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Page 1: Photo evaluation

Photo evaluation

By Vickram Singh

Page 2: Photo evaluation

This picture has been taken for the model to look like a school girl ans to show her geeky side. The aim for this image was to get a bright lighting effect on the model which would then represent the brighter side of her life (in the story). This image could be used on a magazine front cover as the model is looking towards the camera and conforms to the other front cover magazine conventions.

The mise en scene of this image are the book and the glasses which I think links to the school girl bit and goes along with the aspect that she is going to be represente as a school girl. The hair and make up has been done simply to show that the is a simple school girl where as if it was her evil side there would have been more effort in to the hair and make in order for her to look evil and like the side that she has when killing her enemys.

The positioning of the model has been done on purpose because it is going to be used on a front cover whereas if it was not going o be used on a front cover she would have been looking somewhere else and that could have been used for the poster of this magazine.

On this image I am going to crop out the background and make it all white and make it look like a magazine front cover by adding texts and possibly adding some effects on the image depending on how it looks overall.

Page 3: Photo evaluation

This image could be used on a poster as it shows the evil side of the story and shows how her supernaturla powers are being made or that type of the story. This could be good for the poster as it shows more mise en scene than the image that is going to be used on the front cover.

The mise en scene that has been used in this image is the big book and the candles which show the process of making her powers. The lighting of this picture has been darkened on purpose which represent the darker side of the character in contrast with the other image which would be used for the front cover.

I could crop out the extra bits in the background and make the background black which would then make it look as if it is really as supernatural/horror film poster. I will also add credits on the bottom of the page with the name of the movie at the bottom.

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This image could also be used as a front cover as the lghting effects of this image shows two sides of the character with one being evil and one of them could represent the school girl. With this image I would have to crop the background and make the image smaller as at the moment the image would take a lot of space which would leave no space for the sell lines etc.

This image is a close up shot which also could show the emotions of the character. The mise en scene that has been used in this image represents the evil side as she doesn’t look smart i.e. the buttons open. The hair and make up has also been done to make the character look evil whereas in the first image the make up has been done simple inorder for the audience to tell the difference between the two sides.

The facial expressions of the character look as if she is innocent which could go along with genre as she could show her innocent side to the rest of us but to her enemies she can show he evil side.

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This image could also be used for wither the poster or the magazine front cover but the only criticisms about this image is that the model has come out blurry and the hand has come out clear. The hand of the model could represent the plot as she may want to make the audience understand how she wants her enemies to stop bullying her.

The image that has been taken is a mid shot as it is used to shown the mise en scene of the model. The model is wearing the same clothes as she is wearing in the previous photos to show her evil side.

If I was to use this image then I would crop out the background and make it all white which would contrast with the image whereas if I used the colour black it would go along with the image and I don’t want that, I want the audience to see the image standing out so that the first thing the audience could see is the image.
