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The Physics QuizPreliminary Round

AFBBS Physics Fest 2013

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• Each question is worth a single point, unless stated otherwise

• Asterisk (*) marked questions will be used to resolve any ties

• Maximum points = 25

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• "Rotation of the earth supports the formation of tides in the ocean"

• Fact or fiction?

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*The ISRO spacecraft Aditya-1 will study ______

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• If a stone and a feather are dropped from a small height on the moon, what will hit the surface first?

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• Name the two fundamental forces that have been unified.

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• Name any one of the forces in action during churning of milk.

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• Lorenzo Romano **ed** Carlo __________ di Quareqa edi Carreto (1776-1856) advanced the study of thermodynamics by suggesting that equal volumes of gases have equal number of molecules at the same temperature and pressure. He also suggested that oxygen and hydrogen existed in the diatomic state, a view which was rejected by Dalton. Fill in the blank.

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*7 *Who is proving what?

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• If time period of oscillation of a wooden bob of 3.14 kg attached to a massless string is 5 seconds then what is the time period of oscillation after adding an iron bob weighing 2π kg to the same string?

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• The element that is used in catalytic convertors, storage and production of pure hydrogen and manufacturing of capacitors also powers a fictional reactor(shown in the picture). Which element?

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• A boy is sitting in a car with a helium balloon with him. Suddenly a car accelerates in the forward direction. In which direction will the balloon move?

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• For escaping heat from sunshine, what colour of the umbrella is the best? Tell colours for both inside and outside.

(2 points)

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• Is the speed of sound maximum in helium gas, liquid mercury, or solid carbon?

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• *What are the units of measurement of vacuum?

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• The design of this government engineering college in Kerala has made it famous as its front resembles a famous celestial object. What object?

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• Antiparticle of electron is _____________.

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• Identify:

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• Who was the first person to measure the gravitational constant (G)?

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• *Write down your exact weight in 3 significant figures.

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• Is dp/dt = ma universally true? If not, write for what or when it is false?

(2 points)

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• Identify the very popular scientist

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• *If the motion of constituents of the outer core of earth- iron, nickel were to stop, what would be the effect on the earth's magnetic field?

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*Neutron stars result from massive stars of mass greater than 4 to 8 times that of our Sun. After these stars have finished burning their nuclear fuel, they undergo an explosion which blows off their outer layers and the central region of the star collapses under gravity so much that protons and electrons combine to form neutrons. They emit radiation from only some circular regions around their poles and hence on rotation they seem like sending pulses of light. What are rotating neutron

stars known as?

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• Gadolinium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Seaborgium Bohrium Meitnerium Roentgenium Copernicum Flerovium What is missing?

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• "Rotation of the earth supports the formation of tides in the ocean"

• Fact or fiction?

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• Fact

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*The ISRO spacecraft Aditya-1 will study ______

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• Sun

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• If a stone and a feather are dropped from a small height on the moon, what will hit the surface first?

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• Both stone and feather will hit the surface at the same time

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• Name the two fundamental forces that have been unified.

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• Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force

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• Name any one of the forces in action during churning of milk.

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• Viscous force, centrifugal force

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• Lorenzo Romano **ed** Carlo __________ di Quareqa edi Carreto (1776-1856) advanced the study of thermodynamics by suggesting that equal volumes of gases have equal number of molecules at the same temperature and pressure. He also suggested that oxygen and hydrogen existed in the diatomic state, a view which was rejected by Dalton. Fill in the blank.

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• Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Quareqa edi Carreto

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*7 *Who is proving what?

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• Benjamin Franklin proving lightning is flow of electric charge

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• If time period of oscillation of a wooden bob of 3.14 kg attached to a massless string is 5 seconds then what is the time period of oscillation after adding an iron bob weighing 2π kg to the same string?

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• 5 seconds, T remains same

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• The element that is used in catalytic convertors, storage and production of pure hydrogen and manufacturing of capacitors also powers a fictional reactor(shown in the picture). Which element?

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• Palladium

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• A boy is sitting in a car with a helium balloon with him. Suddenly a car accelerates in the forward direction. In which direction will the balloon move?

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• Forward

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• For escaping heat from sunshine, what colour of the umbrella is the best? Tell colours for both inside and outside.

(2 points)

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• Inside: Black

• Outside: White

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• Is the speed of sound maximum in helium gas, liquid mercury, or solid carbon?

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• Solid carbon

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• *What are the units of measurement of vacuum?

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• Pascal, N/m2 or any other unit of pressure

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• The design of this government engineering college in Kerala has made it famous as its front resembles a famous celestial object. What object?

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• Aryabhatta (satellite)

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• Antiparticle of electron is _____________.

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• Positron

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• Identify:

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• Sputnik

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• Who was the first person to measure the gravitational constant (G)?

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• Henry Cavendish

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• *Write down your exact weight in 3 significant figures.

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• Weight ϵ [300 N, 120 X 101 N]


[300 X 105 dyn, 120 X 106 dyn]


in any other unit of measurement of force, with accepted masses in the range 30kg to 120kg (assuming all participants satisfy this


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• Is dp/dt = ma universally true? If not, write for what or when it is false?

(2 points)

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• False. Particles moving close to speed of light do not have a constant mass

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• Identify the very popular scientist

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20Richard Feynman

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• *If the motion of constituents of the outer core of earth- iron, nickel were to stop, what would be the effect on the earth's magnetic field?

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• Magnetic field would diminish

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*Neutron stars result from massive stars of mass greater than 4 to 8 times that of our Sun. After these stars have finished burning their nuclear fuel, they undergo an explosion which blows off their outer layers and the central region of the star collapses under gravity so much that protons and electrons combine to form neutrons. They emit radiation from only some circular regions around their poles and hence on rotation they seem like sending pulses of light. What are rotating neutron

stars known as?

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• Pulsar

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• Gadolinium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Seaborgium Bohrium Meitnerium Roentgenium Copernicum Flerovium What is missing?

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• Curium

• <Exhaustive list of elements named after people>
