Download pptx - Photos (comparing)


My original image (left) had been cropped all around so that nothing was left except my model alone. Then I decreased the brightness and I also decreased the contrast. I used this image (right) to put on my Hip Hop magazine cover.

The image of my model on the left was taken and edited on Photoshop. The model within the image was cropped and made taller through the use of decreasing the width of the the image. This image is used in my contents page and was made larger through the use of manipulation of the size of the image. The way I manipulated the size of this image on Photoshop is that I right clicked on the image and held the ‘command’ button and hit the ‘T’ key, then it gave give me the option of increasing or decreasing the size of the image.

The image on the left was taken by a camera and the image was cropped and made slightly wider. This is what was done to the image in order so that it may fit in with the double page spread in which I used it in.

The image on the left has my model on it. This image was cropped using Photoshop to the point where the medium shot now looks like a close up shot. The image was placed on a polaroid and made one with the polaroid.

The image on the right has two models, however, this image was cropped using Photoshop to the point where only one of the model’s face is visible. The image was then put on a polaroid and was made one with the polaroid. It was then placed on my magazine cover and used as a secondary image.

Photoshop was used to edit the image on the left, it was put on a polaroid and was made one with the polaroid. The image on the left is on my Hip Hop magazine cover. It was tilted through the use of manipulation of image on Photoshop.
