
Class 3: Group Challenge

BBL Seminar 1/23/2015

Instructed by Jennifer Arteaga

Last week..

Challenge Project – Why?

• Builds Relationships

• Real Experience

• Builds your resume

• Your success will be determined according to (refer to pg. 12)– Seriousness

– Professionalism

– Content quality

Team Assignments

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

Paige Marc Nick Hamza Wil

Ellen Eddie Kain Scotty Sophia

Yosef Brenda Morgan Amy Kristina

Amilcar Mike Steve Deanna Jorge

Challenge Project 1

ECON study groups for BBL participants.

Goal: Have 90% participation from BBL students registered in ECON classes.

Mentors: Ankit, Nishan

Challenge Project 2

BBL Recruiting

Goal: Coordinate with UO Admissions to market and advertise BBL option to prospective pre-business minority students!

Mentors: Emily, Jenn

Challenge Project 3

BBL Sponsorship

Goal: Develop a sponsorship plan for BBL

Mentors: Antonio, Jasmine, Jem

Challenge Project 4

Stereotype Threat Campaign for Sheldon Hall.

Goal: Prepare a training activity on Stereotype Threat for the College of Business resident assistants.

Mentors: Gabi, Simone, Miriam

Challenge Project 5

BBL Social

Goal: Plan and execute a social for BBL with 90% member attendance.

Challenges: NO budget.

Mentor: Alonso, Conner

Pick your project

ECON Study









BBL Social

Group discussion

• How will you attack your challenge? What

will your solution be?

• What resources will you need to execute?

• What leadership styles are present on

your team? How will you leverage them?

• What attributes of the LCB desired

qualities does this project build for your


Presentation Title

Leader’s Names

BBL Group Challenge

December 5th, 2014

Our Challenge …

• What challenges did your team address? (As assigned during week three of BBL)

– Outline the community service project and the importance of addressing it.

• What solution did your team propose to address the challenge?

– Make sure to explain in simplest terms, as if the audience is from another planet.

Our Solution…

Our Execution Resources…

• What resources did you use to implement your solution?

– EXPLAIN why you chose those resources and how they were used.

Our Leverage of Leadership…

• How did you leverage the leadership styles of your team to execute the project?

– Introduce each of your team members leadership styles and how it played a key part in your challenge and successfulness of execution.

LCB Qualities Addressed

• What attributes of the LCB desired qualities did your project address?

– Quality 1:

– Quality 2:

– Quality 3:

– Quality 4:

Our Biggest Take-Away…

• What was your biggest learning moment from doing this project with you LCB peers?

– How are you going to use this take-away in your future?


• Thank your audience!

Have you sent me your blog address?

Have you written a blog? GO!

Here’s mine:
