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Quasiperiodic criticality and spin-triplet superconductivity in superconductor-antiferromagnetmoiré patterns

Maryam Khosravian and J. L. LadoDepartment of Applied Physics, Aalto University, 00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland

(Received 4 November 2020; revised 21 January 2021; accepted 3 March 2021; published 19 March 2021)

Quasiperiodicity has long been known to be a potential platform to explore exotic phenomena, realizingan intricate middle point between ordered solids and disordered matter. In particular, quasiperiodic struc-tures are promising playgrounds to engineer critical wave functions, a powerful starting point to engineerexotic correlated states. Here we show that systems hosting a quasiperiodic modulation of antiferromagnetismand spin-singlet superconductivity, as realized by atomic chains in twisted van der Waals materials, host alocalization-delocalization transition as a function of the coupling strength. Associated with this transition,we demonstrate the emergence of a robust quasiperiodic critical point for arbitrary incommensurate potentials,which appears for generic relative weights of the spin-singlet superconductivity and antiferromagnetism. Weshow that inclusion of residual electronic interactions leads to an emergent spin-triplet superconducting state,which gets dramatically enhanced at the vicinity of the quasiperiodic critical point. Our results put forwardquasiperiodicity as a powerful knob to engineer robust superconducting states, providing an alternative pathwaytowards artificially designed unconventional superconductors.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013262


Unconventional superconductivity [1,2] encompasses oneof the most exotic states found in quantum materials. In par-ticular, recent interest in topological superconductors hostingMajorana states has been boosted by their potential for topo-logical quantum computing [3,4]. However, unconventionalsuperconductivity and, in particular, spin-triplet superconduc-tivity remains a highly elusive state in natural compounds[5–9], with a few exceptions such as doped Bi2Se3 [10–13],UTe2 [14], and UPt3 [15]. Whereas several compounds havebeen identified as a potential candidate for spin-triplet su-perconductivity [16–21], finding generic mechanisms for itsengineering still remains a challenge. To date, a highly suc-cessful strategy for engineering spin-triplet superconductorsconsists of focusing on materials with potential coexistingmagnetic and superconducting orders [22,23]. This procedurehas been heavily exploited for the engineering of Majoranabound states with a variety of platforms [24–31]. Most ofthese schemes have relied on engineering periodic structureswith competing orders, while its study in nonperiodic systemshas remained relatively unexplored [32,33]. In stark contrast,the study of conventional superconductivity in disordered[34–36] and quasiperiodic [37–40] systems has a long history,especially in demonstrating the potential critical advantages ofnonperiodicity for engineering robust superconducting states.

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Furtherdistribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

Quasiperiodic patterns display a never-repeating arrange-ment of elements [41,42], yet they host a long-range order.Due to the lack of conventional periodicity, standard bandstructure arguments no longer hold, and their electronic struc-ture exhibits a notably rich behavior [43], such as the presenceof confined states [44–46], fractal dimensions [47–49], pseu-dogap in the density of states [50–53], and unconventionalconduction properties [54–57]. More importantly, the incom-mensurate structure of quasicrystals has prominent effects onthe electron eigenstates. Incommensurate potentials give riseto electronic wave functions that are extended, localized, orcritical [58–61], and ultimately can host topological states ofmatter fully associated to the quasiperiodicity [62,63].

Here we demonstrate that quasiperiodic patterns arisingfrom a combination of spin-singlet superconductivity andantiferromagnetism provide a powerful platform to engi-neer spin-triplet superconductivity. In particular, we showthat this antiferromagnetic-superconductor pattern hosts alocalization-delocalization phase transition, with an asso-ciated quasiperiodic critical point with multifractal wavefunctions. We further show that upon inclusion of resid-ual interactions, a spin-triplet superconducting state emergesthat gets dramatically enhanced at the proximity of thelocalization-delocalization critical point. Our results showthat magnetic-superconducting quasiperiodic patterns, asthose found in atomic chains in twisted van der Waalsmaterials, provide a different mechanism to engineer uncon-ventional superconducting states by exploiting quasiperiodiccriticality.

Our manuscript is organized as follows. Section II in-troduces a realization of our model, and we show theemergence of a critical point in quasiperiodic superconductor-antiferromagnet patterns, separating the extended and

2643-1564/2021/3(1)/013262(10) 013262-1 Published by the American Physical Society

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FIG. 1. (a) Engineered antiferromagnetic atomic chain on topof a superconducting twisted graphene bilayer. The twisted sys-tem shows a spatially modulated superconducting state (yellow),which coexists with the spatially modulated antiferromagnetismof the chain. (b) The modulation of the superconducting �(n) =� cos (�n) and antiferromagnetic m(n) = m sin (�n) order param-eters along the chain direction, associated to the Hamiltonian ofEq. (1).

localized regime. In Sec. III, we show that interactions giverise to a spin-triplet superconducting state, and we analyzeits dependence with respect to the details of the quasiperiodicmodulation. In Sec. IV, we demonstrate the robustness ofthe interaction-induced spin-triplet superconducting state withrespect to perturbations in the quasiperiodic Hamiltonian. Fi-nally, in Sec V, we summarize our conclusions.


The system that we will study combines a spatially modu-lated antiferromagnetism and superconductivity, as shown inFigs. 1(a) and 1(b). This type of spatially modulated param-eters appears in generic twisted two-dimensional materialsthat combine superconductivity and magnetism [31]. Herewe will focus on a specific case in which the system ispurely one dimensional. This situation can be realized by tak-ing a twisted graphene multilayer in a superconducting state[64–70], whose superfluid density follows the modulation ofthe moiré pattern, and depositing an array of adatoms ontop of it [71–78] [Fig. 1(a)]. The adatoms will have a long-range antiferromagnetic order stemming from the grapheneRuderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction [79],leading to a one-dimensional antiferromagnetic state [80–82].Both electronic orders will have a modulation following themoiré pattern, effectively realizing a one-dimensional modelwith modulated antiferromagnetism and superconductivity[83–86].

We describe this system combining a modulated super-conducting and antiferromagnetic exchange by the following

effective Hamiltonian [87–90]:

H = t∑n,s

c†n,scn+1,s + H.c.

+ m∑n,s,s′

σ s,s′z (−1)n sin(�n)c†





n,↓ + H.c., (1)

where c†i,s (ci,s) denotes the fermionic creation (annihilation)

operator for site n and spin s, and σz is the spin Pauli ma-trix. The first term denotes the kinetic energy of the system,the second term denotes the spatially modulated antiferro-magnetism, and the third term corresponds to the modulatedsuperconductivity. The parameters � and m are responsiblefor the strength of the modulation corresponding to the anti-ferromagnetism and superconductivity, respectively, and � isthe wavelength of the modulation. The model of Eq. (1) as-sumes that the proximity-induced superconducting state willbe stronger when the magnetism is weaker [Fig. 1(b)], as oftenhappens for spin-singlet superconductivity. In the following,the s-wave superconducting order will be taken as a parameterof the model as stemming from proximity. When interactionsare included, a different superconducting order can appear ontop of the proximitized one. This additional superconductingorder arising when interactions are included will be calledinteraction-induced superconducting order. For convenience,we will parametrize the superconducting and antiferromag-netic strength as m = λ sin α and � = λ cos α, so that the netstrength of the quasiperiodic modulation can be defined by theparameter λ = √

m2 + �2.For irrational values of �/(2π ), the model of Eq. (1) lacks

translational symmetry and thus does not accept a descrip-tion in terms of Bloch states. As a result, the eigenstates ofthis Hamiltonian are not guaranteed to be extended states,as the Hamiltonian is inherently nonperiodic. Whereas ran-dom disorder creates localization at arbitrarily small couplingconstants in one dimension [91], quasiperiodic patterns areknown to give rise to a localization transition at finite cou-pling constant [59,92]. In particular, it is worth noting that for� = 0, our model is mathematically equivalent to the Aubry-Andre-Harper (AAH) model [59]. Therefore, in the limit of� = 0, the previous model will have a localization transitionat m = 2t , so that for m < 2t , all the states will be extended,and for m > 2t , all the states will be localized. As we showbelow, the generalized model of Eq. (1) with � �= 0 sharesmany of the characteristics of the AAH model, in particular acritical transition at the finite coupling constant.

We now address the localization-delocalization transitionin the previous model. To determine the extended and local-ized nature of the states, we compute the inverse participationratio (IPR) of each eigenstate �n as

Pn =∑


|�n(i)|4, (2)

where i runs over all the components of each eigenstate. Forlocalized states whose wave function spans a certain numberof sites L, for a system of size N , the value of the IPR is afinite nonzero number. In stark contrast, for extended states,


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FIG. 2. (a)–(c) IPR for every state as a function of the modulationstrength, with (a) α = π/3, (b) α = π/4, and (c) α = π/6. It isobserved that the the localization transition takes place for λ = 2t inall instances. (d) IPR averaged over all the states as a function of mand �, showing a phase boundary following �2 + m2 = 4t2. (e)–(g)The spatial distribution of the wave function in the (e) extended, (f)critical, and (g) localized regimes.

the value of the IPR scales as 1/N becomes zero in the ther-modynamic limit.

Let us now explore the model of Eq. (1) and, in particu-lar, analyze how the localization of the states evolves as weincrease the strength of the quasiperiodic modulation λ. Weshow in Fig. 2(a) the evolution of the IPR for the differenteigenstates, as a function of the modulation strength λ for α =π/3, which corresponds to taking �/m ≈ 0.57. In particular,as shown in Figs. 2(a)–2(c), all the states remain extendeduntil λ = 2t is reached, at which point all become localized.Note that the single in-gap modes that remain localized all thetime correspond to topological edge states [62,63]. This canbe systematically studied by looking at the average IPR of thestates as a function of � and m. This is shown in Fig. 2(d),where it can be seen that a boundary with the functional form

�2 + m2 = λ2 = 4t2 separates the localized region from theextended region. The transition’s independence with respectto α can be rationalized from a low-energy model. In partic-ular, for a tight-binding chain with antiferromagnetism andsuperconductivity, the low-energy model consists of a four-component Dirac equation [87–90,93]. The antiferromagneticm and superconducting � order parameters enter this low-energy model as two inequivalent masses m(x) and �(x) inthe Dirac equation. Thus, from the low-energy perspective, thequasiperiodic model can be understood as a Dirac equationin which two mass terms m(x) and �(x) are modulated inspace. In particular, performing a local spinor rotation of theDirac model, we reach an effective model with a single Diracequation with a mass term χ (x) =

√m(x)2 + �(x)2. This

spinor rotation does not change the localized or delocalizednature of the eigenstates. By definition of m(x) ∼ λ cos α andm(x) ∼ λ sin α, χ (x) is independent of α, and therefore thelocalization-delocalization nature becomes independent of α.

At the previous phase boundary separating the extendedfrom localized states, wave functions with critical behavioremerge. The different nature of the extended, localized, andcritical states can be easily observed by plotting individualwave functions. In particular, we show in Figs. 2(e)–2(g) thewave function closest to charge neutrality for an extended[Fig. 2(e)], critical [Fig. 2(f)], and localized [Fig. 2(g)] regime.Whereas the extended wave functions span over the wholesystem [Fig. 2(e)], localized wave functions are strongly local-ized in a few lattice sites [Fig. 2(g)]. The critical wave functionof Fig. 2(f) is characterized by multifractal revivals [94–100].This will become especially important in the next section,as the multifractal behavior of the states will substantiallyincrease the impact of interactions in the system.


Let us now move on to consider the impact of interac-tions in the previous quasiperiodic system. In particular, wewill show that the inclusion of interactions will lead to spin-triplet superconductivity, where the criticality driven by thequasiperiodic pattern can be used as a knob to enhance thesuperconducting order parameter close to the critical point.Local interactions of the form Hint ∼ ∑

n c†n,↑cn,↑c†

n,↓cn,↓ arealready accounted for in the staggered antiferromagnet andsuperconducting terms of the Hamiltonian. Therefore, we willnow consider the effect of residual nonlocal interactions, inparticular nearest-neighbor density-density interactions. Forthat reason, we will now include an interaction term in ourHamiltonian of the form

HV = −V∑






), (3)

where V controls the strength of the nearest-neighbor at-tractive interaction. In the following, we will solve theprevious Hamiltonian by a mean-field decoupling. Beforemoving forward with our results, it is first worthwhile tonote that quantum many-body methods such as bosonizationand density-matrix renormalization group [101] (DMRG) areused to obtain accurate results in interacting one-dimensional


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systems [102,103]. These methods fully capture quantumfluctuations, which are missing in mean-field approaches.Mean-field theory methods are used to approximately studyinteracting quasiperiodic models in one dimension, provid-ing qualitatively correct results that can later be refined withmore advanced quantum many-body methods. In particular,mean-field methods in one dimension have been benchmarkedwith density-matrix renormalization group calculations forAubry-Andre-Harper models [104,105], finding a good quali-tative agreement between the mean-field and DMRG methods[104,105]. Following those results, it is expected that re-sults obtained with mean-field theory provide a qualitativelycorrect picture. Specifically, a particular difference betweenthe mean-field and full many-body approaches is that mean-field solutions would predict long-range order, whereas exactsolutions would rather show quasi-long-range order, with apower-law decay of correlations in the order parameter [106].

Keeping the previous points in mind, we now move onto solve the previous interacting term given by Eq. (3)using a mean-field approximation HMF

V , including all the nor-mal HMF,h

V and anomalous HMF,sV ,HMF,t

V contributions. Theprevious mean-field decoupling will give rise to hoppingrenormalization HMF,h

V , singlet superconductivity renormal-ization HMF,s

V , and, most importantly, potential spin-tripletsuperconducting order HMF,t

V . We will focus on this last term,whose contribution to the mean-field Hamiltonian is of theform

HMF,tV =


�ss′n,n+1cn,scn+1,s′ + H.c., (4)

where, by definition of the fermionic anticommutation rela-tions, �s,s′

n,n+1 = −�s′,sn+1,n. It is worthwhile to note that the

interaction term that we consider can lead to both spin-singletand spin-triplet components. In our calculations, we haveverified that the spin-singlet component is zero in the casesunder study. This can be intuitively understood from the factthat the existence of local antiferromagnetism is expectedto quench spin-singlet instabilities [34,107–109]. Therefore,whereas spin-singlet instabilities may appear from Eq. (3), thespin-triplet component is the leading instability of the modelunder study. In the following, we will focus on the spin-tripletcomponent of the superconducting order that fulfills �s,s′

n,n+1 =−�s,s′

n+1,n. As the spin-triplet component of the interaction-induced superconducting state has several degrees of freedom,it is convenient to define a spatially dependent d vector, dn,n+1,that parameterizes the spin-triplet superconducting order as

�ss′n,n+1 =


↑↑n,n+1 �


�↓↑n,n+1 �


)= iσy( dn,n+1 · σ ), (5)

where σ are the spin-Pauli matrices.As a first step, it is interesting to look at the real-space

distribution of the unconventional superconducting state. Inparticular, we show in Fig. 3 the real-space distribution of thespin-triplet state defined as

(n) =∑


| dn,n+ j |2 = | dn,n−1|2 + | dn,n+1|2. (6)

FIG. 3. (a) Self-consistent interaction-induced spin-triplet super-conducting order as a function of the position, and (b) spatial profilesof the spin-singlet superconductivity �(n) = � cos (�n) and antifer-romagnetism m(n) = m sin (�n). It is observed that the spin-tripletcomponent is maximal in the regions where the spin-singlet super-conductivity and antiferromagnetism coexist.

We note that in the case of first-neighbor interactions,the previous sum includes only j = −1 and j = +1, yetin the presence of longer-range interactions, other terms couldbe included. We observe that the spin-triplet density followsthe quasiperiodic pattern, and that it becomes zero in regionsonly having antiferromagnetism or s-wave superconductivity[Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)]. In particular, the value of the spin-triplet superconducting order becomes maximal every timethe s-wave superconductivity and antiferromagnetism coexistmaximally in absolute value, irrespective of their signs. Inter-estingly, we find that such spin-triplet component is maximalright in the region where the s-wave superconductivity andantiferromagnetism coexist in the same footing [Figs. 3(a)and 3(b)], highlighting the key interplay of magnetism andsuperconductivity for driving as a spin-triplet superconduct-ing state. Moreover, it is interesting to examine the specifictype of spin-triplet state that the interactions promote. Inparticular, we find that the dn,n+1 is always locked to thesame direction of the antiferromagnetism, which in termsof the superconducting order parameters is associated to aninteraction-induced spin-triplet �

↑↓n,n+1 order parameter for

antiferromagnetism in the z axis.We now move on to examine the impact of the quasiperi-

odic criticality on the induced spin-triplet state. As anticipatedabove, the critical behavior of the wave functions is knownto provide an effective mechanism for enhancing electronicinstabilities [110–115]. To verify this, we now compute theself-consistent spin-triplet order parameter of Eq. (6) averagedover all the sites, 〈〉 = 1


∑n (n), as a function of the


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FIG. 4. Self-consistent interaction-induced spin-triplet super-conductivity (a) as a function of the superconductor-antiferromagnet(SC-AF) modulation strength for V = 0.2t , α = π/4, (b) as a func-tion of the interaction strength V for α = π/4, �/(2π ) = 1/


(c) as a function of the SC-AF angle α for �/(2π ) = 1/√

2, V =0.2t , and (d) as a function of the quasiperiodic modulation frequency� for V = 0.2t , α = π/4. An enhancement of the interaction-induced spin-triplet superconducting state is observed, stemmingfrom the interplay of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity.

modulation strength λ, as shown in Fig. 4(a). It is ob-served that as the modulation strength increases, the inducedspin-triplet parameter grows, becoming maximal around thecritical point and decreasing as the system goes deeper into thelocalized regime. The enhancement associated to the criticalpoint can also be verified by computing the induced spin-triplet order parameter as a function of the interaction strengthV , as shown in Fig. 4(b). It is seen that for all couplingconstants, the spin-triplet state is stronger close to the criticalpoint λ = 2t than deep into the extended (λ = t) or localized(λ = 5t) regime. The fact that the maximum does not exactlyappear at the critical point, but towards the localized region,can be rationalized as follows. In the localized limit, a siz-able superconducting stability of isolated electronic states canhappen at small coupling. In this localized regime, the ab-sence of kinetic energy for the localized modes yields a largeexpectation value of the superconducting order that explainsthe existence of a sizable spin-triplet superconductor (SC)in the localized regime, and a maximum that is not exactly atthe critical point. However, in this localized regime, the differ-ent states that become ordered are spatially separated, whichwould prevent the existence of phase coherence between them[106,116]. While those fluctuations of the phase coherence arenot captured at the mean-field level, a calculation that includesquantum fluctuations would show that the phase coherencein this localized regime is very small [106,116]. In contrast,for λ < 2t , the extended nature of the states would give a

superconducting state with a large phase coherence and su-perconducting stiffness.

We now move on to examine the impact of the twoquasiperiodic modulations as parameterized by α. As weshowed above, the extended-localized transition takes placefor λ = 2t , and independently of the value of α. This meansthat a critical point appears independently of the relativestrengths between � and m, and it only depends on λ =√

�2 + m2. In stark contrast, the emergence of a spin-tripletcomponent due to interactions turns out to be highly depen-dent on α, as shown in Fig. 4(c). In particular, we observethat when the system is purely antiferromagnetic or purely su-perconducting (α = 0, π/2), the spin-triplet component thatis generated is exactly zero. In comparison, the spin-tripletstate is maximal for α = π/4, which corresponds to havingan equal weight on the singlet superconducting and antiferro-magnetic order parameters. This observation emphasizes theimportance of the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and su-perconductivity for the emergence of the interaction-inducedspin-triplet state.

Finally, we consider the impact of the spatial modulationfrequency � in the interaction-induced spin-triplet state. Asshown in Fig. 4(d), we observe that the enhancement at thecritical point happens for generic values of the modulationfrequency. In the limit of small �, the system is essentiallyformed by patches of superconductor and antiferromagnet[87–90], having a typical length of the order of ł ∼ 1/�,and thus the interaction between the superconducting andantiferromagnetic state happens in a limited part of the sys-tem. In comparison, for � ≈ π/2, there is a quick oscillationbetween the two orders, promoting a dense coexistence ofantiferromagnetism and spin-singlet superconductivity in thesystem. We observe that the interaction-induced spin-tripletcomponent is especially strong in this regime [Fig. 4(d)],reflecting the key interplay between spin-singlet superconduc-tivity and antiferromagnetism for driving the unconventionalsuperconducting state.


In this section, we address the robustness of our phe-nomenology with respect to perturbations. In particular, wewill focus on the impact of next-to-nearest-neighbor hoppingand Anderson disorder. The next-to-nearest-neighbor hoppingbreaks the bipartite nature of the lattice, whereas the An-derson disorder would drive the system to a localized statefor all λ. In particular, we obtain that the critically enhancedspin-triplet superconducting state also happens with those ad-ditional perturbations, as elaborated below. Second-neighborperturbations are expected to appear in a realization of theprevious model and break the original bipartite nature of thesystem. The previous term is included in our Hamiltonian bymeans of a perturbation of the form

HNNN = t ′ ∑n,s

c†n,scn+2,s + H.c. (7)

The results with this additional perturbation are shown inFig. 5(a), where we took t ′ = 0.2t . It is observed that theenhancement of the interaction-induced spin-triplet state hap-pens in the presence of this additional perturbation. It is


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FIG. 5. Spin-triplet superconducting state in the presence of(a) second-neighbor hopping for α = π/4, V = 0.2t and (b) randomdisorder for α = π/4, V = 0.2t . It is observed that the enhancementclose to the critical point survives perturbations to the quasiperiodicHamiltonian of Eq. (1).

worthwhile to note that in the presence of second-neighborhoppings, the localization-delocalization transition becomesstate dependent and will no longer happen at λ = 2t . Nev-ertheless, it is observed that the qualitative behavior remainsanalogous to the idealized case with t ′ = 0. This is especiallyimportant for potential realizations of our model in twistedtwo-dimensional materials and cold-atom setups, as generi-cally these systems present small additional contributions tothe Hamiltonian such as a second-neighbor hopping.

Next, we consider the impact of random disorder in thesystem, included as an on-site Anderson perturbation,

Hdis =∑n,s

εnc†n,scn,s, (8)

where εn is a random number between [−0.1, 0.1]t . First,it is interesting to note that the inclusion of an arbitrarilysmall amount of disorder would drive the extended states toa localized regime. As a result, in the presence of disorder,the localization-delocalization transition as a function of λ iscompletely destroyed, as the state becomes localized for allλ. The disorder strength λ will define a minimal localiza-tion length for the system. As λ is ramped up, the systemwill go from a localized regime dominated by the disorder

to a regime in which the localization is dominated by thequasiperiodic potential. Although the critical point is washedout, the enhancement of the superconducting state will stillbe visible at this quasiperiodic-disorder localization crossover.This is shown in Fig. 5(b), where it is seen that the spin-tripletenhancement close to the former critical point is still visible.This phenomenology shows that even in experimental setupsthat host small imperfections, the enhancement of an uncon-ventional spin-triplet superconducting state can be observed.

Finally, we comment on the prospects of extending theprevious phenomenology to two-dimensional systems. Inour manuscript, we focused on showing the existence of alocalization-delocalization transition for a quasiperiodic one-dimensional model. Right at the transition, the existence ofa critical point leads to an enhancement of an interaction-induced instability that, due to the nature of our system,was a spin-triplet superconducting instability. Interestingly,a quasiperiodic system in higher dimensions also showslocalization-delocalization transitions, and associated criti-cal points to them [117]. Enhanced symmetry-broken ordersinduced by interactions have been found in those quasiperi-odic two-dimensional models [38,118–122], both in the casesof spin-singlet superconductivity [38,118–120] and magneticorder [122]. The previous phenomenology in two dimen-sions was also demonstrated for one-dimensional models,highlighting that symmetry breaking enhanced by quasiperi-odicity happens both in one-dimensional and two-dimensionalquasiperiodic models. Ultimately, the previous results suggestthat the extension of our model to two dimensions could leadto two-dimensional spin-triplet superconductivity.


To summarize, we have demonstrated thatantiferromagnet-superconductor moiré patterns show acritical point associated with a localization-delocalizationtransition. We showed that the quasiperiodic criticalityhappens for arbitrary ratios between the superconductingand antiferromagnetic order parameters, and that thecritical point is universally located in a curve definedby the two order parameters. Upon inclusion of residualelectronic interactions, we demonstrated the emergenceof an unconventional spin-triplet state, whose d vectoris locked along the antiferromagnetic spin direction.We showed that the emergence of this unconventionalsuperconducting state is finely related to the interplaybetween antiferromagnetism and superconductivity, havinga spatially inhomogeneous superconducting order thatis maximal when the two parent orders coexist. Finally,we showed that this phenomenology happens for genericquasiperiodic modulation frequencies and survives thepresence of perturbations to the Hamiltonian. Ultimately, thephenomenology that is presented can be realized in twistedgraphene superlattices with atomically engineered impurities,and generically on moiré patterns between two-dimensionalantiferromagnets and superconductors. Our results putforward antiferromagnetic-superconducting quasiperiodicityas a powerful knob to engineer robust superconductingstates, providing a route towards the design of artificialunconventional superconductors.


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We acknowledge the computational resources providedby the Aalto Science-IT project. We thank P. Liljeroth,

O. Zilberberg, A. Strkalj, M. Sigrist, and A. Ramires for usefuldiscussions. J.L.L. is grateful for financial support from theAcademy of Finland Projects No. 331342 and No. 336243.

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