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AS Media Production


By Philippa Smith

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1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

By analysing other front pages and double page spreads, I have been able to see what techniques and forms they often use to make the magazine look good and stand out. I have used these conventions to make my media product look professional.

My media product uses forms and conventions from other products by:

• Having many of the similar features as other front covers I researched, such as a mast head, cover lines and selling lines.

• My contents having a few different page numbers and titles for popular articles, along with pictures.

• My double page spread, having a large main image, and smaller images. Also with pull-out quotes and interviews.

It develops and challenges forms and conventions by:

• Introducing different font styles and sizes, emphasising certain areas rather than others.

• Using alternative ways to alter images to make them appear more interesting and smooth.

• Using different ideologies to promote different things

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2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

It represents particular social groups by:

• The language used- Using modern language, or youth slang, it relates to the social group it is aimed at.

• Using fonts that I have, they’re more fun and youthful rather other fonts that may be seen as boring or bland by my targeted social group.

• Having bright and dark colours- Represents how connotations are used and how each colour can represent something different.

• The mise-en-scene of the magazine is generally fun, with diagonal writing and lots of different colours throughout. The busyness and clashing of colours makes it stand out and may catch the eye of a certain social group.

• The content of the magazine may be preferable by a certain social group. My double page spread doesn’t have too much writing, this may attract teens rather than adults.

• The title of the magazine (Sound) may represent a certain social groups because adults may refer to the music in the magazine as ‘Just a load of sound’ rather than music.

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3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My media product would probably be distributed by a mainstream publisher, such as IPC Media, or Bauer. This is because it would have a wide audience (music style wise) and it would be targeting popular music as well as maybe a less know genre of music, such as dub-step or progressive.

It would be established within other magazines through adverts due to being part of the same publisher. Also, due to the publisher having a lot of recognition within the industry, it may use television adverts or celebrity endorsements to distribute and advertise it more.

It would not work well as a niche market/alternative publication because of the wide range of music genres inside the magazine. It deals with all music, rather than just one certain type. It would not work well because people in niche markets would look for magazine that targeted them, rather than one that spreads over many different music genres.

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4. Who would be the audience of your media product?

My target audience of my media product would be young people between

the ages of 16-25. I chose this age group because they are generally interested in music to a further extent and like to read about their favourite artists, as well as upcoming artists as well.

There would not be a specific gender that the magazine is aimed at. It would bring in representations of both female and male life and what they enjoy to look at or read. This is good because it means a wider range of readers, and you can put in a lot more for the magazine.

Based on the NRS social grade, my magazine would probably be aimed at people in the C1 category because even if it is aimed at young people, it is still glossy and professional looking, meaning people of this grade would read it, whereas people of lower grades may read the less mainstream or free magazines, and higher class would not read music magazines aimed at young people.

The lifestyle profile of someone who might read my music magazine would be in high school, sixth form/college or university, wearing popular brands or styles (such as Topshop/Topman, Lyle Scott, Fred Perry, Gio-Goi) and would check out new music from Radio 1 and would attend music festivals (such as Glastonbury, Reading & Leeds, V Festival).

pictures from

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5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by:

• Using bright colours contrasted against dark colours, this draws attention to the magazine as well as the text upon it.

• I also used interesting fonts that stand out against others that may look boring and formal.

• I used a young female singer as my front cover main image because it appeals to my audience, as well as both genders. Males may find the model attractive whereas the females may look at her for style.

I addressed my audience by:

• Using language they may be acquainted with, like slang terms or less formal vocabulary.

• By using personal pronouns, such a we, you, my, ourselves, etc. It brings in the audience and makes them feel you are talking to them or addressing them personally.

• Using short one word sentences to grab attention, such as Hey!, Look!, Wait! Etc.

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6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the process of constructing this product, I have learnt a lot, such as:

• More techniques on photoshop. Like how to make images look clearer and brighter, how to make skin look fresher and cleaner. I have also learnt how to insert text on photoshop and how to use layers and layer masks.

• I have also learnt how much detail goes into constructing a magazine, such as doing layout drafts and flat packs.

• I have learnt about how much thought you must put in about different fonts and sizes, as well as using colour connotation to present the mood you want.

• I have also learnt about how to use a DSLR Camera for the photographs, how to use aperture, focus and different lenses to make and create the look you want.

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7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full


I have learnt a lot in the progression from the preniminary task to the full product. I have learn a lot about the forms and conventions that magazines use and intergrated that into my own magazine to make it look more professional.

I have also learnt how to properly use the tools and computer programs available to make the magazine look interesting and youthful.

Using more exciting colours I have found are more reliable, and using contrast as well may make the magazine stand out from others.

I also learnt that having the right facilities is vital to making the magazine look professional and interesting. For my preliminary task, I did not have the best facilites, unlike for the full media product.

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What do others say about your media product (audience feedback)?

I got a lot of different feedback about my media product. I asked many different 16 to 25 year olds on their opinion of the magazine and whether they would buy it.

Many people liked it, and said they would buy it because it was quite original, and different to other magazines they have seen on the market. They also liked it because it had a range of music genres in it, and genres they were interested in but had not seen in other magazines. Also, they liked it because of the way it was laid out. They also liked the language used, because they felt like it related to them.

Some people did not like the magazine and how it was presented. They didn’t like the dark background on the cover. Some people said it made it look like a dark, gothic magazine rather than an all-round magazine.

My feedback was varied, but more people liked the media product rather than disliking it. I liked this fact as I did work hard to make it look like it did, and to send off the right vibes and have the right effect on my target audience.