Page 1: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Physics and Art 2014

Page 2: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing


This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing dualisms found in the fields of art and science including natural and artificial spectacles that test mankind’s inner capacities to navigate the frames of mind embodied by faith and reason. The branch of leaves signifies the overarching curiosity that natural occurrences like lightning instills in the mind. Innovations and advances in the laboratory, represented by the street lamp, can truly revolutionize an era. In a fascinating fashion, further knowledge and insight into the wonders that surround us everyday makes the world seem smaller and yet still vaster at the same time. In other words, one would anticipate that the instant mankind better understands an occurrence that their world would be more readable, more tangible, and yet the nature of science is that one discovery makes way for yet another discovery. These mysteries are immeasurable and boundless and therefore incomprehensible, or perhaps slightly comprehensible but fleeting.

Claudia Ko

Page 3: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Faith vs GravityThis picture was taken from Route 21 around Newark. I found it interesting on how this cross not only defied the force of a severe storm but also Newton’s Gravitational Law.When I saw this picture I though to myself: why is the cross still there? I guess if the object was different maybe I wouldn’t have paid much attention, but it happens to be a religious object, and there might be a message behind it: “Faith can move mountains.”There is a fine line between faith and science. The force holding this cross is stronger than gravity.

Haydee Salazar

Page 4: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Walking ShadowsBy definition, a shadow is a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface. In normal life, we don’t really think about the physics of light behind our own shadows.This picture was taken from the top floor of Carparc Diem. In this picture we can see people crossing the street, and their perfect shadows reflecting against the pavement. You can see details such as the girl holding her cup of coffee, which you cannot notice on her actual image but you can see it on her shadow.

Haydee Salazar

Page 5: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Eiffel TowerI took this photograph of the Eiffel Tower while on a five-country tour of Europe when I was in high school. I got a couple pictures of the tower from a distance and some from the top of the tower, but this picture looking up from the bottom is by far my favorite. The tower was built in 1889 and was designed by engineer Gustave Eiffel to commemorate the World Fair that year. Before it was even built, the tower was deemed a failure - some mathematicians told Eiffel that the tower would collapse once it reached 748 feet tall. Eiffel ignored their comments and went on to build the tower, which stands at 1,063 feet tall and is made of puddled iron. Eiffel’s primary concern for the tower was how it would hold up to wind resistance. Eiffel designed the tower’s legs to be curved, so that the torque produced by the force of the wind around the corners of the tower could be counteracted by the tower’s own weight. In considering wind resistance as a possible downfall to his tower, Eiffel designed the tower to have minimal surface area exposed to the wind currents. There was a balance between wind pressure and the tension of the materials that allowed the structure to successfully stand.

Kate Granata

Page 6: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Inverted PyramidThe inverted pyramid is astonishing at first sight. I remember thinking to myself, “how is this even possible?” To look at the Egyptian pyramids and be astonished is one thing, but to look at a glass pyramid that is upside down almost leaves you speechless. I could wrap my head around a big glass pyramid, but I just couldn’t understand how that tiny point at the bottom could support all the weight of the glass. Prisms work because the various colors of light all travel at different speeds through the glass panes of the pyramid, the light gets bent and becomes visible in bands as opposed to bring combined and seen as white. There’s physics within every picture. Whether it’s a man made structure, like the inversed pyramid, or natural light, physics makes up some of the best art there is. There’s a tremendous amount of physics that goes into architecture, concepts like Newton’s Laws, forces and vectors are all essential to design and eventually construct a building. I think both pyramids at the Louvre are stunning pieces of art, fitting for an art museum, and truly show the beauty of science.

Kate Granata

Page 7: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Liberty CenterThis picture was taken over this past summer on a trip to Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey. I enjoy visiting this historical landmark because of Hispanic roots. Although I was born in United States, my mother is from Honduras a small Central American country. My grandmother was the human ladder for the proceeding generations, as she was the first to arrive to this country in the mid 1950’s in search for a better life and opportunities. Liberty State Park was the gateway to the millions of Italians, Irish and Jewish immigrants that came in the late 1800’s. In this park, there is a new monument called Empty Sky, which is a memorial for those that lost their lives in the tragic event of September 11th.  This image gives a slight illusion of flames coming out through the sides of the walls of the memorial, which I believe is very intriguing to the eyes and artistic. This image also gives the impression of a full circle of natural light. Sunlight can be defined as a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun, in particular, infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. I believe that a part of the artistic and scientific significance that this photograph, it also shows how history can be shown and expressed in such amazing ways that will never be forgotten.

Laura Rolon

Page 8: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Endless SkyThe location I took this picture at caught my eye instantly. The view seemed endless and as I looked up, the sky grew from a faint brown to a bright sky blue. Our eyes do not see beyond a certain maximum. Trees that are way beyond our height seem small as we look at them from far away and the land seems to be endless because we cannot see where the end may be with our own eyes. The reflection upon the ground of the weeds makes the sky seem to change colors as you look up into the sky. In my opinion, this image shows the beauty of science that many people overlook on a daily basis.

Margaret Mahon

Page 9: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Nature as the Ultimate Artist

This photo was taken on a hydrology field trip to the Great Falls of Paterson. There, we learned that just as an artist would sculpt raw materials into his piece of art, the Passaic River carved its way through the millions year old basalt as the glaciers retrieved after the last ice age, leaving behind these prominent and historic falls. Once the pioneers stumbled upon these beautiful falls, a future full of force, power and energy was settled right at this place. It was thanks to the power projected by this falls that Paterson, New Jersey became one of the major and most developed cities of the USA; especially when talking about early manufacturing mills and the silk industry for which Paterson was internationally known for. On the day of our visit, the light was shining through the mist, displaying the natural colors of the spectrum. And this way I was reminded that nature is not only the very sculptor of civilization but it also gives us the power and energy to run it.

Natalia Aristizabal

Page 10: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

ABSTRACTThe picture I am submitting is the photo clicked by me on a bright sunny day. This picture shows the reflection of the sun in such an artistic way that it seems like an UFO is entering/leaving. I also like the colour spreading around because of the rays of the sun. Environment shapes and influences our life a lot, I can say that the environment is the life support system because that is where we get air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat which are the basic necessities of life existing on this planet.Also the transparent reddish bubbles on the image make it more attractive. The science behind this picture is optic science, because of the refection of light the image is create which makes it feel like the UFO which actually doesn’t exists. Optics is a branch of physics which involves the behaviour and properties of light. The phenomenon occurring in this image is Diffraction, which refers to various phenomena which occur when a wave encounters an obstacle or a slit. This characteristic behaviour is exhibited when a wave encounters an obstacle or a slit that is comparable in size to its wavelength. Similar effects occur when a light wave travels through a medium with a varying refractive index, or when a sound wave travels through a medium with varying acoustic impedance.

Nikita panchariya

Page 11: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Niagara FallsThe motivation of selecting the Niagara falls Photograph is the reason behind the beauty of Horse shoe hills formation which is Soil erosion. The beauty of this miracle of nature attracts many tourists from all over the world, which contributes to the prosperity of the cities situated on the banks of the Falls – Niagara Falls, New York state, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario province, Canada. Natural Soil Erosion is usually as the process by which soil particles are detached and transported by the action of water, wind, or other agents. New soils can be formed through the slow weathering of the parent rock material, and from the deposition of air-borne or water-borne sediments. Under normal climate conditions, and with natural ground cover, soil erosion can often balance out with the rate of soil production. Unfortunately, these geologic processes are very slow and are often overshadowed by the activities of man.

Swetha Davuluri

Page 12: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Ice MeltingMy Motivation for this picture is, it beautifully shows the ice melting and demonstrates the evaporation that is taking place naturally. In this picture the ice on the tree is melting into water molecules due to heat from the sun.Evaporation is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance. The other type of vaporization is boiling, which is characterized by bubbles of saturated vapor forming in the liquid phase. Steam produced in a boiler is another example of evaporation occurring in a saturated vapor phase. Evaporation that occurs directly from the solid phase below the melting point, as commonly observed with ice at or below freezing is called sublimation.On average, a fraction of the molecules in a glass of water have enough heat energy to escape from the liquid. Water molecules from the air enter the water in the glass, but as long as the relative humidity of the air in contact is less than 100% (saturation), the net transfer of water molecules will be to the air. The water in the glass will be cooled by the evaporation until equilibrium is reached where the air supplies the amount of heat removed by the evaporating water. In an enclosed environment the water would evaporate until the air is saturated.

Varsha Nimbagal

Page 13: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

TranquilityTranquility, “the quality or state of being tranquil; calm” (Google). Some describe life as a rollercoaster, ups and downs throughout one’s life dictating how a person lives their life. However, in my opinion life is easier than it seems, in an emotional/psychological aspect. There are times were stress levels are high and there are times where stress levels are low. Those that live life in a ‘stress-free’ environment live in tranquility. Seizing the moment and absorbing nature’s true beauty is just one way an individual can achieve optimum tranquility. Through pictures and images one’s stress levels can decrease. The picture submitted, can single handedly assist those in need of a stress reliever. Observing nature at its finest and simplest moments truly can help those in need. Stress can overwhelm an individual and keep you at the rollercoaster’s highest peaks. However, with time and the right mentality one can achieve a life full of the “lowest points of the rollercoaster”.

Peter Romagnuolo

Page 14: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

WaterfallHow great is the energy of a waterfall? At the top of the waterfall, the water is higher in the gravitational field of the Earth and has gravitational potential energy. When it falls, the potential energy turns into kinetic energy. So energy is not created, it was there at the beginning, stored as potential energy. Gravity causes the water to flow downwards, sometimes in greater speed, depending on the height of the fall, and the amount of water flowing through.

This photo was taken at the Delaware Water Gap, one of the peaceful places I like to visit when I get a chance. As each molecule falls, it bumps into other molecules of water and sometimes of rock/mineral, until it reaches the bottom and hits, with force depending on the distance from which it fell. This force was caused by gravity pulling the molecule rapidly downward with all of the rest of the stream's molecules of water and some impurities. Impurities might be minerals eroded by the stream, perhaps even pieces of sand, wood or leaves or other vegetation, or humanity's litter that was floating or traveling along in the upper portion of the river.

All of these molecules at the bottom of the waterfall are seen, by the naked eye, as a roiling, bubbling mass of water that looks as powerful and dangerously destructive/creative as it is. 

Kathy Salowka

Page 15: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

GravityWhen taking this photo, I thought that I would not find any drops of water on a rail, particularly so many of them. Gravity would have taken all of them to the ground, but it was not the case with these drops. I shook a pair of bleachers to move these drops, but to my surprise, they stayed intact on the metal rail. Water has amazing qualities that we keep learning about. The droplets stay on the pole, intact, without falling down. The surface tension of the object keeps the drops on the pole. Adhesion is the property which makes raindrops stick to things just like that pole. A raindrop falling through the atmosphere forms as a roughly spherical structure due to the surface tension of water. This surface tension is the "skin" of a body of water that makes the molecules stick together. The cause is the weak hydrogen bonds that occur between water molecules. On smaller raindrops, the surface tension is stronger than in larger drops. The reason is the flow of air around the drop.Air flow on the bottom of the water drop is greater than the airflow at the top. At the top, small air circulation disturbances create less air pressure. Therefore, the surface tension at the top of the raindrop wins this round! In other words, the surface tension at the top allows the raindrop to remain more spherical while the bottom gets more flattened out.

Kathy Salowka

Page 16: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

SunsetThe colors of the sunset result from a phenomenon called scattering. Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter. Scattering affects the color of light coming from the sky, but the details are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. Scattering affects the color of light coming from the sky, but the details are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. The short-wavelength blue and violet are scattered by molecules in the air much more than other colors of the spectrum. This is why blue and violet light reaches our eyes from all directions on a clear day. But because we can't see violet very well, the sky appears blue.During sunrise and sunset, when the sun lies low on the horizon, the rays of sunlight must pass through almost 30% more area of atmosphere than they do during the day, and a higher number of larger atmospheric particles before they reach us. The shorter violet and blue wavelengths scatter away from our field of vision. However, the longer wavelengths of light do not scatter as much and the sky becomes filled with yellow, orange and red. Red has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum, so when the sun lies on the horizon, it appears red. During a rainstorm, the water vapor in the air acts like a prism, separating light by the various wavelengths, resulting in rainbows.

Kathy Salowka

Page 17: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Jennifer Morales

Page 18: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Jennifer Morales

Page 19: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Jennifer Morales

Page 20: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Melissa Spethmann

Page 21: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Melissa Spethmann

Page 22: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Stephanie Cedeno

Page 23: PHYSICS AND ART 2014. Illuminations This picture is inspired by the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with the intent of bringing to light the intriguing

Stephanice Van Berke