

MANAGING EDITORIAL Hello and welcome to issue 65 of Phenomena Magazine. First up, apologies for this issue being a tad late. Simply… It’s been so busy here at head office we have struggled to get the magazine out on time. Some huge developments with our website and Facebook pages have been taking place. The first being out new Phenomena Magazine’s Newsclipping Library is now active though far from complete. It can be accessed via our website or our new Facebook page. If accessing it from our website, simply go onto the page, then select which newspaper you would like or year and click on the appropriate folder and you will be redirected to a storage site where you can read the selected newsclipings or even download them. They can also be obtained from the Facebook page. But don’t delay… At some point in the near future a small membership fee to access regions of our website may be constructed.

Also, we are to launch a new UFO magazine’s section on our website. This page will provide, out of production and circulation magazines from some years back. These will be available to download for free in PDF format. We have hundreds of magazines to be added so please be patient as scanning and construction does take a lot of time. We are also to construct a web page dedicated to our free promotional packages for conference organisers. Full details will be up shortly. Apart from that, we have been working on our new special bumper issue magazine. I’ll provide further details on this nearer the time along with our new MAPITVURA video trading website which should be launched sometime in November. A number of events are advertised in this issue, some of which I will be in attendance such as the 6th Annual Exopolitics Expo in Leeds on September 26th through to September 28th. For those interested, I will be lecturing on the 26th. Full details can be found in this issue. Also, I am pleased to announce the Warminster Conference in 2015 and that I should be once again lecturing there. More news on that nearer the time. The Paracon UK conference will be going ahead as well in November where I hope to be visiting. An excellent event, so grab your tickets as soon as possible. Again, details are in this issue on the events page. A few more places worth visiting is the Probe conference in St. Anne’s this October and the New Horizons event on Monday the 29th of September, again in St. Anne’s, where I will be lecturing on the UFO phenomena. Plenty of other events to come guys, so keep checking with us. Finally, I have been in discussions in regards a new TV production. An exciting task that will employ both science and the paranormal. More news on that to come… Last but least, don't forget the biggest event in the country starting October 30th to November 2nd in Stirling, Scotland. Now this one is not to be missed. A huge line up of events. The full program is now available to obtain online so grab yourself a copy now! Details can be found under the Scottish Paranormal Festival in our events section and article inside this issue… Enjoy!


Hello All, once again Steve and I have put the mag together (hopefully for your enjoyment). We are closer to what has to be the biggest paranormal festival ever attempted in the UK, this time it’s in Scotland and located in the beautiful city of Stirling. As you’ll see from the adverts Steve and I are both speaking; Steve is talking about aspects of investigating anomalous events and I’m looking at the way in which Ufology was manipulated, especially during the Cold War, to suit the agendas of various intelligence agencies. This kind of material does not normally appear at conferences because it kind of upsets various apple carts among the believers, so it should be interesting. Just to be clear, I should say that I have no doubt that ‘something’ arrives here, but what it is and where it comes from are something else again. One last thing, please feel free to get in touch with either Steve or I if you have any suggestions regarding the magazine and its content. We do actually read what you send us and act on it if we can. See you next month.

Phenomena Magazine would like to welcome onboard our latest member to join our team. Lecturer and Planet X Radio’s very own Dan Monroe joins us as an Australian Correspon‐

dent & Reporter. Dan will shortly be bringing us the latest news from ‘Down Under’.

Managing Editor Contact: Steve Mera ‐ [email protected]

UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan ‐

[email protected]

Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez‐ info@e‐


17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom.


The PM Team: Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOS‐

TORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e‐nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter

Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth & Australian Correspondent &

Reporter Dan Monroe.

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Malcolm Robinson,

Brad Steiger, Andrew Hind, Lorin Cutts, Antony Milne, Dan Monroe, Nancy Talbot,

Jennifer Smith, James Nye, Jennifer Newton, Jackie Heighway, Rod Howarth, Harriet Arkell &

Richard Spillett.


Page 2: UFOs and MIBs. On Monday, September 1st, my colleague, Paul Dale Roberts, sent me an email stating that he was going to interview an individual who claimed to have been a “Man in Black,” one of the infamous MIB, tormenters of UFO witnesses and researchers. I told Paul that I could‐n’t wait to read it. A few hours later, I was reading his extraordinary interview with “Mr. Q,” Brad Steiger reveals some fascinating info... Page 7: Brad Steiger’s Missing Time‐Warp and E‐Mails. Brad Steiger is a veteran US author of numerous books on all aspects of the unexplained, and many readers may be familiar with his prodi‐gious output. In his latest book, ‘Real Encounters, Different Dimen‐sions’, I was very interested to read a few stories he included about people’s weird time experiences. It would seem that I’m not the only one to have had such experiences. Antony Milne explains. Page 11: The Crop Circle Report. Majoring in Psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and Harvard Extension School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Following 5 years as a Research Analyst at the University of Maryland and Har‐vard College and 20 years as a festival producer in the Northeast, Ms. Talbott has organised, directed and financed crop formation field‐work for the BLT Research Team since 1993 and now reveals some startling facts. Page 23: Glimpses of a Separate Reality ‐ Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. This interview was conducted on the 27/08/11, almost 3 years to that day by Malcolm Robinson at the Copthorne Hotel in Kensington, London. She uses and teaches a form of hypnotic regression she calls ‘The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Technique’. Malcolm Robin‐sons brings us his second instalment. The continued interview with Dolores Cannon. Page 29: Oz Unknowns. I’d like to welcome the readers of Phenomena Magazine to my new monthly column from my beautiful new home here in Western Aus‐tralia. This land has rewarded my family and me with splendid sites rich in natural beauty and history. I’m pleased to join the Phenomena Magazine team and look forward to bringing you a regular update from the land ‘Down Under’ regarding the strange and profound. Dan Monroe reveals... Page 37: Port Chicago. Port Chicago served as a major nexus point for shipping ammunition and ordnance to US forces fighting across the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Every day, thousands of tons of bullets, bombs, mines, and other explosive materials were transferred from trains to ships, and then sent across to the war zone. But this location was to be the scene of a terrible disaster, what caused it? Andrew Hind investigates... Page 45: The Tunjunga Canyon Contacts. It was great to see the video of Mike Clelland’s first talk at the Na‐tional UFO Congress this year. Not only did Mike make it look like he’d been doing public speaking for years, he also managed to pull off some difficult material (owls, synchronicity and the UFO subject) and, considering the task at hand, made it relatively accessible. The lecture was absolutely fascinating. Lorin Cutts explains…

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Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences, Astronomical news, Advertisements and much more.

Phenomena Magazine would love to hear your views and opinions, please let us have your feedback.

Also, If you have an interesting article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact:

Phenomena Magazine Managing Editor Steve Mera: [email protected]

or Phenomena Magazine UK Editor Brian Allan:

[email protected]

Page 1 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:




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UFOs and MIBsBy Brad Steiger

Page 2 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

On Monday, September 1st, my colleague, Paul Dale Roberts, sent me an email stating that he was going to interview an individual who claimed to have been a “Man in Black,” one of the infa‐mous MIB, tormenters of UFO witnesses and re‐searchers. I told Paul that I couldn’t wait to read it. A few hours later, I was reading his extraordi‐nary interview with “Mr. Q,” and today I was enormously pleased to see that the ever‐alert Don Allis had run the piece in ‘Alien Seeker: Re‐porting Anomalous News.’ Paul’s excellent interview, which I felt set just the proper tone for such an interview with an individ‐ual who may be lying and deliberately spreading disinformation or who may be telling the truth and providing us with another piece of the Great UFO Puzzle, got me to recalling some of the en‐counters with the MIB that my fellow researchers and I underwent back in the late ‘60s. In the period from 1966 to 1970, dozens of UFOlogists, contactees, and chance percipients of UFO's claimed to have been visited by ominous strangers‐‐usually three, usually dressed in black‐who made it painfully clear that they would vio‐lently enforce their orders to see to it that investi‐gators discontinued flying saucer research and surrendered all photographs or artefacts. Often the threats were punctuated with the assertion that cooperation with the men in black was es‐sential for the good of "your family, your country, and your world." In many ways, the MIB seemed as though the spirits of the Nazi SS had been res‐urrected as enforcers for Alien invaders. By June 24, 1967, a number of us UFOlogists gathered at the Commodore Hotel in New York to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the UFO sighting that brought the term "flying saucers" to our language (Kenneth Arnold spotted the saucer‐shaped craft near Mount Rainier, Washington, on June 24, 1947), paranoia concerning the MIB was climbing toward an all‐time high. The final match to be thrown on the psychological tinder was the announcement of the death of Frank Edwards on that same special anniversary day. Edwards was a radio personality who for many years had made a hobby of broadcasting stories on UFO's and psychic phenomena. At the time of his death Edwards was recognized as the King of Communicators in the field of UFOlogy. Suddenly he was dead. What were the causes? Cerebral haemorrhage, agreed many UFOlogists in the crowded corridors of the Commodore Ho‐tel, for that was the principal means of dealing death to UFO witnesses in the popular television series of the day, The Invaders, starring Roy

Thinnes. Before his death, Frank Edwards had made several comments about attempts to si‐lence him. He had had a highly successful radio program sponsored by the American Federation of Labor. Then, according to Edwards, the show had been dropped and he had been given his walking papers for devoting too many program minutes to discussions about flying saucers. It was his contention that his constant mentions of the UFO enigma had become irritating to the Defence Department‐‐Edwards consistently maintained that the Air Force was guilty of a gigantic cover‐up on the subject‐‐and that they had brought pressure to bear on George Meany, President of the AFL. Had the UFO silencers eliminated Frank Ed‐wards? A lot of UFOlogists thought so, and that we were being infiltrated by some powerful agency from another world, and that the three men in black were representatives of this group's intelligence arm. In an issue of Saucer Scoop, a UFO newsletter published by Joan Whritenour, John A. Keel stated in an "Open Letter to All UFO Research‐ers" that he considered the MIB professional terrorists who included among their duties, "the harassment of UFO researchers who become involved in cases which might reveal too much of the truth." Keel commented that the victim of the MIB appeared to be subjected to "some sort of brainwashing technique that leaves him in a state of nausea, mental confusion, or even am‐nesia lasting for several days.

"Keel went on to declare: “Contacts are being made ‐ then suppressed ‐ on a dizzying scale. Information is being gained ‐ and lost ‐ at an ever‐increasing pace. One of the ironies of all this is that no policeman in his right mind associates black cars, kidnappers, amnesia victims, and black eyes with the UFO phenomena. Many of these cases never get beyond local police departments. Neither the FBI nor any other central government agency is engaged in collecting information on these aspects. Even local newspapers seldom take notice of these cases. “Because the official law‐enforcement agencies are unwilling or unable, to cope with this growing situation, it becomes the responsibility of the private civilian investigator to collect and collate the full details on these incidents. The hazards of such investigations are obvious, but the job must be done .... We must switch our attention from the vehicles to the occupants. The menace is not in our skies. It is on the ground, and at this mo‐ment it is spreading like a disease across the country and the world.” Most of the UFO percipients and investigators reported being threatened by (most often) shor‐tish men with dark complexions, somewhat Asian features, and heavy accents. A number claimed to have received later contact with "aliens" through their home television or radio sets. According to numerous accounts, the aliens' frequency inter‐rupted normal programming. Robed figures in‐structed the saucer sighters to cooperate with them and to keep their information confidential.

UFOs and MIBs By Brad Steiger

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In exchange for this silence and cooperation, the aliens promised that the UFO percipients would be permitted to work with them on certain mar‐vellous projects that would benefit humankind. Now I have no doubt that there was/is a physical aspect to the MIB phenomenon. I have no doubt that in many cases the mysterious interrogators may have been associated with the military, some black branch of the government‐‐and in certain instances over‐eager and possessive UFO re‐searchers from civilian groups attempting to claim certain cases as their private property. But I am also convinced that this phenomenon‐‐like so many associated with the UFO enigma‐‐also has a paranormal aspect that may very often become extremely powerful, perhaps overwhelmingly so, to the investigator who has not prepared himself carefully for the remarkably complex interlocking realities of the UFO mystery. In the spring of 1968, a magazine writer asked me to come along as an expert observer on an interview with a contactee who claimed a particu‐larly vivid experience aboard a flying saucer. We left on a Friday, planning to spend the weekend in a motel, and since the contactee lived in a large city with numerous motels, we did not make any reservations. At the same time, since I had been hearing rather eerie reports about the harassment of UFO re‐searchers, I had decided to pick a motel at ran‐dom and not even tell our wives where we were staying. To check with our respective homes and be certain all was well, we agreed to call from pay telephones, rather than the telephone in the room. We met the contactee, recorded his most inter‐esting (and greatly convincing) story, and re‐turned to our homes three days later. Shortly after I had returned home (I had 200 miles farther to travel than the magazine writer), I re‐ceived a telephone call from him. In very dis‐turbed tones he told me he had received a call from a rather unctuous (if anonymous) individual who had detailed our every action of the past few days, including the name of the motel we had stayed in and the food we had ordered for our meals. The writer concluded that all the time that we thought we had been carefully covering our tracks, we had been under close surveillance. A few days later, after midnight, the writer tele‐phoned me again, obviously distraught. Books had been jumping off the shelves in his office, he told me. He was aware of mysterious presences. On two nights he had been awakened by a small‐ish man cloaked in shimmering light, who, like some intergalactic travelling evangelist, at‐tempted to sell him on the idea of working with them in their cause. "Become one of our workers in the vineyard of Earth," my friend claimed to have been proselytized. "Join us. Work with us."

It was about that time that crucial data that fel‐low UFO researchers had sent to me in the mail either never arrived or came on the scene days later than the postmark would indicate that it should. All sorts of mail began to arrive taped shut with “Opened by Mistake” either stamped or written on the envelopes. On the other hand, some pieces arrived overnight from great dis‐tances‐‐without a postmark. Once while speaking to a fellow researcher on the telephone, our conversation was interrupted by a metallic‐sounding voice chanting: "Ho, ho, UFO!" Strangely enough, my friends seemed to endure the most peculiar telephone nonsense. An officer in the Navy Reserves, who had expressed an interest in the UFO enigma, finally asked me please not to discuss UFO's with him on the tele‐phone ever again. Both at the office and at home, he found he was "sharing" his private line with some undetermined other parties. On two occasions when I had been speaking with him, a voice had broken in, mumbled a few words, then apologized for the intrusion. His wife absolutely refused to permit me to discuss the subject in her presence because of the bad dreams she had been suffering in connection with UFO's. In another city a businessman who had been doing a great deal of research on my behalf told of the time when he was anticipating a visit from me. He picked up the telephone to make a call on his private line, only to hear the following bit of conversation: "Has he arrived in town yet?" "Not yet." "What motel will he be staying in'" "The [correct name of the motel in which I had made reservations]. “Don't worry. Everything is set.” At this point my friend broke in and asked who the hell was on his private line. There was a stunned silence, a click, then the steady buzzing that indicated a clear line. One may build a case, I suppose, that any or all of the above was simply a series of rather remarkable coincidences. The following incident is a bit more difficult to explain away, however. A friend of mine was travelling in England before continuing on to Vietnam to visit his son in the armed forces. He was walking near a railway station in London when he noticed three men dressed completely in black staring at him. When my friend returned their collective stare, they approached him and asked him which train they should take for such‐and‐such a city. My friend calmly pointed out that he was a tour‐ist, and it made a good deal more sense for them to ask at the information booth just a few feet away.

My friend turned on his heel and walked away from the odd trio, but a glance over his shoulder told him that they were still standing there staring at him, disregarding his advice to check with the information booth. Suddenly ill at ease, my friend hailed a taxi and went directly to his hotel. When he got to his room, an uncomfortable sen‐sation prickled the back of his neck and he glanced out his window. On the street corner, looking up at his room, were the three men. Baf‐fled, he tried to push the incident from his mind. A day or so later, though, he was confronted by one of the men as he walked to his hotel who told him straight out: "You are a friend of Brad Steiger. Tell him we shall visit him by Christmas." My friend had only a peripheral knowledge of the UFO can of worms, but he returned to his hotel room and wrote me a long letter with the above details. How could three odd little guys in London know that he was a friend of mine? Not long after I had received his letter, I visited an associate in another city and told him about the bizarre ex‐perience that my friend had encountered in Lon‐don. "Humph!" Jim snorted over the lunch we were sharing. "If those monkeys come to see you this Christmas, send 'em down to talk to me. I'd love to get one of those characters in my hands. I would solve this man‐in‐black mystery you've been telling me about!" I warned him that he had better be careful or he might get his wish. Later, Jim told me that I had no sooner started my homeward journey than he was told that a gentle‐man wished to see him. A secretary ushered a man of average height into Jim's office‐‐a man, my friend said, who was the thinnest human be‐ing he had ever seen. He was cadaverous, Brad," Jim told me. "But he seemed alert enough, and so involved in his mission that he ignored my offered hand of greeting. In fact, I tried to push shaking

UFOs and MIBsBy Brad Steiger

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his hand, but he refused to touch me. "'I hear you want to be the head of UFO's in Iowa,' he said quickly. “He took out a wallet, flipped it open, then shut, before I could see any identification. I can't really recall anything else he said, because it was all so damned nonsensical. Soon he was gone, and I was still sitting there dumbfounded. "I jumped to my feet, though, when I heard his car starting. I got a good look at his automobile, and I wrote down its license number. I can't tel1 you what make of car it was. It looked like a com‐bination of three or four different makes and models, but it didn't real1y look like anything I had ever seen before. And the license number didn't check. The Highway Patrol said there was no such Iowa plate registered. A friend in another branch of state government, who owed me a favor, said the plate wasn't registered to any gov‐ernment agent, either." Steve, a UFO investigator, had an experience with unidentified and mysterious interrogators in Sep‐tember, 1966. He was working the night shift in a large pulp‐and‐paper plant in northern Michigan when he was paid an enigmatic visit by two dark‐complexioned men dressed completely in black. ''The first thing to come to my mind was the odd hour of the visit‐‐three o'clock in the morning‐‐and the rather puzzling appearance of the intrud‐ers," Steve told me. The two men asked him about the UFO case that he was investigating, but Steve played it cautiously and told them he had given up flying saucer research. "The two evidently seemed satisfied with my replies, for they suddenly turned and walked out of the room. By this time I had an inkling of who they were‐‐or rather, who they were not. (My first impression was that they were from the govern‐ment.) I jumped up from my chair and hurried out the door in pursuit‐‐not more than twenty sec‐onds behind them. "Upon reaching the doorway, I paused and looked down the corridor. They could only have gone in one direction‐‐but they were not in sight. They had vanished.

"I moved forward slowly. About ten feet from the door I experienced an odd feeling‐‐a sense of dissipated energy, or a residual electrical current, somewhat akin to the sensation one experiences when standing in a very powerful magnetic field. I rechecked the spot every few minutes, and noticed it ebb and fade) until it was completely unnoticeable in half an hour. "I talked with fellow workers in and around the building in which I was working, and they re‐ported seeing no one. Checks with the plant guard substantiated my belief‐‐no one had signed in at the industrial complex that night." Although I didn't become as deeply embroiled in MIB activities as certain of my fellow researchers, I did tread on the periphery of their vortex of swirling, nightmarish games. And from time to time I did slip into the court where the contest was being played. I endured the "smellies" ‐ vile, odorous attacks of some invisible entity not in the least concerned about personal hygiene. And closely associated with the disagreeable odours were regular poltergeistic plunderings of my office. But then I stumbled on a clue that may just solve the puzzle of who at least some of the MIB might really be. The revelation occurred one night as I sat in my office, desperately working over Lucretia, my faithful 1923 Underwood typewriter. I heard the heavy sound of footsteps at the top of the stairs. A quick glance told me that no one was there. A favourite painting of Edgar Allan Poe fell to the floor. I became irritated. I had to work to meet a deadline on a magazine article. I had no time to play. Papers began to rustle off to my side. A single sheet became airborne. I had had enough. I looked up from my typewriter, rolled my eyes upward in disgust, and shouted: "Just cut it the hell out!" Everything stopped. There was literally the sound of silence. I experienced the same kind of sensa‐tion one has when he walks into a crowded,

noisy room, and everyone suddenly stops talking. The very air seemed less crowded and oppressive. I went back to my writing without taking any fur‐ther notice of anything other than the work at hand. Every kind of intelligence, regardless of how high or how low, wishes to be recognized. Noth‐ing shuts up any thinking entity faster than to ignore it. But I hadn't ignored it. Rather, I had commanded this poltergeist‐like force. I had re‐fused to go along with its framework of reality, and my own change of attitude ‐ from passive fear to rage ‐ had apparently done the trick. In weeks to come I wondered about the other less fortunate victims of both poltergeists and the MIB. Had they had simply gone along with the "game," refusing to see themselves as the equals of their otherworldly adversaries? The cessation of odd activity in my office had been so abrupt that it was almost like some kind of lesson was terminated. Could it be that some intelligence was trying to teach me something all along‐‐and satisfied that I had learned it, departed to seek out other pupils? If so, what was the lesson ex‐actly? What had I done right? Not long after my “lesson,” I sat one evening reminiscing with a farm family who had endured the entire gamut of the flying saucer mystery.

UFO's had become a part of this family's life sev‐eral years before when one of its male members became a "channel" for an entity who claimed to be from another world. The invisible telepathic being had begun communicating with the entire family because they had been "selected before they had been born" to assist him in doing "His" work and in protecting Earth from another group of intelligences who sought to enslave human‐kind. The communicating entity led the various mem‐bers of the family circle on a number of "assignments" designed to save the Earth and to serve the benign entity and his kind. But always, the entity warned them, there was the enemy group with its men in black, seeking whom they might devour. The family, who became "flying saucer missionaries," saw mysterious fellow pas‐sengers board airplanes with them‐‐then disap‐pear somewhere in mid‐flight. Automobiles ap‐peared out of nowhere to follow and harass them. A man claiming to be from a state educational

UFOs and MIBs By Brad Steiger

division arrived at the high school and talked for over an hour with one of the teenaged girl mem‐bers of the family. The only questions he asked had to do with whether or not she would be able to recognize a spy. When suspicious adult mem‐bers of the beleaguered family checked with school administrators, they were informed that they had no knowledge of such a man nor of such a division within the state educational system. The girl who had been interrogated by the uni‐dentified man also developed into a "channel" for the communicating entity, and soon several mem‐bers of the family were practicing automatic writ‐ing. UFO's swooped low overhead at night. Eerie lights were seen to dance about in the fields. In‐visible entities snatched keys from their resting places and jangled them about the room, terrify‐ing the children. Unseen hands lifted a mattress on which one couple lay sleeping, under which were some "secret" papers that the principal communicating entity had dictated. Their farm work was being ignored. Their lives had become a living nightmare in which every stranger was suspect, every sound in the night that of an invader, every strange coincidence imbued with desperate and weighty significance. At last the full realization that they had been de‐ceived‐‐that they had been led into a silly game‐‐jolted them into determined action. They too said collectively, in essence: "Cut it the hell out!" And they resumed meaningful living.

I have advised many beginning “ghost hunters” or UFO researchers that when one feels himself set upon by marauding entities and begins to cross himself, recite prayers, sing hymns, or bel‐lows out his favorite rock song, he "jams" the frequency in his brain on which the entities have been trying to establish contact and control. It may well be that a determined demand to "Knock it off!" might have the same frequency‐jamming effect and permit the percipient of the phenomenon to regain control of his own cere‐bral equipment. Whenever I review those days of UFO yesteryear when there seemed to be men in black lurking in every shadow, I am also led to think of the mythological figure common to all cultures and known generically to ethnologists as the Trick‐ster. The Trickster plays pranks upon humankind, but often at the same time he is instructing them or transforming aspects of the world for the benefit of his human charges. Most cultures view the Trickster as a primordial being who came into existence soon after the creation of the world. A number of Amerindian tribes referred to their Trickster figure as "Old Man," because they saw him as someone who was ageless, as old as time. The Trickster is usually viewed as a supernatural being with the ability to change his shape at will. Although basically wily, he may behave in a very stupid, childish manner at times, and may often end up as the one who is tricked.

The Trickster lies, cheats, and steals without com‐punction. He seems often to be the very essence of amoral animalism. The Trickster figure is often credited with bringing death and pain into the world; yet, in some recitations, his own son was the first to die as a result. Because of his introduction of death to the world and because of his animalistic and amoral attrib‐utes, the Trickster is sometimes identified with the Devil as a personification of evil. Carl Jung saw the Trickster as a mythological shadow figure who provides the reverse image of the saint, the angel. The animalistic Trickster serves as the impish, dark opposite of the bright conscious mind and establishes a balance without which psychic wholeness may not be achieved. Sounds like the poltergeist or MIB, certainly. And yet, most cul‐tures do not cast the Trickster in the role of the Evil One. He is often seen as a once high god cast down from the heights of pure divinity. In an article on the Trickster figure in Man, Myth and Magic, Douglas Hill writes that the many tales of the Trickster blend and fuse. "Trickster is comic relief; he is psychic catharsis on a deep and vital level; he is a hero whose own evolution perhaps mirrors that of humankind toward a higher con‐sciousness and social maturity. And, embodying all these essentials, he is deathless ‐ no ethnologi‐cal museum piece but just as alive and flourishing today as in the primeval past." Truly one of the more profound mysteries that still baffles many...

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Brad Steiger’s Missing Time-Warp and E-Mails! By Antony Milne

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Brad Steiger is a veteran US author of numerous books on all aspects of the unexplained, and many readers of this journal may be familiar with his prodigious output. In his latest book, ‘Real Encounters, Different Dimensions’, I was very interested to read a few stories he included about people’s weird time experiences, being in the process of writing a similar book myself. I could include some of those, I thought. One story was about 200 words long, and about a young cadet out with a group of explorers, who didn’t allow smoking. But the lad skived off some‐where with a pack of five. He lit one, but he was missing for several hours. When the rest of the team finally found him, the lad said he had only been gone for a few minutes. To prove it he showed them that the cigarette he was still smok‐ing was the same one he had just lit up, and there were still four left in the packet. A strange time‐warp indeed. Only this never hap‐pened, and was not included in Brad’s book. When I was searching for this item a day later it was nowhere to be found! This was a startling confirmation of something I had experienced before, and describe in my new book ‘Our Holo‐graphic World: The Shocking Truth about Time and Reality’. Not only do people have premoni‐tions about the future, or see an old cottage sim‐ply disappear a week later, but extracts from books disappear as well! I concluded in my book that we live in a kind of ‘edited’ world, where people hear radio or tv broadcasts about events that have yet to happen, or read press articles one day ahead of when they actually appeared. The most celebrated example is the serious explosion that took place at a chemical plant in Flixborough, Lincolnshire on Saturday, 1st June 1974. A Mrs Lesley Brennan was watching a tv movie in the morning when the programme was interrupted by a newsflash of the event, in which it was hinted that several people had been killed or injured. She mentioned this newsflash to a few friends about noon, who in turn reported it to a reporter on the Grimsby Evening Telegraph. The late Reg Presley, the for‐mer lead singer of the Troggs, also saw this broad‐cast a little later, and told his wife about it, a ‘human interest’ story that received some public‐ity in the media.

But the odd thing is that this disaster did not occur until 4.53 in the late afternoon. Both Mrs Brennan and Reg Presley had been duped. The general public did not get to hear of this event until the evening news at about 5.50 pm.

Then there was the extraordinary forewarning of President Kennedy’s assassination. In one case a woman ibn America heard the news on television exactly a week before the event. Here are her own words: “I was watching tv one evening on my own, with my husband and son in the next room. I saw a newsflash on the screen and then an announcement declared that President Ken‐nedy had been shot. I told my husband and son, and we sat back and waited for the main news programme. There was nothing about it, and the morning newspapers carried no story about it

either. So, thinking I was going bananas, I forget about it. But the next week, to the day, the assas‐sination really happened”. But this book‐editing syndrome is something star‐

tlingly new in the world of the paranormal – read‐ing something in a book that is no longer there the second time around! I mentioned a single volume of Winston Churchill written by Martin Gilbert, his biographer, some years ago. In it ‐ so I thought ‐ he said that Churchill’s father, Lord Randolph, had appeared as a ghost in an upstairs room where Winston was painting at his easel. The second time around this segment disap‐peared. I also mentioned an interesting book I briefly scanned while in an Oxfam second‐hand bookshop in central London, entitled, I thought,

Brad Steiger’s Missing Time-Warp and E-Mails! By Antony Milne

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‘Angels in Their Lives’, by a US author. I can even recall an angelic episode from its pages. I put the book to one side, only for it to disappear within minutes. I could find no trace of any book with a similar title after searching various bibliographical archives. But the matter of the missing episode of Brad Steiger’s book had further spooky ramifications. When I contacted Brad by email in February 2014 he replied that he had no knowledge of the event – the smoking lad who had had a time warp – I described. But Brad pointed out that I was not the first person “who has shared such an account of disappearing research or a vanishing book. You will be interested to learn that such paranormal pesks occur quite often to me. In fact it happened to me while writing Real Encounters”. I replied by saying that our world is much more monitored and edited than we think. “What is odd is that items or stories like this are fully inte‐grated into the text and are in the same style, with no indication of wrong page numbers of suspicious gaps. So if the item goes missing a day later it means the entire book has to be rejigged and re‐edited, done on purpose to disturb and confuse the reader”. The weirdness continued. In March I wrote to Brad again and said that the email about this and his reply had inexplicably disappeared from both by ‘sent’ file and my ‘deleted’ file. I said that I had got print‐outs of the emails, and put them in an A4 file relating to my correspondence from the publisher. Those print‐outs, too, had mysteriously disappeared into thin air (together with my pub‐lisher’s correspondence). So did the emails at Brad’s end of the line. On 16th March Brad shock‐ingly emailed me, “Well, now I have your answer to my email, but mine to you has disappeared”.

This surely looked as if mischievous entities were determined to obliterate all evidence of this missing time story. All of our email correspon‐dence about a spooky subject, zooming back and forth on electronic signals across the Atlantic, had disappeared into the ether. None of it was ‘saved’ electronically, which would have been automatic in normal circumstances. This was a phenomenon that could not have been a coinci‐dence with two computers experiencing the same kind of ‘glitch’. It must surely be something to do with two authors writing on the paranor‐mal being particularly susceptible to this kind of spookiness. Perhaps people who are ‘psychic’ do seem to be singled out for this weirdness. There was the case of a Susan Leybourne who had been in the process of writing a book about her spiritual life in Africa and Borneo, which had been in the embryonic stage on her laptop for years, and ‘which eventually got shelved’. It certainly hadn’t been published. One day she attended a confer‐ence on psychic issues in Blackpool, and two ladies went up to her to praise her book which they said was ‘brilliant’. They assured the puz‐zled Susan that the book was written by one ‘Susan Leybourne’, and that it was about her spiritual life in Africa and Borneo. In the meantime there was yet another little mystery about something that Brad Steiger had put in an earlier email to me that had vanished. The word ‘not’ was missing, which totally altered the meaning, of course, of his comments. He said it was in his version, but I couldn’t find it in mine – one this time that I managed to save. That was getting close to becoming the final straw. Brad wrote to me on 22nd August: “I have these teasers happen so often, but they usually occur only within our household.

I think you are aware of my interaction with an ‘elf’ when I was not yet five. As I often say to Sherry (his wife), the little bugger is still playing pranks on me … it seems that you and I, Brother Antony, have a weird connection on some level “.

Our Holographic World is a work of popular scien‐tific philosophy that develops and enlarges upon recent speculation that the universe may be a ‘hologram’. It deals controversially with the per‐ennial nature of reality, and more than other books tries to integrate people’s unusual time and dream experiences, and the mystery of coinci‐dences, into a mainstream scientific frame of reference. The author has conducted extensive research and cites numerous examples where time does not seem to behave normally. He also examines near‐death and out‐of‐body experi‐ences, reincarnation, ESP and predictions of fu‐ture events, and how different branches of sci‐ence are approaching these phenomena and find‐ing common ground.

Antony Milne’s book ‘Our Holographic World’ absolutely fascinated me. A one of a kind book that simply focuses on hundreds of strange inci‐dents in regards the mystery surrounding time. This easy to read book is pact to the rim with reported incidents that keeps you riveted to the spot. I could not put it down. Antony Milne’s dedication and knowledge of the subject is very much prominent. Not only should it be on your bookshelf, it is a ‘Must Read’. Thoroughly enjoy‐able… (Phenomena Maga‐zine).

Available at for £10.95 (Paperback).

Publisher: Empiricus Books

ISBN-10: 1857568273

The Crop Circle Report By Nancy Talbot

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Ms. Talbot majored in Psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and Harvard Extension School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Following 5 years as a Research Analyst at the University of Maryland

and Harvard College and 20 years as a festival producer in the Northeast, Ms. Talbott has organized, directed and financed crop

formation fieldwork for the BLT Research Team since 1993. She lectures regularly in the U.S. and abroad, presenting the BLT

Team's research results, writes for the lay-press, and has co-authored (with Wm. C. Levengood) the 1999 paper "Dispersion of energies in

worldwide crop formations"

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Saturday night, July 12th, Robbert and I were on Skype as usual. During our chat Robbert said he felt that 3 formations were coming, but they would come all in one night—and they would be in 3 different villages—one in corn (maize) and two in “grain.” He told me he “saw” (in his mind’s eye) that one would come in Roosendaal, one in Etten Leur and the other near Zevenber‐gen, and he also “saw” that when their locations were plotted on a Google map they would make a “perfect” triangle. [He described an isosceles triangle, rather than an equilateral one.] He also said he thought they were coming in the next few days.

Later that night I began “clearing the decks” in my office to be ready for what I knew would be a likely influx of photos from Roy soon and hap‐pened to also email Robbert’s “prediction” to 4 or 5 friends.

Date: July 16, 2014 (shortly after midnight)Location: Etten Leur, Holland Crop: Maize (corn) Found by: Robbert van den Broeke ( Roy Boschman & Nancy Talbott Photos: Roy Boschman Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (

Around midnight on the night of July 15‐16 Roy happened to be with Robbert when Robbert's familiar “restlessness” forced him to ask his friend to once again drive him out to find what he was certain would be the 3 new formations.

As they prepared to leave the house Robbert had a clear “vision” of a circle in a corn (maize) field near Etten Leur, and got the street name of “Ettense baan.” As they neared this area Rob‐bert suddenly knew they musts turn left onto a narrow sandy road where Robbert had never been before—and, when they turned onto this dirt road both men started to feel very dizzy and Roy noticed that his mobile phone began acting “weird.” As they continued Robbert told me he felt a “UFO was directly over Roy’s car,” almost immediately after which they found a maize field.

As they parked the car Robbert became imme‐diately aware of a “massive” presence of what he felt was a “master‐society race” and got the impression that these were the “Yahyels” (an “intergalactic” group of beings he has felt were involved with previous circles in his area)—and felt an additional presence he describes as be‐ing “loving and divine guardian angels.” As the men began walking through the 2.5m‐tall corn they both became so dizzy they thought they might lose consciousness.

Because the maize circle was deep inside the field and the stalks were high above both men’s heads I asked Robbert how he had known where to go to find the circle? He replied that he was guided as if he “were a robot…go here…turn here…stop here,” which he obligingly did, and they did eventually find the new circle, with all of the corn stalks gently bent over and swirled around, with none broken.

Robbert is always nervous at night in any field when he doesn’t know the farmer well, even when accompanied by other people, Since he had never been to this field before he began to feel real anxiety as he and Roy stood for awhile on the edge of the circle—fearing that the farmer might come and be angry with them. But then, like the night in Cambridge in Febru‐ary when I felt nervous about “sending” him the heart but then remembered that all I had to do was trust these “energies”

(http ://,

Robbert also experienced an “electric‐like en‐ergy” so intensely that his whole body began to shake—and “knew” he was being “once again

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told” to stay calm…that everything was OK. While still in the maize field Robbert got another “vision” and knew they had to now drive to Roosendaal.


For more photos of this Etten Leur circle (#12 Dutch circle of 2014), see Robbert’s website, “graancirkelarchief”:

For multiple reports in English about the many anomalous phenomena constantly occurring around Robbert, see the list beneath my intro‐duction to his case on the BLT website:

The 2nd of the three new formations discovered the night of July 16th was in Roosendaal, not too far from where Roy & Robbert found the one in Rapeseed/Canola on March l7th, 2014. As the men were leaving the maize circle at Etten‐Leur Robbert again had a “vision” (he apparently

literally sees, in his mind’s eye, not only what the new circle will look like, but the area—and often the exact field—where it will be), this time of a ring with 3 circles placed around it.

Date: July 16, 2014 (approx. 1am) Location: Roosendaal, Holland Crop: Ripe Barley Found by: Robbert v/d Broeke ( Diagram: Roy Boschman & Nancy Talbott Photos: Roy Boschman Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (

The 2nd of the three new formations discov‐ered the night of July 16th was in Roosendaal, not too far from where Roy & Robbert found the one in Rapeseed/Canola on March l7th, 2014. As the men were leaving the maize circle at Etten‐Leur Robbert again had a “vision” (he apparently literally sees, in his mind’s eye, not only what the new circle will look like, but the area—and often the exact field—where it will be), this time of a ring with 3 circles placed around it.

He also “saw” an area near Roosendaal where there would be a grain field with a “rotating energy” over this grain field. He told Roy he felt that this circle had just formed only min‐utes before, while they were still in the maize circle.

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Once in the right area the men found a field of ripe barley and almost immediately found this 2nd formation, which indeed was made up of a ring with 3 circles placed around it—just as Rob‐bert had “seen” in Etten Leur. Robbert also clearly saw an “aura” hanging over this circle as they approached it and felt a “welcome” sort of energy and an intense tingling on his arms, as if he had entered an electrostatic field of some sort, and got the impression that this formation was a “preparation” for something bigger.

Again, not knowing the farmer who owned this field, they didn’t want to stay too long‐‐in spite of the fact they both were experiencing the now‐familiar “energy” all over their bodies. While still at this formation, though, Robbert had another clear “knowing” they had to now drive to Zeven‐bergen to find the third formation.


For more photos of the ROOSENDAAL circle (#13 Dutch circle of 2014), see Robbert’s website, “graancirkelarchief”:

For multiple reports in English about the many anomalous phenomena constantly occurring around Robbert, see the list beneath my intro‐duction to his case on the BLT website:

The Location:

3rd Dutch Crop Circle, the night of July 16th.

Date: July 16, 2014 (approx 1:45 am) Location: Zevenbergen, Holland Crop: Wheat Found by: Robbert v/d Broeke ( Roy Boschman & Nancy Talbott Photos: Roy Boschman Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (

While Robbert & Roy were still in the barley circle at Roosendaal (at the 2nd of the 3 new formations this night) Robbert again “knew” there was yet another new circle and “saw” what he told me were “parallel roads” (I think this was actually the name of a road, “Parallelweg South) and also a gas station in the Zevenbergen area, as well as a “2‐ringed circle” — and knew they now had to drive again.

As they got to the area Robbert suddenly told Roy they must drive slowly since he had begun to feel a “warm feeling” in his stomach and knew the Zevenbergen circle was close by. When they then came to a grain field Robbert saw an “energy UFO” (he means a transparent

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sort of “energetic,” not physical, UFO—in this case one of a “classic” UFO shape) sitting directly over this field, and then told Roy to stop.

This circle has an incredible feature—the very thin inner ring is only 10 cm. wide‐‐so thin that no adult human foot could possibly have created it.

As they approached this formation both men became very dizzy again (as they had in the maize circle at Etten Leur) and Roy realized that

his phone was also again acting strangely, with the screen constantly flickering with “waves” (like a TV screen when the station has gone off).

They could both feel the intense energy here which Robbert described as being both “strong” and “gentle,” and he felt he must go and stand in the center (being very careful not to squash the center standing tuft) for a few minutes, as he had also felt he “must” do in the May 20, 2014 grass “cross” formation at Roosendaal. His sense was that he was supposed to function as an “acupuncture point” in this circle also.

As Robbert did this, with his arms outstretched and his head turned up Roy states that he visu‐ally saw ‐ very clearly & for about a minute—a “blue aura” envelope Robbert’s body. Robbert himself reports that he saw many flashes of light all around him and then felt very, very dizzy.

When they returned home just before 3:00 am Roy did plot the location of the three new formations on a google map, and it does look as if the connecting lines form an isosceles triangle….just as Robbert had “seen” they would.


For more photos of the ZEVENBERGEN circle

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(#14 Dutch circle of 2014), see Robbert’s web‐site, “graancirkelarchief”:

For multiple reports in English about the many anomalous phenomena constantly occurring around Robbert, see the list beneath my intro‐duction to his case on the BLT website:

In February, 2014, Robbert van den Broeke's friend Stan provided the money for a California filmmaker I know (Dan Drasin) to visit Robbert in Holland to try to document, professionally, some of Robbert’s photo abilities. He’s just posted his clip (which is at the end of the “Visual ITC” sec‐tion of a series of films he is doing).

To see Robbert’s 6‐minute long clip, GO TO THE 1:09:56 point on the film, here:

For many detailed reports (in English) about this ability of Robbert’s, as well as many other bi‐zarre goings‐on and experiments, please see Robbert’s BLT page:

Reports are listed individually, below my intro to his case.

The recovery of 2.5m‐tall tasseled maize (corn) plants just 3 days after being flattened in a Dutch crop circle is, to my knowledge, unprece‐dented. Taking into consideration also the fact that both Robbert v/d Broeke and Roy experi‐enced intense dizziness as they approached the

circle the night they discovered it and that Roy’s cell‐phone behaved abnormally too—as well as the fact that both of the aerial photographer’s cameras failed to operate properly over the field a few days later—it is unlikely that phototropic response is an adequate explanation. Recovery Report here:

http ://www.b l t research .com/robbert/maizerecovery.pdf

The BLT report on the circle as found on July 16th:

Another Dutch crop formation...

The Arc Crop Formation was spot‐on predicted by Robbert v/d Broeke (who showed me a sketch Saturday night on Skype of what a new cc in corn, which he felt was “coming soon" would look like) has now arrived, 3 nights later. It’s in full‐grown 2.5+meter‐tll maize (corn) which is easily an inch+ thick, swirled in a lovely “Horseshoe” arc:

On Saturday night, August 30th Robbert v/d Broeke and I were on Skype. Just after mid‐night he suddenly said “I think another circle’s coming, in maize…I see it in my head.” I asked him to draw what he “saw,” more now as a matter of routine than because I have much doubt he could be mistaken. As he noted on his drawing, it was just 6:00am, August 31st in Holland.

On the night of September 2‐3, Roy was at Rob‐bert’s apartment. The “restless” feeling Rob‐bert always get before new circles appear had

The Crop Circle Report By Nancy Talbot

been building up when, sometime close to mid‐night, he saw the same horseshoe‐shape in his “mind’s eye,” this time made out of lights, fol‐lowed by the flash of a light‐ball over a field as the crop circle actually formed. He also “saw” the exact field where the new formation would be.

Shortly after midnight, September 3rd, Roy drove Robbert to the field and as they arrived Robbert saw what he describes as a “pulsating tunnel” in the sky over the field, so he knew exactly where to go. This formation is fairly deep into the field and, since it had been raining for days and the maize is full‐grown now, both men got soaked.

The farmers here are both about 6 ft. tall so you can see the height of the plants; also notice well‐developed cobs everywhere and stalks along the edge flattened with their root‐balls pulled out of the soil. This farmer did allow visitors to a maize formation in his fields in 2013, so he may decide to allow visitors again—watch Robbert’s website for details.

Robbert said that as they got closer he could feel the “energy” pulling him in the right direction and that, in this case, it felt very “gentle and sweet, like a temple.” Because of the rain the last few days the ground was damp and with their torch they could see no mud on the

flattened corn or any footprints (other than their own) in the soft soil as they reached the arc. They could also see that many of the thick stalks were absolutely bent over at the base, just above the root‐ball—and that other plants were snapped or split slightly at or just above the root‐balls and in many cases the brace‐roots had been pulled (with the stalk intact) right out of the soil.

For additional photos of this formation & info as to whether the farmer will allow visitors, see Robbert’s Crop Circle Archive:

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The Crop Circle Report By Nancy Talbot

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New BLT report documenting two eyewitness accounts of 2 Dutch crop circles forming—both with 2 witnesses—one case involving orange light‐balls, the other involving a huge, low, daz‐zling UFO, silvery metallic‐looking balls & 2 giant creatures:

This is not the first time we have had reports from eye witnesses, claiming to have seen such formings created by UFOs and strange beings.

Date: September 11, 2014 Location: Hoeven, Holland Crop : Mustard‐Seed Found by: Robbert v/d Broeke ( Diagram & Photos: Roy Boschman Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (

Knowing when the new circles are coming is not always as much fun as people might think. Robbert sometimes suffers depression for sev‐eral days prior to the arrival of new formations and this was the case this time. By happen‐stance Roy Boschman was with him late on the night of September 10th when Robbert sud‐denly “knew” they should drive to the Pal‐ingstraat in Hoeven (where the September 3rd maize “horseshoe” formation had appeared), this time seeing (in a “vision”) a “field of flow‐ers.” He also felt an energy he describes as “playful and sweet”—a combination of “Angel, ET and animal (in particular a bird) energies”—close around him.

Dutch parapsychologist Richard Krebber, who has recently been working with Robbert, had asked that he be called if/when another forma‐tion appeared, and so was with Robbert and Roy as they found the new circle. Krebber had purposefully brought along his fully‐charged I‐phone and witnessed, first‐hand, the regularly‐reported cell phone (& other electronic devices) failure in new crop formations.

The Crop Circle Report By Nancy Talbot

There was a nearly‐full moon and while the men were inside the mustard‐seed field (no tram‐lines) Robbert suddenly saw a dark shadow and felt “something mystical” was watching them, and then saw a large owl which swooped down very low over the formation, circling it three times—counter‐clockwise—in the same direc‐tion as the flattened plants. Robbert had the distinct feeling that this owl’s consciousness included, or also contained, a bigger conscious‐ness which was observing the men and was also “energizing” the new formation. [it is a fact that Robbert, himself, can cause birds to go to sleep simply by focusing on them, so this idea that the owl may have represented a consciousness capa‐ble of affecting its surroundings doesn’t seem so outrageous to him.]

While inside the formation Robbert felt a “rotational” energy and all three men felt a dis‐tinct warmth in their legs. Mr. Krebber reported also feeling a tingling in his arms and, especially, his hand‐‐adding that for about 10 seconds he felt an unusual, but pleasant, sensation of “something stretching my body up.”

As is clear in Roy’s photos (taken early on Sept. 11), there was bending at the base of the thick, brittle rapeseed‐like stalks of the mustard‐seed plants, and no scrape‐marks or other indica‐tion of mechanical flattening. The flowers were all mostly intact also.

The farmer is allowing visitors and a donation box has been set up. We hope visitors will be generous, both to thank this nice farmer and to encourage other Dutch landowners to open their fields when other formations occur in the future.

Nancy Talbott BLT Research Team Inc.

P.O. Box 400127 Cambridge, MA 02140 (USA)

ph: 617/492‐0415

Page 19 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:


‘I believe this document has huge implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general: An absolutely MUST READ’. ‐ Steve Mera.







DVD REVIEW Phenomena Magazine regularly receives DVDs and provides reviews. After which we promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you have a DVD you would like to be reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD title direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

This enjoyable (if rather odd) Norwegian thriller is set during the early days of offshore oil exploration in the waters off Norway. The story is set around a series of dangerous experiments conducted on teams of volunteer divers as they try to perfect a suitable mixture of breathing gasses to allow them to operate at 500 meters below the surface on the sea bed. The experiments conducted between the Americans and Norwegians were designed to allow them to work at greater depths than before to allow a pipeline to be laid. At first the experiments proceed petty much to plan, then there is an incident and one of the divers dies and his colleague, Petter, is injured and tries to get at the truth only to find his efforts foiled at every turn….including his near murder. This is what happens when astronomical sums of money are involved and in this case the economic future of a country is at stake. Askel Hennie is excellent in the part of Petter and the ever‐reliable Stephen Lang (the belligerent and gung‐ho Colonel from Avatar) plays true to form as the ruthless and devious Ferris who heads up the scientists behind the project. The subtitles are a bit of a bind at first especially when the cast speak English rather then Norwegian, but soon become acceptable. Not bad if a bit strange. Now available on Blu‐Ray and DVD.


Title: Pioneer

Director: Erik Skjoldbjærg Main cast: Aksel Hennie, Wes

Bentley and Stephen Lang Format: DVD and Blue‐Ray

Distributor: Magnolia Pictures Price: £13.99

September 9 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and

will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:38 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Corn Moon because the corn is harvested around this time of year. This moon is also known as the Harvest

Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox each year.

September 23 - September Equinox. The September equinox occurs at 02:29 UTC. The

Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the

Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemi-sphere.

September 24 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun

and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 06:14 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there

is no moonlight to interfere.

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Glimpses of a Separate Reality - Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. By Malcolm Robinson.

Editors note: This interview was conducted on the 27th of August 2011 by Malcolm Robinson at the Copthorne Hotel in Kensington, London, England. As one would ex-pect, the views expressed by Ms Cannon are entirely her own and not necessarily shared or endorsed in any way by this magazine. Ms Cannon uses and teaches a unique method of hypnotic regression that she created, it is called ‘The Quantum

Healing Hypnosis Therapy Technique’ and may (or equally may not) have some value. Please also be aware that hypnotic regression can be a risky and unreliable

process at the best of times and frequently produces some very misleading answers. Ms Cannon charges fees for her courses and tuition. Part 1 of this article appeared

in the August 2014 issue of Phenomena Magazine.

Glimpses of a Separate Reality - Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. By Malcolm Robinson.

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Abbreviations (MR) Malcolm Robinson (DC) Dolores Cannon. (MR) Now Roswell, New Mexico, some of our readers would like to know your thoughts on this. Are we dealing with a superior technologically ad‐vanced civilisation, and if so, why did they crash? (DC) I will tell you why. I’ve lectured at Roswell at the museum. Now I asked about that, and this what they said. This is the smaller craft; remember it is sent down with the little beings to do the work. Now whenever they are flying they are surrounded by an electrical field and energy field. This is why you will never see them land on the ground. They will either hover or put down legs, they will not sit on the ground because it will short out the electrical field. So at the time of Roswell, there was a huge thunderstorm going on that night and they said that they shouldn’t have crashed that night but they got caught in the thunderstorm and that’s what made them crash

It had shorted out the electrical field. And I have investigated other crashes that nobody else has even heard about with the same thing in which they found the beings inside the craft and of course the Air Force arrived immedi‐ately and took the bodies away and I have talked to the soldiers that were there and they saw what was inside the craft. So Roswell was not the only one, it was always the same thing there was a big storm going on which shorted out this electrical field around the craft. Does that make more sense? (MR) Yes so I guess you could have the most technological advanced craft in the world and I guess when it comes up against a normal Earth thunderstorm it has problems! (DC) And they propel their craft by thought. Not only by individual thought, but with lots of their craft it’s by combined thought of all on board and there are crystals onboard the craft that store the mind power and energy of the beings on board. So they don’t have to have much machinery. (MR) Now that’s an incredible statement and my philosophy in life is this. Just because something looks and sounds ridiculous, doesn’t mean to say that it is so. And a machine powered by thought seems so crazy a concept, but then again why should it be! (DC) I’ve had other investigators sitting in on some of my sessions and I said that I wouldn’t let them do it again because they were ridiculing me. They said, “No you can’t do it like that, it has to be done by fuel”. (MR) Yes some gifted psychics can move pens across tables etc now that’s movement by thought, that’s simple things. Now if it’s a collective thing and everyone is attuned to the same desire and that desire is to propel that craft. Because you know they have gotten away from vocal communication they think we are hilarious. (MR) (laughs) We have to have all these sounds coming out of our mouths all of our hand motions, they just do it directly. They said we have to put one word behind the other to make a sentence to make a paragraph and they do it all with one thought and its all there. So why shouldn’t they be able to control; their craft by thought! (MR) Now please don’t take this the wrong way Dolores. I have investigated a UFO abduction case in Scotland and earlier on, you said that in the main, the UFO abduction experience is not a bad thing that it is for the betterment of the individuals. And yet one of the witnesses in this Scottish UFO abduc‐tion case found himself lying on this raised table in this UFO and said to these beings “Why are you doing this to me, why”? And the word that formulated in his head was a word that both you and I are familiar with, and that word was ‘Sanctuary’.

This was given to him by one of the small greys. Now the witness knew what the word ‘sanctuary’ means, but what we as researchers are trying to ascer‐tain, is in what specific context did this word apply! (DC) You see you don’t let the person remember the whole experience as it would blow their mind. So they have to keep them in a trance like state so they can build a wall and that disturbs them they can’t go back to living their own life that is what sanctuary would mean it would make sense. But what else was in that case? (MR) Well quite a lot. Sadly they came back with scars on their body one chap had a needle going into his eye akin to what Travis Walton experienced. (DC) Oh I know Travis, he’s a weirdo. (MR) Is he really! (DC) Oh yes. You see they (the experiencers) don’t know why this is being done. (MR) But it’s such a shame that.. (DC) And the other investigators don’t ever ask them why and get to the real answers. They stick with that emotional part. (MR) Now we are using hypnosis to gain information from abductees that they consciously can’t recall (although some of them do consciously recall) But in the main, it would appear that if you don’t use hypnosis as a tool to bring this out then you wouldn’t have the majority of these really good worldwide cases. (DC) But you are not supposed to. (MR) Do you think that the aliens have got it wrong in as much as they should have impacted something so that our hypnosis wouldn’t work? (DC) It disrupts the person’s life, that’s why they don’t want them to remem‐ber. It can be done with hypnosis if you do it in the right way and I want my clients to feel good afterwards from what they get and they understand it. But if you pull it out for just any reason then you are going to really harm that person. Do you understand? (MR) I do. (Stephanie Bell came in at this point and said. You can’t block it completely, because what that person accesses when he is under is the Universal Con‐sciousness and you can’t block that, that is open to everybody)

Glimpses of a Separate Reality - Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. By Malcolm Robinson.

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(MR) I see, that would make sense. (DC) You see the chemicals in our food and in our air make the person re‐member in a distorted fashion. So when they think they are remembering, that is not exactly what happened at all. Well how would you explain the scarring of the men, did the mind create some of this? (DC) No they (the aliens) do testing, because they have to keep you healthy if you are going to live here. But most of the time the scare heal up really quickly anyway. But I’ve had a lot of them say that they had this done to them and later they said when I had them under that that’s not what had happened at all. One woman said that she remembered when she was on the table that they touched her breast and I said “no, I know that they don’t do that” because that’s not what they do. And when she was under they said that we know how sensitive woman are about their breasts and they said that while they were doing the testing that they do to see how the body is growing they accidentally brushed against her breast but she interpreted that they had cut her. So that’s what I mean, the mind can change the whole experience. And I’ve had that happen many times. So that’s why they’d rather they be out and not remember it. (MR) Your new book Dolores, ‘Convoluted Universe 4’, where does that differ from your previous books, because you are such a prolific writer it’s wonder‐ful. How does it differ from your earlier books and is this your final book, the final answer as it were! (laughs) (DC) Oh No. I’m working on three more, I’m never going to get finished writ‐ing. But no, the ‘Three Waves’ book looks at a whole new concept of ET’s that has never been written about. But when I finished my book ‘The Custo‐dians’, that was my first five years on working on this. It’s a big book, and it began to go away from ET’s into meta‐psychics into complicated theories ideas and concepts. That’s when I started writing the Convoluted Universe books. People want their minds to be like pretzels, these books make you think in a different way and it begins to put more and more of it together. So each one gets a little harder and a little harder and ‘Convoluted 4’ is just some more convoluted concepts. (MR) Will there be a time that you say, you know what, I think that I have more or less covered the agenda now and that...... (DC) (laughs) that’s what I thought at the end of ‘Convoluted 3’. I said that. I said that I don’t think that there is anything else left that you can tell me. And they said oh no, there is a lot more, a lot more. And that’s where I ended ‘Convoluted 3’. Now I have enough for another 3 more books. But those are the things that nobody has even thought of. Because they (the aliens) said finally you are at the point now where your mind can now grab and understand these things, so they are letting some of these more compli‐cated things come in. Not everyone can understand this, but for those that can time is no more. (MR) Now Dolores, you’ve been in this subject for many years now, but have you seen your own physical craft, your own UFO? (DC) I told them that I didn’t want to. (MR) Why! (DC) I told them that I didn’t want to see them and that I didn’t want to see their craft. I’ve seen strange lights I’ve had them over my house. But I said that I think I can be a better reporter if I remained a reporter because then I can get asked questions and be objective. If I was involved in it I would get emotional. I’d rather just be the objective reporter and they said well if that’s what you want we will honour that. (MR) I’ve been involved in this subject now for over 35 years or so and it has come to my attention that the British Government and the Governments of this world do know a heck of a lot more than they are letting on. And under the Freedom of Information Act many pre‐classified Government documents

have been released which are still heavily blacked out.

(DC) I know, I’ve seen them. (MR) And so my question to you is, do you think that the Governments of this world will ever come clean on what they know. (DC) No, because if they did they would have to admit that they have been lying all this time and they can’t take that chance. They say that they can never admit it because it would create panic in the world. They say it would completely upset religion, which I don’t think makes that much difference now anyway and that the people would have the world turned round so much that it wouldn’t be able to function. So they said that is one of the reasons that they would never disclose. They might let little things leak out but not the big stuff. (MR) The next question on top of that one would be if the Governments of the world do know what’s going on, how much do they know? Do they have some of this alien technology? In a sense it would be like Christopher Colum‐bus going into a nuclear submarine and someone saying, right, there you go Christopher, tell me how it works. He wouldn’t be able to comprehend this submarine, it would be way beyond his comprehension. So is it possible Dolores that the Governments do have some residue craft from Roswell and… (DC) Of course they do, they have completely rebuilt the crafts. I know a lot more, but I have been told not to lecture on it and not to write about it, they said this is for my own information only, believe me, I know a great deal. But it’s in ‘The Custodians’, (Dolores’ book), that I talk about the Government’s connection with the E.Ts. They made agreements with them, there are cer‐tain types of elements, I guess you would say minerals on our Earth, that they need for their planets, but they are common so we don’t need them. So they were allowed to come in and take these minerals in exchange we were to give the Government technology and it was supposed to be a fair ex‐change. They honoured their agreements, but the Governments didn’t. Now what good would it do to fool somebody who can read your mind? (MR) Yes. (DC) But the agreements were to give them different technology. They did, until they found out what they were doing with it, they were turning it around and misusing it, turning it into weapons so they (the aliens) said ‘no more’. So now they say that they are not dealing with the Governments the way that they used to, they are not giving them what they think they are giving them (!) But the only reason they dealt with the Government was because they needed these minerals. (MR) When you say minerals, are there any specific minerals that they had their eyes on?

Glimpses of a Separate Reality - Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. By Malcolm Robinson.

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(DC) They are very common. So I asked them what kind and they said they are so common you don’t need to pay attention to it. But it’s something they need on the various planets. (DC) Have the E.Ts told you where in our solar system is the next habitable planet? I mean, how far away are we talking about here, where is our near‐est neighbours? (DC) Even the Governments know this. There are ships where you would have to live in, generational ships where you would be born in and die in and when you get there, there would be nobody left from the originals that started out, they would have to be totally different to start a civilisation where they are going. And in order to do that they have to completely change the human body to survive and the Government are working on it now. If you don’t eat you don’t breathe and that creates most of the problems, so they kinda take those away so that you can live. They are talking about sus‐pended animation on board ships, that’s how far away it is, there is nothing in this solar system. There are going to have a base on Mars and bases on the Moon but those are just holding points before you can send out for the rest of it. It’s like a Noah’s Ark type thing. There are alien bases on the Moon that have been there for oh…way before we ever came along. And they have been seen through telescopes and they (mankind) have found the remains of them also but they are not going to tell you about it. (MR) There are certain areas of this planet Dolores, they call them Hot Spots or Window Areas, where one sees a higher concentration of UFO reports than anywhere else. (DC) Sure. (MR) Is there a reason in your mind why the likes of Gulf Breeze in Pensacola Florida, Bonnybridge in Stirlingshire Scotland and various other places around the world has this concentration of UFOs, is it to do with the people, is it the mindset or are these areas some kind of portal in which UFOs can enter? (DC) Ley Lines......Do you know what Ley Lines are? (MR) Yes I do. (DC) Vortexes or portals. This is how they go back and forth between the dimensions. They can do it anywhere but it is much easier for them to travel directly to go through a portal and they change the vibration and frequency.

There are portals located at these various different places. It’s easier for them to travel. (MR) And I take it Dolores that these portals are located at different places on planet Earth? (DC) It’s the Ley Lines where they cross, and the grid lines of the Earth and they are definitely vortexes. This is where the crop circles appear in Eng‐land, all around the vortexes. (MR) What are your views on Crop Circles then Dolores? (DC) Well I know why all this has been happening too (laughs) I have been investigating those since 1992 also. And I know how they are created and I know what it’s all about. They are created by energy, but it’s a language and you don’t have to be in the crop circle to get the message. Our subconscious mind understands symbols. And E.Ts use symbols to communicate. And as they said, our way of communicating by putting one word in front of the other is too long. Now the whole concept of lots of information in one sym‐bol is better. All you have to do is see that symbol and it puts the informa‐tion into the human mind on a cellular level, they don’t do it consciously. (MR) Right. (DC) I said, (to the aliens) well, what are we going to do with this informa‐tion? (they said) In the future when we need it, it will be there and we won’t even know where it came from. And now is the time that we are going to be needing it. Every symbol has lots of information, and I know a whole lot of people all over the world who have been contacting me who have been get‐ting symbols. They have beams of light coming through the window full of geometric symbols that go into the brain. And you don’t need to have an abduction.

(DC) Abductions are down on a lower level, all you have to do is see a UFO because they said we have to stop your world for a fraction of a second and I said ‘what do you mean you have to stop our world’ and they said ‘well we have to catch you off guard for just a fraction of a second. I said, ‘we’re not on guard’, and they said, ‘oh yes you are’. When you see that UFO, in that instant that information is downloaded into the cellular level of the brain and it’s information that we are going to need. I could tell you some amazing stories where they stop time and everything.

(MR) Now backtracking into regression and past lives. When it’s time for me to go, to pass over to the other side (and hopefully that’s not in the next five minutes) I would hope that my father and mother would be there waiting for me.... (DC) If it’s what they choose to do (MR) But what if they have re‐incarnated and they are not ‘there’ when I pass over? (DC) If it’s their plan, if they want to wait for you they will. But believe me it’s wonderful. People keep saying to me that it’s a beautiful wonderful place. There is no hell, it’s beautiful if they want to wait for you, they will wait for you. (MR) There is no hell! (DC) No, there is no hell. (MR) But people may ask, well what about those rapists and people who kill and interfere with young children, would they not have their own hell to deal with? I mean, would they have to atone for what they did? (DC) (Sighs) Boy you’re really on the ball. (MR) I’m so sorry, but I’ve just got to ask these questions.

Glimpses of a Separate Reality - Part 2: An Interview with Dolores Cannon. By Malcolm Robinson.

(DC) No that’s OK because I get these questions a lot. There is no God, there is no book, everything is lessons and experiences. Now what did you learn from these people who did these horrible things what did that teach you? (MR) Well..... (DC) If you didn’t have them for an example what would you learn? When those people (rapists and the like) pass over, there is nobody sitting ‘up there’ to judge them, they judge themselves. When you look over your en‐tire lifetime you see what you have done and you know that you have to pay back for it. You set up your own next life where you will have to re‐pay for what you have done. Suppose you murdered someone in a past life, well the next time around you have to spend your life taking care of that person, that’s called ‘the soft ways’. It’s not you kill me and I’ll kill you, that keeps the wheel going. (MR) So yes I guess that makes sense, because you would see the plan then to rectify your mistake and make you a better person for it.

(DC) There is a wonderful plan behind it all and I’m glad that there is some‐body ‘up there’ working it all out.

(MR) Dolores, we are going to finish now and I would ask you if you have any final thoughts or valuable pieces of information that you would like to impart to us. (DC) I usually go step by step but I have been jumping all over here, but the main that I would want to say about UFOs and E.Ts, is that they are not to be feared, there is no negativity in there at all. They have been around since the beginning of time. They created us. So they have been taking care of us since the beginning of time. So why would there be fear there? We have to understand that they plan to find cure for diseases. They are here for good. It’s the misunderstanding and misinterpretations that make it appear to be negative. Knowledge is power remember. (MR) It sure is. Dolores Cannon I’d like to thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule. I really appreciate it and wish you well in your continuing research. (DC) It’s been a pleasure. For more information about Dolores Cannon and her books, please go to

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Set to be the UK’s biggest event of its kind, featuring UFO and Paranormal lectures by experts from around the world, parapsychology, the masked Caledonian Vampyre Ball, Creepy Comedy, Film Festival with some of the best spooky movies ever, Filmmakers Competition, Ghost Tours, UFO Skywatch, Nosferatu with music, kids Halloween story‐telling, Celtic music and storytelling, Ghosthunter sessions and vigils, Psychic night, Theatre, Supernatural celebrities, Tell your own tale in the Ghost Box, UFO and Para‐normal investigation and research training courses, report your experiences, stalls, books, videos and much much more. In attendance: Archie Lawrie, Stephen Mera, Jonathan Bright, Jonathan Downes, Hayley Stevens, Geoff Holder, Peter McCue, Dave Hodrien, James Fox, Nick Pope, Brian Allan, Malcolm Robinson, Dr. Lorn Macintyre, Ellis Taylor, Dr. Caroline Watt, Nick Kyle, The Navajo Rangers, Anthony Perk, Ron Halli‐day, Tim Coleman, Christina Stewart, Gordon Smith, David Kinnaird, Ian D. Montfort, Paul Gannan, Clare Hume, The Happy Hangman, The 3am Club and Peter Broughan. This is one event you will not want to miss. Starts October 30th through to November 2nd 2014, Stirling, Scotland. Special assistance from Dan Aykroyd.

TICKETS ARE SELLING FAST! TO SECURE YOUR PLACE BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW! The full programme is available to view at: And can be downloaded at:

Oz Unknowns By Dan Monroe

Page 29 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

We would like to welcome our newest

member of the Phenomena Magazine

team onboard. Some of you may remember Dan as one of the Planet X Radio show experts in Liverpool. Dan became

well known in the community and was a well known for his fas-

cinating lectures on mysteries and alterna-

tive history.

We last met up with Dan in Preston earlier this year where he de-livered another excel-

lent talk at the Mysteri-ous Earth Conference

run by Neil McDonald of Megalithic Tours.

Dan has recently emi-grated with his family to the beautiful land

‘Down Under’ and has joined our team as an Australian correspon-

dent and columnist. We look forward to work-ing with Dan and dis-covering some of the strange goings on in


I’d like to welcome the readers of Phenomena Magazine to my new monthly column from my beautiful new home here in Western Australia. This land has rewarded my family and me with

splendorous sites rich in natural beauty and history.

Oz Unknowns By Dan Monroe

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Above: Serpentine Falls, just one of the many natural wonders we have experienced here in Western Australia.

Australia is also a land of mystery and high strangeness. There are famous haunting tales in Picton, Campbelltown and nearby Fremantle, alleged UFO crashes in New South Wales, river monsters in Hawkesbury and its very own Area 51 at Pine Gap in the centre of the country. Then there is Australia’s ancient history and native peoples whose culture still remains mysterious and we will explore this later in this article. Each month I will explore these mysteries as well as document the latest phenomenal news from the flipside of the planet.

Above: Bunbury Beach, with crashing waves and strange stones reminiscent of Giant’s Causeway. So much of Australia feels and looks primordial and ancient.

Some readers may be aware of my time as ‘Dan the Man’ on Liverpool’s Planet X radio show, where I met this magazine’s editor Stephen Mera and we shared many fascinating conversations

about a great many subjects both on and off the air. We had chance to meet again at the Mys‐terious Earth conference in March 2014, just a couple of months prior to leaving Blighty’s green and pleasant land. Steve suggested I share some perspec‐tive of Australia’s many mysteries for the magazine and so here I am! As chance, fate or synchronicity begets a day or two after I agreed to write the column, I had a family day out at the Museum of Western Australia. Although small in size compared to other museums, the exhibits are excel‐lent. They have a planetary ori‐gins section and with Australia’s unprecedented mineral wealth, the exhibit is a geologist’s para‐dise. They also have a number of full size meteorites to mess around with, cold and metallic to the touch and incredibly heavy and unmovable, it was a thrill to make physical contact with an object that has actually been in space! I was also intrigued by an exhibit entitled ‘The Origin of Life?’ which displayed a fragment of the Murchi‐son Meteorite, one of the most studied in the world. Rich in amino acids, it is a backbone for the Panspermic theory of the origin of human life here on Earth, and I thought it refreshing that a Museum would address alternative theories espe‐cially one with an Extra Terrestrial flavour.

Bottom Photo: The Origin of Life? The Murchison meteorite crash landed in Murchison, Victoria in 1969. One of the most studied meteorites in history due to its size and the fact it was studied prior to crashing. The presence of amino acids – the building blocks of life lend credence to the idea of life originating from an Extra Terrestrial source. With this ET flavour in mind, an image drew my attention across the room in the exhibit devoted to the history of the aboriginal peoples of Western Australia.

Above: I remember first seeing this image as a 10 year old. The resemblance to modern day de‐scriptions of grey aliens is striking…

I was around the age of 10 when I first saw this image put forward as potential evidence of Extra Terrestrial visitation to the Earth when I was in‐troduced to the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ theory of human origins.

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Later at age 13, I was deeply immersed in Erich Von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods and learnt that those same images were Western Australian in origin. Von Daniken’s ideas, which have been heavily criticised by mainstream and alternative circles, were at the time very inspirational as I explained in a presentation to my school class which, believe it or not, they did not find as fasci‐nating as I did. The central premise being that if ‘less advanced’ cultures bore witness to the land‐ing of ET visitors in ancient times, they would record such visitations using the mediums avail‐able to them at the time, in the case of the abo‐riginals and in other cultures – cave and rock art. The pictures were of ‘Wandjina’s’ from the Kim‐berley region of Western Australia. Von Daniken argued that these could be representations of ancient ET visitors with their circular head dresses as depictions of space helmets, stirring up ridicule and condemnation from mainstream historians; it also stirred the imagination of my impressionable 13 year old mind.

Above: Another photo of a Wandjina painting taken at the museum. This one also has the re‐semblance to the classic grey alien from abduc‐tion reports. Coincidence or a sign of something much more profound?

One thing that always struck me about some Wandjina pictures (but certainly not all), is their resemblance to modern day descriptions of grey entities most commonly cited as the beings re‐sponsible for alien abduction reports. Von Dani‐ken and others would later point to that similarity as evidence of ET visitations in ancient times. Another interesting perspective argues that the similarity between the Wandjina’s and the greys could be more to do with a shared human arche‐typal experience. For instance the abduction phenomena could be a modern update of folklore stories about encounters with elves, fairies and demons that paralleled the Grey’s in haunting the

night and abducting people from their beds, if these beings have been with throughout history then perhaps that’s why we see them in ancient art. According to the museum, the Wandjina’s were Western Australia’s ancestral beings who made the world and everything in it. They were the law givers and looked after land and plant growth. Their resting places were in caves wherein picto‐rial form, their spirits lived on to remind aborigi‐nal culture to follow the laws and live by the right ways in life. Rather than space helmets the head dresses represent hair and clouds, the radiating designs representing feathers and lightning with the fleck patterns symbolising the rain. The Wandjina images we see below were painted onto a mock cave wall in 1972 by a Waroona elder and being in their presence albeit not in an actual cave was still a thrill.

Above: The Wandjina cave art paintings at WA museum. Painted by a Waroona elder in the 1970’s. It’s a good example to show that not all Wandjina portrayals have the classic grey alien look.

Museums in general don’t tend to rock the boat when it comes to representing alternative theo‐ries, and reminded by the Wandjina / Von Dani‐ken link, it got me thinking about other ideas of human origins involving aboriginal culture. Like the Annunaki and other ancient deities (though certainly not all), the Wandjina’s were said to have descended from the sky to become human‐ity’s first creators and teachers. Could it be possi‐ble that the aboriginals themselves claim that there was more to their own history than the mainstream would have us believe? Excitingly, there is such research being conducted

here in Australia. Steven Strong in collaboration with his son Evan has been working in the educa‐tional field with aboriginals for many years. Along with a healthy interest in human history, he was inspired to look deeper into these mysteries via his connections to the ‘Elders of Australia.’ Hav‐ing such close ties has allowed him to be initiated into some of the ancient secrets and from that Steven and Evan have developed a new theory of human civilisation. They believe they have uncov‐ered a hidden history that the Australian original people were the first people and over 50,000 years ago sailed around the world visiting many places including America, Egypt, Japan, Africa and India. ‘They were the first Homo Sapiens who evolved before the sapiens of Africa and gave the world art, axes, religion, marine technology, cul‐ture, co‐operative living, language and surgery.’ (

Above: I found this picture fascinating. An abo‐riginal depiction of a devil or a demon. Note the red colour and forked tail which are also common in western depictions of the devil. If Steven Strong research is true; perhaps this sort of imagery is the inspiration for Western representations of the devil?

Oz Unknowns By Dan Monroe

Controversial stuff, not only does the idea clash with the predominant ‘out of Africa’ theory strongly held for human origins and dispersal, but also re‐dates several technological firsts right back in time into the hands of the earliest Homo sapiens. The thrust of their work is to ‘prove through scientific fact, that which the Elders insist is true.’ They have gathered an impressive array of multi‐disciplinarian evidence to back up their claims from archaeological finds, genetic studies to com‐parative mythology and stories about the Dream‐ing from the Elders which give this theory its uniquely Australian emphasis.

Strong has been a lead investigator of the ‘Gosford Glyphs,’ which have become one of Aus‐tralia’s enduring mysteries as over 300 carvings resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs have been found in caves in New South Wales. Amongst the carv‐ings Strong has discovered ‘UFO’ glyphs depicting what appear to be saucer shaped craft with land‐ing legs. This brings us back to the ET hypotheses in ancient times, as Strong’s research has been searching the ancient sites of Australia for clues about a mysterious race of people whose origin points to the Pleiades as the possible progenitors of human civilisation. So as my first stop in alternative research in

Australia, I am looking forward to reading more about the Elders’ perspective and I would encour‐age Phenomena readers to check out the Strong’s website and books as I intend to do and research further. I have been inspired by the museum exhibit and I am eager to learn more about the elders of this amazing land that I have now chosen to call home and in doing so perhaps I will learn more about the hidden history of the human race as a whole…

I look forward to sharing more of my findings on the mysteries of this land down under and dis‐cover more wisdoms of Oz…

Page 32 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

BOOK REVIEWS Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

This, the latest offering from Professor P.G. Maxwell Stewart, who is a senior lecturer in his‐tory and St Andrews University, is absolutely typical of his painstaking and meticulous (almost forensic) research into any subject he tackles, as his previous books about Satan and polter‐geists are testament. In the brief preface he wisely cautions the reader against approaching the book wearing the goggles (some might say blinkers and prejudices) of 21st century think‐ing. Rather, he suggests that we consider that the era he writes about, which begins in the early 13th century, regarded phenomena like demons, angels, prophets, seers and of course witches as absolutely normal and a part of everyday life. As far as our ancestors were con‐cerned these entities and people were as real and valid as anything else in their world. Although most witches worked locally and in effect were interchangeable with doctors and midwives, Prof Maxwell‐Stewart shows that some of them actively tried to use (or were hired to use) their magic against the government and monarchy. Several cases are cited, especially the notorious and gruesome Pendle witchcraft trials, and also how successive governments and monarchs, especially the superstitious King James VI, tried to suppress witchcraft and those who practised it. At £25 the book is not cheap, but at 475 pages it is a hefty volume and is stuffed full with facts, observations, asides and details of the witches and in some cases their trials too. For anyone with an interest in the background of this endlessly fascinating subject and how it took root and still flourishes in the UK they could do much worse than buy this splendid book.


Fair play to Amberley publishing, they absolutely do cover an amazingly wide range of subjects and this fascinating and lavishly illustrated insight into the Victorian mindset regarding the care of the impoverished mentally ill is typical of the work they produce. The author, Mark Davis, sets out to show through the images he has taken of many old, crumbling and now closed mental institutions, that the Victorians were more progressive in their thinking than we might imagine. The buildings themselves are absolutely typical of Victorian architecture: big, solid, imposing and not a little menacing and this comes through clearly in the many detailed photo‐graphs that adorn the book. To be born poor and mentally afflicted in those bygone times meant that the only people likely to take care of you were your family and since it was considered infectious, the stigma of men‐tal illness often meant that they also feared being branded as mentally ill. The author gives a brief description and history of each institution he visits and in doing so covers many aban‐doned asylums in locations around the UK, but mainly in England. It is rather unnerving to see that when they were left to rot, many personal belongings were left in situ and in some cases even the beds in the wards still had the bedclothes on. One thing I found surprising, given the often queasy reputation these places enjoyed, is that there is only one mention of possible paranormal activity; this is in the Barrow Gurney Mental Hospital where local investigators have reported some unusual occurrences. I have to say that from my own experience several of these institutions were, unsurprisingly in my opinion, re‐putedly haunted. However that said, overall this book permits us rare access into a world now long gone and allows us to be thankful that times have changed and with them attitudes to‐wards mental illness.


Title: The British Witch, The Biography

Author: P.G Maxwell‐Stewart Publisher: Amberley

ISBN: 978‐14456‐2202‐6 Price: £25.00

Page 33 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Title: Asylum: Inside the Pauper Lunatic Asylums Author: Mark Davis Publisher: Amberley ISBN: 9781445636146

Price: £15.99

BOOK REVIEWSPhenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,

simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

The Aer Lingus crash at Tuskar Rock remains the single biggest loss in the history of Irish civil aviation. Only 14 bodies were ever recovered from the 57 passengers on board. There were no survivors. On the morning of March, 24th, 1968, Aer Lingus Flight EI 712 left Cork Airport on schedule and bound for London. 57 passengers and 4 crew were on board the Viscount named St. Phelim and weather conditions were perfect. Tragically, the plane never reached its final destination. Less than half an hour into its flight, the stricken Viscount's final message was picked up by London Air Traffic control: '12,000 feet, descending, spinning rapidly.' The plane disappeared into the sea near Tuskar Rock, just off the coast of County Wexford. There were no survivors. An Irish government report was published two years after the disas‐ter. It speculated on possible causes for the crash but produced no definitive conclusions. However, it did state that there was a possibilty that another aircraft or a missile may have caused the crash. 'There is evidence which could be construed as indicative of the possible presence of a UFO or airborne object in the vicinity which, by reason of collision, or by its prox‐imity causing an evasive manoeuvre to be made, or by its wake turbulence, might have been the initiating cause of an upsetting manoeuvre resulting in the Viscount entering a spin or spi‐ral dive.' There are also many contradictions by eyewitness testimonies and official reports. This is just one of the fascinating cases set out in this book. A multitude of strange aerial events that quite frankly leave you pondering. I couldn’t book down this book until finished, and even then I wanted more. Excellently researched and written accounts, some of which I had not heard of. This book deserves to be placed next to some of the greats. Well worth get‐ting your hands on a copy as soon as possible! (PM).



Title: Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon

Author: Robert Salas Publisher: New Page

ISBN‐978‐1‐60163‐342‐2 Price: $15.99

Forwarded by Stanton T. Friedman MsC.

Page 34 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

In four separate Gallup polls in the years between 1966 and 1987, an average of 52% of Ameri‐cans believe the UFO phenomenon is real. Unidentified explores this phenomenon with the available evidence covering a sixty‐year period. The author, Robert Salas writes about his own experience involving the disabling of nuclear missiles under his control, during a UFO encoun‐ter. Another, similar incident occurred within a week. The U.S. Air Force denied the involve‐ment of UFOs in these incidents. Salas presents evidence that this denial and cover‐up re‐sulted in withholding evidence from the Air Force funded, Condon investigation into the UFO phenomenon. The intentional “white‐wash” of the evidence resulted in the current Air Force policy of public denial, dismissal and lies about the UFO phenomenon. Unidentified reveals previously unreported UFO incidents through witnesses who are disclosing their stories pub‐licly for the first time. These stories are also UFO incidents involving U.S. nuclear weapons bases. The combined related incidents clearly indicate a pattern of interest by UFOs with our nuclear weapons. The response of the U.S. Government to this phenomenon has been ex‐treme secrecy, dis‐information and ridicule. Unidentified shines a new light on the extremes of government in dealing with this phenomenon. For those who know a bit about the subject of UFOs, its hard not to have come across the pro‐found UFO incident that took place at Malmstrom Air Force Base and the mysterious shutting down of nuclear weapons. The incident was kept quiet, though it’s not the first time a UFO have shut down such weapons and even on some occasions triggered a start sequence. What on earth is going on? It is a demonstration of power and technology, or is there something more sinister at play? A fantastic book, one of the best I’ve read in a long time, complete with some new and startling information from the author, who was at Malmstrom at the time of the incidents. This book is a ‘must read’. Well written and chilling to the bone… (PM).

Title: State of Denial: The Tuskar Rock Incident and

Other Mysteries Authors: Carl Nally & Dermot Butler

Publisher: Mercier ISBN: 978‐1‐78117‐147‐9

Price: £10.05 at Amazon UK

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Page 37 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Port Chicago By Andrew Hind

The west coast port of Port Chicago, located about 35 miles north of San Francisco, was built from scratch in only a few months as war clouds darkened the horizon in 1941. As tensions with Japan worsened, the United States military recognised that the logistical

requirements of any future war in the Pacific would be beyond the capacities of existing sea‐ports. A new port, dedicated specifically for military usage, was clearly needed and Port Chicago was built to serve that need. During World War II, Port Chicago served as a major

nexus point for shipping ammunition and ordnance to US forces fighting across the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Every day, thousands of tons of bullets, bombs, mines, grenades and other explosive and combustible materials were transferred from trains to

ships, and then sent across to the war zone.

Page 38 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Port Chicago By Andrew Hind

The loading of such deadly materials, and at a frenzied pace that saw safety measures occasion‐ally being overlooked for the sake of expediency, meant that Port Chicago always hovered on a knife’s edge of disaster. Just a simple slip‐up, the smallest of mistakes, could lead to untold death and destruction, yet for several years the dock‐yards operated without incident. Then, on July 17, 1944, the very fires of hell were unleashed upon Port Chicago. It was 10:20pm and the sun had only an hour or so previously slipped slowly and unwillingly below the western horizon. Though darkness had descended upon the land, Port Chi‐cago remained a hive of activity as men laboured under the glare of artificial lights to load a pair of sea‐worn merchant ships, the SS E.A. Bryan and SS Quinault Victory. Suddenly and without any warning a cataclysmic blast wiped out the entire port facility. The E.A. Bryan and a train on a nearby pier were instantly vaporised, while the Quinault Victory was left a blasted hulk. The blast was so powerful that it left a crater 20 meters deep and 200 meters across in the river bottom, and body parts of those victims unfortunate enough to be caught in the explosion were later found up to a mile away. Buildings in Port Chicago town, two miles distant, suffered severe structural damage and windows were smashed in buildings across numerous adjacent counties. Incredibly, tremors measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale were recorded as far away as Nevada, leading many to initially believe it was an earthquake. This was no earthquake, however. In the days after, newspapers quoted eyewitnesses who re‐ported a mushroom‐like cloud rising above the port in the immediate aftermath of the explosion. Lending credence to these reports was the official statement made by a United States Army pilot who appeared at a Naval Court of Inquiry. The pilot was clear in his recollection as having seen, at the time of the explosion, a white flash, a smoke ring, and a “ball of fire” that reached 12,000 feet over Port Chicago.

A Nuclear Blast? To even casual modern observers, these descrip‐tions sound eerily like a nuclear explosion. It should be noted, however, that it wasn’t until a year after the Port Chicago blast that the atomic age was heralded in by the obliteration of Hi‐roshima and Nagasaki. In 1944, the public had no idea about the existence or capabilities of nuclear weapons. The Navy saw nothing particularly unusual about the tragic incident. After 39 days of eyewitness testimony and deliberations, the Court of Inquiry concluded that the explosion occurred because a “supersensitive element (in other words, some form of explosive) was detonated in the course of rough handling by an individual or individuals.” The explosion, experts believed, probably started

on a pier that was loaded with several thousand tons of diesel fuel and 429 tons of ammunition, and then engulfed the SS EA Bryan which had 4,600 tons of munitions, half high‐explosive shells, secured in her holds. Other factors contributing to the explosion were said to include bad loading procedures, defective munitions and the neglect of safety procedures in the name of haste. The Navy Board of Inquiry’s conclusion remains the only official verdict on the event, but during the course of the inquiry numerous incongruities emerged, incongruities that were casually swept aside by the board. These incongruities, when added together, are enough to cause some to doubt the official story surrounding the Port Chicago blast. For example, the Army pilot testified that he had been sent aloft that night with specific instructions “to ob‐serve Port Chicago.” No one asked the obvious question: why, what exactly was there to ob‐serve? As far as can be discerned, at least from official records, there was absolutely nothing unusual about that night’s activities which should have warranted sending a ‘plane to observe the port. One conspiracy theory, which has since arisen, suggests that the Port Chicago blast was nuclear in origin, the result of a planned trial to deter‐mine the effects of this heretofore‐untested weapon on infrastructure. This, theorists point out, explains the unusual orders given to the Army pilot that night. Could the blast have been nuclear? The mushroom cloud, smoke ring, sun‐like flash, the tremors, and the unprecedented scale of the devastation ‐ all are certainly consis‐tent with early atomic bombs.

There’s more. In 1980, a man named Peter Vogel made a dramatic discovery while browsing through a yard sale in New Mexico. There he found and purchased a box from Los Alamos Laboratories, where the A‐bomb was created, which contained photographs and a piece of pa‐per labelled “History of 10,000‐ton Gadget.” Dated September 1944, the drawings on the pa‐per resembled schematics for the A‐bomb, with the note: “ball of fire mushroomed out at 18,000 feet in typical Port Chicago fashion.” This stunned Vogel. Had a nuclear bomb been tested on Ameri‐can subjects? He embarked on a two‐decade quest to find out, the result of which is the online book, ‘The Last Wave From Port Chicago’, which summarises his shocking findings. In his mind there is overwhelming evidence to suggest Port Chicago was no accident, but rather a capricious test of nuclear capabilities. One of the incidents that truly convinced Vogel was a meeting with Dr. Edward Teller, the so‐called “Father of the Atomic Bomb”. The inter‐view was amiable enough for a time, but when Vogel produced the paper found at the yard sale and asked about the markings, Teller grew nerv‐ous and evasive. Dr. Teller abruptly ended the interview and said that he would deny ever seeing the incriminating paper. There is no doubt that Los Alamos scientists did take a considerable interest in the Port Chicago blast. We know, for example, that then‐Captain William Parsons, who later served on the Enola Gay during its fateful bombing mission over Hi‐roshima and, as a rear‐admiral, oversaw nuclear tests on Bikini Atoll, submitted a report on the Port Chicago disaster within a week.

Page 39 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Port Chicago By Andrew Hind

It’s possible this report was merely professional curiosity. But Vogel and other like‐minded indi‐viduals believe there was more to it. Supporting this assertion is a report written by the director of the Manhattan Project, James Conant, in later 1944. In the report, Conant suggested foregoing development of the earliest A‐bomb prototypes, small tactical weapons called “gun bombs”, in favour of larger models. He cited some unidenti‐fied test in July 1944 ‐ the same month as the Port Chicago blast ‐ as evidence that the larger bombs would be more destructive and of greater strate‐gic value in ending the war. Curiously, history records no such atomic test at the Los Alamos facility. So on what was Conant basing his findings? Even more curious, officials at Los Alamos ordered the content records for two of the boxcars at Port Chicago on July, 17 de‐stroyed. What were these boxcars holding that were top secret? Did they, perhaps, contain an atomic bomb that, accidentally or otherwise, was responsible for the subsequent disaster?

There is some evidence to suggest just that. The transport SS E.A. Bryan was bound for Tinian, in the Marianas Islands, an important staging base for B‐29 bombers raiding the Japanese Home Islands. In fact, it was from Tinian that the Enola Gay B‐29 took off from in 1945, during its mission to force Japan to its knees through nuclear intimi‐dation. As well, Port Chicago lies in a county that, even today, has one of the highest cancer rates in the US. This might be the result of contamination by an A‐bomb explosion (officially, the unusually high cancer rate is accredited to the nearby Concord Naval Weapons Station, where ships that were exposed to the Pacific test blasts in the late 1940s and 1950s were cleaned for contamination and later decommissioned.)

Was it Deliberate With all the mounting evidence, one must at least entertain the possibility that the Port Chi‐cago explosion was nuclear. Let’s assume for a moment that it was. The next obvious question should be, ‘was it deliberate?’ Some would sug‐gest that since the vast majority of United States Navy sailors and stevedores at Port Chicago were African‐American (shore duties, particularly as dock workers, were one of the few roles to which African‐Americans were assigned in the segre‐gated Navy of the 1940s), government officials might just have been callous enough to use them as guinea pigs for testing the capabilities of an A‐bomb. Certainly, as these conspiracies would point out, the United States government had form for this and had used African‐Americans as unknowing subjects on numerous other covert experiments in the past, most notably in bio‐weapon research. But just because American society at large, and the government in particular, didn’t value the lives of African‐Americans as dearly as they would those of Whites, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the workers at Port Chicago, and indeed the facility itself, would be sacrificed in the name of atomic research. Those who would claim otherwise are ignoring important strategic matters, which almost certainly would have pre‐vented officials from testing an atomic weapon in this manner, assuming they were callous enough to even consider such a cold‐hearted option.

First and foremost, let’s remember that there was an intense war going on at the time. With war‐weariness growing at home, American forces were making vigorous pushes against the Japa‐nese Empire.

They advanced up two fronts, with General Doug‐las MacArthur pushing through the Dutch East Indies into the Philippines, and the United States Navy ‘island hopping’ across the Central Pacific. In addition the United States was materially sup‐porting a third front in China. These three massive offensives required ammunition and stores in previously unheard of quantities and any logistical let‐up would cause these thrusts to slow or halt outright. The resulting lull would give the off‐balance Japanese an opportunity to revive their defences, to prolong the war, and to cause more American casualties. In this light, it’s impossible to imagine that anyone in the United States would knowingly destroy a vital ammunition hub during some of the fiercest fighting in the war. It made no strategic sense whatsoever. In addition, because Port Chicago was located on the seaboard where Japanese submarines and spies were known to lurk, explod‐ing a secret weapon here would have risked tip‐ping off the enemy about American advances and intentions. The possibility of the blast being wit‐nessed by civilians was also very real. What if the American populace was so horrified by the impli‐cations of an atomic weapon that they put pres‐sure on the government not to wield such de‐structive power? How then would the war have changed? Finally, from a researcher’s point of view, deliber‐ately exploding an atomic weapon at Port Chicago had little or no value, simply because the mass of

subsequent explosions would have distorted the effects of the original a‐bomb explosion. Taken in sum, it seems highly improbable that the United States knowingly and wilfully exploded an atomic bomb at Port Chicago.

Page 40 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Port Chicago By Andrew Hind

It was more than likely an accidental explosion.


As with all so‐called conspiracy theories, there are numerous counter‐arguments that historians and other interested individuals use to undermine the theory of a nuclear blast at Port Chicago. Many experts point out that the greatest amount of evidence for the Port Chicago nuclear theory, and likely its original foundation, is based upon eye‐witness testimony. Survivors, the Air Force pilot who observed the mushroom cloud, people who experienced the aftershock in nearby coun‐ties...all have been cited by conspiracy theorists as having witnessed a possible nuclear explosion. As any criminal investigator will tell you, however, eye‐witness testimony can be problematic at best and oftentimes misleading. People are all too open to suggestion, misinterpretation, faulty memory, hallucination and so forth to allow eye‐witness testimony to be considered conclusive proof. What did they see and experience? A mushroom cloud, devastation on a massive scale, and earth‐quake‐like after shocks. Certainly, these are char‐acteristic of nuclear explosions, but they aren’t exclusive to nuclear explosions. A conventional blast of sufficient enough size will produce exactly the same effect. Estimates of the size of the ex‐plosion at Port Chicago range from 1.5 to 2.2 kilo‐tons (compared to 12 kilotons for the Hiroshima bomb). Many explosive experts agree that the five thousand tons of conventional bombs present on the docks and ships at Port Chicago would be more than capable of producing the very effects vividly recalled by eye‐witnesses that day. And while rare, there have been instances in his‐tory when conventional explosions have occurred that are large enough to produce effects compa‐rable to a nuclear blast. The most famous exam‐ple was the Halifax Explosion of 1917, which was every bit as violent and destructive as that which occurred at Port Chicago. The most damning evi‐dence of all, the one that seems to drive a nail into the nuclear bomb theory, is that there are no traces of radiation or fission‐related products detectable at the blast site. These are the finger‐prints of an atomic explosion, and can still be easily detected at Hiroshima, the Trinity site in New Mexico where atomic bombs were indeed tested, and in fact anywhere that an atomic ex‐plosion has taken place.


In the aftermath of the explosion the largest mu‐tiny in US history took place. With its facilities out of commission, Port Chicago naval personnel were re‐assigned to Mare Island to continue their vital work loading ammunition aboard transports. Most went about their duty, but a total of 258 men refused to perform what they regarded as lethal work.

The mutinous sailors, all African‐American steve‐dores, believed their lives were being needlessly put at risk due to improper safety measures, a reckless pace, and the neglect of superior officers more interested in results than the well‐being of their men. While the Navy could not endorse such a gross lack of discipline, there seems to have been a tacit acknowledgement that some of the muti‐neers’ concerns were valid. After all, mutiny in the time of war is a capital offense. Each and every man who refused to do his duty could in‐deed have been put before a firing squad, when in fact most were only quietly court‐martialled from service. The Navy seemed content to forget about both the incident and the tragedy that incited it. Neither the United States Navy nor the US Government has ever made any subsequent investigations into the nature or causes of the Port Chicago blast. Because it happened in war‐time, when heart‐wrenching catastrophes of one kind or another seemed to be occurring at every turn, no‐one seemed particularly interested or concerned about Port Chicago, the general public included. Perhaps it’s this lack of an official inquiry that allows Port Chicago to remain grist for the mill‐stones of conspiracy some sixty‐odd years after the fact. But as World War 2 recedes into history, and the ranks of those who would know what truly occurred at Port Chicago on July 17, 1944, thins with age, the likelihood of ever unearthing the truth becomes more and more remote. The simple fact is this: whether by design or delin‐quency, whether the explosion was conventional or atomic in nature, hundreds of American

servicemen were killed and wounded that night. And maybe that should be enough for us...

Andrew Hind and Maria Da Silva are freelance writers from Bradford, Ontario, Canada who specialise in history, travel, and the paranormal. They are the authors of 11 books, including Cot‐tage Country Ghosts (Lone Pine Publishing, 2010), Ghosts of Niagara‐on‐the‐Lake (Dundurn, 2009), and the forthcoming Ghosts of the War of 1812 (Lone Pine Publishing, 2012).

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Sunday Lecturers:

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11:45am Brenda Butler

1:45pm To be announced

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Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Council's advice to resident's Freedom of Information request about paranormal activity

Anonymous FOI request was sent to Essex Council on paranor‐mal activity. Someone had asked about UFO and ghost sight‐ings as well as pandemics and zombies, but authority replied saying those services were contracted out externally and ad‐vised calling Ghostbusters with any concerns relating to the paranormal. They also wrote residents should call 'Mulder and Scully' regarding UFOs, provided details for 'Shaun of the Dead' and Major Henry West from 28 Days Later.

By Jennifer Newton

Council officials told a resident who asked for details regarding paranormal activity through a Freedom of Information request that if he had any concerns he should call Ghostbusters. Staff at Essex County Council offered the response to the request, which asked for information relating to paranormal and zombie ac‐tivity dealt with by the local authority in the past decade. However, the council responded to the anony‐mous request by saying information about the services in question was contracted out to external provid‐ers.

The request and the response given by Essex County Council when asked about UFO sightings and para‐normal activity.

And the response then read: 'For all investigation concerning paranormal activity please contact 555‐2368 Ghostbusters and ask to speak with Dr Venkman, Dr Stantz or Dr Spengler.” The doctors mentioned are the ghost‐hunting characters played by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis in 1980s blockbuster film Ghostbusters. Other requests within the FOI for information on UFO sightings, zombie attacks and pandemics were referred to Mulder and Scully from the X‐Files, Shaun from zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead and Major Henry West from 28 Days Later. The anonymous Freedom of Information request was received last month but the response was only published today. Information requested included the num‐ber of UFO sightings over the past decade and any contingency plans in place to protect the personal information of staff and clients 'should there be an invasion of zombies or any kind of viral infection that could cause a pandemic'. The mystery requester was told: 'For information regarding UFO sightings please contact Fox Mulder or Dana Scully who have been seconded from the FBI to Essex County Council X‐Files project.' Zombie requests were directed to Shaun at The Winchester Tavern, South London ‐ the favourite pub of Simon Pegg’s character in zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead. While information on ‘viral pandem‐ics’ was referred to Major Henry West from Danny Boyle’s post‐apocalyptic horror film, 28 Days Later. But the respondent was warned: “Major Henry can only be contacted 28 days later from the receipt of this response.' And when asked if the response was in fact a true response, a council spokesman said: 'That was our official response.' Earlier this year, Essex County Council leader, David Finch, spoke out about the amount of money the council wasted responding to ‘trivial’ Freedom of Information requests. Each re‐quest must be responded to within 20 working days and can cost taxpayers up to £450 a time in labour costs. A spokesman for Essex County Council also said: 'Earlier this year ECC revealed it spent almost £250,000 dealing with FOI responses in 2013. 'It has seen a 60 per cent increase in FOI requests between 2011 and 2013. 'In 2011 dealing with requests took up 436 officer days. By 2013 this figure had increased to almost 700. 'During the first three months of 2014, we received around 750 requests which, if the trend continues, would result in 3,000 requests received this year.'

The truth is out there... over Portsmouth! Silver disc‐like UFO spotted moving over city as the Met

Office say it ISN'T a cloud.

By Jennifer Smith

Mysterious flying object spotted above Portsmouth at dusk and weather experts dismissed suggestions the object was a cloud. Observers say dark grey, disc‐shaped object flew 'too quickly' to be a plane. Thousands of miles from suspected alien crash sites, the people of Portsmouth have good reason to consider them‐selves safe from the prying eyes of extra‐terrestrials. But images shared by residents of what appears to be a UFO earlier this week suggest otherwise. Hovering ominously in the dusk sky, the dark grey, disc‐like object has sparked mystery among sceptics and space enthusiasts alike. And as weather experts rule out the possibility that the object was a cloud, the town has been left

wondering just exactly what it was flying over its homes on Tues‐day evening.

Johnny Blackwell from Southsea said: 'I don’t believe in UFOs, but when I saw this I didn’t know what it was. 'It didn't look like a

cloud, and it was moving very fast. 'It was a grey, disc‐like shape, which I know sounds like a stereotypical UFO, but that’s what it looked like. 'I don’t know much about military aircraft, but this

was very fast‐moving and very odd to see,' the 23‐year‐old added. Another observer, who declined to be named, said: 'My initial thought was it was an aeroplane, but it was just moving too

quickly. 'I was the only one that saw it but was quick enough to take the picture. 'I definitely believe in UFOs and am very inter‐

ested in science fiction, and often look up at the sky in the evening wondering if there is anything or anyone else out there.' Josh

Harcourt‐Kelly wrote: 'Watching the sky and saw what looked like a UFO! Starting to believe in what people have been saying.'

Accompanied with the hash‐tag '#pompeyufo,' another, writing under the name Meral, said: 'What's this I'm hearing about a UFO spotted over Portsmouth'. Experts dismissed claims that the

object was a cloud, saying it was 'nothing to do with the weather'. Laura Young, from the Met Office, said: 'After looking at the images, I can say the object is nothing to do with the weather. 'There is no meteorological explanation for it. It's not a cloud.' Karen Masters, senior lecturer in the institute of cosmology and gravitation at The University of Portsmouth, added: ‘Given the pictures show a dark object against a daytime sky, it’s clearly not an astronomical object. 'Many UFO sightings are the planet Venus, but this one can’t be that.' Those fearing alien invasion can rest

easy however as even if there is extra‐terrestrial life somewhere in the galaxy, it is too far away to make contact with Earth, she

added. 'The distances in space are so vast that it’s just not possi‐ble for aliens to be visiting Earth, so any interpretation suggesting

this is an alien spacecraft is clearly wrong.'

Recent information indicates this incident was a hoax. Those responsible apparently came forward claiming their involvement. The hoaxers were associated with a TV series last year. (PM).

Page 43 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

Spooky moment glass cabinet opens by itself and shatters into pieces in locked, empty room in 'haunted' auction house. By Richard Spillett.

An antique was left in an empty, locked room before worker found it smashed. Staff thought intruder had entered auction centre and damaged cabinet, but they were stunned when they viewed CCTV footage from the room. It shows the cabinet opening by itself then smashing into pieces.

This is the moment a glass cabinet door opens by itself in an empty room ‐ before shattering into pieces. Staff at the Barnsley Auction Centre in South Yorkshire, thought intruders had smashed the cabinet after they found shards of glass all over the floor. But they were left terrified after they examined CCTV of the auction room, which shows nobody was any‐where near the object when it suddenly shattered.

The footage shows furniture awaiting sale stood around the room, with nobody in view. Then all of a sudden, the cabinet's door opens wide before smash‐ing onto the floor. An electrician found the remnants of the door when he returned from going out and told business owner Danny Parker, 42, what had hap‐pened.

Mr Parker said: 'It's all a bit spooky really. The electrician had gone out for 10 minutes and locked the building because nobody was in there. 'When he got back he stepped on the shards of glass and had no idea what had happened.' Mr Parker added: 'He went all round the building trying to find someone but couldn't find anyone. After looking at the CCTV frame by frame I saw the glass shatter. It was really creepy.' In an attempt to get to the bottom of what has happened, Mr Parker searched through all of the buildings 16 CCTV camera, but turned up few clues. The antiques expert said: 'I've told some of the shop owners next door and they said the building has always been haunted – even before we got there. 'I've never be‐lieved in ghosts before but this has really spooked me. I'm a bit wary when I'm locking up on my own now.' See the footage at:‐2760767/Spooky‐moment‐glass‐cabinet‐opens‐shatters‐million‐pieces‐room.html

Man, 24, fined for pretending to be a GHOST by making 'woooooooh' noises and waving his arms about in cemetery. By Harriet Arkell.

Anthony Stallard, 24, was spotted in Portsmouth's Kingston Cemetery. He was flapping arms, throwing himself backwards and making ghost noises. Unemployed Stallard, from Portsmouth, could be heard by mourners there. Lawyer told magistrates: 'I'm assuming he was pre‐tending to be a ghost'. Stallard admitted a public order offence and was told to pay total of £75.00. Extra three months was added to an existing 12‐month suspended sentence. Charge of damaging graves with a ball dismissed as witnesses didn't attend. A man who flapped his arms about in a cemetery, making ghost noises within earshot of mourners visiting graves was fined and given a suspended prison sen‐tence. Anthony Stallard, 24, was reported to police after he was seen throwing himself backwards and saying 'wooooooh' at Kingston Cemetery in his home town of Portsmouth, the city's magistrates heard. Shortly before that, Stallard, who is unemployed, was seen kicking a football at graves with a friend. Tim Concannon, prosecuting, told Portsmouth Magistrates' Court: 'While the football was going on, this defendant was effectively singing loudly and being disrespectful in among the graves.

'He was throwing himself backwards, waving his arms about and going 'woooooooh'.'I'm assuming he was pretending to be a ghost.' Police arrested him and charged him with using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause distress. Stallard admitted the charge, and accepted that his behaviour could cause distress to grieving relatives. Denise Saunders, defending, said: 'He has accepted that his behaviour, if it had been outside of a cemetery, would not have been inappropriate. 'But inside a cemetery, while people are grieving for their loved ones, it might be.' Stallard committed the offence while subject to a 12‐month conditional discharge which he'd received for a charge of harassment in January. He was also in breach of a suspended sentence for an offence of assault, which he had committed in August last year.

He was fined £35, and made to pay a £20 victim surcharge and £20 court costs. An extra three months was added to his suspended sentence, which will now run for 15 months instead of the previous 12. And if he commits a further offence that breaches this suspended sentence, he will face 12 weeks' imprisonment. Charges of causing damage to gravestones as the pair played football were dismissed when witnesses failed to turn up at court.

Mystery as two men missing for seven hours after car accident outside UFO capital Roswell wake in field of donkeys with no memory of the night


Driver and passenger crashed outside Roswell, New Mexico last Friday. First responders found no one at the scene of the rolled car. Driver phoned 911 seven hours later to say he woke in field

of donkeys.

By James Nye.

Two men are at the center of a baffling mystery outside Roswell, New Mexico, after they seemed to disappear from the scene of a serious car crash ‐ only to reappear seven hours later in a field of donkeys. The unidentified men, who admitted to police they had been drinking, rolled their car around 2am on Friday outside the town synonymous with aliens and UFO's. Emergency responders and firefighters all arrived at the scene of the crash but failed to find any of the occupants of the car, but were called seven hours later by the driver who told the 911 dispatcher he had no mem‐ory of the night before. New Mexico State Police Lt. Emanuel

Gutierrez confirmed two men rolled their vehicle into the median of U.S. 70 West, but also said they could not find anyone at the


'The driver stated that he and his passenger where drinking at Way Out West and doesn’t remember what happened next,'

Gutierrez said to the Plains Online News. 'The driver also stated that he woke up in a field next to some donkeys.' While police are not releasing the identity of the driver they did say he and his passenger suffered minor injuries and issued him with multiple citations. Roswell, New Mexico sprang to international fame on July 8, 1947, when the local newspaper reported the capture of a

'flying saucer' by government officials in the town. Over the decades since the discovery, conspiracy theorists have insisted that the debris came from an alien spacecraft, and that the fact

was covered up by the military.

The continuing belief of alien activity in the area led the Air Force to launch an investigation into the crash in 1995.

Officials concluded that the 'UFO' was part of a balloon launched into the atmosphere as part of a secret government surveillance

programme aimed at the USSR.

However, many have refused to accept that explanation, alleging a conspiracy to hide the existence of extra‐terrestrial life.

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Page 45 Phenomena Magazine: September 2014 - Issue 65:

The Tunjunga Canyon Contacts By Lorin Cutts

It was great to see the video of Mike Clelland’s first talk at the National UFO Congress this year. Not only did Mike make it look like he’d been doing public speaking for years, he also managed to pull off some difficult material (owls, synchronicity and the UFO subject) and, considering the task at hand, made it relatively accessible. I was also delighted to see that someone I had put his way had formed one of the main stories he included as other peoples esoteric owl experiences ‐ and in doing so alluded to something that really resonated with me.

As some of us research strange phenomena, the phenomena we study also sometimes begin to unfold, interact and reveal themselves further in our personal experiences ‐ sometimes as we think and write.

This got me thinking of a few experiences of my own.

Midway through his lecture, Mike had the idea to bring a 4 foot tall, card‐board owl on stage so that the people in the audience could compare this to the size of a more conventional specimen. This bought a brief chill down my spine as I recalled the one occasion when I had the (mis)fortune to experience this giant, improbable, winged beast for myself. And well within keeping to the bizarre nature of such events, it would also turn out that only a few hours after viewing Mike’s lecture online, a synchronicity presented itself that would relate to the fateful day of the owlzilla.

Sometime in mid summer 2012, I was making the journey in the cab of a loco‐motive in Washington State – as I often did in my role as conductor on the railroad ‐ with a locomotive engineer by the name of Don White. Don is ex‐military and the most down to earth, no‐nonsense, matter‐of‐fact guy one could possibly meet.

Sometime around three or four in the afternoon, we rounded a bend in the bright sunlight and there on the adjacent track and staring directly at us stood a giant owl. “What the hell is that?” I asked ‐ already half knowing what it was. “It looks like an owl”, Don said. We passed this thing perched on the rail of the next track, only eight feet from the roar of our train, yet the thing did‐n't so much as flinch, fly off or act with any fear towards our train. The one thing that we couldn't get past was the sheer size of this thing. I recall Don then came out with the classic line: “Is that something to do with your UFO shit?“

That particular morning in 2012 had also been significant in that Carolyn, a lifetime UFO abductee I had become friends and began working with had gotten in touch after a period of time. Much strangeness had ensued amongst her and another abductee (Barbera) with myself in the middle – including, amongst other things, several, psychic, synchronistic and significant owl and UFO related events.

Mikes lecture and the four foot owl on my mind, I set off for another night of work. I walked into the staff room at 1.30am to be greeted by none other than Don. We had probably only worked together only a couple of times since

that day of the owl. I was able to ask him on the trip if he recalled that day in 2012 and asked him how tall did he think it was. “Yes…. Probably about four foot… problem is”, he said, ”there are no owls that are four feet tall”.

Also, what came to mind was another example of possible high strangeness whilst researching this subject. Both instances seem to hint at some kind of reality/consciousness overlay and both certainly have had a somewhat pro‐found effect on the way I view not only the subjects studied, but the way we possibly perceive reality too.

In May of 2011 (a month of several owl synchronicities involving myself and the two people already mentioned) I was given a book by Barbera. This was one of her favorites called “The Tujunga Canyon Contacts” by Ann Druffel and

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The Tunjunga Canyon Contacts By Lorin Cutts

D. Scott Rojo. This turned out to be a cracking book that attempted to make a connection between UFO’s and other areas of parapsychology and the super‐natural. Within it’s pages were some stunning plates – black and white photo‐graphs of a case that involved a man of the cloth, Reverend Bailey, taking a clear series of Polaroid snaps of very clearly defined “aliens”. These were without doubt the best and clearest photographs of entities I have ever seen and I will never forget them. Whatsmore, Ann had had a lab check them out who deemed them genuine (at the very least not tampered with in any way)… and the fact that there was a series of them in quick succession was also highly impressive. Also, Rev. Bailey’s credentials as a man of the Church only added to the weight of the story to my mind. I was curious as to why these images hadn’t become well known, gone viral or why I hadn't heard of this case before now? To me it had everything – including, without doubt, the best photographs of entities I had ever seen. Also within the pages of this book were several well documented cases of contactees being given information regarding a cure for cancer. This related directly to Carolyn. She had told me she had been given the supposed cure by a tall grey being in 1971. She had no idea that others in the same area and same time (Pasadena/Tujunga, Los Angeles, late 60s/early 70s) had also been given this within their “alien” experiences, nor of Ann’s work regarding any of this.

By August 2012 I was coming to the end of a year of my monthly “High Strangeness" shows I had done for Global Radio Alliance (now KGRA) and was contemplating the last handful or so guests. Of course, it only seemed right to get Ann on to discuss the Rev. Bailey images and I even asked Ann to see if we could even get the Reverend on, but alas her enquiries about his whereabouts came to nothing. We later learnt that he had sadly passed away in a convales‐cence home not long prior to reaching out (he went to his grave standing by the story). A few days before Ann came on to do the show, I went to the shelves to pick out the book and brush up on some facts about the case.

I opened the pages of the book to find that the photographs were nowhere to be found. There are only a few photographs in the rear of the book and non pertaining to Reverend Bailey at all. This confused me, but perhaps oddly, I wasn't that alarmed at first. I think I spent some time second guessing myself and thinking that perhaps I'd been mistaken – that maybe I had seen them online or perhaps in another book. But then I kept going back to this, over and over in my mind. I am absolutely adamant that these images were in this book. I’ll never forget them ‐ how could I? I can see them clearly in my mind’s eye as I type this.

I am currently at a total loss to explain this. There were no images I could find online of the case and after the show, Ann pledged to send me some books – including her book “How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction”. In this there is one photograph from the Reverend Bailey case. It bears absolutely no resemblance to anything I recall seeing at all. I have since been in touch with Ann about all of this and she has confirmed the Bailey photographs never appeared in the Tujunga Canyon Contacts book. The unfinished article above was written on the 25th of February 2014 and after a series of further events, I am left wondering if this story hadn’t been finished off for me? It is now April 14th 2014 and I will attempt to write about a further set of synchronicities and events that have unfolded in the intervening two and a half weeks that followed and let you be the judge. About two weeks ago I was laying in bed when something unusual happened that has never occurred to me before ‐ I got an image in my mind of a tall grey alien. There was a calming, reassuring ambience to this and around its neck it wore a bright blue crystal and a gown of some kind of esoteric material that shone in a very beautiful way. I was fully awake and recounted this to my partner laying next to me, whom also picked up on this in her mind. There was no fear, only peace and calm and I felt lucky to experience this feeling and was mesmerized by the fabric probably more so than I should have been.

Oddly, we put this to one side and didn't really think or talk about this again too much. A couple of days later I was looking at Facebook and was stunned to see a drawing of this being that had been drawn by Carolyn! It had the crystal in the exact same place, the same gown, and I messaged her to ask what this was. She informed me that this was from her 1971 experience and this was the being that gave her the cure for cancer.

That night I went to work as usual. The following morning saw the first rays of sunlight breaking through the early morning cloud. I was half way down my train when suddenly out of nowhere – between two railroad cars and some 30 feet ahead ‐ a soot black owl swooped out from the train. My first thought was how lucky I was to be able to witness such a magnificent sight so close. I could literally hear the wind in the wings of this beautiful thing and wasn’t at all scared. I then recalled the drawing and the messaging with Carolyn the night before. So just as had happened with the Carolyn in 2012, I had wit‐nessed an owl in the same area after a series of synchronicities regarding her experiences in 2014. As I had set about to write about the work becoming and influencing the work, it had happened again and rounded the story off in the most poetic way imaginable. Whereas I had initially come to this subject in a quest for answers and had felt confused and threatened by the mystery in all of this, I now feel humbled and privileged to be witnessing the wonders of the universe first hand.

*some names have been changed in this article. Check out High Strangeness Show on KGRA Radio. Lorin Cutts.