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Page 1: Phrasal Verbs


To break down (stop working) quebrar

To break down (get upset) sofrer um colapso

To break in arrombar

To break in interromper

To break up (end a relationship) romper

To break out (escape) escapar

To come to a standstill chegar a um impasse

To come into use ser utilizado

To come into power chegar ao poder

To come into sight aparecer, despontar

To come off (succed) ocorrer

To come up (be raised) surgir, aparecer

To come out (be removed) sair

To put up (raise) aumentar (not “to increase”)

To put off (postpone) adiar

To put away (tidy) jogar fora, deixar de lado

To put one’s mind to concentra-se em

To put up with tolerar

Top put down (belittle someone) depreciar

To put in (submit) postular, candidatar-se

To put on (perform) dar

To put on (fool) tirar sarro

To put out (extinguish) apagar (not “switch off”)

To put across expressar - UK

To put your foot down ser firme

To look down his / her nose at menosprezar

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To look up to admirar

To look out (be careful) ter cuidado

To look after (take care of) cuidar

To look up (start to improve) melhorar

To look on the bright side of olhar pelo lado positivo

To look into investigar

To look forward to (expect with..) estar ansioso

To look for procurar

To look over / through (examine) dar uma olhada

To run into (meet unexpectedly) deparar com

To run over atropelar, passar por cima

To turn up (appear suddenly) aparecer

To turn down (refuse) recusar

To work out (exercise) praticar esporte

To work out (be successful) f uncionar

To work out (make a calculation) calcular

To bring down (destroy) destruir (not “to destroy”)

To bring down (lower) baixar

To bring out (introduce) lançar

To bring up (raise) criar, crescer (em convívio com)

To bring back restabelecer

To bring about (cause) causa

To bring on (cause to start) provocar

To bring round (persuade) persuadir

To bring off conseguir – only UK

To pass away (to die) morrer (not “to die”)

To pass out (faint) desmaiar

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To take in (receive) assimilar

To take in (deceive) abandonar

To take part in participar de

To take pride in estar orgulhoso de

To take back retratar-se

To take off (start to improve) melhorar

To take up (start an hobby) começar a fazer

To take after (resemble) parecer com

To take on (employ) contratar)

To set up montar, fundar

To set foot in colocar os pés em

To set a fire to colocar fogo em

To fall down (fall to the ground) cair

To fall out (fall from insidesomething) cair

To fall apart (break into pieces) destruir

To hang on esperar

To hang out (spend time relaxing) passar o tempo

To hang up (end a phone call) desligar

To hand out (to distribute) distribuir

To hand in submit) entregar, submeter

To pick up pegar

To pick out (to choose) escolher

To think back recorder

To think over (consider) pensar

To let down decepcionar

To let up (to become less strong) diminuir

To try on (sample clothing) experimentar, provar roupa

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To try out (test) provar, testar

To crack up (start laughing) rir

To cut off cortar

To catch up (get up-to-date) recuperar

To dress up vestir-se bem

To figure out entender

To find out descobrir

To give up desistir

To keep on continuar

To sort out resolver

To stick to seguir

To warm up aquecer

To ask out convidar

To go on (pass) passar

To back up apoiar (ela apoiou seu marido...)

To point out (indicate with your finger) indicar (com o dedo)

To show off (behave arrogantly) mostrar-se (She’s showing off to impress her husband)

To see about (deal with) tartar de

To call off (cancel) cancelar (not “to cancel”)

To cheer up (become happier) alegrar-se


To bring to light revelar

To bring out the best of / in revelar o que há de melhor em mim

To bring into the open revelar

To bring into force entrar em vigor, tornar (se) efetivo

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To come to an agreement concordar

To come to a conclusion concluir

To come to a decision tomar uma decisão

To come to a standstill chegar a um impasse

To come into sight aparecer, despontar

To come into power chegar ao poder

To come into use ser utilizado

To come to blows entrar em conflito

To come into operation entrar em vigor

To come into fashion entrar na moda