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He who sought the explanation of phenomena outside of internal influences was persecuted Galleon trade cut off trade Love of work, not fulfilling, forced labor Deprive a man then of his dignity and you not only deprive him of his moral strength, useless, good aptitudes, strong-willed, good bearing Spain did not protect the people against foreign invaders terrible pirates, Education memorization, decreased self-appreciation Following blindly, blind subordination Defects of training and lack of national sentiment, insinuated inferiority, curate ridicules Easily beguiled tinsel, glass beads, shining mirrors in exchange for their gold, conscience and liberty Patient wants to eat, it wants to breath fresh air, offend the susceptibility of the physician and when the patient fear that it might be scolded, blood-letting Without education and liberty, the soil and the light of man no reform is possible. Small pot to grow tall and robust Spaniards despise manual labor Lack of capital, absence of means, beggars Believe in the miracles are the laziest, dependent on God Silk shawls coarsely-embroidered not imitated because they can be easily made or mass produced, more labor of love, passionate about their work (delicate pina embroideries and fine jusi fabrics), disappearing trade Evil for the natives to know Spanish, not be separated from his carabao Gambling breeds dislike for steady and difficult toil by its promises of easy money and its appeal to the emotions white men are not built to suffer the severity of the climate Man can live in any climate if he will only adapt himself to its requirements and conditions More fertile, more productive, it is a compensationAn hours work under the burning sun, in the midst of pernicious influences springing from active nature is equal to a days work in a temperate climate, it is therefore just that the earth yield a hundredfold Poor clerk or the Chief Chinese dedicated to trade and commerce; rarely do we find one dedicated to agriculture Inhabitants were hardworking and engage themselves to livelihood Pigafetta (1521), courtesy and hospitality of the inhabitants and their commerce, honored captain, boats filled with cloves, cinnamon, nutmegs and gold Vases and utensils made up of solid gold, which implies that the inhabitants in Butuan were engaged to mining Maintained relations with neighboring countries Siam gold and slaves (Cebu) The Philippines is known for its abundance in terms of foodstuffs. When the survivors of Magellans expedition came to Paragua, they were received and well-provided for. However, in exchange, they captured a vessel and took the Chief of the island, including his son and brother as hostages. Still showing utmost generosity to the foreigners, the Chief included coconuts, bananas, sugar cane and jars filled with wine in addition to the ransom of rice, 20 pigs, 20 goats and 450 chickens demanded by the abductors. It was really a foul move done by the foreigners because they should be thankful for the way the natives accepted them in the first place but they instead took their leaders as hostages. I can say that they are greedy and would want to take advantage of the kindness shown to them. There was life, there was activity, there was movement Maintain the honor of Spain, repel Dutch foe => reduction of population Greater resentment and hatred for serving foreigners Cutting timber hinders them from cultivating the very fertile plain they have; state of neglect Man works for an object, remove the object and you reduce him to inaction. Isolated the Philippines (China and Mexico), so controlling and benefits only the few similar to the society today Cheated them with false measures Why work? Rich in heaven
