Page 1: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR LIFE. Benefits of Physical Activity  Makes your body stronger  Increases your energy  Improves your posture  Reduce chronic


Page 2: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR LIFE. Benefits of Physical Activity  Makes your body stronger  Increases your energy  Improves your posture  Reduce chronic

Benefits of Physical Activity

Makes your body stronger Increases your energy Improves your posture Reduce chronic fatigue Improves motor responses Helps reduce the risk of many serious


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Benefits of Physical Activity

Cardiovascular System Strengthens the heart muscle Allows the heart to pump more efficiently

Respiratory System You can breathe larger amounts of air Muscles used to breathe don’t get tired as

easily Nervous System

Improves reaction time

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Benefits of Physical Activity

Mental/Emotional Health Helps reduce stress Allows you to manage anger or frustration

in a healthy way Increases self-confidence by helping you

look and feel better Gives you a sense of pride and

accomplishment Reduces mental fatigue by bringing more

oxygen to the brain

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Benefits of Physical Activity

Social Health Helps you cope better in social situations,

such as meeting new people Giving you the opportunity to interact and

cooperate with others Helps you manage stress, which enhances

your relationships with others

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How Active are You?

Some teens do not make physical activity as part of their lives.

Only 6 states require PE in all grades K-12

10 states have established mandated minutes/week for high school physical education NJ is one of them

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Dangers of being Sedentary

Sedentary lifestyle Way of life that involves little physical

activity What can happen?

Unhealthful weight gain Increased risk of Heart disease Increased risk of Cancer Increased risk of Diabetes

Increased risk of Osteoporosis Condition characterized by a decrease in bone


Page 8: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR LIFE. Benefits of Physical Activity  Makes your body stronger  Increases your energy  Improves your posture  Reduce chronic

Dangers of being Sedentary

What can happen? A reduced ability to manage stress Decreased opportunities to meet and form

friendships with active people who value and live a healthy lifestyle

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10 Fattest and Fittest States

10 Fattest 10. (tied) Kentucky 10. (tied) Texas 8. (tied) South

Carolina 8. (tied) Indiana 7. Arkansas 6. Oklahoma

5. Michigan 4. Alabama 3. West Virginia 2. Louisiana 1. Mississippi

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10 Fattest and Fittest States

10 Fittest 10. California 9. (tied)

Washington DC 9. (tied) Idaho 8. New Hampshire 7. Hawaii 6. Minnesota

5. Washington 4. Colorado 2. (tied) Utah 2. (tied) Vermont 1. Oregon

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Elements of Fitness

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Ability of the heart, lungs, and blood

vessels to utilize and send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of moderate-to-vigorous exercise

Test: Step Test

85-95 bpm: Excellent 95-105 bpm: Good 106-125 bpm: Fair 126 bpm or more: Needs Improvement

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Elements of Fitness

Muscular Strength The amount of force a muscle can exert Test:

Curl-ups: 24 or more (male) 18 or more (female)

Muscular Endurance Test:

Arm Hang: 12-20 sec (male) 7-14 sec (female)

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Elements of Fitness

Flexibility The ability to move a body part through a

full range of motion Test:

Sit-and-Reach: 8” or more (male) 12” or more (female)

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Elements of Fitness

Body composition The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle,

bone, water, and connective tissue such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons

Tests: Skin calipers Water displacement test Impedance Scale

Males: 25% or more: danger of CV problems 15%-24%: Average 14%-10%: Good Under 10%: Excellent

Females: 30% or more: danger of CV problems 25%-29%: Average 20%-24%: Good 15%-19%: Excellent Under 15%: risk of amenorrhea

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Finding Your Target Heart Rate Your target heart rate is your ideal range for your

heart rate during aerobic activity First, find your resting heart rate Next, find your Maximum Heart Rate:

220-(your age) Next, subtract your resting heart rate from your max

hr. Find 60% of the previous number:

(Max. HR – resting HR) x .60 Then, find 80% of the number from step 2:

(Max. HR – resting HR) x .80 Then add your resting heart rate to the numbers in

the previous steps Your should stay in between your target heart rate for

ideal results

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Improving Your Fitness

Aerobic Exercise: Any activity that uses large muscle groups Rhythmic in nature Maintained 10 min/3xday or for 20-30 min.

at one time Examples:

Running, Walking, Swimming, Biking longer distances


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Improving Your Fitness

Anaerobic Exercise Intense short bursts of activity in which

muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen

Examples: Weight-lifting Sprinting

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Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance

Anaerobic exercises Resistance training

Isometric exercise: An activity that uses muscle tension to improve

muscular strength with little or no movement of the body part

Examples: Wall sit Holding a plank position

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Resistance exercises

Isotonic Exercise An activity that combines muscle

contraction and repeated movement Examples

Push-ups Free weights Pull-ups Sit-ups

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Resistance Exercises

Isokinetic exercise An activity in which a resistance is moved

through an entire range of motion at a controlled speed

Examples: Using a stationary bike or treadmill

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Physical Activity Pyramid

This pyramid provides suggestions about how to divide your time when doing various types of physical activity

Moderate-Intensity Physical Activities: 30 min/day walking, Climbing stairs, gardening

Aerobic Activities: 3-5 days week, 20-60 min/sessionCycling, running, dancing

Anaerobic Activities: 2-3 days/wk, lifting, push-ups, sit-ups Flexibility Activities:

2 or more days/wk, stretches, yoga

Sedentary Activities:INFREQUENTLY!, watching tv, video games

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Basics of a Physical Activity Program

All effective fitness programs are based on 3 principles: Overload

Working the body harder than it is normally worked

Progression Gradual increase in overload necessary to

achieve higher levels of fitness Specificity

Particular exercises and activities improve particular areas of health-related fitness

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Stages of a Physical Activity Program

The warm-up Allows your pulse rate to increase gradually

The workout Follow the FITT formula

Frequency How often you do the activity each week

Intensity How hard you work at the activity per session

Time/duration How much time you devote to a session

Type Which activities you select

The Cool-down Prepares the muscles to return to a resting state

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Training and Safety for Physical Activities

Things to keep in mind when starting: Have a training program for the activity that you

choose Eat nutritiously

Food provides the energy necessary for peak performance Keep hydrated

Keeps you more alert and focused Less likely to cramp Endurance is greater

Get adequate rest Getting too little sleep can disrupt the nervous system

Slows reaction time Have lack of concentration, get forgetful

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Weather related risks

Hot weather related risks Heat cramps Heat exhaustion

An overheating of the body Symptoms:

Cold, clammy skin Rapid breathing Rapid pulse and other symptoms of shock

Heat stroke (hyperthermia) Body loses the ability to cool itself down Symptoms:

Hot, very dry skin Difficulty breathing Sudden collapse


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Weather Related Risks

Cold-Weather Health Risks Frostbite

Body tissues are frozen Avoid it by wearing layers, covering all exposed skin

especially the most common areas of frostbite: Ears Face Feet Fingers

Hypothermia Can occur in cold weather, but also wind and rain, or

submersion in cold water Body loses its ability to warm itself

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Protecting yourself from the sun

Try to avoid overexposure to the sun between the hours of 10-4 where it’s at its strongest

Protect skin and eyes with a hat, light colored clothing, and sunglasses

USE SUNSCREEN of SPF of 15 or more. Reapply every 2 hours even on hazy days

Avoid going tanning

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Sprain – injury to the ligaments of the body Ligament – connects bone to bone

Strain – injury to the tendons and muscles of the body Tendon – connects muscle to bone

Treating injuries RICE

Rest – stay away from activity until pain subsides Ice – Ice 20 min. every 3 hours for the first 72 hours Compression – wrap the injury with an elastic

bandage to keep swelling down Elevation – elevate the injured body part above the

heart to keep swelling down

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Journal Entry

Last month a new piece of legislation has been introduced into Congress that targets the use of Anabolic Steroids.

The bill targets bodybuilding products, often marketed as dietary supplements, that can be found in stores and on the Internet claiming to be all-natural muscle-builders when they actually contain chemically altered versions of anabolic steroids.

What is your opinion on steroid use? Many professional athletes have been caught

using performance enhancing drugs. What do you think would happen if steroid use were legalized?

Write 2 Paragraphs on this topic.
