

-By Nora A. Moskowitz

Type of Work, Duties and Responsibilities

Taking photographs of current news

Collecting data from various news sources

Usually specializing in a specific topic


• Previous experience with a newspaper / broadcasting station

• Bachelor’s degree in journalism or mass communications

• Sometimes, a college degree in photography

Salary and Promotional Opportunities

• Ability to move to better news source

• Average salary of $24,040

• Salary raises as news source improves

I Chose This Career Because…

I get to do all the things that I enjoy most. Such as:Writing



Experiencing exciting events

Typing and editing work

Being involved with the media

Job Outlook: What Does the Future Hold?

Competition for this job

is high

Growth of this job may be constrained because of:

The falling price of digital equipment

Increased number of information on the internet

Digital magazines, newspapers and Journals