
Phil StonePhil [email protected]

800-395-5102, ext. 5643800-395-5102, ext.

In Your Group…In Your Group…Use the paper and markers provided…Use the paper and markers provided…

Define:Define: Transformation…Transformation…

Conference Purpose: The Sunday School is a biblically based ministry of transformational small communities for making disciples and changing lives by the power of God.

We’ll discover:•The biblical basis for Transformational Small Communities•Principles of Transformational Small Communities•Practical ways to create a transformational environment •Prayer dependence

TransformationalTransformationalTransformation is Radical ChangeTransformation is Radical Change

Matthew 28:19-20 - RSV

GoGo therefore and make disciples make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you;

and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.

Transformational Transformational Co - Mission? Co - Mission?

Define: Disciple… Define: Disciple… A disciple is one who

abides in Christ and does what Jesus did.

Rick HughesChurch Health Team

Jesus’ Disciple-Making ProcessJesus’ Disciple-Making Process1. Learner Disciples – Go, make disciples…Go, make disciples…

– “Come learn with us!”

2. Believer Disciples – Baptizing Them…Baptizing Them…– Learners become believers

3. Fully Devoted, Reproducing disciples – Teaching them to observe…Teaching them to observe…– The role of mature believers is to disciple new


A Disciple is…A Disciple is…

• Not perfect• Rough around the

edges• Unfinished• A work in Progress• Not Bible Scholar!• Not Spiritual Giant!

• Not perfect• Rough around the

edges• Unfinished• A work in Progress• Not Bible Scholar!• Not Spiritual Giant!

Transformational Transformational Connection:Connection:

ComeCome LearnLearn WithWith UsUs!!

A disciple is a learner A disciple is a learner who becomes a believer who becomes a believer and then a fully devoted, and then a fully devoted, reproducing follower reproducing follower

of Jesus. of Jesus.

A Disciple Is…A Disciple Is…

Open Vs ClosedOpen Vs ClosedThe Sunday School is The Sunday School is

a biblically based ministry a biblically based ministry of transformational small, of transformational small,

open communities open communities of believers and unbelievers of believers and unbelievers

to assist the church in to assist the church in accomplishing its God-given mission accomplishing its God-given mission

of making disciples of making disciples and changing lives and changing lives

by the power of the power of God.

Use markers and paper provided

to list‘‘Obstacles to Obstacles to

Transformation’. Transformation’.

in YOUR Sunday School class.

5 Obstacles to Transformation5 Obstacles to Transformation

1. Information Over Life Transformation2. Teaching Over Learning3. Reflection of Past Practices4. Segmentation of the Mission of God5. Lack of Intimacy

We’ve got to move from Sitting in rows

To sitting in circlesTo going out and

Changing the world.Ed Stetzer



Group Max Enrollment

Average Attendance

Leader/ member


Sq. Ft. per


Adult 25/ class 12-15 1/25 18 sq.ft. per person

Youth 12 /class 6-8 1/12 18 sq.ft. per person

Children 6 / Class 4 / Class 1/6 25 sq.ft. per person

Younger Preschool

8 / Class 6 / Class 1/2-3 35 sq. ft.per person

Older Preschool

10 / Class 8 / Class 1/4-5 35sq.ft.per person

How Small is Small?How Small is Small?

How Small Is Small?How Small Is Small?Rules of thumb:1.When a class reaches maximum enrollment,

reproduce.2.When leader/member ratio exceeds

recommended limits, reproduce or enlist.3.When space is filled to 80% capacity,



Small groups were the

lifeblood of the early church.

Five Elements for Transformation Small Communities

1. Mission Oriented2. Word – Driven3. Multiplication Mindset4. Stranger Welcoming5. Kingdom Focused


Mission OrientedMission Oriented

• Listen for God’s Mission…Listen for God’s Mission…Acts 8:30-35

Later God’s angel spoke to Philip: ‘At noon today I want you to walk over to that desolate road that goes from Jerusalem down to Gaza.’

He got up and went. He met an Ethiopian eunuch coming down the road. He was riding in a chariot and reading the prophet Isaiah.

Mission OrientedMission Oriented

The Spirit told Philip, ‘Climb into the chariot.’ Running up alongside, Philip heard the eunuch reading Isaiah and asked, ‘Do you understand what you’re reading?’

Mission OrientedMission Oriented

He answered, ‘How can I without some help?’ and invited Philip into the chariot with him….

Mission OrientedMission Oriented

The eunuch said, ‘Tell me who is the prophet talking about: himself or some other?’ Philip grabbed his chance. Using this passage as his text, he preached Jesus to him.

Mission OrientedMission Oriented

What is God’s mission?What is God’s mission?• For Philip…• For the church…• For Sunday School…• For your class or small group…• For you…

Has the mission changed?Has the mission changed?

PrinciplePrincipleA Mission oriented Sunday School is

outwardly focused and intentionally evangelistic.

Mission-Oriented PastorMission-Oriented Pastor• Lead the church to discover its MissionMission.

• EmpowerEmpower the Sunday School to accomplish its purpose of making disciples.

Mission OrientedMission OrientedSunday School DirectorSunday School Director

• Use the markers to write on the balloons what the Sunday School Director need to be and do to be mission oriented.

The Mission Oriented The Mission Oriented S.S. Ministry Team S.S. Ministry Team


Preschool Leader

Student Leader

Children Leader

Special Ministry Leader S.S. Director-Team

Leader, Outreach and Ministry Coordinators

Without a team, the Sunday

School Director’s hands are tied.

Mission Oriented Mission Oriented Class Ministry Teams Class Ministry Teams

Outreach Leaders

Teachers Adult/Student Care Group


1 / 4-5

Mission Oriented Adult/Student Mission Oriented Adult/Student Class Care GroupsClass Care Groups

Regular MemberCare Care

Group Group LeaderLeader

Regular Member

Irregular Member

Chronic Absentee

Potential Disciple

Care Groups Leaders’ Job Description

Contact every memberContact every memberEvery Week!Every Week!

Mission-Oriented OrganizationMission-Oriented Organization• Missionary Mentality:

Who is your ‘People Group’?Age GradingLife-Stage

Young AdultParentsEmpty NestersRetirees

Affinity GroupInter-generational

Prayerful DependencyPrayerful Dependency

Pray now for your

Sunday School to beMission Oriented.

Word Driven• Listen for Jesus teaching method…Listen for Jesus teaching method…Luke 10:25-27 Luke 10:25-27 Just then a religion scholar stood up with a question to

test Jesus. “Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life?

Jesus answered, “What’s written in God’s Law? How do “What’s written in God’s Law? How do you interpret it?” you interpret it?”

He said, “That you love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence – and that you love your neighbor as you do yourself”

Word Driven“Good answer!” Good answer!” said Jesus. . “Do it and you’ll “Do it and you’ll

live.”live.”Looking for a loophole, he asked, “And just how

would you define ‘neighbor’?”Jesus answered by telling a story…. (The Good Samaritan)

Word DrivenJesus asked, “What do “What do youyou think? Which of the three think? Which of the three

became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?” became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?” “The one who treated him kindly,” the religion scholar

responded.Jesus said, “Go and do the same.”“Go and do the same.”

• Question: To what did Jesus point the scholar?Question: To what did Jesus point the scholar? Did Jesus “TELL” the scholar anything? Jesus involved the scholar in discovering for himself

the biblical truth that could change his life. Then he sent him on a mission!

PrincipleIt begins, returns, and ends with God’s Word

which is relevant to any challenge or discussion.

PracticalPractical• Praying ourselves into biblical illiteracy• Announcements do not make disciples• 3 Baptist “B’s”: Bull, Ball, and Bible• Teach with DEPTH

– Less lecture – 14%– Involve learners – 40%

Remember, That one hour is sacred unto God for Bible Study!

Prayerful DependencePrayerful Dependence

Pray now that your Sunday School will be


Multiplication MindsetMultiplication Mindset• Listen for characteristics of the “early Listen for characteristics of the “early

church”?church”?Acts 2:46-47

They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.

Multiplication MindsetMultiplication Mindset• Question: How do you think the “People… Question: How do you think the “People…

liked what they saw”? liked what they saw”? An organic, vibrant community that pulled people

into a culture of friendship..The early church was a robust, relational church

that created groups to connect the new converts to one another.

It Was A Party Church!!!It Was A Party Church!!!


People are not so much looking for a friendly church as they are for


PracticalPractical1. Priority One: Create a “Potential Disciple File” for

each Class (Prospect File)a) Quarterly : Prospect Discovery Action –

(Potential Disciples Card)b) Monthly : Outreach Fellowships – members and prospectsc) Weekly: Make prospect assignments for cultivation

(Computer or SS Visitation Card/Pocket system)

2. Priority Two: Start new classes each year

Potential Disciples Card1. Who do you know that has never told you personally about their relationship with Jesus Christ?

NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

 Is this person a member of any church? _______

 2. Who do you know that does not attend church?

 NAME: _______________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________ Adult – Young Adult – Youth -

PHONE #: ____________________________ Child – Preschool (Circle one)

Your Name: ______________Phone # ____________ Email: ______________

Please write any Additional comments on back.

Potential Disciples FilePotential Disciples File

Prayerful DependencePrayerful Dependence

Pray now that your Sunday School will have a

multiplication mindset..

Stranger WelcomingStranger Welcoming• Listen for Barnabus’ ‘stranger Listen for Barnabus’ ‘stranger

welcoming’ strategy for Saul… welcoming’ strategy for Saul… Acts 9:15-17 Back in Jerusalem he (Paul) tried to join

the disciples, but they were all afraid of him. They didn’t trust him one bit. Then Barnabas took him under his wing.

He introduced him to the apostles and stood up for him; told them how Saul had seen and spoke to the Master on the Damascus Road and how in Damascus itself he had laid his life on the line with his bold preaching in Jesus’ name.

Stranger WelcomingStranger Welcoming

Follow Barnabas’ Welcoming Process: Follow Barnabas’ Welcoming Process: 1.He built a relationship with Paul,2.He connected him to the small group

of believers – The Apostles3.He connected him to a ministry; Paul

was already telling his story.

Stranger WelcomingStranger Welcoming

PrinciplePrincipleSunday School is an OPEN,

transformational, small community that expects new

people to attend every Sunday because relationships have been

built during the week.

Are you expecting guests?Are you expecting guests?Are you ready for them?Are you ready for them?

Complete the Anonymous Guest


Evaluate your readiness for guests

in your Sunday School.

Planning Planning from Parking from Parking Lot Lot

to Pewto Pew

Prayerful DependencePrayerful Dependence

Pray now that your Sunday School will be Stranger Welcoming.

Kingdom FocusedKingdom Focused• Listen for Jesus three Kingdom Focused ActionsListen for Jesus three Kingdom Focused Actions:Matthew 4:23…Jesus went throughout Galilee, Teaching in their

synagogues, preaching the good news of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

• Jesus ministry focused on three Kingdom Actions:Jesus ministry focused on three Kingdom Actions:1. Teaching2. Evangelism3. Ministry

Kingdom FocusedKingdom FocusedListen for the results?Listen for the results?Matthew 4:24-25Word got around the entire Roman province of

Syria. People brought anybody with an ailment, whether mental, emotional, or physical. Jesus healed them, one and all. More and more people came, the momentum gathering. Besides those from Galilee, crowds came from the ‘Ten Towns’ across the lake, others from Jerusalem and Judea, still others from across the Jordan.


When the Kingdom of God is our theme people will come.


Involve each class in Involve each class in Quarterly Quarterly Missional Projects Missional Projects in the community. in the community.

Prayerful DependencePrayerful Dependence

Pray now that your Sunday School will be

Kingdom Focused.

Where people pray, Where people pray, God works.God works.

Where God works,Where God works,Transformation Happens.Transformation Happens.

Transformational Prayers and To Do ListTransformational Prayers and To Do List

1. Mission Oriented Sunday School Ministry Team

2. Word – Driven One full hour for engaging Bible study

3. Multiplication Mindset Every class has Potential Disciple List

4. Stranger Welcoming Parking Lot to Pew Assimilation Plan

5. Kingdom Focused Quarterly Missional Projects

God,God,May we be engaged in

Your Mission;Make us hunger after

Your Word;Let us do what ever it takes

to Multiply disciples;Make our communities

Open and Welcoming;

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.


For a conference script and additional resources go to:

For information aboutTransformational Church

go to:

The Transformational Class, David Francis

Home Work

Use the How Transformational Is Your

Sunday School? evaluation questions to assess

your Sunday School as a Transformational

Small Community.

A Ministry ofA Ministry ofTransformational Small CommunitiesTransformational Small Communities

Phil StonePhil [email protected]

800-395-5102, ext. 5643800-395-5102, ext.
