Page 1: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

Valley Isle FellowshipLove God, Love His Church, Love His World1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235

IN THIS ISSUE: 1,2 Revival Can Lead to An Awakening 3 The Right Components of Discipleship (2 of 3) 2,4,5,6 Announcements 7 Missional Opportunities 8 From The Pastor Desk 9 VIF Calendar 10 Sermon Notes

NEWSLETTERSeptember 9, 2018

Revival Can Lead to an AwakeningPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Jesus to love and serve Him. O yes, we will respond and love and serve Him when it is convenient, but we have to fit Jesus in during the times in our lives when we are not committed to other things. You see, the first ingredient for us to begin to move into a genuine Revival is “Repentance,” that is confessing and turning away from our sins. Without repentance, there will be no Revival and therefore, no Awakening.2 Chronicles 7:14 (NLT) Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

This passage of scripture is crucial if we are go-ing to begin moving in a direction of Revival and a Great Awakening. Last Sunday, I preached on this passage as the key to studying the Word of God, the Bible. Without this kind of attitude we will not hear from God clearly and correct-ly. Humbling ourselves before the Lord is critical and if we are not willing for Him to take the highest priority in our lives, then we will never come to the point of repentance. We will always remain as people of compromise and people who break the heart of the Lord instead of bringing Him glory and honor.

A God sent Revival is a glorious thing to experience and a Holy Spirit empowered Great Awakening is almost like dying and going to Heaven. It is beyond words. A Revival is where God’s people come alive and live to glorify Jesus Christ above all things and above all people. Revival falls upon God’s people and they begin to witness and share His love and grace with all people everywhere. The results are that multitudes come into the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Their changed lives touches many others and a chain reaction begins to marvelously and miraculously impact countless numbers of others.

It is my burning desire to see Valley Isle Fellow-ship submit totally to Je-sus Christ and experience a genuine Revival. Then I fur-

ther desire to see VIF become part of a Great Awak-ening that sweeps the County of Maui, the State of Hawaii, our Nation, and one that would even touch the four corners of our World. I have often asked the question, “Lord, is this possible?” The Lord’s response to me has always been, “YES, it is possible! But, does VIF desire a genuine Revival enough to see it fall mightily upon them and to see it spread and grown into a power of Great Awakening?” Sadly, I think the answer to that is “NO.” It is no because if it was yes than we would be moving towards a genuine revival or we would already be in one. Dear people of Valley Isle Fellowship, in all honesty, we are far away from moving towards a genuine revival. We are a distracted people and a people who tend to compromise too much with our Lord. We let a busy work schedule and a busy social calendar take greater importance in our lives than the call of

continued on next page

Page 2: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

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Revival Can Lead to an AwakeningPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Today’s message comes from Hebrews 11 and dear people of Valley Isle Fellowship, if we want to be a people that are pleasing to Him, then we will have to be people of undying faith and obedience. People who are willing to give up everything and everyone in order to be pleasing unto Him. Jesus is worth it!!!Love Him! Trust Him! Live for Him! He is worth it all!!! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

The Month of September is 2018 emphasis for

Sue Nishikawa Offeringfor Hawaii Pacific Missions

VIF Giving To Date$143.00

Coffee Bar MinistryCome and fellowship

(8 am - 9 am and 10:30 am - 11:30 am)We welcome your favorite dish to


Page 3: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

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The Right Components of Discipleship (Part Two of Three)

Pastor Darren SarmientoDiscipleship Insights

Discipleship is vital and foundational to our Church’s health and growth. Every week I’m going to share with you what I call “Discipleship Insights”. It will be articles that can help, encourage and keep us focused on being like Jesus and being disciples of Jesus. Pastor Darren Sarmiento

Here is the second of three components of quality discipleship.

2nd Component: The Word of God

Quality discipleship involves getting the Word of God into someone’s life. We know what Romans 12:2 says – “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...” Don’t be conformed to this world - be changed, be transformed. But how? By getting the Word of God in your life, by the renewing your mind with the Word of God.

Here are three reasons why the Word of God is key to discipleship:

1. God’s Word produces life transformation – People don’t change unless the Word of God changes their thinking and changes their perspective on life. Life transformation comes from the Word.

2. God’s Word builds convictions for a lifetime – We don’t want students who have been discipled to do it just because they’re involved with Cru while they’re in college. We want them to see that these things come from the Scriptures and to have the Word of God build a deep, internalized conviction to live out biblical discipleship for the rest of their lives.

3. God’s Word is the truth – Every one of us has lies in our belief system, and those lies can only be replaced with the Truth of God’s Word.

How do we get the word of God in their life? There are a lot of ways – during your one-on-one appointments with them and during Bible study.

But here’s the good news: you impart God’s perspective on life more often than you think.

You impart God’s perspective when you’re hanging out late at night over pizza after Cru. You’re sitting around just talking about life, and biblical truth just starts to come out. You start talking about God’s perspective on dating relationships, God’s perspective on money, and what makes you happy.

As you involve your disciples in the larger body, they’ll get the Word of God in their lives when they sit in Cru meetings and hear a good talk. On the fall retreat, they’ll get the Word of God taught to them all weekend long. The responsibility isn’t just yours. As you involve them in the larger body, the Word of God comes into their lives.Article taken from The Compass. Tim Henderson is the Campus Director at Penn State University and has authored or co-authored many of the Campus Ministry resources like Compass and The Community.

Page 4: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

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Thank You from Puna to Valley Isle Fellowship

Page 5: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

Church Cleaning Schedule

Week of Sept. 13-15Team 3

Mickie A*, Ann M, Carol S, Phyllis N,Ken S, George A.

Week of Sept. 20-22Team 4

Wendy I, Lynette K, Priscilla T, Amalia Jennifer R*, Paul R

Week of Sept. 27-29Team 5

Carol Sn, Makanani C, Josie Y*, Andy Sn, Steffen Y

Week of August 23-25Team 6

Hubert I*, Leslie T, Ernie P, David P, Chad K,

*Key Monitor

Sign-up on the back table to be a part of this



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Childcare Ministry Schedule

Today Sept 9 Team 3: Francis C, Jaydee G, Jules G, Char C, Wayne S, Haua D. Sept 16 Team 4: Hawea R, Cheeng S, Jezra S, Joanne R. Sept 23 Team 1: Karen F, Kolbe F, Alysha F, Melanie F Sept 30 Team 2: Wendy C, Christine B, Vija B, Lauryn I

List of Services in Church

1.Ushers: Seat people, Offering & Tithes, Lord’s Supper.

2.Greeters: Greet people, pass out newsletter.

3.Hospitality: Coffee ministry, purchase & restocking paper products and bathroom supplies.

4.Sound team: Sound technicians.

5.Music Team: Musicians & singers.

6.Buildings and Landscaping team: Water grounds, Mow lawn, weed whack, trimming, weed kill. Maintenance of building.

7.Cleaning teams: Cleaning of Worship Center, bathrooms & lanais.

8.Children’s ministry Team: Teachers to teach age related classes, childcare.

9.Youth Ministry Team: Adult men and women to teach our youth.

10.Announcements team: Events or news.

11.Computer and PP team: Managing and input PP songs and sermons, learning and using new software.

12.Cameramen: Video service and take pictures at events, upload to website.

13.Website team: Maintain and update website.

14.SG Team Leaders: Disciple and lead a small group.

You may contact the church office for more information at (808) 244-0865

Page 6: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793


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Update from Danae OlasoWhat a month is has been! I can’t believe I started med school only four weeks ago, it feels like its been longer than that. I just wanted to say hello and update you on what’s been going on here at Duke Med. Feel free to share with our small group/church as well! Medical school is a mission field. Before arriving at Duke and NC, I prayed for a healthy home church, to find a community of Christians in the medical school, and for my room-mate. The first week of arriving at Duke, I met a girl named Monica and we started talking about books. I mentioned to her that I wanted to read Mere Christianity by CS Lewis and she mentioned that she wanted to read it too. We started talking more about books and it led to a conversation about God and revealed that we were both Christians searching for a healthy church and a community of believers who love Jesus. Since then, Monica and I have been reaching out to others in our class to have intentional one on one or group conversations about religion, faith, beliefs, and God during our lunch hour. It turns out there are a few other students in our class who are also be-lievers and so we started a medical student fellowship group so that we can encourage each other. We also meet weekly on Monday mornings for prayer at our medical school! There is a mix of faiths in our class as well, so I have been having great conversations with my classmates who are buddhist, hindu, catholic, greek orthodox, and agnostic. Please pray that there would continue to be opportunities to share my testimony and about Jesus to my classmates. Monica and I also found a great church, and we think will be our home church, called Chapel Hill Bible Church, and we invited a lot of our classmates to church with us tomorrow. Surprisingly, a lot of our atheist/agnostic friends were interested in going to church with us tomorrow, so please pray for them and that seeds would be planted. In my conversations with my classmates, a lot of questions have come up about God. So I have started reading Tim Keller’s The Reason for God which is helping me answer a lot of tough questions from my roommate and my classmates. I highly recommend! My roommate is amazing and super friendly! She is atheist but we have been having many conversations about Christianity, my faith, on what it means to be a Christian and to live like Jesus, abortion, ethics, and more. Please pray for her, that she would open her heart to God. She has had a lot of past, personal experiences that have turned her away from God. I invited her to church recently and she is going to church this Sunday with me! I hope all is well on Maui! Your pictures from the cruise look amazing! - Danae

Page 7: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793


NAMB Missionary Spotlight:

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Pray our teams will walk by faith into the hard places, leaving behind safe and comfortable lives to intentionally make disciples amoung God-prepared Muslims who are open to discovering the straught path.

Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

“Pray that we become a network of churches the Twin Cities cannot live without.”

3,327,855 people live in Minneapolis/St. Paul

47.8% are unaffiliated with any religious body

13% are affiliated with an evangelical church

1 SBC church for every 63,997 Minneapolis/St. Paul residents

PrayerConnect Connect with missionaries and chaplains by praying for them

and their work, either through specific ministry prayer requests or on their birthdays

Jose Rondon06 27 2018 | Fort Leonard Wood, MOJose Rondon is a Chaplain serving the U.S. Army at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri. Thanks for praying for our Sol-diers. This past Sunday, August 26, 2018, 87 Soldiers came to know Christ once and for all for a total of 2,164 Soldiers coming to Christ since March 11. God has been very good to us, and we believe that He will keep surprising us with Jesus being received for salvation. Please, pray for us Chaplains, that God will give us: FOCUS to see the lost as He sees them; FERVOR to pray and know that this most powerful God can bring the greatest soul awakening to our military and society at large so millions upon millions will come to bow down to the One Who is worthy of all praise, Jesus Christ; and FAVOR with those who will hear the gospel as He enables us to speak clearly and with the Holy Spirit’s power. My plea is based on Colossians 4:2-4: “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.” I believe that our nation, our churches and our military are on the verge of seeing God like we have never seen Him before. All glory to CHRIST alone!

International Mission BoardConnecting in Prayer

*New Hope: Multiplying Healing to Wounded HeartsThe world today is full of traumatic events, from entire people groups being forced out of their countries to daily lives of oppression and abuse. This results in traumatized and hurting people. If trauma creates a barrier between an individual and God, then it must be addressed, and people must be introduced to the ultimate healer. New Hope exists to multiply healing to wounded hearts, equipping and em-powering those who have received comfort from God to comfort others with the comfort they have received, form-ing reproducing, healing communities of people walking on the healing journey together. The vision is that all those who have received comfort from God will be able to pass that on to others around them. New Hope groups are small groups of four to six people that allow participants to tell their stories of hurt in a safe environment with others who have also had stressful experiences. In a New Hope group, people with heart wounds can move towards healing while experiencing community, developing a sense of purpose, and increasing their faith as they learn more about who God is and how to care for themselves and others who have been hurt. Please pray for the effectiveness of New Hope.

Page 8: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

From The Pastors DeskPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Evening Worship Service Notes for September 9, 2018

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September 9, 2018Valley Isle Fellowship

PM ServiceIs There Any Hope of a Genuine Revival?

I. The Call to Repentance. – Joel 2:12-14 NLT A. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – is the ____________ passage on Revival. B. Joel 2:12-14 – is the _____________ passage on Revival. 1. Call to total ________________ . – verses 12–13a. 2. Repentance means ____________ for __________ . 3. Sorrow: a. ____________ . b. ____________ . c. _____________ . d. ____________ _______ ___________. C. _____________ yourselves at the __________ of the Lord. – verses 13b–14. 1. Giving __________ and _______________ . 2. May receive______________ . – Joel 2:28-29 NLT

II. It’s happened before.

III. It’s even happened here in Hawaii in the mid-1800s.

Page 9: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

Valley Isle Fellowship Calendar

September 2018 9 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study

10 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 12 6:30 pm - Youth Night

16 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Discipleship Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 17 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 19 6:30 pm - Youth Night 23 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 24 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 26 6:30 pm - Youth Night

30 9:00 am- Worship Service - Ordinance of Lordʻs Supper 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study

October 2018 1 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 3 6:30 pm - Youth Night 5 5:00 pm - MOvinG Men of God Menʻs Ministry 7 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 8 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting 10 6:30 pm - Youth Night 14 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:30 am - Sunday School 12:00 pm - Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm - Evening Service/Study 15 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting

Valley Isle Fellowship1033 Waiale Rd., PO Box 886, Wailuku, HI 96793

ph: (808) 244-0865 - [email protected] -


Worship Service - 9:00 am

Sunday School - 10:30 am* * * * *


Worship/Study6:00 pm



Associate PastorDarren Sarmiento

cell: (808)757-1651email: [email protected]

Senior PastorStephen Kaneshirocell: (808)419-8100

email: [email protected]

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Page 10: Phone: (808) 244-0865 Fax: (808)249-0235 Revival …...2018/09/09  · Valley Isle Fellowship Love God, Love His Church, Love His World 1033 Waiale Road - PO Box 886 Wailuku, HI 96793

Coffee Bar MinistryCome and fellowship

(8 am - 9 am and 10:30 am - 11:30 am)We wel-

Living by FaithPastor Stephen Kaneshiro

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Hebrews 11 NLT

II. _____________ Faith. – Hebrews 11:1-3 NLT A. Faith trusts in things we cannot ________ . B. Faith trusts in things we cannot even _______________ . C. Faith trusts in God, regardless of __________ ___________. D. Examples of Faith: 1. Abel – Hebrews 11:4 NLT 2.Enoch – Hebrews 11:5 NLT

II. God __________ for our faithfulness. - Hebrews 11:6 NLT A. Takes faith to ___________ God. B. Takes faith to believe that God ____________ . C. Takes faith to believe that God ____________. D. Examples of faith that pleased God: 1. Noah – Hebrews 11:7 NLT 2. Abraham – Hebrews 11:8-12 NLT

III. Faithfulness _____________ even ___________ this __________ . - Hebrews 11:13-16 NLT A. Death does not ____________ faithfulness. B. Privilege of seeing ___________ __________ . C. A __________ and _____________ Citizenship. D. No____________ _________ . E. Examples of this kind of citizens: 1. Abraham – Hebrews 11:17-19 NLT 2. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, & Moses and his parents – Hebrews 11:20-28 NLT 3. The people of Israel – Hebrews 11:29-30 NLT 4. Rahab – Hebrews 11:31 NLT 5. Many others – Hebrews 11:32-37 NLT

IV. Faithfulness Always _____________ . - Hebrews 11:38-40 NLT A. No __________ or ______________ is too great. B. _____________ and ______________ are not _______________ here in this world. C. God has something great in __________ for His _____________ .
