odd.a, II

    (.~ .. ... ~ .. .. ~. ~. ~

    ". .- IL I( - .. -

    11 ~

    - 2-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Pretty Boy

    , II ........., - ..........-Iv ... - ... -13 Had a pre - ciaus lace. Like an an - gel's. Had the Ii - nest eyes. Bright and big.

    II -I I II

    tJ .. .. ,I. ~.

    ( -]~


    APZE', II ........., - - - r---..~5

    ... -Had the soft - est skin. Soft as vel - vet. Hair was just as nice as a

    II I I ----,V .. - H 9- -

    11. LL( ..


    L, II , I

    ~7 ff-_. ... 71

    wig. Well, the way that Ru - thie reared him., II(

    tJ .. ff (./ . c;9- H~legato

    ~ .. .. .. ~ ' .. .. 11(

    I ..-17

    - 3 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Pretty Boy

    L, ~ I

    tJ jt. -* 71 I19 You could say she sort a queered him.-

    ~ I I I I

    ItJ jt0 It c...

    ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .. ~ .1(

    I ..19

    ~ . .-0"""1 -~

    I - -.........J ~ - ---..JSil - Iy thing got her jol - lies dres - sing him up like her dol - lies., ~,

    tJ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..It. ..



    AP~ ,

    ~ltv ... -,;And the la - dy ne - ver let up.

    , ~ (IT-(

    ..> I'"

    .. . - ...: ~ .. ~ ~ .. .. .1

    ( I ..23

    - 4-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Pretty Boy

    LAP~ I

    0 ~. ... -,;25 Ev 'ry day a dif frent get up. The- .-, ~ ~ 0 I I

    I@) ~ .

    .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...

    mf legato r--,J J J I J J J..-'I. ...

    { ..-,J """"'I "ill u

    I U ,-, I

    @.l I I I I5 No - thing a- wry or a -miss. - - I'lfl still in awe of her self - com- mand. And the

    I ~ -r- - - -(t. .. .. u - "ill "iII'"iII '-,J -"ill -"ill "ill "ill .. .. .. ..

    - I I9 bril - liant art of her ar - ti - fice.

    I ~

    (t. .. ..

    J J I J I( -


    l .

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. IDc With Her - Part 4(Timothy-John)

    CUE: JESSICA: And don't forget the windows.

    II Brightly ~ -I I~ I1 Self pas - sesses. - - - And -se -

    ....~ =;- ~~ =;- - F;-'" JI



    mf -- ...... (


    1111 r I J "iI r I J "iI r J- -

    , JI I ,.....-, I

    t> I - -4 rene. All IS calm and cool and green. Were there

    ~- r;- ~- r=;- - r=;-'" II



    -- - (

    f I J r J tlf J r J1I 114 - -, JI r--, I I

    ~ -- I I7 trou - bles? Were there fears? All for - got-ten if - theFe were, with....II r-r- r;- ........ =r ' , ~,.- ,...,..,. ~J .~. - - ,,,,,,~

    (@) ., ", ", .. ..

    -rr -- I J -r I ".-- .

    'r I L.J r I J :;j :;j r1 j I I ..J7 - -- - CUEOUT: (SUE ELLA interruptssong): Hey Jes! Jesl Where are you?

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 11 Jessica and Leggett Meet

    CUE: JESSICA: I'm so glad you came



    , I 1 I I{

    .J 1 I Ipp

    P-I f'} 9- o'J

    { ..- I -

    4, [email protected]

    , I I (2.. a...{

    @.J I I

    (2.I 1

    ( I' ... I II I II I

    7 CUE OUT: SUE ELLA: Yeah, I can see that.11 I


    ... ...

    11 I ~ ~ I 1 I f:\

    (tJ I. I 1 I., .. .- ..


    1 "I I I I-.( -

    I' II - I -,}

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 12 There is Something...(Sue Ella)

    CUE: SUE ELLA: Hmph, talking to herself.


    ~ .... ... .......1 Lo - die lay la - dyhoo. Lo - die

    , Yodle satta voceI,tJ ~, -- :J -- ... :J ~ ~r ~ r ~~ ~ ~ .. $

    (I ...

    ~... :J ~1


    , I ~ ~ I It.4 lay la - d}hoo. There is some - thing might y slip - per - y,-, I ~ * I(tJ

    ~ ~f ~ f -" ... ~ ... .".. ~ -r ~ -rI 11 I I

    ( ~ II -- --


    " II * I I I

    r --, un - der all them frills and trip -per - y...11 H I -&


    tJ -" ...... "* ....~ f ~ 1 ~f ~1

    rit.- ..


    ( ./II ... .. ~ ... ._~ -e- Se ue7

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 13 Gossip 2(Lucille, Zeda Earl, A.P.)

    CUE: Segue from "There is Something.....

    , ~ H L: I IItl I "1

    Up at dawn, ev - 'ry day.

    i H I I 1~

    J - - q.. ff staccato mf

    'L I I f*-

    ( ..-,/ ..,; ~. I


    ~ * AP: - I I ZE:~

    y q. II - ~I q...Starts that bus full of books and drives a - way. Says she in - tends on bring-ing Gul- ture to the town. The

    II * ~ "'1(t.J q ..,11..,. ... 9'1 ". - ~.. .. I......

    (11 . 6. I II .. -

    ,,- p'4lf q.. I 9 I

    ,II * 1 I AP: ~ .-

    tJ q...... I --~ 18 --way she talks she ought to wear a crown! May turn out to be just the thing we need.

    II * ..---(

    t.J ~"~ .. --- . ~ I .. ., . ~ - U Ilegato

    II 6. I 11 .. .. .. .. ~ .. ..(

    17-,/ q.. I I ..8

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Gossip 2

    , ~ H ZE: - L: ItJ ~ - I ~ I ......10

    Well, she might make this eul- ture thing sue-eeed. Hell, she e - yen got Ma - ga Dell to read./\. ~ H - I,


    tJ .......~ u q,y I Iq~ .y p~ ~>-

    ~.~ ~11 .. ~ ~(

    y q - - - - - 9- I. - 10, JI * L. b I I


    , U ~ l /, L h I

    I vtJ ..~

    .ffifz01 ~~ /1

    ( ... ... v


    15 _

    , I I


    I -I

    tJ e- ~ ... --- --- P-i .jo. -... e-~ poco rit. rit.

    /', -""'" 1 If

    ... ... .. ... u

    - 2 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 14In Small and Simple Ways

    (Brother Leggett)

    , egro = 138


    LEGGETT: Mission? Yes, butmy role is very small.

    (, ie. ~ "lII

    ... :4j ~.. .. .. ~ 1I ... ;j q........mfI I I I

    ( .. ... - -,j -,j - ...

    CUE: JESSICA: You have a great sense ofmission, don't you?

    All J

    , II I I

    ~ - I5 Some - thing like my fa - ther, and my fa - ther's fa ther, I-, i -(t.J :t 1I ... ~ ~... ... ~ 1I .. :;;; ~... ;p

    I I I I

    ( -,j - -711 711 711


    , II I

    t.J I -9 serve the Lord in small and sim- pie ways.

    , i -(t.J 11- -4 .. -. q - . .. .. ~ ~. ...

    I I I

    ( I I I I 711


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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Small and Simple Ways

    II I I. I I ......, I .-

    tJ ~ I I I I I13 Soft - Iy I 01 - ler praise. Not by stand - ing at al - ters and shout - ing,

    (, II L I I

    tJ ~q'" ~-J-J q~ .. ~ f ... -11 71 .. ... 11 ....--------- aeee!. = ii1 iiiI I( ~. ~. lJ.- .. LJ- ..13

    , I ~ I ......,

    ~I I I ~. I I I

    Nor by raY - ing a - bout - e - - ter - nal- flames, But by plan - ning the

    , I - I(

    t. ... 11 ... .. * qll ~.... - *9 * -111 ...~ ~ - deerese. -i1I""""'T I

    ( w.- .. ~ l,...J l.J- ..17

    , I 1 ~ II I

    ~1I I I I

    sum - mer out - ing. And lead - ing the prayer at loot - ball games.

    (I I I I ~ II

    tJ .. ... 11 .,; *~ .,;- 9- .,- ~ 11 ...~ ~

    .-......, (

    u.- .. w..- .. ~ fi21

    poco nt.25

    " II I

    ~- -

    -_.- - Less a sav- er _of... ~

    " ~ - -(

    t.J ~ qojl: oj. -J 11 .. :;I ~-P oj. ~ - 11 ....-mf -I I I I Tempo I

    ( .,; .,; .,; .,;

    - 2-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Small and Simple Ways


    , II I I I

    ~ I I

    sin - ners than a guest at din - ners. I serve the

    II -(tJ ~

    q~. ;r~ "iI


    q~. ;r~

    . .. ...- ~ -I I I I

    ( 7 7 171 I


    , II I I


    ~ I33 Lord in small and sim- pie ways. Humb - Iy he fills my, II

    (~ 7 ~~ .. -,j . .. ~ q.j. ~ "iJ q. 7"2"2

    ---- --- -----I I I I( I I 7 ~.

    , II L I ......., I - .-....,tJ I I I I I I37 days. Some have net - works and come in- to rna - ney. o - thers work their whole, II - L. I I I I

    (~ ~. I .. ..

    f - ... -,j .. ... .., -,; ... -,;aeeel.= ~ '11 ri1

    ( ~. l..J-. .. w..- .. LJ.- ..37

    , 1 .........-'ltJ ~. I I I41 lives can. - .vert - ing Guam. I dress up as the Eas - ter Bun - ny., I .' - I(tJ .. ... q... ~. ,; - .~. - - .--... ,;- .. .-.., -"

    ~. - ~ ~I"""""T I .. ..(

    ~ ~ LJ- .. l.J.... ..41- 3 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Small and Simple Ways

    , I I

    I I I I

    Fix plumb - ing and cha - per - one the prom.


    I ~ I


    But un - like my fa - ther,

    I ~ ---- - ----(~ ":J ~ .. ~ q-li Cof ":J ~ .. ~-6~mf poco rit.

    ~n slightly slower ~n

    ( ., ., ., .,~ I I

    fJ - I I -53 and my fa - ther's fa - ther, I can get bored with

    (I ~ -fJ ":J 11 - .. ~ q-fi rJ ., -6 ., . q-61-

    J.." J..n{

    7J - 7J I - I I53


    ~ I I L. I I

    I'f"II 11

    tJ I I I57 small and sim-ple ways. Some c times my spi - rit strays


    ~ -- -....... L I{ - ..,fJ 7J ... .. ~ q-fic.l ~' q.. I }~ ~.. 'I .. ..--- -.J..n I -. I

    ( I I 7J ~. ~. o ace I.

    - 4-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Small and Simple Ways

    , I I ......., I - """'"~1

    I I I I I I ~.

    I feel stuck in this role I've been giv - en. And I'm seized by a need to break a -

    " I 1 I I(~ -* --i .,; - .. -* - til -.,; - -*""i .,; .. -* ~t11 9 .,;

    f a tempo ..,..., --r1 "11 ....r1 -,......,.. If

    L..J...- .. U- .. lJ... .. 61


    , I I~ - I I - l-I I -65 way. Times I dream of the day I am driv - en to find some-thing, I - I """"" Il1o.. --(~ - #11. ... ~. oJ - 9- - -espr.

    1'"1. r1 1""'1 ,......,(

    l,...-' ~ ~

    I I I I

    ~ I I I69 great - er. See some - thing vas - ter than the life of

    , I I ,..."" - - I( - --

    ~ - oJ ... .. - .. 9-1 -t1 -t1.t11 rrrrrrrr,....., . ,.....,. ..... ..... on.

    ( ~.. ""i

    ~r r rr r r rrrrrrr 9 rrrit. I


    I JI






    taflt- sis


    - as -an


    I I


    ( oJ


    ( 73

    - 5 -

    L _

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • In Small and Simple Ways


    , j ~ ~


    'Til that day a - ri - -ses, - - there are few sur -, j ~

    (t.J ~.p .p ~ ~ ... ~ ~.p .p ~ ~ ...--- - -- hn hn..

    .., I .., .., I ..,, II I I I

    ~1I Ipri - ses. But some re - ward - - ill' small and sim- pIe

    , j .----;;:: ----(t.J ~ q~-i. -,; .. .. -,; . q- - ..., . .. ..- -- hn I,n

    :.., I I I I


    , j It.J I I I85 ways. There's some - ward - in- small andre - -, j

    (t.J ~ .. ~ ~ -t:

  • No. 15

    Funny She's So lV1uch Like Ruthie Was(Sue Ella)

    CUE: JESSICA: Goodnight, dear heart.

    Allegro, I~ .... ... .......1 Lo - die lay la - dlhoo. Lo - die

    , I Yodle sotto voce(

    f. ~, -,J :J -,J ... t ~~ t ~ .~~ ~ -J. ... S< mj'I

    ( ... :J ... :J -J.1


    , I II ~ I I

    ~4 lay la - d~oo. Fun ny she's so much like Ruth - ie was.-

    ( 1\I ~ * I


    t ~f t f 1 -# ." -#.,

    t ~ t ~

    ~ ~ 1 1_"- ~ I-I I I I

    ( -,; --,j I



    11 ~ I I I

    ~- I J I u

    It's a com - bi - na - tion of joy and ver - ti -, ~ ~ ~ I

    It.J q-i___. .. ~ I "-..q~ ~---- -

    I I

    ( ~. I -,;

    ~ I

    t.J 19 go. How lit - tie I know., II


    ~, ~.. '------ I! ! I :::-

    I I I I I

    ( \7* I .,; .,;


    - 3 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • How Little I Know (Trio)




    t.J I I I 21 As I spread the gos - pel from town to town,

    II I - I I,.J I -


    (,., I..

    9' I ~... I


    II I l

    t.J I23 dread - ed an y tion of set !ling down.- no - -, II I I I I L J

    I.J ..- v- -- q~ ----

    ~ mf II~ I

    ( 1 II!

    .,;. :>1 p~ L -,; >- 17# 1>- -,; >- p~ I

    - 9 -


    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • How Little I Know (Trio)

    >- >-70

    , II I ,....., I I I l.._

    ..> I I I70 your dear lit - tie crush don't tor - get who you are. Take this non - sense too tar., ~

    I~ ~

    I b- ~~...

    ~~ I~>- >-

    1 - I ~.(

    -,; >- 17~ J >- >- ~. ~ -,; >- >- >-



    , II I I l.. I I ,

    ~I I ...

    He'd ne - ver look at you, it he knew. Are we jea - lous? We're not.

    ~ I.. I I -,I

    ~ fJ! q~t .. .. ...~>- >-simile

    I 1 I

    f p~ :L - >- --,; >- P~ I p-'; ~-,;

    JTJJ1\ I : I I I I ~ TJ:

    ~I I I I I-Oh, can- tess, just a jot. You're pa - the- tic. How sweet! Some - day you two should meet. I can

    I I - I - I .-----.,t.J ~~ ~ "I I.l--

    I I 1.....

    ( .." p-'; ~--';I p., ~., I p-'; ~.,


    - 10 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • How Little I Know (Trio)


    , I ~ J: I

    @) I I I I79 stop you like that! I - die threats. Sil - Iy chat.

    I 1

    It RHq1lp ~ Rq ..-- ~

    'I I L

    ( ~.. I I~ 11 I



    , I I 1 I

    ~1I 11

    He'd ne - ver care for you, jf he knew., I I

    (t.! qRf: q' #f: ~ --------

    I 1 Ilegato

    I ~.f v I'" H U IT .., ..,

    BV, I It.! I I I 83 As I spread the pel from town to town,gos -, I I J: -@) I I I83 Such a love - Iy man. It's a strain re - sis - ting, I I I I I

    (t.! v


    fl I .. I83

    - 11 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • How Little I Know (Trio)



    " I I I I

    ~I I

    dread - ed an - y no - lion of set - tling down., I I J: I I.- "'

    @.J I I I I I85 his al - lure. What a joy he brings., I I I I I

    (t.J .. I ""- 17'" 9 ., -

    I .1 ~.~

    I " I ~... I




    @.J I I I 1187

    AI ways had to leave how.- a rea - son some -, I J: 1 I I

    @.J I I I I -........J87 Just one thing's not ea - sy to en - dure:

    " I I I I I I I ~ II

    t.J 11 I , ~r Rj qr-

    'I I (


    /I II H I

    ~ I I I133 That's that. And that's what ain't,

    , II #(

    ~ .. .. 1J -J -J>->- >-


    ( .,133 :L I I i>- >-

    II H

    ~6 is!JS # - - r- ...I T I I I I

    ( I",~ -i #~ i ~t""il j #~ j ~:"iI

    faster t-t- t-t- t-r- r-r-. .~ ....II(

    .. I .. I ... .. I .. I .. .,,'" ~136 ....i>-

    - 11 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 23 Promise Me One Thing(Brother Leggett, Je~sica, Timothy-J9p:n)

    CUE: JESSICA: She can [md the horse..

    Andante, I

    f) .-.


    ,.. I - e- ~ (!J-I

    t.l I.-'"" """1 , """1 ...... - IP

    ~ .,~ ~ _# ,..e ....-I.f

    ..v ~ ..... ...... .....

    CUE OUT' Nowcome


    , I


    I - - r- r-,i ., 9- - .. 9-(

    ~ """'I ",I -, .,- I ~ VT ~ ~I--- . _. (vamp)

    .p. ~~ ""n ,......,H,9- .~ .r .~ .,,9-f

    v l,.J - -I -""'" ... ""'"....

    JBL-, I : 1 BL:

    t.l , 15 Chil- Iy night. Yes. But man - - And

    I I ._-

    (- -

    ~ "",- ",... V ",... - II ---- II - ...58

    What was that?

    , I I TT' -~ ...58 I'll say what I want.

    I I

    It I I I

    IIf.. IIf.. IIf.. ~ ". ". .. !l!-t

    ..v I I


    I I .-.-I

    :0I I r "1

    said was... ...was it's qui - et here., I I .. ,......,


    Yes in

    " I I r--...~ ;;iii' ~~ "160 I can stop you a - ny time. I can stop you., I I

    (~ ~q-l '-1 -I q"~ ~"'q "il "il .. .. ..

    ". 1 " . LI

    ..60 r I I I ~.. 'I I J I I-

    - 8 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • , I I -.,._. ~ .-. __ .'-'- ~ - - - ---


    1\ I 1-- BL: -..- .._, ... ~_. .. ~ ~. - ...... . ~ '-

    .4_, -. -

    ~r I I --- --.." .....some ways I wish we could stay like this

    , I I



    I~ 9 11 ,

    . (2"( .. ... ...



    u ~ I I I

    ~ J I I I151 la la. La la la la la la

    , U ~ ~ I -, I I I(

    tJ "..-/ -- .. til til .,. ..IL po"

    l ... ... ...- 8 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In

    , ~ H I It"'

    t.J I '- .. J,.

    156 la la la la la la la,

    ~ H ,...., I r-- I ~ I r--, I~

    t.J .. .. 'I' -........... :...---' '.......,;' 'v -.-/ -;,

    11 hn, fL' f!}-'( ...


    , II H I I I I I I I I I 1 I TJ: It.J J:161 (Court - ing this pas - tor is court - ing dis - as - ter), La la la

    ~ H 1-----.. 1,...--...,. 1..--- I- ri 1I

    t.J I I I' I I -...-< pp f


    hn,It (2' e'(


    II H I I I I 1 1 I I I I I

    )166 la la la la la la la la la. La la la la la la

    ~ H ..., I r-- I ..., I ~ I -, II

    t 'I' ::..-,....; ~ ~ 'v -~ :.-' ",:,.

    11 fL' fT' hn, (2'I



    , II H I I I I L h I J: I

    ~1I I I

    la la la la la la, What use is be - ing

    , II H ~ I .... I L h I(

    t.J -...- :.-; .jj oj ~ ~c: ifmf

    (ot fT' I 1 I I


    - 9 -\ .'

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In

    , I I


    _.. "- .-

    176 sad - died by all this pain and self . - . doubt., I

    [email protected] ~t1 i:J ~i "i- II ~iI 11 iI "jII. 1 :s J

    I I I

    ( 0.-


    - - -176


    , I I I I

    ~1I I I

    Why let your mind get ad - died? Why go

    I I

    ( ~~ .. ~ ~-i; iI q"jll i:J q"l; "jII

    .. I I(


    I I - - -



    , I

    @.J I I I I I I186 tear - ing a - bout? Pro mise me one...-, I I I I I


    @.J r r q~ ~t1 - 9c" 9 c.'ff

    h I. - ). If


    -----.. I I I .. I I r - -

    - 10 -



    , I

    ~1I I

    Oul!! Love crawls in_ .

    - ..' -I I ... c. -' I I --I

    ~ .J .. t r .J - ..>->- I I

    ( 00 0.' r. I

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In



    , .' . ',""-,"'" .. " c.CtJ I196 and ne - - - ver leaves.I 1 cc - -


    tJ~ r r ~i "iI - r :;t .. ~ ~r 9r~ i

    I I ..- 0"_, -

    ( -6. -d. o I



    I I

    201 In crawls love. The spi - - --I - I I T-- I I I I T-

    ItJ .fl ..

    ~ r ~ f

    (I ~ I



    I I I I

    ~ I I I J206 rit grieves. A who esch -per - son

    I I -I I(


    ~ r I .. .. 9" .. ..I -

    I 7tl I I "* I "* I

    I I I

    ~ I I I I211 ews this sen ti men tal ooze has- - -I I I I

    (~ .. ..

    ~ r .. .. ..


    I I I .. ..

    211 - 11 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In

    , I

    ~ I r I -:1 - I' I216 learned it's for the best. Since it

    , I I 1, - .... - --

    ~ .. .. I I I I I

    ( "



    , I

    ~ I I I I I I221 on - Iy brings a flair for los - - -, I I I I I

    I~ u c:.. u u i I


    I r


    .,; .,; "11 .,;

    , I I~ I226 ing things like keys, one's, I I I I I I I


    ~ r I ~ r r r r ~ r I ~ i I~I I L I L

    I I :;t226

    I I ~ a I 1

    ~ I 1 I231 gloves, a breast. La la la la la, I I I I ~ a I I 1

    ( .-~

    ~ i I i I } . i r'... .. .. .. ..



    I ... ... ... ... #-231

    - 12 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In

    81 I, II ~ I II L h I 1 owy,I,

    .:J - - I236 la la la. CUE: TJ: It's too late., II ~ I L h I I I I, I


    ~ .. .. .. .. "I "iIP I

    'L 1 I

    t I I... I 1 ! ...236

    TJI II

    tJ I I I241 Love's come in and I

    I I 1 I

    l~) ... .. "iI 9- "iI


    I I ... I241


    j I I

    tJ 1246 am scared. Love's


    I I I, ;II

    tJ :4j 111 ~ ~1I ~. I< I

    I I If I I

    .,; I


    , I I I

    ~ I I I251 in. I've ne - ver dared. And- -

    I I I I I I r


    tJ I - 111 I"



    f I III

    I .". .". I I

    - 13 -l _

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Love Crawls In

    I I I III,I

    t. I I - I ,257 yes, I need you still. And I

    r I I I I~


    -- II

    4~ I .. ... I- i

    II I -.{ ,I

    #- I #- I I I I257

    II I I I II


    t.l I I - I I J261 may - be al - - ways will. That much I

    I I I

    It.l I .. .. ..

    l ... I #- I I I261


    " I I

    t.l I I I I I I265 do con - - - cede. All I ask for now

    { "I I I


    ,t.l I .. ~ I ~. r

    (n n ~ I ........

    v-I -,;

    II I I

    t.l I I I271 is that you'll please al - - - low

    I I 1 I I,t.l '-" 19-: -.,

  • Love Crawls ill

    I I.-

    .~ I I

  • No. 26 Bookmobile Underscore

    CUE: SUEELLA: Iknow'whoyou-are__

    Ada i n ante

    I , r I ... . .... ,., IP hauntingly

    11 ~J ~J I.. L J...fI ~ U

    CUE OUT: You'reTimothyJohn Coldridge.

    4 a i ~- I I 1 I

    I , ... . .... V- ~.... ........ :)r1 I

    ( III" III ?; ~ 49



    I - -~ ~ .. ~ - ~ ~ ~ -::.,. ~ilJ" ~

    I I

    I c.. G

    :z 52fI I

    tJCUE OUT: Somepeople'stoomean55to die, you know?, I -,

    ~ .~,.,. ~llJ- ~ilJ" ~ ~ -i ~~ .~~ --:) -(safety)


    I~ G



    - 5 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • I Got Faith In You

    " I TJ: I I

    ~ I-- -

    .58 You - have - my en dorse- -men!. All -a - -round town- - -you'll

    , I - -(

    '- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~- I I I I ~ I

    Shelves! Shelves!

    J I I ~ ,..... ".... ,...., -- -t> i -I -I-=i .. -I i .. "1 T ~ 111 111_111 .. ..

    poco a poco cresco

    ( " ... I ~ 1 ... I ~ I I ~ I

    76, I

    t> IShelves!

    , - I - I\

    - -t .. .. .. ..

    < .ff -- ~ ~ 0.-f I(


    ~I .,;-

    ~ iJ ~79J I I -eo --e-

    . t>I I ~

    iJ - ( -tJ

    iffz100... ~,(

    -,J~ u

    ~ "i>-


    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • 1"--I

    No.32aTremolo Before "lAm B'eauty"t" ..

    CUE: ZEpAEARL: :..bestdarn lit~~chanteusein thispart of the state.,

    CUEOUT: AP: Not so fast Zeda.

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Piano

    No. 33- CUE: AP:.:Hitit,LutiMay.


    lAm Beauty(A.P.)

    When the'tbill of winter...

    ...Andnourishedby his dirt most fertile ....

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • lAm Beauty

    ....a home for bird..... . ... 11 .. I .. J. l- I I I I .., > ....~ I r I I I I _J I LJ I .....II _JI l r I i 1 ___- - -- - ..

    f ... ..


    I am beauty I am the Crepe Myrtle

    I 11 I J ])1 h I .fi(

    I I I ~~

    ~) l( Lr. w.. u.. l.lJl.lJl.lJLU- - ~~ .. '. ,......>-(

    tJ 1 _ ~ir , ... -:ir .. j Im.f >- >- >-11 1\

    ( ~ ~

    .JI .JI

    ~.. I

    1 'jI 'jI >- >-

    No. 34 Don't Get Me Started(Sue Ella)

    CUE: SUEELLA: ...makethingsmoredecentaroundhere.-All ro

    >- >-

    , ~ * ...-.oltJ . -,; -,; . 3

    But don't des - pair. Put me in there. And I'll make some noise 'gainst those

    , II ~ >- >->- >- >-

    (~ :j ~J 1 ~iJ" '~jJ" ::iJ">- >- >-

    'I, ,


    ( .. .. 111~

    .. A~

    ..3 >- >- >- 11 .. ..

    >- >-, ~ * I ,tJ I5

    good '01 boys. We'll see them out - -smart --ed. - - - -II ~

    3 3 3

    ( -- -- --tJ Ii i ~ .,. r ill l 1 'jI~ :t ~ :J ~ ~ ~ :J.:J :J

    'I I I 3 1 ,

    ( ~ ~ ~ ;j i i

    411 411 5

    II ~

    tJ I I8

    Just get me... start - ed.

    J ~ ~ .3 3 I ~

    (tJ t 1 J j "] '-'; ri:r. -

    IL >-f;.,-, ri1~


    ~ rJ 1\(

    I .. .. .;Ii ~ ~ ~ .. ~8 (faster) i

    IL. __

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • ,No. 35 1st Crepe Myrtle Drumroll

    CUE: ZEDAEARL: And now for the icingon the cake. LutaMay?



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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.35a 2nd Crepe MyrtleDrumrollCUE FORLASTMEASURE:ZE: YourMiss CrepeMyrtle! !

    f:\CUE: ZE: Uniquein ourhearts.CUE: GesturefrornZedaEarl

    , JI H .' ~. ...>::. - . 0-,'S .. ~

    ~ 11 ~ .. oj .. < f



    11..1/ -'..l.

    !:is -3.L

    !:is- .s.L

    !:is- .s.L

    !:is- ~- -e- - -e- - -e- - -e-- - - - ~-e- -e- -e- -e-




    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 36 ':Announcement Fanfare

    CUE: ZEDAEARL: ".yournew MissCrepeMyrtle- Miss JessicaGatewood! !

    Allegro (like a fanfare)


    ::=- ::=-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No.3? Miss Crepe Myrtle(Zeda Earl, Ensemble)

    ZEi = ,

    @ C/

    1Miss Crepe

    i I I I I,@.J C/

    ~ r ~11 II I .. . .. C/ ,

    ~ rf ~ ~


    "lI1 "lI1 I "lI "lI I I

    CUE: ZEDAEARL: Miss CrepeMyrtle, your subjects salute you.

    Allegro J 144


    , II I

    @. I I I C/ I6

    Myr- tie. Miss Crepe Myr - tie. Wear your crown with

    II I I I I I

    [email protected] 41 .,. F i i ... ~


    f r r ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I( :

    I ~ ~ ~ ~ ,; ,; ,; ,;


    1\ i

    ~v I I I


    , U l- I I,@.J . .. , , r "JI .,. r f _f r

    I I( ..

    "lI ... .. ,; I I -:j): - -:j): -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Miss Crepe Myrtle

    I ~ I I

    tJ I J16

    { oj

    U I

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ::::: .. .. -_-6 -:J~ ~-I I I I


    -:J- -:J- -,; -,j -,; T -,; -,; ~16'" ~ ....... ..-I 1 I

    ~J I -21

    I ~ -ro- rfr -,- r,(T ,..- "l -- n .-(

    il -1-1 .. P ~ ~ tft .. IT I~; ::vit. ~ ~ tempo

    { :* * I J V ~ I21


    J II - ItJ I I26

    IU ~ ~ I- ,

    ~ .,. -; :: -S :: :: l ~; _1~_

    ~ - I I ~ I I I -:J- I t~ I26


    " II


    J ~ .- .. - I I l- t'- .-i

    tJ :: ... 0 f i i -r -I- ~ ~ ~ ~I I I I I I I Il

    ~... ..

    .., -J-,; 71- --::;- ,; -,; -,; 71- -,; - -

    - 2-

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Miss Crepe Myrtle


    ~ I l- S- ==

    ( ~

    t) . I .. II I I .. ~< p

    t ... .. -,I I ., I I ~ I ~ I


    , Ilo I r .. ~ ~ .. .(

    -I -tt I ~ ... -i ~. ~... ~ '-' ~'1.t -iJ -,; i i i~ ~ ~~ ...

    U 1 I

    I~ I I .... -J -J i .. :U :i I I U

    ~~ i i ,11t

    l .. I I ~ I 71 I -,j I I46ALL

    51 (vamp)

    " ~ L. I I

    ~~ I

    51CUE OUT: ZE: Come on now, MissMiss Crepe Myr- tie. Crepeeverybodysing!!

    I I~ U I I L. L I I I(

    ~ t , t , I I t f t r .. "* t r t if(

    ~ ~ I I-,; ...I -,II /;1.. .. I I

    w -3-

    " I

    ~ I56

    Myr- tie. Wear your crown with pride.,. 0-

    I J fI-, I I I I I ~ ..(

    tJ :4j ~ r i ~ r ~ r ..~ tI I .. ..

    t -,j 71 ... I .. I ... I ... I ... . ..

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Miss Crepe Myrtle



    ~1I -- I

    (Hum melody) -------------------------------------~--------------------------------pp

    I, I I I . r . - I,,.-..

    t.J>f f r

    .. - f ~ '" r~ ~ :: ~ .JI 111 :::::111 -111

    satta voce I I I(

    I I .,; .,; .,; .,; .. I .. I61

    I I - -~ I ..... I 10--1 I


    I I -~ -6(2. -ee-, I -,t.J - I -I ~ -i -i .. 9- --

    I n( .. I .. ..




    , I I I i I - I~

    I I I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

    I -i""O fZ- ~r--t7\

    !fl. ~ !fl.

    (~ ,.. ..

    t.J 19- - - IV:: :: - :: ::< S:

    I PT ..,.(

    .. .,; I I .,;

    bh alTJ M


    I I I I yanswer as ways eenyes.

    I I76 .

    ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------_.

    , I s: I .. .. l- f ..(

    ~ ~ :: :: I ~:: -J ::~ -j < .. resc.( ..

    I I Ii ~.,; .. I .. I .. I .. I- 4-

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Miss Crepe Myrtle

    . 1 -., ..... , .' ' ,..


    81Miss Crepe Myr - tie. Miss Crepe '. Myr ~tle.... ,' As .. 'If.e, ,

    1 f s: J: ~~ .. ". 'I I . If- ..-

    ( ..t I :: I

    ~ ff#- #-

    (I I I I



    I L,MD: I I

    ~I I

    86Re- mem- ber. Miss Crepe

    , I AP,ZE: I I I I

    ~ I T I 1 I86

    sing your praise, re - mem-ber-- Re - mem-ber Miss Crepe

    , I i I- - Ill. ..(

    ~ .. .. .. .,~ ~"'I ~.,.~ .J .J I I .. .... I I

    ( .-~ ~ rlli, .. q. ..

    LMD" I , : I

    ~I I I

    Myr . tie's Miss Crepe Myr - tieI ,AP,ZE: I

    ,~ I J . I

    91Myr - tie's Miss Crepe Myr - tie

    , I . -~. ..(

    .. ,"V

    ~ .J '-i .J .J ~.. -I- -

    ( I ~91

    - 5 -

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    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • Miss Crepe Myrtle

    1\ I I L,MD: I I J -e:. .. - . ._-tJ r _. I I

    93all her live - long days.

    I APZE: I I I 1

    -.J r I I I I93 ~ - -" . .. h._ ... , ,,- ~ '.. . -- .-- _. . .- .. "- . - ....all her live - long _ days. _. _.

    i- _. -- f-. ,I I I 1 ~,~

    ~ ~r r r

    ~~ 1" oj

    ( .. ... I ... I I I I ...~93

    Segue-No Applause

    - 6-

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • No. 38


    Intra .. ~. Grateful(Jessica)


    Pret-ty. Too pret -ty for a boy. Pret-ty boy. Pret-ty.

    I ~ ~,I1/1f


    (Dialogue) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ~ ~ ~ II~ ~ II~ II r-n, ~ I"'" -,.. p

    )92 ::>

    , ~

    tJ96 hell.


    I~ ~~ .... ~~ -:J -,I~- ~iii'" ~~ - - ....... - -~ ~ ~ .~ .~


    ( ..L. .. .L< ; c:: ~ c: ~96 c: ~ c.:

    - 6 -


    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • My Name is Timothy-John


    APZE MD L'II a

    , ,~.


    ~,.......,........, - -

    ~Pret - ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret - ty for a boy. Pret - ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret - ty for a boy.104 f

    , II *~104

    , II ~ ,......,""""'"


    I I I


    " f staccatoII #.,r. .,r. .,r..,r. b~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .,r. .,r. f'-.,r. b~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

    I 104

    , II * ,......, ........, - ,......, ,......, ........, - ,......,~6 PP Pret- ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret - ty for a boy. Pret - ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret- ty for a boy.1 II ~ TJ:

    ~6 fI I I

    Ev - 'ry breath - ing se - cond of my life I'veII ~ ~ I I ,......, ,......, I ,......,

    I~ - - - - - - -

    II .,r. f!- !'--!'-- b-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .,r. !'-- !'--!'-- b~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ "fl-t


    - 7 -l

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • My Name is Timothy-JohnAP, ZE, MD, L:

    I II'~ ~ - "......, ........, - "......,..


    I - side.. your, .. ' a -

    ~;'-"""-~II ... ~~'.~"-


    Prel - ty boy. 'Prel- ty.


    ~) .

    Prel- tY.- .

    Too for_a. boy.108 boy.. Prel- ty. prel - tyII ..~ TJ:

    ~ I I108 list - ened to your voice, and..... -' "I ~ * ,.....-, I


    t.J - - -



    II ~ ~ ~ - 1""'""""1 ,.....-, ........, - "......,.J110 Prel - ty boy. Prel - ty. Too prel- ty for a boy. Prel - ty boy. Prel - ty. Too prel - ty for a boy.I ~ a

    ~ I - I110 mong your Ii - lacs and yel - low - ing lace. And11 ~ * ~ I I 1""'""""1 ,........, II "......,

    I.J -

    It !'-- !'-- !'--!'-- b.. .. 1'- 1'- 1'- 1'- H1'- 1'- 1'-" !'-- !'-- !'-- f'- ~1'- 1'- 1'- 1'- 1'- 1'- H1'- 1'- 1'- ..I ..


    I ~ a ,........, ........, - "......, ~ ........,---- .. - "......,.J112 .. Prel - ty boy. Prel - ty. Too .pret- ty for a boy. Prel - ty boy. Prel- ty. Too prel - ty for a boy.

    II ~- - .. _-,

    ~ - I -112 kepI 10 my - self, tucked shelf, likea - way on aII ~ ,.....-, "......, ~ - "......,I I I

    t.J - -...

    .. , .... .. - .. _.._-.-.. - -~ . ..--- . -- ."-

    .,- ~.,._. .' .

    (II !'-- !'-- !'-- !'-- b1'- .. .. .. 11'- .. ti1'- 1'- 1'- 1'- f'- f'- f'- f'- b~ 1'- .. 1/1' .. .. H.. 1'- 1'- ....


    - 8 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • My Name is Timothy-JohnAP, ZE, MD, L:

    J II 'R .-...., -"""'I - ~ ,........, ............-I - ~tJ . _. - ..114 Pret - ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret - ty for a boy. Pret - ty boy. Pret - ty. Too pret- ty for a boy.

    J II R TJ: I

    tJ I I I114 some - thing in a hand - .paint - ed .. vase. - , ... ..--

    IIH,......, ~.' ......., ......., .,......, ., I I I

    I~ - - - -

    II I'- I'- I'- I'- b~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ I'- I'- I'- I'- b... ... ...... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

    f 114

    II a L h'

    tJ116, II H ... . .. . I.. 6

    ~16 - .... INe-ver a-gain. Ne-ver a-gain. Ne - ver a- gain., II H ,......, I 1"""1 Il""'1 ,...,. I 1"""1 " r-T' I I 1""'1 L h,t.J

    1 .f!.f! .L. JI I'-!,- .-I.. _11 ....... JI(



    .., I119 - Say good -- - - - -I - -I IItJ

    f legato

    , '. .. . .. -


    - 9 -

    This score has been downloaded from and is for perusal only.

    No performance or use of this score is allowed without written authorization from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

  • My Name 1S Timothy-JohnI

    A I ~


    -iJ-night. Say good122 - - ~J- I "I - ,-. - - -~---


    -'- o.' _. - -



    - - _.

    "-. - :



    /I I Jl ~ ,



    I I

    125 Rest your head and sleep.II- J1 ~ ril I~ I


